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    牛津译林版英语 八年级下册 Unit 2 单元巩固与复习 课件(共23张PPT).pptx

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    牛津译林版英语 八年级下册 Unit 2 单元巩固与复习 课件(共23张PPT).pptx

    ,Unit 2 Travelling,教学目录,1.单词与发音,2.词组巩固,3.句子巩固,1.单词与发音,名词/ trvl/ travelling n. 旅行/ trvl/ traveling n. 旅行/spi: d/ speed n. 速度/rad/ ride n. 乘坐(游乐设施)/k: tu: n/ cartoon n. 卡通片, 动画片/ krkt(r)/ character n. 人物/p red/ parade n. (庆祝) 游行/ mdk/ magic n. 魔法/pa/ pie n. 派, 馅饼/ kpl/ couple n. 两人, 两件事物; 几个人, 几件事物/ k: sl/ castle n. 城堡/snd/ sand n. 沙; 沙滩,名词/ bju: t/ beauty n. 美丽; 美人/ sel/ sailing n. 帆船运动, 航行/vju/ view n. 景色, 风景/ mantn/ mountain n. 高山/ bzns/ business n. 公事; 商业; 生意/flat/ flight n. 航班; 航行/pnt/ point n. 要点/di: tel/ detail n. 细节/ si: fu: d/ seafood n. 海鲜/ ep: t/ airport n. 机场/ reltv/ relative n. 亲戚,形容词/ded/ dead adj. 死的/ si: sad/ seaside adj. 海边的/fn tstk/ fantastic adj. 极好的, 美妙的/ nd: (r)/ indoor adj. (在) 室内的/d rekt/ direct adj. 直达的, 直接的/d ls/ delicious adj. 美味的, 可口的副词/ v(r)/ over adv. 结束双词性/st/ such det. &pron.这样的(人或物),动词/ms/ miss vt. 想念, 思念/fi: l/ feel vt. 感觉到, 意识到/ mr/ marry vt. &vi. 结婚, 嫁, 娶介词/k sept/ except prep. 除了之外感叹词/he/ hey int.嘿, 喂,词形与词性,词义的转换beautifuladj.beauty(n.)美人,美丽sailv.sailing(n.)帆船运动flyv.flight(n.)航班diev.dead (adj.)死的directadj.directly(adv.)indooradj.outdoor(反义词),2.词组巩固,对感兴趣像魔术一样一定很有趣不停地拍照到作一次旅行去滑雪去远足带出去几天把带在身边快点;加油看美丽的风景拍照,be interested in be like magic must be great funcant stop taking photos go on a trip togo skiing go hiking takeout for a few days bring sth with sb come on see the beautiful view take photos,向挥手致意飞往某地到深圳旅游欢迎到写信给把某物给某人看依次/轮流做某事计划出国旅游希望做某事希望某人做某事,wave tofly to travel to Shengzhen welcome to write to sb show sth to sb take turns to do sth plan to travel abroad hope to do sth wish sb to do sth,在烟火映衬下看起来很闪亮高速运行排队等候买一些纪念品观看烟火玩得很高兴鸟瞰香港的景色,look shiny and beautiful under the fireworksmove at high speed wait in linebuy some souvenirs watch fireworks have a fantastic time have a birds-eye view of Hongkong,*过山车, 环滑车旅游景点*主题公园文化中心新鲜的空气宜人的天气多姿多彩的服饰名胜古迹,/ rul kst/ roller coaster tourist attractions / i: m p: k/ theme park cultural centre fresh air pleasant weather colourful costumes places of interest,全年一路上整天精彩的狮王表演一天中最精彩的部分我们去香港旅游的日子,all year around all the way the whole day the great Lion King show the best part of the day the day of our trip to Hongkong,乘地铁在入口处在结束时,在末尾三个半小时下午晚些时候一共,总计在即将到来的假日出差例如,by underground at the entrance/t end v/ at the end of three and a half hours= three hours and a half later in the afternoon in all in the coming holiday /n bzns/ on business /st z/ such as,一座高楼耸立、夜晚灯光闪烁的现代化城市一家快餐店迪斯尼人物的游行一次有意义的经历一次真得令人高兴的假日一对, 几个, 几件一队人的象征一名成员一次刺激的旅行,a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the eveninga fast food restauranta parade of Disney characters a meaningful experience a really delightful holiday / kp() l v/ a couple of a line of people a symbol ofa member of an exciting trip,3.句子巩固,1.我已经去哪儿很多次了。Ive been theremany times. 2.让我带你出去玩几天吧。Let me take you outfor a few days.3.我认为这对我来说不是一个假期。Idont thinkitll be a holiday for me.4.我不停地和他们一起拍照。Icouldnt stop taking photoswith them.5.那一定很有趣。Itmust befun. 6.这是一个著名的主题公园,它包括四个不同的公园。Its a famous theme park andincludes four different parks.,7.孩子们看见他们最喜爱的人物高兴的拍手尖叫。The childrenclapped and screamed with joywhen they saw their favorite characters.8.Space Mountain外面排队的人很多。The line of peopleoutside Space Mountain wasendless.9.当我和爸爸谈过后,我可以为你核实一下。I cancheck it for youwhen I talk with my dad.10.香港的天气和北京的相当不同。The weather in Hong Kongwas quite different fromthatin Beijing.,11.鸟瞰香港的景色真的非常漂亮一座高楼耸立、夜晚灯光闪烁的现代化城市。Itwas really wonderful tohave a birds-eye view ofHong Kong- a modern city of tallbuildings with lights shiningin the evening.12.城堡在烟火的照耀下闪闪发光非常漂亮。The castlelooked shiny and beautiful under the fireworks.13.表演者一路上又唱又跳的向人们挥着手穿过公园。The performers waved to people while theymarched across the park,singing and dancing all the way.14.我们在整个骑行过程中都在尖叫和笑。We were screaming and laughingthrough the whole ride.,15.我爸爸为堂弟买了一些文具。My dadbought some stationery formy cousin.16.他们从来没有去过香港。Theyhave never been toHong Kong.17.Kitty和她的家人去北京了。Kittyhas gone toHong Kong with her family.18.我的堂妹在北京已经一个月了。My cousinhas been inBeijing for a month.19.Kitty的钱包已经买了一年了。Kittyhas had her pursefor a year.20.这只羔羊去世有一段时间了。The lambhas been deadfor quite some time.,21.我父母15年前结婚。My parentsgot marriedfifteen years ago.22. 他们已经结婚超过15年了。Theyhave been marriedfor more than fifteen years.23.我必须把它归还因为我已经借了太长时间了。I have to return it because Ihave keptit for too long.24.一天中最好的时候就是当大象从游客那拿香蕉的时。The best part of the daywas when the elephants took bananas from the visitors.,Thank you!,


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