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    将来进行时练习全集及解析一、单项选择将来进行时1 After the present repairing work, workers the testing and the fire alarm bell intermittently by the time we start a new term.A is conducting; will ringB will soon conduct; will have rangC will soon be conducting; will have rangD will soon be conducting; will be ringing【答案】 C【解析】 试题分析:句意:当前的维修工作之后,工人们会很快进行测试,消防警铃会一直的响到 我们开始新学期时。根据句意第一空表示将来正在做某事,第二空将来完成,故选C。考点:考查时态。2 Better not call the manager between 8 and 9 this evening, for he an importantmeeting then.A will haveB would haveC will be havingD will have had【答案】 C【解析】试题分析:句意:最好在 8 点和 9 点之间不要打电话给经理,因为他那时将正在开一个重 要的会议。时间是 then=" between" 8 and 9 this evening, 属于将来一段时间,用将来进行 时,选 C。考点:考查时态3 Can you meet me at the airport at 9 o' clock next Monday? I' d like to, but I an English class then.A am havingBhaveC will haveD shall be having【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:考查时态。句意: 下周一上午 9 点你能到机场来接我吗? 我想去接你,但 是那个时候我有一节英语课。根据句意可知表示的是在将来的某个时间点上正在进行的动 作,所以使用将来进行时。故D 正确。考点:考查时态4 Guess what! We ' ll have a chances ito o vuir sister school in Denmark this summer! -How nice! You a different culture then.A will have experiencedBhave been experiencingC will be experiencingD will have to experience【答案】 C【解析】试题分析:句意: -猜猜怎么着!今年夏天我们将有机会访问我们在丹麦的姐妹学校。- 真好!到时你将能够体验到一种不同的文化。A. will have experienced 将来完成时(将来已经做了某事) B.have been experiencing 现在完成进行时(表示过去开始一个动作一直持续) C. will be experiencing 将来进行(将来一段时间持续一个动作)D. will have to experience 将不得不做某事,故选 C。考点:考查动词时态的用法。5 I can ' t get through to the general managerw'. s office anyho The line is busy. Someone the telephone.A must useB usesC must have been using D must be using【答案】 D【解析】must be doing 表示对正在发生的事情的推测。 “我怎么也打不通经理的电话。 ”线“路忙,肯 定有人在用电话 ”6 I ' ll come to attend your lecture at 10p.m. tomorrow. I ' m sorry, by ethn the lecture will have ended and I my guests in my office.A will meetBam about to meetC am to meetD will be meeting【答案】 D【解析】 试题分析:考查将来时。句意:我明天十点会来看你演讲,抱歉,演讲已经结束了,我将 会在办公室见我的客人。由句意可知用将来时,所以选D。考点:考查将来时7 . . Drop in if you have time.Sure. Bye!A Well, I really must be going now.BI wonder if you could let me go now.C Do you mind if I leave now?D What a shame that I want to go now!【答案】 A【解析】8The movie Till Death Do Us Part 最爱 will be on at 8 pm What about picking you up at 7pm?All right I will have come back from work by then, and I you at home A will be waiting for B will wait forC have been waiting for Dam waiting for【答案】 A【解析】 考查时态,根据上句中在下午七点接你怎么样?答语为好吧,到那个时候我将已经从工作 回来了,在家正等着你呢。等的动作在将来且正在进行,所以使用将来进行时,故选A。9 Linda, I have to stay at school and take some courses next month, how about you?I to Canada at this time next month since I have got the visa.A will be flyingBwill flyC have been flyingD have flown【答案】 A【解析】句意: -琳达,下周我不得不呆在学校上一些课程,你呢?-因为我已经得到了签证,所以下周的这个时候我将 正飞往加拿大。这里表示将来的某个时间正在做某事,所以用将来进 行时,答案是 A。10Mr Smith will not be able to attend his son's wedding ceremony, because he animportant speech.A will be givingBhas givenC givesD will have given【答案】 A【解析】 试题分析:考查时态。句意:史密斯先生不能参加儿子的婚礼,因为那时他正在发表一个 重要的演讲。前句中使用了一般将来时,横线句表示将来的某个时间点上正在发生的事 情,所以使用将来进行时。故 A 正确。考点:考查时态11 Shall we set out at five sharp in the morning? No, don ' t ring me up that early. I .A sleepB will be sleepingCam sleepingD will sleep【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意: 我们早上 5 点整出发好吗 ?不,别那么早给我打电话。那时我正 在睡觉。本句的时间状语是 in the morning 是指将来的时间,此处表示在那个时候我将正在 做某事,所以用将来进行时态。故选B。