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    Unit 9 Section A 人教版英语八年级下册课件 (共34张PPT).pptx

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    Unit 9 Section A 人教版英语八年级下册课件 (共34张PPT).pptx

    Section A(1a-4c),Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?,英语课堂,人教版八年级下册,话题有趣的地方(Fun place)名词: 1.amusement娱乐;游戏 2.camera照相机;摄影机;摄像机 3.invention发明;发明物 4.toilet坐便器;厕所 5.performance表演;演出 6.theme主题7.ride供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程 8.province省份 9.fox狐狸 10.equator赤道 11.spring 春天 12.location 地点;位置动词: 1.invent 发明;创造 2.encourage 鼓励 3.collect 收集;采集代词: itself (it的反身代词)它自己,单元学习目标,形容词: 1.unbelievable 难以置信的;不真实的 2.rapid 迅速的;快速的 3.unusual 特别的;不寻常的 4.social社会的 5.peaceful 和平的;安宁的 6.perfect完美的;完全的 7.safe 安全的;无危险的副词: 1.somewhere在某处;到某处 2.simply 仅仅;只不过 3.mostly 主要地;通常数词: thousand一千连词: 1.whether不管.还是.;或者.(或者);是否 2.whenever在任.的时候;无论何时,常用短语:1. take the subway乘地铁 2. have a great time玩得很高兴3. learn about了解 4. lead to导致5. put up搭起 6. in the future在将来7. different kinds of不同种类的 8. encourage sb. to do sth鼓励 某人做某事9. think about考虑 10. a couple of两个;一对:几个11. most of大多数 12. take a ride兜风13. arrive at到达,14. thousands of数以于计的;许许多 多的15. take a holiday度假 16. at night在夜晚17. on the one hand . on the other hand .一方面.另一方面18. have problems doing sth.做某事 有困难19. at night在夜晚 20. during the daytime在白天21. wake up醒来 22. all year round全年23. be close to接近 24. be far from远离,重点句型1.谈论去过哪些地方:一Have you ever been e a science museum? 一Yes,have. / No, I havent.2.谈论旅游计划:(1)一Let go somewhere different today.一OK, Where do you want go?(2)一How are we going to get there?一We can take the subway.3.谈论对某个地方的看法:Its really interesting, isnt it? lts a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.重点语法现在完成时(二)( Ive been to the art museum many times ),1.amusement n.娱乐;游戏 2.amusement park游乐场3.somewhere adv.在某处;到某处 4.camera n.照相机;摄影机;摄像5.invention n.发明;发明物 6.invent v.发明;创造7.unbelievable adj.难以置信的;不真实的8.progress v. 厕所12.encourage v.鼓励 13.social adj.社会的,14.peaceful adj.和平的;安宁的 15.tea art茶艺16.performance n.表演;演出 17. perfect adj.完美的;完全18. tea set茶具 19. itself pron. (it 的反身代词)它自己20. collect v.收集;采集 21. a couple of两个;一对;几个22. German adj.德国的:德语的;德国人的 n.德语;德国人23. theme n.主题 24. ride n.供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程25. province n.省份,Section A 生词表,Anna:I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there? Jill: Yes. I have. I went there back in April.Anna: Its really interesting,isnt it? Its a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Jill: Yes, I love all the old movie cameras there ! I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.Anna: So, what did you do on the weekend? Jill: I camped in the mountains with some friends, We put up a tent and cooked outside.Anna: That sounds fun. Ive never been camping. Jill: You should try it!,Role-play the conversation,安娜:上周末我去了电影博物馆。你曾去过那儿吗?吉尔:是的,我去过。我在四月份去的那里。安娜:它真的很有趣,不是吗?这是一个度过星期六下午的极好的 方式。吉尔:是的,我喜爱那里所有的老电影摄影机。我还了解了一些发 明,它们成就了彩色电影。安娜:那么,周末你做什么了?吉尔:我和一些朋友在山里野营。我们搭起帐篷并在外面做饭。安娜:听起来很有趣。我从未野营过。吉尔:你应该试一试!,1. Its really interesting, isnt it?它真的很有趣,不是吗? 这是一个反意疑问句。反意疑问句的结构为:肯定的陈述句+否定的附加问句前面肯定后面否定否定的陈述句+肯定的附加问句前面否定后面肯定例句:You want to go back home early, dont you? 你想早点回家,不是吗?例句:Mary isnt a teacher. it she? 玛丽不是教师,是吗?,Target Language,反意疑问句前后两部分的主语在人称和数方面要保持一致,be 动词、助动词或情态动词也要保持一致。例句:She doesnt like swimming, does she?她不喜欢游泳,是吗?例句:Tom cant speak German, can he?他不会说德语,对吗?拓展回答反意疑问句时,若情况属实,用yes;若情况不属实,用no.例句:-Jack didnt use to go to the museum, did be?杰克过去不经常去博物馆,是吗?-Yes, he did, /No. he didnt. 不,他经常去。/是的。他不经常去。陈述句部分含有nothing,never,hardly等表示否定意义的词时,附加问句用肯定形式。例句:You hardly understand me, do you?你几乎不理解我,是吗?,2. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。此learn是“了解;获知;得知”的意思,由介词about或of引入所获知的具体内容。例句:It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage. 得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。,3. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too. 我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。(1)本句that led to color movies是一个定语从句。修饰the inventions,引导词that同时还做定语从句的主语,不能省略。例句:China is a country that has a large population. 中国是一个人口众多的国家。(2)lead to意为“通向;引起;导致。其中to为介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式。例句:The road leads to the station.这条路通向火车站。 Too much work often leads to illness.过度工作常引发疾病。 This suggestion will certainly lead to an argument. 这个建议必将引起一场争论。,Target Language,Ive never been camping. 我从未野营过。此句为现在完成进行时。这一时态的结构为“have been+现在分词”,表示从过去某一时刻一直延续至今的动作。例句:Hes been there ever since you left! 自从你离开后他就一直在那里!,1. Which three museums do the students talk about?2. What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?,Three students talk about the most interesting museums they have ever been to Read the magazine article and answer the questions.,Ken: The most interesting museum Ive ever been to is the American Computer Museum.They have information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers were much bigger. Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! Ive also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even better than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.,Read the magazine article.,肯:我曾经去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。它们有关于不同的计算机及其发明者的信息。过去的计算机要庞大得多。科技进步得如此之快,真是令人难以置信!我也了解到有一种特殊的计算机。它下国际象棋甚至能比人下得还要好。我想知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情?,I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情呢。 