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    七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件.docx

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    七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件.docx

    七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件课程目标一、知识和能力目标本单元要求学生掌握英文字母AH,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式。书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔画)基本合乎要求。能看,听,说本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。注意一些字母及日常交际用语的发音,提醒学生不要将Csi:发成sei:;也不要将Good moning二、过程和方法目标教师要尽量用英语组织教学。充分利用课堂的40分钟,不讲或少讲汉语,尽量给学生创造英语情景。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语,第一次介绍某个用语时,说英语,加译文及手势,以后可酌情省去译文,最后只说英语,逐步让学生听懂。三、情感态度和价值观目标万事开头难,首先利用这个单元培养学生们对英语的兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。 学情分析体会打招呼用语的'奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。1Good moning /aftenoon /evening:适用于比较正式客气的场合,双方都应说Good moning /aftenoon /evening!例如:A:Good moning,Miss Zhao早晨好,赵老师。B:Good moning,MWang早晨好,王校长。2Moning:适用于比较熟悉的朋友之间或比较繁忙的情况下。3Hello:是最广泛、最简单的打招呼语,显得亲切自然。例如:A:Hello,Kate你好,凯特。B:Heo,Li Lei你好,李雷。4Hi:在现代英语中,Hi比Hello用得更多,显得更随和。例如:A:Hi,Han Meimei你好,韩梅梅。B:Hi,Lucy你好,露西。教学准备tapeecode,multimedium课时参考四课时Peiod 1Step 1:IntoductionBegin by geeting the class with a smile and good moning!Now,intoduce the wods teache and classby using gestuesepeatthis seveal times and have the class epeat afte youStudents Can answe as a whole goupAs ows and as individualsepeat I am you teache and you ae the class seveal timesNow,intoduce the class to the instuctions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gestuesThey can pactice this seveal timesStep 2:LeadinYou may want t0 leave the class again to intoduce the usual Good moning outineSay Good moning classHelp students espond with Good moningPoint to youself and say Im Miss,MHave them epeatExplain the tems Miss and Min Chineseepeat this a few times with ows and individuals o ty a back-chain dill:Miss,M (Ss epeat)Moning,MissM (Ss epeat)Good moning,Miss,M  (Ss epeat)Step 3:PacticeSay:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up)Leave the classoom,etun and say Good moning,class! Help the students espond with Good moning,Miss,MSay Sit down,pleaseNow lets stat the lessonStep 4:Pesentation and activityNow point to youself and say My name is MissM. I am you teacheFind a student you know and say you name is(Beth)Then ask What is you name? Help them espond with My name is . When the student answes, espond with HelloNice to meet you! epeat this activity seveal times,fist with students you know and then with othesHelp them to espond with Nice to meet you,tooExplain the Wod too in ChineseStep 5:PacticeGet the students to pactice the f0llowing dialogue in paisS1:Good moningS2:Good moningIm (Ben)Whats you name?Sl:My name is (Dale)Nice to meet you!S2:Nice to meet youtooCall out seveal pais of students to give thei pefomancePaise thei effots as much as possibleHelp the slowe students with patienceStep 6:PesentationDo activity 1a:Look at the pictueFind the small lettes fo these big lettesFist pesent lettes a-h,and get the students to epeat these lettesCall the students to attention the lette Csi:notsei:H /e?/ not /e?/Step 7:Listening and witingGet the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the bookMake sue all the students know what they should doHave the students watch the teache witing the lettes on the blackboad, then ask them to follow the teache and wite down these lettes on thei execisebooksLet the students know the diffences between the big lettes and the small lettesStep 8:Games timeLet the students do some lettes games to enjoy you lesson,the following is the instuction抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记lO分,得分最多的组为优胜组。Step 9: HomewokCopy the convesation and lettes. (Do enteing famous school)Peiod 2Step 1:LeadinDo fee talk:Geet students and ask them to geet each othe. Play a ole game. Ask students to collect infomation about thei idols such as Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Jacky Cheng and so on and wite thei names down. Get them act as thei idols and intoduce themselves to thei patnes. The following is sample:T: Good moning, My name is Bill Gates.S: Good moning, Im Jacky Cheng.T: Nice to meet you, Jacky.S: Nice to meet you, too. Bill.Encouage the students to cae what kind of English they can find in the steet o in the othe ways. Show the students some CDs and ask them if they know what it is. epeat with the othe things. And add some moe things such as DVD and KFC. Tain the students to cae the things happening aound them, such as: ID means identification cad. OK means all ight. Then get them to finish the execise on the sceen. Go on doing the above step to ask them to list moe about the abbeviation. (See the powepoint)Step 2:PaiwokLet students wok in pais to pactice the dialogue on 3aGet them to act it out afte pacticing. Do 3bMake sue all the students know the answes coectly. Let the students ty thei best to emembe how to ponounce all the names.Let the students tyStep 3:PacticePlay the tape and ask the students to sing afte it in chous and individual. Give them a chance to pefomPaise thei effots as much as possibleHelp the slowe students with patience.Step 4:HomewokCopy the lettes and the new wods and finish off the wokbook. (Do enteing famous school)Peiod 3Step 1: Lead-inBegin the class with singing the song of Good moning togethe. Fee talk. Ask : Hi! Good moning, Tom. O Moning, Dale. etc. Let the students get used to speaking English in class,even afte class, Encouage the students to speak English as much as possibleSay out allthe lettes in English while you ae pointing the lettes o things in the classoomMake sue all the students know what you ae saying and what it is in English.Speech Cassette la of section BPlay the tape and ask the students to listen to it caefully, then act it out, also do the task of lb on the bookNext get the students to wite down the small lettes fo each wod (abb.)Step 2:PaiwokGet the students to pactise the dialogue by pointing out the things they know how to say in EnglishAsk the students to exchange the olesLet them fill in the missing lette of each wod in pais.Step 3:Listen and epeatList out the lette A on the blackboad and encouage the students to say out what othe wods a1so make the same ponunciation  Give them some tips. Pesent the othe lettes the same as the 1ette ALet the students follow the chant afte the tape.Step 4:HomewokFinish off the wokbook(Do enteing famous school)【七年级上册英语Unit 1 Good morning课件】9


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