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    上海聚隆绿化发展有限公司Shanghai Julong Greenland development Co.Ltd迪士尼风化花岗岩施工报审资料Construction scheme of weathered granite稳定型风化花岗产品产品介绍139 胡新平1881102sIntroduct i on of stab Ie weather i ng granite products稳定型风化花岗铺装Stabi I i zed weathered一尸器:独风化花岗铺装道路的简述、应用区域、效果:A br ief introduction to the road of stable v/eather ing granite paving, appl icat ion *慝定蛹姐ft?花岗岩钳 j装路而简述:A br ief descr i pt ion of the stabi I i ty of the weathering granite pavement1 .稳定型风化花岗岩铺装是以标准级配风化上添加天然植物增强剂为主要材料,加入特殊硬化 剂的混合材料进行铺装的新型道路工法。稳定型风化花岗岩铺装同自然环境或园林景观浑然天 成,在保证承载的前提下,形似天然道路。the stabi I ity of v/eathered granite is the main material, which is based on the standard graded weathered soiI. A new method of road mi xed mater i a I of spec i a I cur ing agent for pavement. Stabi Iized weathered granite paving with naturaI r ing The envi ronment or Iandscape Iike nature i tseIf, under the premise of ensur ing the bear ing under the naturaI shape of the road.2 .道路颜色:天然淡黄色(风化花岗岩本色)Road colors: natural I ight yellow (weathered granite3 .应用区域:公I园道路、庭院道路(广场)Appl icat ion area: Park Road. Garden Road (square)二、稳定型风化花岗岩的特点:Characteristics of stable weatheringgranite:时1.磴:的脚底触觉,行走非常等管老人膝盖、腰部的负担。1 soft soles of the feet touch, v/aIking is very comfortable. And reduce the burden on V the elderly knee, waist."明纯天然枝料,颜色为天然的淡黄色,保证了与周围环境的自然和谐。uses pure natural materials, the color g natural I ight ye I low, the guarantee and thebetter.4,透水性好, 5.维护简单er permeabi I ity, not in the surface v/ater量herma I conductivity is low, so the heat resistance第二部份稳定型风化花岗产品路面施工方案The stability of the weathering granite products pavement construction scheme3. 01 现场条件 Field conditionA.确认地基已根据所需规范进行妥善平整与压实。在所有未如理想的情况得到纠正前,不得进行安装工 作。B.如果安装之后的四天内天气预报有雨,或正处于下雨的情况下,不得安装风化花岗岩铺面.若温度低于摄氏15.5度(华氏60度),或夜间温度可能降至摄氏0度(华氏32度)以下,必须保护措 施,否则不得安装风化花岗岩铺面,C.在所有地下公共设施与结构完工,且地基夯实度经过测试和认可前,不得安装风化花岗岩铺面。D.采取所有预防措施,对相邻的所有平面、结构和种植区域进行保护,以免在准备和安装过程中因使用设 备对其造成损坏或受到其他材料污染。在必要时需提供并保留栅栏、屏障等防护设施。 安装过程中,所有在风化花岗岩铺而上行走的工作人员均应穿着无跟靴。A. confirms that the foundation has been properly leveled and compacted according to the required specifications. Before all the cases are not corrected, the installation work shall not be carried out.B. if within four days after the installation of the weather with rain, or in case of rain, not installed weathered granite paving.If the temperature is below Celsius 15. 5 (60 degrees Fahrenheit)f or night temperature may centigrade 0 degrees (Fahrenheit 32 degrees) the following must be protective measures, otherwise, it shall not be installed weathered granite paving.C. in all underground public facilities and structure completed and lay a solid foundation through the tested and approved before shall not install weathered granite paving.D. take all preventive measures to protect the adjacent all planes, structures and planting areas in order to avoid damage to the equipment or other materials caused by the use of equipment during the process of preparation and installation. Provide and keep the fence, barrier and other protective equipment as necessary.During the installation, all the staff in weathered granite on the pavement should be worn with boots.3. 02 准备工作 Ready to work1 .骨料的选用、配色、加工选用淡黄色的卅料,参照规范试验确定施工配比。按施工配比加工竹料。2 .稳定剂的试验和采购用稳定剂对成品骨料做稳定性试验,确定稳定剂的施工配比。3 .总包基础的施工,排水管道的施工。1 aggregate selection, color, processingSelection of light yellow of the aggregate, with reference to the standard test to determine the proportion of construction.According to the proportion of the construction process of the aggregate.2 test and purchase of stabilizerThe stability test of the finished product with stabilizer, the construction proportion of the stabilizer.3 the contractor construction basis, construction of drainage pipeline.4 .