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    英语牛津小学英语6A单元测试题汇总所有单元Unit 1 Public signs 单元知识要点: 词汇: No smoking, No littering, No parking, No cycling, No eating and drinking, keep off, Don?t touch, keep quiet, make noise, walk on the grass, public signs, only four years old, take a walk, ask some questions, stay away from, on the bird?s cage, pick up, ride a bike, take photos, climb the tree, come up, look around, a ten-yuan note 英语精品试卷免费下载 句型: What does this/that sign mean? It means Danger?. You shouldn?t make noise/park/eat and drink/. You should keep quiet/keep off the grass. Can I ? No, you can?t. You shouldn?t now. Can I go in? No, you can?t. You must stay from the building. 语法:英语精品试卷免费下载 should表示建议,命令,义务,责任的意思,常译作“应当”或“应该”,否定形式should not (shouldn?t)。例如: 1、 建议或命令 You should go home now. You should brush your teeth every morning. 2、 义务或责任 You should help your classmates when they are in difficulty. (当你的同学有困难的时候,你应该帮助他们。) 单元测试A卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给下列图标号。(听两遍) (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听短文,选择正确的答案。(听三遍) (10分) ( ) 1. Mr Smith is _ in the park . A. taking pictures B. running C. taking a walk ( ) 2. Mr Smith finds a sweater _. A. on the grass B. in the tree C. under the tree ( ) 3. _ comes up to Mr Smith and asks him to go away. A. A policeman B. An old man C. A park keeper ( ) 4. The sweater is _. A. Mr Smith?s B. David?s C. the park keeper?s ( ) 5. The park keeper says _ to Mr Smith. A. sorry B. hello C. good morning 三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听两遍) (10分) 1. A: What does this _ mean ? B: It _ you _ _ on the grass. 2. A: What _ is it today B: It?s _. 3. A:_ I go in? B: No, you _. You _stay away from the _. 笔试部分(70分) 一、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“?”或“×”表示。 (5分) 1. must / touch ( ) 2. keep / mean ( ) 3. sign / sing ( ) 4. think / they ( ) 5. cycle / nice ( ) 二、英汉互译。 (10分) 1. only four years old_ 6.一些问题 _ 2. the bird?s cage_ 7. 发出噪音 _ 3. take photos _ 8. 本的表弟 _ 4. ride a bike _ 9 . 一些公共标志 _ 5. keep quiet _ 10. 远离_ 三、按要求写单词。 (5分) 1. do (第三人称单数) _ 2. should not (缩写形式)_ 3. smoke (现在分词) _ 4. they (宾格) _ 5. keep (名词) _ 四、所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分) 1. Gao Shan is _ ( show ) his stamps to _( I ) now . 2. Dont _ ( make ) noise here . 3. What do the signs _ ( mean )? They _ ( mean ) we shouldn?t walk on the grass . 4. What are the students _(do) ? They?re _ (read) books . 5. My father _ ( play ) basketball every afternoon . 6. The sign on the wall _ ( mean ) Danger? . 7. There are three _ ( people ) in my family . 五、选择填空。 (10分) ( )1. I like English. How _ you ? A. are B. do C. about ( )2. Does Su Hai have hobbies? A. some B. any C. all ( )3. The girl usually plays the violin Sunday morning. A. at B. in C. on ( )4. He _ to school from Monday to Friday. A. go B. goes C. going ( )5. _ am your English teacher. Please listen to _. A. I, mine B. I, me C. you, my ( )6. Kate _ blue eyes. Her hair brown. A. has, is B. has, are C. have, is ( )7. The boy draws . A. careful B. carefully C. be careful ( )8. Put your hands your head and turn left and right. A. on, / B. on, to C. with, / ( )9. This is Ben. He is from . He speaks . A. the USA, American B. American, English C. the USA, English ( )10. Give me orange, please. I want big orange. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a 六、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。 (10分) ( ) 1. What is that mean ? _ A B C ( ) 2. My sister are standing beside me . _ A B C ( ) 3. There is two matches in our school. _ A B C ( ) 4. Please give the ball for your brother. _ A B C ( ) 5. He teaches we English. _ A B C 七、完成对话。 (10分) A: What?s that _ the wall ? B: It?s a _ _. A: What _ it _? B: It means Danger?. A: Can I go in ? B: No,_ _ . You should _ _ _ the building. 八、完型填空。 (10分) My name is Li Lei . I am a student . I 1 in NO. 1 Primary School. 2 six grades(年级) in our school . I?m in 3 . I go to school 4 in the morning .There are four 5 in the morning and two in the afternoon . We study Chinese , Maths, English , and 6 lessons. There are 7 school . 9 good teachers. They work hard 10 us. teachers 8 ( ) 1. A. work B. listen C. study ( ) 2. A. I have B. They have C. There are ( ) 3. A. class three, grade six B. Grade Six , Class Three C. Class Three , Grade Six ( ) 4. A. in six thirty B. at thirty six C. at six thirty ( ) 5. A. teachers B. lessons C. books ( ) 6. A. other B. the other C. others ( ) 7. A. fifty five B. five fifty C. fifty -five ( ) 8. A. at B. in C. in the ( ) 9.A. Al l they are B. They are all C. They all are ( ) 10. A. for B. with C. to 单元测试B卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的内容。(听一遍)(5分) ( )1. A. little B. letter C. litter ( )2. A. glass B. grass C. class ( )3. A. should B. cold C. would ( )4. A. sign B. sing C .swing ( )5. A. note B. not C. lot ( )6. A. away B. always C. also ( )7. A. suddenly B. sunny C. something ( )8. A. take off B. keep off C. turn off ( )9.A.ask questions B. some questions C. keep quiet ( )10. A. What dose it mean? B. What does that mean? C. What does this mean? 二、听录音,给下列图标号。(听两遍)(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(4分) ( )1. A. It means you shouldn?t make noise. B. It means we can walk on the grass. C. It means we shouldn?t walk on the grass. ( )2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, you can. C. No, I can?t. ( )3. A. It?s four. B. It?s Sunday. C. It?s the second of March. ( )4. A. They?re from China. B. They?re from Grandpa. C. They?re for Grandpa. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)(13分) Hello, _ Jim. Ben is my cousin. He told me a lot about public signs yesterday. Now I know all the signs in the _ . They _ different things. We _ _ _ the grass. We should _ _ near the bird?s cage, we _ _ _ here. The sign on the building in the park means _? . We must stay away _ it. 笔试部分(70分) 一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 (3分) ( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup ( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother ( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday ( )4. A. great B bread C. ready D. head ( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby ( )6. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot 二、英汉互译。(12分) 1. ask a lot of questions _ 7. 发出喧闹声音 _ 2. No smoking _ 8. 保持安静 _ 停车 _ 3. look around _ 9. 禁止4. pick up her camera _ 10. 不接近草坪_ 11. 禁止乱丢杂物 _ 5. point to the signs _ 6. a ten-yuan note _ 12. 鸟笼 _ 三、按要求写单词。 (6分) 1. quiet (副词)_ 2. cycling (原形)_ 3.interest(形容词)_ 4. different (反义词) _ 5.run (现在分词) _ 6. watch ( 复数) _ 四、选择填空。(8分) ( )1.What _ this _? It _ No smoking?. A. do, mean, means B. does, means, means C. does, mean, means ( )2. _a note _ the grass. A. There?s , on B. Have, in C. Has, on ( )3.We shouldn?t _ here and there. A. litter B. littering C. litters ( )4.Can I _ a film? No! You must _ books. A. look, look B. watch, read C. watch, reading ( )5. _that sign interesting? Yes, I think so. A. Does B. What?s C. Is ( )6.Her son knows a lot _holidays. A. of B. about C. with ( )7.Ben and Jack _ some public signs _ the wall. A. look at, on B. are looking at, with C. are looking at, on ( )8.The park keeper _ the man. A. comes up to B. comes to up C. comes up 五、看图,联系上下文补全对话。