12 -Where can I meet you at 7:30?-Iin the gym then.Aam working out B will be working out Chad worked out D have been working out 【答案】 B 【解析】考查时态。上句:七点半我能在哪里遇见你?下句:那时我正在健身房锻炼。 then 是关键词,根据句意可知用将来进行时态,故选B。13 Just think! This time next week we in the sun in the south of France.A are going to sit B will have sat Care sitting D will be sitting【答案】 D【解析】本题为一道时态类的单选题,通过句中的 next week 我们可知该句的时态基调为 将来时态,但是其句是指在将来的某一个具体的时间点,某人正在做一件事,故本题应当 是将来进行时态,因而该题应当选择 D 项。句意:想想看,下周的这个时候我们正坐在法 国的南方享受太阳。14 48 The professor about how to protect the endangered animal in the conference atthis time tomorrow.A talked B talks C has been talking Dwill be talking 【答案】 D【解析】考查将来进行时。由时间状语 at this time tomorrow (明天这个时候),可知表达 的是将来的时间,要用将来时态。句意:明天这个时候这位教授会在会上谈论如何保护濒 危动物的话题。可知是将来某个时间一定会发生的动作,是将来进行时态的用法,故选 D。【名师点睛】将来进行时主要表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作;或表示要在将来某一时 间开始,并继续下去的动作,一般用延续性动词表示。典型用法有:表示在将来某一时间 正在进行的动作;表示预定的将来动作或对将来的预测,并非人为安排。15 Could you meet me at the airport?-I ' d like to, but I' m a afr vaeidr yI important meeting when you return.A an attendingBwas attendingC will be attendingD will have attended【答案】 C【解析】 考查动词的时态。句意:你能来机场接我吗?我想去,但恐怕当你回来时我正在开会。根 据语境指的是 when you return. ,正在做某事,故用将来进行时,所以选C 项。16 Could you meet me at the airport at nine o' clock?I 'd like to, but I'm afraid I a very important lecture then.A am attending B was attending C will be attending D will have attended【答案】 C【解析】考查时态和语态。句意: 你能在 9 点到机场接我吗 ?我想,但是恐怕我那 时候在出席一个非常重要的演讲。此处表示在 9 点正在发生的事,用将来进行时,结构 为: will be +doing ,故选 C。【名师点睛】一、将来进行时的构成将来进行时由 “ will be+现在分词 ”构成。如:I ' ll be doing jobs about the house tomorrow.明 天我将要干些家务活。I ' ll be staying late at the office this evening今. 晚我将在办公室里待到比较晚。 二、将来进行时的主要用法1. 将来进行时表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作A space vehicle will be circling Jupiter in five years航天器 5 年后将'绕 t木im星e.飞 行。Don' t phone me between 5 and 6. We' ll be having dinn五e点r th至e六n. 点之间不要给我打电话,那时我们在吃饭。2. 将来进行时表示按计划或安排要发生的动作I will be seeing you next week. 我下个星期来看你。I ' ll be taking my holidays soon不. 久我将度假了。We shall be going to London next week. 下周我们要去伦敦。3. 将来进行时表示委婉语气Will you be having some tea? 喝点茶吧。Will you be needing anything else? 你还需要什么吗?17 -Six o ' clock in the morning?-No, don't call me that early in the morning. I .A sleep B will be sleepingCam sleeping D will sleep【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意: 早上六点钟? 不,不要这么早就给我打电话,我在睡觉呢。根 据语境可知,答者对第二天六点钟打电话给他感到惊讶,因为那时他正在睡觉,从而判断 用将来进行时。故选 B。18 Tom has been dreaming of becoming a banker and I believe he finance in university at the age of 20.A will be studying Bhad studiedC has studied D would study【答案】 A【解析】20 岁时会在大学里学习金融。详解】 考查时态。句意: Tom 一直梦想成为一名银行家,我相信他at the age of 20标明是”将来某一时间点发生的事情,应该用将来进行时,故A项正确。19 This time next year, we on a beach somewhere in Brazil.A will lieB will have layC will be lyingD will be laying【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查将来进行时时态。句意:明年的这个时候,我们将躺在巴西某处的海滩上。表示的时 间是“明年这个时候 ”,故应该用将来进行时,其构成是 “will be +doing , l”ie 意为“躺着”的现 在分词是 lying ,故选 C。【点睛】lie 的辨析: 作动词:说谎( lie-lied-lied ) 位于、躺( lie-lay-lain ) 进行时均为 lying 注意区别: lay 作动词:生育、下(蛋)( lay-laid-laid ) 进行时为 laying 20 -Lily, my parents have promised a 2 - day trip this weekend for my good performance -CoolYou a good time then A will be havingBhave hadC will have hadD were having【答案】 A【解析】句意: -Lily,我父母亲因为我的表现好答应给我两天的旅行。 爽。你那时将正在玩地很A。高兴。表示将来某个时间段或时间点正在进行的动作应用将来进行时。故选


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