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    Lessonsl-2常用词组和语言点新概念第二册短语词组to the theatre go to the film/movie去看戏去看电影令人感兴趣的(表示主动)Interested对感到有趣的(表示被动)angryroundround/around生气 get 为系动词。如:I got bored at the lecture. 转过身指在周围如:look round/around向四周看adv.生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly ,成为副词。) 如1: happyhappilyattention注意(后常接介词to )女口: You should pay attention to your handwriting.the endof your businessupin bed最后(近义词:at last , finally ) 不关你的事起床呆在床上直到not until a day!then直到才W对名词感叹,How对形容词、副词感叹。 就在那时(just now刚才)Lessons3-4常用词组和语言点:go tu seegardenssb .sthlend拜访,参观公园教某人某事(teach接双宾语)借给某人某物tothe last night a decis ion寄给 (比较:send of :派人去请)在最后一天晚上(具体日期前用介词on)做出决定decide( V)get a letter from sb ; hear from sb收到某人的来信great number of : many to : go to by plane许多(后加可数名词)Lessons5-6常用词组和语言点 five miles from+地点2 cover离5英里(1)覆盖,经常用作be covered with 由覆盖(2)+距离,相当于trave 1We cavered 15 miles yesterday.昨天我们走了 15英里。three minutes=in three minutesJ time用3分钟时间to now到现在为止在机场(at强调“点”)设法做(不一定成功)当时候(常与进行时连用)守卫令某人惊讶的是(如:to my surprise )令人长舒一口气的是令人兴奋的是令人失望的是装满(近义词组 be tilled with )报名参加(考试等)获胜在星期三晚上 morning , aiternoon , evening 等 词前有具体的限定词时,一般用介词on:如果限定词为 this , that , last , next 等时不用介词。如::on a fine morn-ing ; that morning一群一大群分针时针秒针拒绝做在那一刻,那时属于great many+ 可数名词part,the otherthis waytoatforglass ofreturn foron one ' s headawayata monthtwice a monththree times a monthtake a plane toLessons7-8常用词组和语言点the aiportto doguardone' s surpriseto one ' s reliefto one ' s excitementto one ' s disappointmentfull offor+比赛/战斗Lessons9-10常用词组和语言点Wednesday evening crowd ofa large crowd ofminute handthe hour handThe second handto dothat momentto许多,大量零部件,备件一个,另一个(共两者)以这种方式,用这种方法搬到敲要(注意区别ask "问”)杯做为的回报倒立走开光顾,拜访每月一次每月两次 每月三次 飞往to dodofriend of my fother ' sLessonsl 1-12常用词组和语言点lawyer ' s officefrombackforthe Atlanticout7. plenty of可数/不可数 goodbye toawayproud ofpart inLessonsl3-14常用词组和语言点group ofpresentthe stationthis timea performanceusuala difficult timeorderoccasiononthe waytofor a liftsoon asgood morning tofromfew+可数名词few+可数名词设法做允许某人做(双重所有格)我父亲的一位朋友律师事务所向借(lend to 借给偿还(pay off还清)为付钱横渡大西洋出发,启程许多,大量(指足够或超岀所需要的量) 向告别离开以为自豪参加一群目前在火车站在此期间演出像往常一样日子不好过(近义表达法:have a hard time )维持秩序在场合继续行驶在路上向招手要求搭车一就(引导时间状语从句)向问早上好除之外几个(表肯定)没几个(表否定)(两者之屮的)任何一个不 (后接单数)感到紧张(feel系动词)抬头看负担得起做某事无力地说用声音Lessonl5-16常用词组和语言点nervousupcould a fib rd to doa weak voiceIn voicetraffic policemantoattention toto doparkingNo talking.No smokingNo littering.Lessonl7-18常用词组和语言点leastspite ofpart ina dressupfora good mealthe biUback toLessonl9-20常用词组和语言点any momenttoouta pity!thenoncemay as we 11+ 动原ofupwaste ofinterested inLesson21-22常用词组和语言点sb. madand daysome reasoninto useawaydownsum of moneya large sum of moneydetermined to do交警欢迎到来 注意没能做 不许停车 不许说话。 不许吸烟。不许乱扔杂物。至少(反义词组 at most最多)尽管(近义词despite )参加穿一条裙子长大寻找吃得好付帐单还给在任何时候,随时勿忙赶往售完真遗憾!真可惜!就在那时(注意区别:just now刚才) 立刻,马上(近义词: immediately ) 还是好代替(注意区别:instead。