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 1(A: Look, theres a _over there. B: Yes. _ _ it _? A: It _ we shouldn?t _ and _ here. 2. A: What _ they _ now? B: They?re _ a film. Look _ the sign there. So the man _ smoke in the cinema. 3. A: Excuse _ , sir. _ I walk _ the grass? B: No, you _. A: Why? B: Look, it _ _ _the grass?. A: Oh, I _ . Thank you. 六、根据中文翻译。(8分) 1、 这个标志是什么意思,它的意思是你不可以在这里停放自行车。 _ does_ sign _ ? It _ you shouldn?t _ your _ here. 2、 我们不能在草坪上走路和丢杂物。 We _ _ on the grass and _ on the grass. 3、 请不要摸,它很危险。 _ touch it, please, it?s _ . 4、 我能在那里骑车吗,不能,那个标志是“禁止骑车”。 _ I _ there? No, you _ . That sign means _ _? . 七、根据要求完成句子。 (5分) 1. We should walk on the grass. (改为否定句) We _ _ walk on the grass. 2.Open the door. (改为否定句) _ open _ _. 3. It means No smoking?. (改为一般疑问句) _ it _ “ No smoking”? 4. It means Danger?. (对划线部分提问) _ _ it _ ? 七、 找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。 (8分) ( ) 1. Lucy and Lily have same hobby. _ A B C ( ) 2. My mother like going shopping. _ A B C ( ) 3. How are you feel now? _ A B C ( ) 4. Welcome back at school. _ A B C 七、完型填空。 (10分) Kate 1 a happy family. She lives in London 2 her parents. She 3 a school girl. Today is Kate?s birthday and she?s fifteen years old. Her father is 4 teacher. He works in a school. Students think he is a good teacher. 5 mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has a brother 6 a sister, and they study 7 China. Her brother speaks 8 Chinese very hard and she Chinese very well and has many friends there. Her sister wants 9 a teacher 10 Chinese in their country. ( ) 1. A. have B. haves C. has D. hases ( ) 2. A. with B. of C. and D. for ( ) 3. A. be B. am C. are D. is ( ) 4. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 5. A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Her?s ( ) 6. A. and B. or C. but D. too ( ) 7. A. on B. in C. into D. at ( ) 8. A. study B. studys C. studies D. studying ( ) 9. A. be B. is C. to D. to be ( ) 10. A. of B. for C. in D. about 英语精品试卷免费下载 Unit 2 Bens birthday 单元知识要点: 词汇: th in Ben?s class, go home together, (on) the 16 of October, have a birthday party, birthday present, a VCD of Japanese cartoons, as your birthday present, take off, blow out, blow out the candles, open the door, talk about, after school 句型: When?s your birthday? It?s on the /My birthday is on the What would you like as a birthday present? I?d like My birthday is coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. Do you usually have a birthday party? Yes, I do. Would you like ? Yes, please. Would you like to ? Yes, I?d like to. When can we watch it? Let?s wait and see. 语法: 序数词 1、表示次序的数词称为序数词。序数词一般是以与之相适应的基数词加词尾th构成,如:seventh, tenth 特殊的变化:one (first), two (second), three (third), five (fifth), eight (eighth), nine (ninth), twelve (twelfth) 2、以ty结尾的词,要先变y为i ,再加eth, 如:twenty (twentieth), forty (fortieth). 3、以one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine收尾的多位数词,要按照第一条变法变。如:twenty-one (twenty-first), thirty-two(thirty-second),.forty-five (forty-fifth) 单元测试A卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听一遍) (10分) ( )1. A. January B. November C. February ( )2. A. on Monday B. on Thursday C. on Tuesday ( ) 3. A. Feb. 1 B.Mar.1 C. May. 1 ( ) 4. A. take B. date C. day ( ) 5.A. twenty B. twentieth C. twelve ( ) 6. A. away B. way C. may ( ) 7. A. down B. blow C. glow ( ) 8.A. little B. sister C. letter ( ) 9 A.2:40 B.3:20 C.2:20 ( ) 10. A. come B. same C. some 二、听录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。