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    大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Experiencing English,Book One,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Unit 1 College Life,从结构上看,句子可以分为四类:Simple, Compound, Complex & Compound-complex Sentence (P.19)1. 简单句Simple Sentence 只包含一个谓语结构,且各个成分均有词组构成 He was walking slowly in the park. 他在公园里缓慢地走着。 I got up, dressed and hurried downstairs. 我起来穿上衣服匆忙走下楼。,Grammar,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Unit 1 College Life,2. 并列句Compound Sentence两个或两个以上简单句由并列连词或其他并列手段连接起来构成并列句 表转折: but, yet, however, nevertheless然而 etc. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 蜂蜜好喝但蜜蜂蜇人。 表因果: or, so, therefore, hence, for etc. Its raining, so Im late. 表并列: and, or, eitheror, bothand, as well as, neithernor, not onlybut also Neither my sister nor I can speak French. 我和妹妹都不会说法语,Grammar,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Unit 1 College Life,3. 复杂句Complex Sentence 某个句子成分直接由从属分句表示(名从,定从,状从etc.) He has been ill since he came back from school. (状从) 他自从学校回来就一直病着。 What he said is not true.4. 并列复杂句Compound-complex Sentence 一个句子包含一个或一个以上的复杂句作为并列成分 They watched TV and enjoyed themselves immensely非常, but we couldnt see the program because our television was broken. 他们看电视看的很尽兴,但是我们却看不上因为电视坏了。,Grammar,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Procedures,Passage A: My First week at Harvard,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Procedures of Passage A,Warm-up ActivitiesCulture Notes Passage StructureLanguage PointsSummaryAssignments,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Passage A: My First week at Harvard,Harvard University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Warm-up Activities,1. What do you expect to learn as a freshman? Answer: The answer may vary. The most important thing a freshman can learn is to learn how to learn.,Lead-in questions,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Warm-up Activities,2.How do you guess the author of the passage would feel about her first week at Harvard, a world-famous university?Answer: The answer may vary. The student thought that her first week at Harvard was very impressive, because the new college life would be a once-in-a-life journey for her, at a world-famous university in particular.,Lead-in questions,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture NotesTop 10 World Universities (Rank-2013),Princeton University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,California Institute of Technology (Caltech),大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,University of Chicago,Culture Notes,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Yale University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Stanford University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,University of Oxford,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Imperial College London,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,UCL (University College London),大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,University of Cambridge,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Harvard University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Future World Famous University,SIAS,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Harvard University is one of the longest first-class academic institution in U.S. history . (美国历史最悠久的一流学府之一)Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (坐落于马萨诸塞州剑桥)Harvard University is at Boston and across the Charles River. (隔查尔斯河与波士顿相望),Harvard University,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Harvard University, founded in 1636, initially called “New College“. In 1637,John Harvard, an alumnus of theUniversity of Cambridge, worked here. He denoted all the collections and half of assets to institute. In 1639, the college was renamedHarvard College. 哈佛大学创建于1636年,原称新学院。1637年来自于伦敦的英国牧师,剑桥毕业生约翰哈佛来到这里工作。他将其全不错藏书和一半的财产捐赠给这所学院,该校因此改名为哈佛大学。,Origin of “Harvard University”,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Color: Dark 3rd-Future)“VERITAS” has the meaning of “truth” in Latin.Meaning:,School Badge,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,There are 100 libraries in Harvard.,Library,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Dining Hall,Annenberg Hall,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Harvard students, in order to get high scores, touch Harvards left foot before the exam.,Legend,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Beautiful Harvard,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Beautiful Harvard,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Now, Harvard University, asset size is nicknamed the “Super Harvard Empire”. So far, Harvard had 8 American presidents, several 10s Nobel Prize winner and Pulitzer Prize winner.,Tanner Fountain(生活的清泉),大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Culture Notes,Shopping Week is a special time for freshmen at college to sample classes, which could help them decide which courses they are going to take in the beginning of a school year.每个学期第一周是哈佛的“shopping week”,学生可以自由去听学校任何一门自己感兴趣的课。一个星期之后上交自己的选课时间表。,Shopping Week,Harvard 桑德斯剧院讲授”正义”课堂画面,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Passage Structure,Type of Writing,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Passage Structure,Type of Passage A: NarrationWriting Technique/SkillSpace Order: From outside to inside/far to near (gate-campus-dorm-dining hall)Chronological order / time sequence: time markers: 时间标志,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Passage Structure,Part I (para.1): The first day is gorgeous for a freshman at Harvard. Part II (paras.2-4): The authors first week life at Harvard: living, learning and eating.Part III (para.5): The best asset for Harvard students according to the author is to have met so many gifted people.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,1. The day a freshman moves into Harvard Yard is said to always be a gorgeous one and this was certainly true of my first day at Harvard. (Pa.1) Para. It is always said that the day a freshman starts college life in Harvard is very exciting and pleasant and the author thought this was also true of her own first day at Harvard.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,move into: to start living in She decided not to move into the new apartment until she had finished decorating. Were excited to move into a new home. Harvard Yard: the main campus of Harvard University gorgeous: extremely pleasant or enjoyable John said that he met a gorgeous girl at the party last night. Do you want to sample some of the jam? It is gorgeous.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,2. historic: famous or important in history历史的;历史影响的Today is a historic occasion for our country. It was difficult for the enterprise to expand during a time of historic change. historical: connected with the past, or connected with the study of the past有关历史研究的Can you tell me something about the historical background to the Civil War? They went to Yuelu Academy to do some historical research.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,historic, historical adj. 