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    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 7 单元巩固与复习 课件(共23张PPT).pptx

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    牛津译林版英语 七年级下册 Unit 7 单元巩固与复习 课件(共23张PPT).pptx

    Unit 7 Abilities,目录 Contents,ability n. 能力seat n. 座位notebook n. 笔记本reporter n. 记者news n. 新闻, 消息newspaper n. 报纸match n. 火柴rubbish n. 垃圾,废弃物bin n. 垃圾箱camera n. 照相机no problem 没问题X-ray n. X光,X射线term n.学期,smoke n. 烟,烟雾 vi. &vt. 吸(烟),抽(烟)blanket n. 毯子fireman n. (pl.firemen)消防员moment n. 时刻;片刻,瞬间article n. 文章piano n. 钢琴violin n. 小提琴madam n. 女士;夫人award n.奖;奖品;奖金part n. 部分need n. (食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏sir n. 先生,形容词careless adj. 粗心的able adj. 能,能够brave adj. 勇敢的wet adj. 湿的;未干的;有雨的careful adj. 仔细的,认真的;小心的多词性hurt adj.受伤的 vt. &vi. 使受伤,伤害;疼,动词could modal v.(can的过去式)可以,能,会pour vt. 倾倒protect vt. 保护rush vi.冲,奔believe vt. 相信send vt. 发送;邮寄raise vt. 募集save vt.救,救助recommend vt. 推荐lose vt. 迷失;丢失,动词lose vt. 迷失;丢失pay vi. &vt.付费burn vt. &vi. 烧伤;烧nod vi. &vt. 点头show vt. 教;演示;展示,副词even adv. 甚至next door adv. 在隔壁badly adv. 严重地,厉害地hard adv. 努力地;费力地better adv. (well的比较级)较好,更好连词before conj.到为止;在之前news不可数 newspaper可数most +n. most of the +n.,Part 02,词组巩固,留神,当心当心能够做受伤严重把某物寄送给某人收到某人的来信,look out =watch out=be carefulbe careful with.be able to do.= can do.be badly hurtsend sth. to sb.= send sb. sth.hear from sb. =get/receive a letter from sb.,为付款从中救出从中救出扑灭扑灭火收到的来信参加做得好为募集为收集,pay for save from save. from.put out put out the firehear from take part in do well in raise.for. collect.for.,把倾倒到上保护远离保护某人自己冲进玩火柴呼救擅长在方面做得更好/更擅长擅长在方面做得更好/更擅长,pour.over.protect. from.protect oneselfrush into.play with matchescall for helpdo well in.do better in.be good at.be better at.,清理干净公园努力工作/学习在努力推荐某人获得尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力做向某人展示如何迷路,clean up the parkwork/study hardwork hard on. recommend sb. for.do someones best try someones best try/do ones best to do.show sb. how to do.lose someones way = sb. get/be lost(ones不要换成the),给某人让座在公交车上给某人让座把某物落在某地拜访老年之家信不信由你最需要需要帮助的人在方面有需求,give a seat/seats to sb.give a seat to someone on the busleave sth. at/in sp.(leave-left)visit an old peoples homebelieve it or not need. mostpeople in needin need of.,住院在医院里在那一刻在岁时顺便问一下,顺便说说大量的烟浓烟(用于书信结尾签名前)你忠实的,in hospital in the hospitalat that momentat the age of by the way (too) much smoke heavy smokeYours faithfully,Part 03,句子巩固,1.我们可以为贫困地区的孩子们做什么?What can we do for the children in poor areas?2.他们最需要衣服和鞋子。They need clothes and shoes most.3.一些家庭甚至不能买得起钢笔和笔记本。Some families are not even able to pay for pens and notebooks.4.我们可以为孩子们收集一些书。We can also collect some books for the children.5.我们可以为他们募集资金去买这些东西。We can raise money for them to buy these things.6.他足够勇敢从火灾中救出了他的邻居。He was brave enough to save his neighbout from a fire.,7.他听到某人大喊。He heard someone shouting.8.他跑了出去看到隔壁冒出许多烟。He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door.9.她的左腿受伤严重,她无法出来。Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out.10.他把水泼到夹克上来保护他自己。He poured water over his jacket to protect himself.11.许多人探望他并给了他鲜花和礼物。Many people visited him and gave him flowers and presents.12.那一刻你害怕吗?Were you afraid at that moment?,13.火灾后你住了多久的医院?How long did you stay in hospital after the fire?14.他现在康复了我很开心。Im very happy he is well now.15.不要把任何热的东西放进垃圾桶。Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.16.使你的头发远离火。Keep your hair away from fire.17.他目光可以穿过墙。He can see through wall.18.他可以听到远处的东西。He can hear things far away.,19.他可以和光飞的一样快。He can fly as fast as light.20.她需要多读多说。She needs to read more and speak more.21.我6岁开始拉小提琴。I started to play the violin at the age of 6.22.多么美妙的音乐啊!What nice music(it is)!23.他工作的时候总能仔细思考。He always thinks carefully when he works.24.他很好地计划事情。He plans things well.,25.他经常参加像为有需要的孩子收集衣服和书这样的活动。He often takes part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need.26.在男孩的父母来之前,他和男孩待在一起,并和他玩了2个小时。He stayed with the boy and played with him for two hours before the boys parents came.,Thank you!,


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