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    最新201X版Unit 4 Global warmingSection Ⅳ Grammar& Writing.doc

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    最新201X版Unit 4 Global warmingSection Ⅳ Grammar& Writing.doc

    Section Grammar & Writingit 用法()阅读下列句子,并体会黑体部分的用法1There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.2It was a scientist called Charles Keeling,who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.3They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.1强调句型的基本结构强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was被强调部分that/who其他成分(1)此结构中it 没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调部分。(2)此强调句型只能强调主语、宾语、状语,不能强调谓语。(3)被强调的成分是表示人的词时用who/that,而被强调是其他时(事物、时间、地点等)只能用that。It was John who/that bought an old bike yesterday in a marketplace.是约翰昨天在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调主语)It was an old bike that John bought yesterday in a marketplace.昨天约翰在市场上买的是辆旧自行车。(强调宾语)It was yesterday that John bought an old bike in a marketplace.约翰是昨天在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调时间状语)It was in a marketplace that John bought an old bike yesterday.昨天约翰是在市场上买了辆旧自行车。(强调地点状语)It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river.正是因为水涨了,他们没能过河。(强调原因状语从句)2强调句型的一般疑问句式和特殊疑问句式(1)一般疑问句式:Is/Was it被强调部分that/who其他成分?Was it during the Second World War that he died?他是二战期间死亡的吗?(2)特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词is/was itthat其他成分?Why is it that you put off the meeting?你为什么推迟会议呢?Where was it that you lost your car?你是在哪儿丢的车?3对not.until结构的强调not.until结构的强调句型为“It is/was not until.that.”在这一固定句型中,由于not已经前移,that后只能用肯定形式。He didn't go to bed until ten o'clock.It was not until ten o'clock that he went to bed.直到10点他才睡觉。I didn't realize it until I got off the bus.It was not until I got off the bus that I realized it.直到下车之后我才意识到这事。4使用强调句型的几个注意事项(1)若被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与被强调的主语保持一致。It is he who/that often helps me with my English.是他经常帮我学英语。It is trees that we plant on the hillside every year.我们每年都在山坡上种的是树。(2)若被强调成分是作主语的代词,用主格;若是作宾语的代词,则用宾格。It was he that helped me yesterday.昨天帮我的人是他。It was me that he helped yesterday.他昨天帮的人是我。(3)强调句中只用两种时态,即一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was.that/who.,其余的时态用It is.that/who.。It is you who/that are to blame.是你该受到指责。名师点津强调句型最容易与定语从句、主语从句和状语从句等混淆,区分它们的关键在于:如果把句子中的It is/was 和that/who去掉,剩下的部分还是一个完整的句子,并且句子意思依然完整,则此句为强调句型;否则,应仔细分析句子,判断该句是何种从句。.单句语法填空1It was at midnight _she was woken up by a phone call.2It was because of the most beautiful village teacherXiao Shan's strong determination_ he formed the woman football team in the poor area.3It is either he or you who _in charge of the project and supposed to finish it punctually.4He was so busy yesterday that it was not until late at night _he finished his work.5I wonder _it is that makes the video Gangnam Style so popular.The unique dance moves and funny horse riding scenes.【答案】.单句改错1It has been three years that I stayed in Beijing._2It was at 5 o'clock when he set off in the morning._3It was until 11 o'clock that my father returned last night._4Where is it that you found your lost book?_5It is the little boy whom has broken a window of the old lady._【答案】that 或去掉atnot untilwho/ that如何写英文海报海报是向大众发布某种消息的布告。海报的形式多为招聘广告、活动宣传和人物介绍。英文海报的内容常为球讯、影讯、商业报道、展览会、报告会、专题讲座等。1海报的结构。海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。(1)标题。在第一行的正中间写上“POSTER”字样,接着在第二行即“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。如:An exciting football match。(2)正文。在第三行空4个字母格写正文,为一段。海报的正文要求写清楚以下内容:第一,活动的目的和意义。第二,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。第三,参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。(3)落款。要求写上主办单位的名称及海报的发文日期。2海报写作的注意事项。(1)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时。(2)语言:海报文字要求简洁明了,篇幅要短小精悍,文中可以用些鼓动性的词语,但不可夸大其词。(3)要求:海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的时间、地点、主要内容、参加规定及主办单位。亮点句式1We'll have a show/football match on July 16th.2There is a piece of news that we'll hold a.地点时间3We hope to raise money to help the poor children.4It will be held.and the match will be wonderful.5You can buy tickets in.and the price is 2 yuan for each.6By then,some new clothes are even 50% off.If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time,you can get a present.7All are warmly welcome.8Everyone is welcome.9Catch the chance,or you will regret.10Sign up and have a good time.写作任务请根据下列内容写一篇海报。全球变暖问题越来越引起人们的关注,它所产生的严重后果也逐渐为人所知。为此,你校学生会特意邀请了环保专家来校举办讲座,专门就全球变暖问题产生的原因、后果,以及中学生如何应对全球变暖问题等将进行论述,并在演讲结束后回答同学们的提问。时间:星期五8:00 am.11:00 am.地点:大厅审题谋篇体裁海报话题环保讲座时态一般将来时人称第二人称遣词造句.词汇1举办讲座_2原因和影响_3导致_4处理,对付_5在结尾_【答案】 to/contribute to/result in4.do with/deal with5.at the end of.句式1The Students' Union of our school will organize a Lecture on Global Warming in the auditorium on Tuesday,December 20,2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.(用过去分词作定语以及将来时的被动语态改写句子)_2An expert working for the environment will give a lecture on the causes and harmful effects of global warming that results in.(用定语从句改写句子)_【答案】1.A lecture on Global Warming organized by the Students' Union of our school will be given in the auditorium on Tuesday,December 20,2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.2.An expert who works for the environment will give a lecture on the causes and harmful effects of global warming that results in.妙笔成篇_【参考范文】A Lecture on Global Warming organized by the Students' Union of our school will be given in the auditorium on Tuesday,December 20,2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.An expert who works for the environment will give a lecture on the causes and harmful effects of global warming that results in.Besides,he will tell us middle school students what we can do with the problem.At the end of the speech,we can ask him any question concerning global warming.All the students in our school are welcomed to attend this lecture.Students' Union7


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