均含“历史的”之意Notes: Historic is usually used to describe something so important that is likely to be remembered; historical usually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history, or something that really happened in the past. historic: 指历史上有名的,具有历史意义的或者可成为史料的。在历史上重要的,有历史影响的historical: 指历史上的或历史的,侧重在历史上出现过或与历史有关的。有关历史研究的,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,3. I gazed out the window at this captivating scene and thought to myself “No freshman should be so lucky!” (Pa.1)Para. The author looked out through the window of the car at this fascinating scene and had a thought in her mind: “I should be the luckiest freshman!”,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,think (sth.) to oneself: to have a thought in ones mind, but not tell it to anyone 思忖,心里暗想After listening to the professors suggestion, Jane thought to herself, “Im sure I will make it.” He gazed out the window at this boundless grassland草原 and thought to himself, “What beautiful scenery it is!,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,4. Im sharing a suite with four other girls that has four single bedrooms and a large common room. (Pa.2)Para. The author is living in a suite with other four girls, and the suite consists of four single bedrooms and a large common room.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,share with: to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly 和分享The two chemists shared the Nobel Prize. Kate is a very generous girl, for she always shares what she has with others.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,5. Were all completely different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interests we reflect the diversity that Harvard is so proud of. (Pa.2)Para. The author and the other four girls are quite different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interest, which is reflection of the variety that Harvard is proud of.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,in terms of: with regard to the particular aspect or subject specified 在方面,从方面来说Hes quite rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness. It is difficult to express it in terms of science. diversity: a range of different people or things; variety多样性Diversity is conducive有助于 to the learning environment. We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the U.S.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,6. During this first week, its a relief to have four girls I can call friends and that can help me through this adjustment process which is quite difficult at times. (Pa.2)Para. In the first week, I am lucky to have the four girls that I can call friends. It is them who helped me through this adjustment process, which is rather hard sometimes.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,it is a relief to (do sth): to have a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying or painful has ended or has not happened 幸亏I hate to say it, but it was a relief to have him out of the house. It is a relief to see you get through those terrible days.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,7. Thankfully, Harvard allows freshmen to sample classes during “Shopping Week”. sample v.to try an activity, go to a place etc. to see what it is like体验We sampled the stuff and found it satisfactory. I sampled several classes and decided to choose four of them this semester.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,8. Which to get involved in? (Pa.3) get involved in: to take part in an activity or event 参与某些活动I got involved in a quarrel about the price He regretted that he got involved in that matter.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,9. . but its where we eat thats truly remarkable. (Pa.4) remarkable adj. unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise不寻常的,奇特的,值得注意/赞扬 She is remarkable for her sweet temper. When we went swimming last summer, we saw the most remarkable sunset at the beach.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,10. Our dining hall is more like a church or a museum than a cafeteria. (Pa.4) Para. The dining hall is like a church or a museum rather than a cafeteria. cafeteria 自助餐厅,食堂,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,11. . and is filled with statues and portraits of famous figures from Harvards past. (Pa.4) be filled with: to become completely full 挤满,布满 After reading his poems, I was filled with admiration. I didnt go last time because my hands were filled with the paper work日常文书工作.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,12. All of these first-week experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets Harvard has offered me thus far have been the other students Ive met. (Pa.5)Para. The first week experiences will make a life-time impression on me, but the most valuable thing Harvard University has offered me so far has been the students I have met on campus.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,13. Im blown away! (Pa.5)be blown away: to be extremely impressed得到极深印象,被深深打动 Students were blown away by his inspiring speech. Everyone I told that story to, I mean everyone, is just blown away.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Language Points,14. One week down, four more years to go I cant wait. (Pa.5) Para. One week had passed, and the author was looking forward to the coming four years.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Summary,The first day is gorgeous for a freshman at Harvard. The author lived with four girls, who helped her through the difficult adjustment process./ Freshmen at Harvard can sample classes during “Shopping Week”./ Eating is one of the most important and enjoyable highlights for students at Harvard. The best asset for Harvard students according to the author is to have met so many gifted有才华的 people.,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Assignments,1. Oral Practice-Talk about it 2. General writing-The Most Memorable Lesson Ive ever Had (P.13),大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Passage A,Dealing with Exercise,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Ex. 2Answer the following questions with the information you obtain from the passage.,1. What did the author think of being a freshman at Harvard?,She thought it was very pleasant and lucky to be a freshman at Harvard.,Reference,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Ex. 2Answer the following questions with the information you obtain from the passage.,2. How did the author get along with her roommates?,She got along with them very well and they had helped her a lot.,Reference,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Ex. 2Answer the following questions with the information you obtain from the passage.,3.What difficult decisions did the girl have to make in the “Shopping Week”?,She had to decide what classes to take.,Reference,大学体验英语第一册第三版-unit1,Ex. 2Answer the following questions with the information you obtain from the passage.,4.What did the author think of eating on campus for a freshman at Harvard?,Reference,Eating is one of the highlights for freshmen at Harvard.,


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