碎石基层Grave I base人行道路(I)级配碎石基层其碎石石料质量要求、级配碎石颗粒组成范围按城市道路工程施工 质量验收规范(DGJ08T18) 8.4中的规定按产品说明级配碎石基层应采用0-30级配碎石,其碎石石料质 量要求、级配碎石颗粒组成范围以及级配碎石基层质量检验标准应符合城市道路工程施工质量验收规 范(DGJ08-118) 6.3中的规定。压实度达到95$People* s Road (I) graded gravel base of its qua I ity requi rements, grading gravel particles composition range according to the “urban road constructionQua Iity acceptance specification (DGJ08-118) 8. 4 in accordance with the provisions of the product descr ipt ion graded crushed stone base should be used 0-30 graded gravel. gravel stone qua Iity requi rements. grading gravel particle compos i t i on range and graded gravel base qua Iity inspection standards should be i n accordance with the “urban road engineering construction qua I ity acceptance standard" (DGJ08-118) 6. 3. Compact i on degree reached 95%5 .排水管网布设Drainage pipe network Iayout当风化花岗岩铺而与不透水花岗岩收边石有边缘铺砌连接时,应使边缘铺砌部积水与下部结构层内的雨水 能向畅通方向扩散渗透,必要时可设置PVC管连通。因铺设地形或周边环境等因素,风化花岗岩铺面路结构内部雨水易聚枳于低洼处,应在渗透雨水集中处设 置暗渠或碎石盲沟等,并将其渗透雨水排入雨水窖井等排水设施,避免结构内部枳水及渗透导致在路表形 成局部积水。When weathered granite paving and permeable granite stone edge edge paving connection, should make the edge paved the Ministry of water and the Iower structure Iayer within the ra i nwater can flow d i rect i on d i ffus i on and permeat i on. when necessary, can i s provided with a PVC pipe is communicated with the.Due to the laying of the terrain or the surrounding envi ronment and other factors, weather ing granite paving structure internal rain easy to accumulate in low-lying, in the infiItrat ion of ra i n water concentration i s arranged at the cuI vert or grave I blind ditch etc., and infiItration rainwater is discharged into the rainwater manhole drainage faciI ities. avoid seeper of interna I structure and permeabi Iity leading to the formation of local water on the road surface.麻鹏e弱川黑s修a i n acc + a i n number of mixedceding, to the site need t 日分比Percent4 号/4.75mm .oper water ingr stirring20.jnt i1 the coarse aggregai故 和etH(皴冲 aggregate canhhd clouds, 1 anding fIc辙:串,料搅拌采用J拌方式 16 号 1. 18mm- 20rp60r2十 mix in,器用6吨车辆运输到,地也了 wi 十 h mixin? 口 12n 十30 号 0.6mm.ansport to the site of p10aver, the transport proce50 号 0. 3mm10100 号 0. 15mm10200号 0.075mm103. 03 安装方案 Installation scheme一.配合比及搅拌 Proportioning and mixing,件料搅拌放在工厂力口工 Aggregate mixing and placed in factory processing 骨料配比:4 号:8 号:16:黄砂:200 号:=20: 20: 20: 30: 10 黄沙级配为 30, 50, 100 目,Sand grading was 30 and 50100, 级配变化,可以改变颜色,改变柔软度 By grading changes, can change color, change the softness 应冬季气温较低,分两层施工 Winter temperatures are low, divided into two layers of construction粘结剂:采用路捷公司的土壤固化剂.Base adhesive: the soil curing agent of the company.骨料采用搅拌机搅拌。先按比例配制骨料,搅拌均匀。再按现场需要搅拌混合料,取一定数 量的拌好骨料,按比例倒入稳定固化剂,适当洒水,搅拌直到粗骨料被细骨料包裹,测试方 式,骨料能够手握成团,落地开花。Aggregate mixing. According to the proportion of the preparation of aggregate, o st i r the mixture, and take a nto stable cur ing agent, es are fine aggregate package, wer ing.铺,运输过程覆盖防雨。 g 6 tons of vehicles for ss cover i ng ra i n.做试验段,确定压路机型号,虚铺厚度,压实次数。使用250KG或900KG独轮压路机或同等效能的机器在静态模式下进行4-6次的碾轧The use of 250KG 或900KG of wheel roller or equivalent efficiency machine for 4-6 times rolling in static mode因气温较底,本次施工分基层与面层二次施工,压实度应达到至少95%。Due to the temperature of the bottom, the construction of two times and the construction of the surface layer, the degree of compaction shouId reach at least 95%.二 安装基层 Installation baseL在经过夯实的底基层上安装防杂草织物(上工布),所有织物接缝处的搭接宽度至少为300亳米(12 英寸)。2 .在上工布上安装基层,把搅拌好的固化骨料铺设在预先处理好的路而上,用耗子耗平填满骨料至所需虚铺深度7CV左右。将骨料摊铺平整,压实后其表而标高的预期差异。3 .凉晒一定时间,在达到最佳湿度水平,用250或900千克重的钢制滚筒式碾压机(仅使用静碾模式),用压路机来向压3-4次即可,使基层铺面在接受最终压实后达到所需平整度和标高(深 度 5CM).4 .夯实:压路机无法达到位置,用3.5至4.5千克(8至10磅)重的手夯进行人工实夯。