Instead of 往用于句中,而instead往往用于句尾) 放弃浪费对感兴趣逼疯日日夜夜由于某种原因开始使用(类似表达法:赶走撞倒一笔钱一大笔钱决心做某事come into )梦想fromoi/abouta letter from sb./hearone another )收到某人的来信明年惊在下它看起来古怪(look 系)感到,感到受(tcel系)抱怨一敲声(knock名)sb.piece ofofmonths laterto sb.otherto doLesson23-24常用 和 言点a letter from sb. receive a letter from sb.yearhave a surprise the country looks strange upsetabout knock at the doorLesson25-26常用和言点 in+大地点 arrive at+<1、地点get to / reach lastway to only - but as we 11 not only - but not only -but also nor otherlot of=lots ofcoursethe same waythan-ora moment /for a while downLesson27-28常用和言点upthe middle ofsoon as 收到某人的来信一,一片想十个月后某人写信互相(指两者之,三者以上用决心做某事到达于,最后去的路不而且既不也不 互相(指两者) 多,大量 当然以同的方式 是否是一会弄倒了,挂倒了搭起,建起在中一就good a story tell storiesa song sing songs the campfire out soundlyuplull of闻着香(smeU为系动词)讲故事唱歌在营火旁(by:在 旁边,如by the window 在窗户旁边)熄灭睡得香(也可以用 have a sound sleep 表示)醒来装满its way蜿蜒而过(类似表达:fight one ' s way 杀过去feel one ' s way 摸索行进 shoulder one T s way 用肩膀撞着过去)inof+名词/代词an eifectto/into信任由于(because+句子)起作用把变成Lesson29-30常用词组和语言点不同寻常的(反义词:usual)to从至Uthen自那时起the roof of在的顶上another occasion还有一次,另一次usual象往事一样out to向高喊+形容词/副词that+句子如此以至于into掉入sight在视线中,看得见(反义词组:out of sight看不见)away跑开back to扔回Lesson31-32常用词组和语言点sth告诉某人某事to do sth过去常常做某事be used to sth/be used to doing sth习惯做某事that time在那时spare parts制作零部件在那时雇 (employment 名词;employee 雇员;employer 雇主)long road to seccess漫长的成功之路his twenties在他20多岁的时候(如:in her seventies在她70+adj/adv 原级 +asnot as as=not so asever beforewe 11-dressed womanup usual as possibleouta week多岁的时候)像一样不像一样比以往任何时候一个穿着讲究的妇女(注意dress用过去分词,类似的表达方式还有:a warm-hearted man一个热心肠的人a white-haired man一个白发的人把某物递给某人(也可用hand .)包起来比平常尽可能发现每周一次Lesson33-34常用词组和语言点able to dooutcaught in a stormbe caught in a rainarriving at the shoreany one/ no moreupat+地点call on sblocal policeworriedsurprised : very surprisedupwake能做出发,启程遇上了风暴淋雨一到岸上(on+动名词=as soon as+句子。女口: On hearing the news,she became veryexcit-ed. 也可说 As soon as she heard the news,she became very excited. )不再1)拾起,拣起 如:pick up a stone from the bround2)接收信号pick up radio signal(接收无线电信号)3)用车去接某人4)开始学 I picked up French two months ago.拜访当地警察局担心非常惊讶(“ most+形容词”前不用the时,不是形容 词最高级,most相当于very )醒来叫醒某人过去常常做某事Lesson35-36常用词组和语言点to doshort while ago a short time agoseeof-atdrive to +名 that -so+形容 / 副 that -afterwards,upset outsure to do to dotwo hoursthe coastLesson37-38常用和言点1. in four years 5 timein four yearsgreat many+ 可数名the end of不久前后悔1)regret doing后悔做2)regret to do后悔去做看某人做某事看某人正在做某事(其它的感如:watch,hear等也有种用法)装开向冲去朝方向开(似的表达法如:throw to 扔向throw at向)如此以至于没多久立,建立(set up a new world record新的世界)出肯定会做想做每两个小在海岸forward totoof to do downsooner - than when aboutthough /even if四年后多,大量奥运会准的到末例:by the end of next month到下个月底前盼望着(s介,后接名或名)回到梦想划做某事安下来,定居下来一就一就(用法与 no soonerthan 一,如放在句首,句子需倒装。)埋怨,抱怨即使if似乎,好像the endofthan he could bear最后想到,考虑到 超过他能妨受的程度Lesson39-40常用词组和语言点 hospitaldoto doforaboutdotoupLook up ata seat住院要求某人做某事拒绝做某事要寻问允许某人做挨着抬头抬头看坐下sit downbe seatedbusy doingbe busy with忙于despair失望屮凝视,使集中( one ' s eyes/attention be Fixed眼睛盯着/注意力集中在)you ate more andtalked less,we would both enjoyour dinner.如果你多吃点,少说点,我们两个都会吃得好点。 此句为虚拟语气,与现在事实相反。