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    江苏工业学院硕士生导师简介表姓名李坤性别男出生年月1962,9职称副教授m片单位江苏工业学院材料系政治面貌共产党员所属学位点材料科学与工程研究方向压电、铁电、热释电功能材料制备(陶瓷、陶瓷/高分子复合材料)压电功能器件研究学校及社 会兼职教书育人:从1983年以来先后从事了无机化学 分析化学普通化学结晶化学材料概论 溶胶凝胶技术等课程以及实验课的教学工作。主持完成的科研成果:年份项目名称项目来源排名合同额(万元)到款额(万元)1996.5-1997.6Sol-gel法制备功能陶瓷薄膜的研究香港理工大学第一0.50.51999.62001.12复合敏感膜及集成热释电面阵研究香港理工大学第三1.51.52002.1 2004.12物理和化学作用对离子束增强沉积制备二氧化钒薄膜的相关性国家自然科学基金第三20101996.9-1997.9溶胶-凝胶法制备 PZT薄膜的研究江苏石油化工学院第一0.30.3发表的部分学术论著:1. K. Li, Chan and C.L. Choy, “ Preparati on of thick PZT films on sta ini ess steel substratesFerroelctrics, 30, (2000) p.253-260.2. K. Li, D. Y. Wang, K. H. Lam, H. L.W. Cha n and C. L. Choy, Samarium and Man ga nese Doped Lead Titanate Ceramic Fiber/epoxy 1-3 Composites for High Frequency Transducer Applications Proceeding of PRICM4 , vol.2, (2001), pp1603-1606.3. 李坤,陈王丽华,蔡忠龙,不锈钢基片上 PZT薄膜的制备,功能材料,Vol.32, No.3 (2001) 308-309.4. K. Li, K.H. Lam, D.Y. Wang, Chan and C.L. Choy, "Preparation of Li, Nb and Mn doped PZT ceramic fibers and ceramic fiber/epoxy 1-3 composites", Proceeding of PRICM4 , vol.2, (2001) 1583-1586.5. K. Li, Chan and C.L. Choy, "Thick PZT films on sta ini ess steel substrates coated with barrier layers", Ferroelectrics ,vol.252, (2001), pp249-255.6. K. Li, D. Zeng, K.C. Yung, Chan and C.L. Choy, Study on Ceramic/Polymer Composite Fabricated by Laser Dici ng Materials Chemistry and Physics , vol. 75 No. 1-3, (2002)147-150.7. J. Li, H. Che n, K. Li, K.Y. To ng and Cha n, "A study of In dium doped Tin Oxide as Electrode ofFerroelectric Films",Functional Materials, 32(1), p. 64-66, (2001). (in Chinese)8. J.H. Li, K. Li, Chan and C.L. Choy, Pyroelectric In tegrated Lin ear Array with Suspe nded P(VDF-TrFE) Membra nes as Sen si ng Eleme nts,压电与声光,vol. 22, No.2 (2000) pp.104-106. (in Chin ese).9. C. W. Law, K.Y. To ng, J.H. Li and K. Li, Leakage Curre nt in PZT Films with sputtered RuOx Electrodes, Solid-state Electronics . Vol. 44, (2000) 1569-1571.10. J. Zeng, C. Lin, K. Li and J. Li, Fatigue-free Pb( Thin Films on In dium Tin Oxide Coated Substrates aSol-gel Process, Applied Physics A,Materials science & Processing , 69 (1999) 93-96.11. J. Zeng, C. L. Lin, J.H. Li and K. Li, low temperature Preparati on of Barium Tita nate Thin Films by a novel Sol-gel-hydrothermal method, Materials Letters , vol. 38 (1999) 112-115.12. J. Zeng, M. Zha ng, Z. Song, L.Wa ng J.H. Li, K.Li and C. Lin , Lead Zirc on ate tita nate thin FilmsDeposited on Silicon using a Novel sol-gel Technique at low temperature, Applied Surface Science, Vol.148(1999) 137-141.13. C. W. Law, K.Y . Tong, J.H. Li, K. Li and M.C. Poon,Effect of Oxygen and thickness of SputteredRuOx Electrodes on the ferroelectric and fatigue properties of sol-gel PZT Thin Films,Thin Solid Films .Vol. 354, (1999) 162-168.14. D.Y. Wang, K.Li, Chan and C.L. Choy, "Characterization of BNBT-6 Lead-free Ceramics andBNBT-6/epoxy 1-3 Composites", Proceeding