再用刮板刮平3 ,保温防水1 to install the anti weed fabric (dirt) in a compacted base, and the lap width at least 300 mm (12 inches) of all fabric seams.2 in the soil of the installation of the grass-roots level, the good mixing of the curing of the laying of a good deal in advance on the pavement, using the mouseFill the aggregate to the required depth 7CM. The expected difference of the surface elevation of the aggregate is flat and the surface of the compacted.3 cool sun for a certain period of time, in order to reach the optimum humidity level, with 900 kg weight of steel roller type roller pressWith the static compaction mode), road roller to press the 3-4 times can, grass-roots paving in accepting the final compaction to achieve the required flatness and elevation (depth of 5cm).4 compaction: the pressure road machine can not reach the position, with 3. 5 to 4. 5 kg (8 to10 pounds) of heavy hand into theLine artificial compaction. Scraper scraper3 waterproof and thermal insulation三. 安装面层 Mounting surface layer1 .基层经过24小时防水保温稳定后,在基层上摊铺面层材料,初始夯实:铺设完成后将材料刮至平滑, 并用2 5 0 KG 或900千克(1吨)重的钢制滚筒式碾压机(仅使用静碾模式)进行初始压轧夯实。在滚筒式碾压机压机无法到达的面枳区域,可使振动平 板夯土机进行夯实。最终夯实:初始夯实完成后,尽快开始最终夯实。用900千克(1吨)重的钢制滚筒式碾压机清除所有短痕,使完工表面的纹理和外观统一、达至正确地而标高、且与相邻工程和立而互相匹配。 (可用振动平板夯土机,对滚筒式碾压机无法到达的小面积区域进行夯实。)至少将各区域夯实至密度95%o (设备和压实次数由试验段确定)而层铺而在接受最终压实后达到所需平整度和标高(深度3CM)。压实标高达到设计标高2 .夯实:压路机无法达到位置,用3.5至4.5千克(8至10磅)重的手夯进 行人工实夯。再用刮板刮平。3 .保温防水,因气温较底,有机粘结剂需要较长时间,才能达到一定的强度,这段时间必须做好防水工 作,雨天和夜间用薄膜覆盖,天气好时再打开日晒。4 .对已压实的表面经过一定时间太阳照射后,采用上固精稀释乳液对表而进行喷涂,加强表面效果,减 少表而颗粒脱落.因气温原因,应于表面而层达到一定强度后进行°保护表面免受污垢与/或其它污物的污染,直至涂敷密封涂层的工序完成为止。在必要时,可于涂敷密封材料前,使用扫帚清扫表而。喷涂密封材料根据生产商建议的比例L 1,用水稀释乳液。以生产商建议的受控均匀速率、模式喷涂密封材料。静置密封涂层表面使其干燥,经大晴天72小时后,方允许车辆或频繁的人流在铺而上通行。1 . Basic after 24 hours of waterproof and heat preservation stability, in the grassroots stalls pavement aggregate layer, initial compaction: laying after the completion of the material scraping to smooth and 250KG OR 900 kg (1 T) steel drum roller (only theThe initial rolling compaction is carried out by using the static model. In the roller type roller press can not reach the area of the area, can make the vibration levelPlate tamper tamp.Final compaction: after the completion of the initial compaction, as soon as possible to start the final compaction. Roller type roller mill with 900 kg (1 ton) weightRemove all traces of the roll, so that the texture and appearance of the finished surface are unified, up to the correct ground level, and with the adjacent engineering and facadePhase matching, (available vibratory plate rammer, the roller roller can not reach the small area of ram.)At least 95% of the area is compacted.The surface layer of pavement in accepting the final after compaction to achieve the required flatness and elevation (3CM depth). To reach the level of design elevation2 compaction: the pressure road machine can not reach the position, with 3. 5 to 4. 5 kg (8 to 10 pounds) of heavy hand into theLine artificial compaction. Scraper scraper.3 heat preservation and waterproof, due to temperature, the organic binder takes longer to reach a certain intensity, this time must do a good job of water proofing, rain and night with thin film cover, the weather HERSHEY'S to open the sun.4 After a certain amount of time, the surface of the compacted surface is sprayed with the soil, and the surface is sprayed, and the surface effect is enhanced. Because of the temperature, the surface layer should be reached after a certain intensity.The protection of the surface from dirt and / or other contaminants, until the coating is applied to the process. When necessary,A controlled uniform rate, mode of spraying sealing material, which is recommended by the manufacturer.Static seal coating on the surface of the dry and sunny day after 72 hours by side allows the vehicle or frequent stream of people pass on the pavement.