wonder表示“(对某事) 感到疑惑;想要知道;想弄明白;琢磨”,后面常接由what, how,who或if I whether (是否)引导的宾语从句。例句:I wonder how theyre getting on. 我不知道他们过得怎么样。,Amy: Ive recently been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. I just couldnt believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum teaches people about the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social grok to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.,Read the magazine article.,最近我去了印度的一个很不寻常的博物馆一国际厕所。unusual用作形容词,意为“特别的;不寻常的”,其反义词为usual“通常的;寻常的”,un是反义前缀。This is an unusual invention.这是一项不同寻常的发明。,埃米:近来,我去过印度一个很不寻常的博物馆一国际厕所博物馆。当我在那儿看到那么多不同种类的厕所时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。该博物馆传授给人们关于厕所的历史和发展的知识。它还鼓励政府和杜会团体思考将来改善厕所的方法。,Linlin: Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.Its a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.,琳琳:去年我去了杭州国家茶博物馆。它位于湖边,是一处令人放松的、安宁的地方。茶艺表演展示了怎样用漂亮的茶具物出一杯完美的茶。看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快。我终于理解为什么我爷爷喜爱饮茶和收集茶具了。看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快。,Read the magazine article.,Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.-able是一个典型的形容词后缀,可加在动词之后,表示“可.的;能够.的”。此处enjoyable (能使人快乐的;令人愉快的),此类词还有如:respectable (可敬的),adjustable (可调节的),usable (可用的;可使用的)等。,1. Which three museums do the students talk about?They talk about the American Computer Museum, the International Museum of Toilets and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.2. What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?I think watching the tea preparation is the most interesting thing.,Three students talk about the most interesting museums they have ever been to Read the magazine article and answer the questions.,1. What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?,Read the article again and answer the following questions.,Its the most interesting museum hes ever been to. It has information about different computers and who invented them, and he has learned that there was a special computer that could play chess better than humans.,Read the article again and answer the following questions.,2. What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?,We can learn about the history and development of toilets.,Read the article again and answer the following questions.,3. Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum anice place to enjoy tea?,It is a nice place to enjoy tea because it is located in a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. Watching the tea art performances is also enjoyable.,make (something) better quietbecome better madeuncommon quickmake (something) better-improvebecome better- progresseduncommon-unusualquiet-peacefulmade-invented,Which of the underlined words in the passage have the following meanings?,1.现在完成时常用have/ has been to (去过), ever(曾经),never (从不)等表示经历。have/ has been to表示“曾经去过(某地)”可与never, ever, just, twice等副词连用。例句:I have been to a nature museum.我去过自然博物馆。2. have/ has been to与have/ has gone to的区别:have/ has been to表示曾经去过(某地)have/has gone to表示去了(某地)例句:Lily has gone to Beijing. 莉莉去了北京。(现在她已经在北京或在途中) She has been to Beijing. 她去过北京。(现在她不在上海),现在完成时,现在完成时,3. ever意为“曾经”,常用于现在完成时态的一般疑问句中,位于主语的后面,过去分词的前面。Have you ever been to Germany?你曾经去过德国吗?4. never意为“从来没有;决不”,表示否定含义,常位于助动词have/ has之后,过去分词前面。They have never watched a basketball match.他们从未看过篮球赛。,现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别。1.现在完成时态表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响,强调的是现在的情况;一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,与现在无关。I saw this film last week.上周我看过这部电影。(强调看的动作发生在过去,与现在无关。)I have seen this film.我已经看过这部电影。(强调对现在的影响,我已经知道了电影的内容),现在完成时,现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别。2.常与现在完成时连用的有: ever, never, just,already,so far等。一般过去时常与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用,如: yesterday, last year, .ago, in 1990, just now等。现在完成时不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。Jim wrote a letter to his friends last week.吉姆上周给他朋友写了一封信。,现在完成时,1. A: Do you want to come (come) to the space museum?B: No, Ive already been (be) there three times.2. A: Have you seen (see) the robots at the science museum?B: Yes, I went (go) there last weekend.3. A: Lets spend (spend) the day at the zoo.B: Well, Ive already been (be) there a couple times, but Im happy to go (go) again.,Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.,Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.,4. A: How about going (go) to the art museum?There are some special German paintingsthere right now.B: Sure. When do you want to go (go)?5. A: Have you ever visited (visit) the history museum?B: No, Ive never been (be) there.,Most of us have seen (see) Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever been (be) to Disneyland? Disneyland is (be) an amusement park with a special theme - Disney characters and movies. There are (be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops there.,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,You can also see (see) the Disney characters walking around the park. And have you ever heard(hear) of a Disney Cruise? This is (be) a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can take (take) a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it.On the boat, you can shop (shop) and have Disney parties before you arrive (arrive) at the Disney island.,See you !,英语课堂,


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