1)与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句:would couldIf过去式(be的过去式用were) might+动原should2)与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句:wouldcouldIf had+过去分词,might+have+过去分词should3)与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句(有两种构成 方式):wouldcouldA: If should+ 动原, might+ 动原shouldshouldcouleB: If were to+ 动原,might+ 动原ShouldLesson41-42常用词组和语言点to sb.at oneself in the mirrowfront ofdoingonce't have said thata walkgo for a walka resta timeafter a whiles oon asupcovered witha glimpse ofthe dillerence between andLesson43-44常用词组和语言点the first timefirstable to dophotographsinto troubleget into troubleone pointseems certain thatover the mountainssightthe riskup toa picnicthe edge of+形容词/副词+thatof breathup with对某人来说照镜子在前面后悔做过某事立刻,马上没必要这么说(与过去事实相反的虚拟语气)提醒某人散步去散步休息过了一会儿一就拣起,拾起覆盖着(文中指镶嵌着)看一眼,看一下辩别之间的不同第一次起初能做照像陷入困境在某个地方似乎肯定越过山头在视线中(看得见)冒的风险跑到跟前野餐在边上如此以至于 上气不接下气 追上,超上翻看如此以至于一大笔钱归还包起来偿还还清为付钱用这种方法;以这种方式 许多1)说明原因2)占(多大比例)that引导同位语从句某人突然想起惊讶于在顶部一堆如此以至于逃跑承认做过做一次旅行限制在范围内命令某人做待售闹鬼入睡(近义词组fall asleep )听到酒吧里传來了一阵奇怪的声音(com-ing为现在分词做宾语补足语)第二天(用于叙述故事等,前边加 the ) 关(灯)(反义词组:turn on 打开) 上床睡觉即使送掉;放弃(机会等)拨出一会儿设法做某事装满或者或者through+名词+thatLesson45-46常用词组和语言点 large sum of moneytoupbackpay offpay forthis waynumber of+可数名词forfact that one of the boxeswas extremely heavy occurs to sb.astonishe d attop ofpile ofthatawaydoinga triptodoLesson47-48常用词组和语言点salehauntedto sleepa stange moise coming from the barnext morningoffto badifawayouta whileto dolull ofora noisemake noises busy doing worried lastfromLesson49-50常用词组和语言点 of sleeping on the floor be tired of doinguptoupgust of windinto the countyard belowuntilupto piecesat the bits ofglance atfor a ridetake forone' s way trip took me longer than I expectedon the busa good view of countryside '11 te 11 you where to get offis as far as we goas for asto doforget doingth is/th at caseto制做噪音忙于做某事(be busy with sth )感到担心(feel为系动词)最后,终于(近义词/词组:finally,in the end)从挪走由于对睡地板感到疲倦对 感到疲倦,此分词短语省略了 being,作原因状语。存储,攒钱把某物搬移到某处(onto可拼写为一个词也可分开onto ,表示动作的方向,into也有此类用法)(恶劣天气)来临并加剧(blow-blew-blown )一阵大风(gust表示“一阵强风,狂风”gust可单独使用也可用于词组“ a gust of ”)将床摔碎在下面的院子里(现在分词短语作“ it ”的宾语补足语)直到才醒来摔成碎片(本句中“ glancing at "现在分词短语作 时间状语,意为:After he glanced at ) 瞥视,一瞥就当作是一次兜风把当作迷路take此处意为“花费(时间),通常用“ it ”作形式主语的结构:It+takes+sb.+不定式It takes me ten minutes to read English every morning上公共汽车饱览美丽的乡村风光我会告诉你在哪下车( where to get oft=where you should get off )我们的车就到此为止了。表示“达到程度”邙艮度)忘记做某事 I forgot to tell you the homework.忘记做过某事既然这样/那样的话更愿意做Lesson51-52常用词组和语言点 got so badon a dieton dietof allouta vis it to sb.fat as everwas obvious thathe was very embarrassed.contained five largebars of chocolate和 rise和Ue和winhave been working hard all morning情况变得如此糟糕(things用作复数表示情形、状 况事情)进行节食节食首先写出拜访某人与往常一样胖,as ever是as he ever was 的省略形式。如:as beautiful as ever,as quick as ever显然,他感到很尴尬。此句“It ”为先行主语,that引导一个名词 从句,作真正的主语,动词不定式也可做真正主语。如:hard tosee the stars on such a day.里面装了五块大巧克力。Contain和include 都有“包含、包括” 的意思。但contain通常指在某个容器中包含,include 的主语范围也广;contain指包含的全部事物,而 include 指其中一部分,“包括” 并不一定是全部物品。raise :为及物动词,“提起” “举起”“使升高” “提高”“增 加”“养育”例如:raise hand 举手,raise salary 增加丄资,raise a tumily 养家糊口rise :为不及物动物,升高,上涨, (太阳、月亮)升起,过去式 为rose ,过去分词risen。例如:The moon rose from the top of the tree.The river is rising after the rain.Lay为及物动物,后在直接加宾语,意为“平放”“搁”“布置” “准备”等,过去式和过去分词为"laid “,例如:He la id his coat on the chair.