四,检查与缺陷处理Inspect ion and defect treatment1 .允许骨料充分干透,干透时间根据用水量和气候条件而不同。一旦彻底干透,表 面应该滑顺,整洁和固实。不得打凿和开裂,养护和压实表面必须坚固而无松软 区域。安装后表面不得出现松散物料,但使用后允许出现。表面需保持下层稳定 而松散的花岗岩在上层。不可将骨料加入混凝土中。你仍可感觉到脚下碎石。表 面上任何明显的不规则应修补到整体均匀一致。Allowing the aggregate to dry, dry time according to water consumption and climate conditions. Once thoroughly dry, tableThe surface should be smooth, clean and solid. Not to cut and crack, maintenance and compaction surface must be firm and no softRegion. After the installation, the surface of the surface shall not appear loose material, but after the use of. Surface to maintain the stability of the lower layerAnd loose granite in the upper layer. Can not be added to the concrete. You can still feel the gravel under your feet. TableOn the surface of any obvious irregularity should be repaired to the overall uniform.2 .缺陷铺面更换:The replacement of pavement defects:A.对有缺陷、受到污染或损坏的铺面部分进行整体更换。如表面区域经过碾压后,必须添加材料才能达到标高要求,则应使用钢耙把刚完成压实区 域表而耙开,使各层之间粘合,并使边缘融合,B.由于12月份气温较底原因造成而层铺装未能达到预期效果(松散现象,表而脱落颗粒过多),待气温 较高时修复缺陷.A. of defects, is part of pavement contamination or damage the overall replacement.If the surface area after rolling, the material must be added to meet the requirements of the elevation, you should use the steel rake to complete the compaction zoneThe domain surface of the rake is open, so that each layer is bonded and the edge is fused.B. due to the temperature in December caused by the end of the surface layer of the pavement failed to achieve the desired effect (loose phenomenon, the surface shedding particles too much), when the temperature is high to repair the defect.五.维护Maintain保护表面免受污垢与/或其它污物的污染,直至涂敷密封涂层的工序完成为I匕在必要时, 可于涂敷密封材料前,使用扫帚清扫表面。因天气或交通情况而造成的损坏立即进行修复工作。在风化花岗岩工程验收后,应就其他施工方工程所造 成的所有损坏情况进行报告°根据需要,使用机械清扫设备或以手耙的方式清除如纸张,碎草、树叶及其它有机材料的杂物。在初期使用过程中,表而上可能会出现少量松散卅料。如松散材料超过6亳米(1/4英寸)厚,则应在整 个表面区域内重新铺酒材料.充分洒水,使水份渗入至25亳米(1英寸)的深度。使用不低于450千克 (1000磅)的机动压路机进行碾压。根据需要重复该流程0如出现裂缝,则应向裂缝中扫入细粒,充分洒水,并用3.5至4.5千克(8至10磅)重的手夯进 行人工实夯。The protection of the surface from dirt and / or other contaminants, until the coating is applied to the process. When necessary,Can be applied to the sealing material before, using a broom sweeping surface.Repair work immediately due to weather or traffic conditions. After the acceptance of the weathered granite works, all damage caused by other construction projects shall be reported.Use mechanical cleaning equipment or to remove the debris of the paper, and the leaves and other organic materials as needed.In the initial use of the process, a small amount of loose aggregate may appear on the surface. If the loose material is more than 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick, it should be within the entire surface area to re shop wine material. Full watering, so that the water to penetrate into the depth of 25 mm (1 inches). Roller compacted with a motorized roller, not less than 450 kg (1000 LB). Repeat the process according to the need.In the cracks, the cracks should be swept into the grain, full of water, and with 3. 5 to 4.5 kg (8 to 10 pounds) of heavy hand.Line artificial compaction.六.修理Repair将受损区域挖掘至稳定骨料深度,且挖掘区域的边缘应与侧壁垂直。如果区域较干燥,则应对受损区域进行轻度加湿。预先在混凝土搅拌器中搅拌所需量的干燥稳定剂粉末与适当量的骨料。向预混骨料和稳定剂中加水,以每吨预混材料加110至170升(25至45加仑)水的比例彻底加湿拌合 料,或使拌合料含水率达到10%左右.将经过加湿的预混件料填入挖开的区域,直至达到完成标高。使用3.5至4.5千克(8至10磅)重的手夯或450千克(1000磅)的大型滚筒进行碾压。在修理完 成后的24至48小时内,修理区域内禁止通行。The damaged area is excavated to the depth of the aggregate, and the edge of the excavation area should be vertical to the side wall.If the ar


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