(听三遍) (10分) ( ) 1. Who is the girl in red ? A. Helen B. Su Yang C. Kate ( ) 2. Where is she from ? A. Australia B. England C. America ( ) 3. What does Liu Tao give her? A.A VCD of Japanese cartoon . B.A toy C.A book. ( ) 4. Where are we now ? A. At school B. In the park C. In Kate?s home. ( ) 5. Kate is my _. A. sister B. friend C. cousin 三、听录音,完成句子 。(听两遍) (10分) 1._ is your birthday ? My birthday is _ the first of May. 2.What would you like _ a birthday present? I _ _ a _ . 3.When?s your _ birthday ? 4.His birthday is on _ _ of March. 5.What _ is it today ? 笔试部分(70分) 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“?”或“×”表示。 (6分) 1.there here ( ) 2. year hear ( ) 3. dear bear ( ) 4. where hair ( ) 5. pear near ( ) 6.their parents ( ) 二、英汉互译。 (10分) 1. go home together_ 6. 我的生日_ 2. the third of March _ 7. 放学后 _ 3. have a birthday party_ 8. 吹灭 _ 4. a VCD of Japanese cartoons _ 9. 谈论 _ 5. as a birthday present _ 10. 四月三十日 _ 三、按要求写单词 。 (8分) 1. she (宾格) _ 2. country(复数)_ 3. close (现在分词)_ 4. three(序数词)_ 5. China(形容词)_ 6. I (名词性物主代词)_ 7. swim(现在分词)_ 8.photo(复数)_ 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分) 1._ ( Helen ) birthday is on the first of January. 2.Tom _ (have) a birthday party at home . 3.Look ! Yang Ling _ (draw) a picture. 4. I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning . 5. Do they like _ (swim) 6.Can you _(make) a model plane for me ? Yes, I _(make) a model plane now. 7. What are those in the bag? They?re (strawberry). 8.What does your brother ? He playing the piano. (like) 五、按要求完成句子。 (8分) 1. He is a student . (改成一般疑问句) _ _ a _ ? 2. They often go home together . (改成一般疑问句) _ _ often _ home together? 3. My birthday?s on the fifth of May .(对画线部分提问) _ is _ birthday ? 4. Jim is playing football . (对画线部分提问) _ is Jim _? 5. I?d like a mask as my birthday present. (对画线部分提问) _ would _ _ _ a _ _. 六、连词成句,每空一词。 (10分) th 1. is , the , it, October, of, 13 _ is the _ of _. 2. soon , is , his ,coming , birthday His _ is _ soon. 3. wait, see , let, and , us _ us _ and see . 4. to , party ,would , my , you , to , birthday, come , like _ you like to _ to my _ party ? 七、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。 (12分) ( ) 1. Lucy and Lily have same hobby. _ A B C ( ) 2. There are five people in you family. _ A B C ( ) 3. They usually write their homework at home. _ A B C ( ) 4. My mother like going shopping. _ A B C ( ) 5. May I speaking to Miss Lin? _ A B C ( ) 6. Welcome back for school. _ A B C 八、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写 “?”,错的写“ × ”。 (6分) Cat : Good morning , Mr Tiger. rdTiger : Good morning , Mr Cat .What date is it today ?Is it the 3 of July ? Cat : Yes. Tiger : Oh , today is my birthday. Cat : Happy birthday !What would you like as a birthday present? How about a big cake with some candles on it ? Tiger : No, thank you .I?d like one hundred rabbits . Cat : One hundred rabbits? I?m sorry , Mr Tiger. I haven?t got any rabbits for you . st( )1. It is the 1 of July today . rd( )2. Mr Tiger?s birthday is on the 3 of July . ( )3. Mr Tiger would like a big cake as a birthday present. ( )4. Mr Tiger would like a lot of rabbits as a birthday present. ( )5.


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