他把大衣放在了椅子上Where did you lay my book你把我的书放在哪儿了Ue为不及物动词,“躺”“平卧”“躺下”等。现在 分词为“ lying ”过去式为“by %过去分词为lain.例如:They lie on the beach all day.他们一整天都在沙滩上躺着。The doctor told me to lie( down) on the bed 医生叫我躺在床上。be吐意为“击败” “打败” “战胜”,过去式为beat,过去分词beaten ,后常接“人”The enemy was beaten back.敌人被击退了。win意为“获胜” “贏得”,过去式过去分词为won,后常接“比赛”等The France team won the world cup.我辛辛苦苦干了整整一个上午。此句用了现在完成进行时,结构为:主+have/has+been+doing.此时态表示某一动作在一段时间内持续 进行,而且动作有现在的结果。例如:It has been raining the whole night.整个晚上一直都在下雨。in ordermake matters worse把整理好更糟糕的是matters用作复数形式表示“事情”“事态”“状况”short while ago a big surprise atyour spare time几分钟之前大吃一惊紧盯,目光一动不动 在你空闲的时候Lesson53-54常用词组和语言点lastout最后,终于扑灭,熄灭outremains of a snakeremains ofthis wayupit did soand reason(经过努力),发现,找出一条死蛇尸体残骸,“ remains ”用复数就这样,用这种方法,以这种方式抓住当它这样做的时候,“ so”此处指前面提到过的动作 cause和reason做名词之意时,都表示"原因”“理由”,可互相替换,但 cause与介词of连用,reason与介词for 连用schoolat workexactly that moment busy doing sth上学工作(在名词前省略了定冠词“ the ”,泛指在干什么。)恰恰在此时忙于做某事,如1: I' m busy preparing my exam.我这忙着准备考试。covered with被覆盖upback laterup the receivera messsooner than拿起,拣起,搭起晚一点再来电话挂掉电话一团糟,糟糕透顶“刚(一)就”Lesson55-56常用词组和语言点trueis saidto do sth.成为现实据说(在课文屮作插入语)过去常常(惯常)做某事,否定式可用usednot,缩写usedn, t或didn J t use to,后面只能接动词不定式be used to习惯于的,后面接名词或动名词(v-ing )形式。to接不定式表否定,意为“不能”或“失败”做某事with the now machine entrance to the cavespite of this与 used to由于装备着这台新机器,过去分词短语作状语表伴随状态。“ arm”本意为名词“胳膊”,此处用作动词。"arm with ” 装备洞的入口 “ to ”表示“属于”,女口: the key tothe door,the answer to the question尽管如此都可以用来表示已经不存在的习惯或状态,两词有时可以互相替换,有时则不可以。(1) would不可用于一个故事或叙述的开始。used to可用于开始,然后用 would描述习惯性动作。例: We used to have sports in the afternoonwhen we were in primary would play basketball, would swim,a nd(2) 在强调与现在的对比时,用 used to合适。 例: We used to do exercise every morning,but now I give it up.(3) Would需要指出具体时间,而 used (o则不必。I used to live near my work and I would alwaysa yearforgreat deal ofofdownget home early and would cook some delicious dishes. 每年一次 once+时间,表示“多长时间一次”, once a day 一天一次, once a week 一周一次 报名参加(活动、比赛等) 大量的(后面接不可数名词)其中之一(后面接可数名词复数)出故障,抛锚 花费(时间、金钱)spend+ 时间(金钱)+ ( in ) doing sth ./on sth. 例:I spend twenty minutes ( in ) reading Englishtrouble doing sth.difterent fromlessLesson57-58常用词组和语言点 assistant who served her not like the way she was dressed.every morning.I spend twenty minutes on English every morning 在做某事过程屮遇到麻烦与不同不亚于,不少于接待她的售货员不喜欢她的那副打扮。此句中含有两个关系从句,其中“who served her ”修饰先行词theassistant ,“ she was dressed ”修饰 the way, “ bedressed "常用被动语态表示“打扮”。returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat with in the other.句屮“ dressed in a iur coat n ,过去分词短语作状语, 表伴随状态,介词“with ”引导的介词短语也作伴随状outrealizing who she waseager to dooneself doingfinally buying8.主 +be+saidit is only in recentyears that it hasIt+is/wa s+被强调部分+that/whothd tree out downhave/has+ 宾+过去分词faroutspite ofone of themdownLesson59-60常用词组和语言点timeofan expert atthatintore lation of yoursto dois allrelation of is coming to语。找出、找到没有认出她是谁 现在分词短语作伴随状语,动词前加not表示否定形式,还可以用其他否定词,如: without,never等。迫不及待地做某事,急于做某事开心做某事连词before后加现在分词短语代替一个时间状语从句


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