of PRICM4, vol.2, (2001), p 2845-2849.15. J.H. Li, H.S. Che n, K. Li, K.Y. To ng Cha n, A Study of In dium Doped Tin Oxide as Electrode of Ferroelectric Films,功能材料 (in chinese) vol.32, (2001) 64-66.16. J.H. Li, N.Y. Yua n, K. Li K.Y. To ng , Electric Properties of Au/PLT/Pt Ferroelectric Film Capacitor.Research & Progress of SSE, Vol.21 No.3 (2001) 354-360.17. J.H. Li, N.Y. Y uan K. Li K.Y . Tong and Chan, Properties of Sol-gel PZT Films Based on Indium Tin Oxide Substrate, Ferroelectrics , Vol.260 (2001) 189-194.18. J.H. Li, N.Y. Yua n K. Li K.Y . To ng and Cha n, A comparison of ferroelectric Properties of Sol-gel PZT Films on Different Electrodes, Ferroelectrics , Vol.260 (2001) 189-194.19. K. Li, H. L.W. Chan and C. L. Choy, Samarium and Manganese Doped Lead Titanate Ceramic Fiber/epoxy 1-3 Composites for High Frequency Transducer Applications sub mitted to IEEE Tran sacti ons on Ultras onic, Ferroelectrics and Freque ncy Con trol.20. Kun Li, Helen Lai-Wa Chan and Chung-Loong Choy, Study of Zinc and Niobium Modified Lead Zirconate Titanate Fiber/Epoxy 1-3 Composites Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. , Vol. 41, Part 1, No. 11B, (2002), pp6989-6992。21. Helen Lai-wa Chan , Kun Li and Chung-loong Choy , Piezoelectric ceramic fibre/epoxy 1-3 composites for high-frequency ultrasonic transducer applications , Materials scienee and Engineering B, vol.99, No. 13, (2003), 29-35.22. B.Pan, Y.Yang, L.C. Yu, J.-M. Liu, K. Li, Z.G . Liu, Chan, Low frequency dispersion of ferroelectric hysteresis in 1-3 ferroelectric composites, Materials scienee and Engineering B,vol.99, (2003), 179-182.23李坤S李金华2,李锦春-陈王丽,华 PLZT陶瓷纤维/环氧树脂1-3复合材料的制备和性能研 究,无机材料学报,Vol.19,No.2, (2004), 361-366.24 Kun Li, Geoffrey Pang, Hele n Lai Wa Cha n, Chu ng Loong Choy, Ji n-hua Li,Mn and Sm Doped LeadTitanate Ceramic Fibers and Fiber/Epoxy 1-3 Composites, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.95, No.10 (2004) 5691-5695.25 un Li, Jin-hua Li and Helen Lai Wah Chan, Fabrication of Sm and Mn doped lead titanate ceramic powder and ceramics by sol-gel methods, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.86, Issue 1, (2004), 83-87.26 S. S. Guo, W. P. Li, K. Li,Chan, X.Z. Zhao, C.L. Choy, Electron-irradiated ElectrostrictiveP(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Transducers, Sensors and Actuators A112 (2004) 134-141.27 Kun Li, Li-min Zhou and Da-hu Cao, Helen Lai-Wa Chan and Chung-Loong Choy Seed effect infabrication of calcium modified lead titanate ceramics , Materials Chemistry and Physics, 92 ( 2005) 453-457.28 李坤,曹大呼,李金华,陈王丽华,锌铌酸铅-锆钛酸铅(PZN-PZT)压电陶瓷和陶瓷纤维的制备 无机材料学报,Vol.20, No.5, ( 2005),1099-1105.主持在研项目年份项目名称项目来源排名合同额(万元)到款额(万元)2003-2005溶胶-凝胶法制备陶 瓷纤维的研究江苏工业学 院研究基金第一10102003-2005压电陶瓷纤维及纤 维/高分子复合材料 研究教育部第一4.04.02005-2007合成金刚石新工艺研究常州市工业 科技攻关第一1010拟指导硕士生研究方向:(1)压电陶瓷纤维、纤维/高分子复合材料合成和性能研究(2)复合材料传感器研究


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