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    雅思口语话题一Hometow n范文:1. What places in your hometow n do you like bestThere are many places that I like. If I had to choose one place , I would like to tell you about Government Square. Firstly , it is the largest square in Shenyang. What I mean is that it is a large open space where one can see the sky clearly , and feel free. Secondly , it houses an important gover nment build in g. I guess you could call it the City Hall.2. What are the main crops in your regi onIn our regi on many crops are grow n. For example one would find all kinds of vegetables in the fields of this region. In addition , many farmers have orchards. Here they grow many kinds of fruit like apples, pears, and peaches.3. How long have you lived in your hometow nI come from Shenyang. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and I atte nded a well-k nown school called School nu mber 163. We live in a respectable area with many shops , restaura nts, and a variety of other bus in esses. The people in our buildi ng are gen erally frie ndly and quite , which makes it a pleasure to live there.4. Can you tell me someth ing about your hometow nYes, certainly. Shenyang is in the northeast part of China , and the capital of the Liaoning province. It has about seven million inhabitants. It has many heavy industries such as automobile , aircraft, and mach ine tool manu facturers .In additi on , it is rich in history. For example , the Japa nese in vaded the city and committed many atrocities(that is to say many crimes)duri ng the occupati on. This is still remembered by many of the elderly folks to this day. Another example that I could mention is the Imperial Palace that belonged to the last dynasty - the Qing dynasty- in China.范文:do you think are the differe nces betwee n home schooli ng and study ing at schoolThere are a lot of differe nces betwee n them. Home schooli ng is more pers on alized and focused on the in dividual stude nt's n eeds, whereas the pers onal atte ntio n is not available in schools because there are other stude nts. Study ing at home allows the stude nt to spe nd more time on the subject he is in terested in or questi ons he does n't un dersta nd. However, i n school, the stude nts can develop their com muni catio n skills duri ng the class discussi on or school activities. So there are good points and drawbacks in both types of study ing.2. What do you think learning theoretical material is emphasized more than leanning practical skillsLearning theoretical material can help you to develop practical skills. I thinks it would be better to keep a balance between theoretical material studying and hand-on experienee. But now, most of schools in China put too much emphasis on theoretical teach ing because the stude nts are expected to get high marks in exams. Unfortun ately, most of the in formatio n the stude nts lear n in the classroom is not quite useful whe n it comes to a real job.you think educati on system in China should be reformedThe educati on system in China is now un der reforming. We are no tici ng the gover nment is trying to make progress in several aspects. You can see the primary schools cha nge their schooli ng time to 8AM to 4PM in stead of 7AM to 5PM. Thus the stude nts have more time to sleep and relax in stead of study ing inten sively. Besides, the schools have adjusted their subjects arra ngeme nts by addi ng some hand-on courses to help stude nts develop practical ability. Pers on ally speak ing, experie nee is the better teacher, if stude nts can be offered courses with lots of useful in formati on and practice opportunities, as you know, a well-rounded education, they will find jobs more easily.雅思口语话题三Hobby范文:it dan gerous for people to spe nd too much time on hobbyYes, over-indulgence in physical exercise can do more harm than good. I have noticed that some of my friends spend too much time on sports make themselves too tired to stay awake during the work。you thi nk hobby is ben eficial to social lifeYes, of make many friends during playing table tennis. So, I think that hobby is beneficial the social life。do people like to watch gamesOh, it is a interesting question. Watching games can enrich our leisure life. Also, it is very exciting to watch a close game。is adva ntages and disadva ntages for watch ing gamesWatching games can enrich our leisure life. Also, it is very exciting to watch a close game. But over-indulgence in watching games can affect our rest 。is the adva ntages and disadva ntages betwee n watch ing games and play ing games/sports Watching games can enrich our leisure life. Also, it is very exciting to watch a close game.Take part in sports can build our bodies and keep us healthy. But, over-indulgence in watching games or in physical exercise can affect our rest。


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