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    精品文档Unit 5 Let ' s eatPeriod One学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词:juice, bread, egg.2、能听懂、会说:I' d like somejuice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too.一.Review to understand.(温故知新)1 .Look and choose.(看图选单词,将单词序号填入对应的方框内。)两人一组用上面的单词练习小对话.)A.pig B.dog C.duck D.tiger E.elephant F.bird G.bear2 .Read the sentences in pairs.( What ' s this/that?It s二.Warm-up (热身活动)Match the sentences with the pictures1. Cool! I like the rabbit.2. Cool! I like the monkey.3. Cool! I like the panda.4. Cool! I like the cat.三.Self check( 自学检测)I.Read and choose.(读对话,句图搭配。)A.-I ' d like some juice, please.-Here you are.B.-Have some eggs, please.Thank you.C.I' d like some bread, please.Here you are.2.Read the dialogues in pairs.( 两人一组朗读上面的对话,并对同伴做出评价。四.Consolidation. (巩固练习)Read and number.(读句子,给下列图片标号。)1.I ' d like some milk, please.2.Have some noodles, please.3.I ' d like some apples, please.4.Have some ice cream, please.()()()()S.Expanding Practice1拓展训练)1 .Read and choose.( 读句子,选择合适的单词,将单词序号填在横线上。)A.milk B.juice C.ice cream D.bread .I ' m hungry. I' d like some and .I ' m thirsty. I ' d like some. .I ' m hot. I' d like some.2 .Read the sentences in pairs.( 两人一组朗读上面的句子。 )Period Two学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词milk,继续巩固单词juice, egg and bread.2、能听懂、会说句子:Mum, I ' m hungry. I ' d like some ,please. Here youare.和Have some并能在真实的情景中进行运用。.Review to understand.(温故知新)Look and choose.(看图,根据图片序号,选择正确的单词填在横线上。)A.ice cream B.juice C.breadD.apples E.noodles F.eggs1. I ' d like some, please.2. Have some, please.3. I ' d like some, please.4. Have some, please.5. I ' d like some, please.6. I ' d like some, please.Warm-up (热身活动)给图片涂色。Read and colour the pictures.(1 .The egg is yellow.2 .The milk is white.3 .The juice is orange.4 .The ice cream is pink and brown.5 .The apples are green.三.Self check( 自学检测)Read and circle.(I.Have some eggs.2.Eat some bread.3.Drink some milk.读句子,圈出正确的图片 )(巩固练习)四.Consolidation.想一想,并连线。)I ' m thirsty. I' m hungry.Think and match.(五.Expanding Practice1拓展训练)Choose.(单项选择。)()1.I' d apples.A.am B.like()2.Look the cat.A.at B.in()3.some noodles.A.Have B.Look()4.Here are.A.yourB.you()5.-1 like hamburgers.A.Yes. B.Me too.Period Three学习目标:1、能听、说、读、写字母:Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt2、能听、说、认读以 Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt字母开头的单词:on, orange, pig, queen, quiet, rice, red, six, Sarah, tiger,ten一.Review to understand温故知新)Read and check.(判断句子是否"x"与图片一致。 )1. Have some noodles.2.Have some juice.3.some ice cream.4.Drink some milk.17.Warm-up (热身活动)Write the letters from Aa to Mm.(写出A到M的大小写。)四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Look and choose.( 看图片,圈字母。)m n S T o r p qJ K b d C S L J五.Expanding Practice1拓展训练)(采访朋友,完成练习。)Interview your partners and complete the sentences.E.g. - What would you like, ZhangHui?-1' d like juice.Zhang Hui: I ' d like juice.1 .: I like2 .: I like3 .: I like4 .: I likePeriod Four学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词 water.2、能用Can I have some?的句型点餐。3、能用You' re welcome.来回复对方的谢意。一.Review to understand温故知新)1.Write the words.(写出课本50页,每个字母后的两个单词,注意要用书写体哦!试试吧!看谁写得最漂亮,并对同伴做出评价。)Oo PpQq RrSsTt()(二Warm-up (热身活动))( )Look at the pictures and choose.(看图选择,选出与图片相符的句子 ,将序号填入括号内。)1 .-Have some eggs.Thanks.2 .-1' d like some noodlesHere you are.3 .-1' m hungry.Have some bread.4 .-1' m thirsty.Drink some juice, please.5 .-What would you like?I ' d like some milk.三.Self check(自学检测)1. Fill the blanks.(将句子序号填在对应的圆圈内。)A.Here you are. B.You ' re welcome.C.Can I have some water, please? D.Thank you.四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)1 .Put the sentences in the correct order.(给下列句子排序。))Thank you.)You ' re welcome.)Here you are.)Oh, no. I like milk. Can I have some milk?)Hi, Mike! Have some juice, please,2 .Make a small dialogue in groups.(照样子,四个小组表演小对话,并对同伴1. I can play football.im.I canroller blade.做出评价。)() ()()S.Expanding Practice1拓展训练)Read and think.(读句子,想一想它们的意思是什么?3. I can play table tennis.Period Five学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词cake, fish, rice,继续巩固单词 water.2、能听懂指示语 Drink some water, Eat some fish. Eat somerice. Cut the cake. 并能按指令做动作。.Review to understand.( 温故知新)Look at the pictures and choose.(看图选择,圈出与图相符的词组或句子。)d like some bread.B.I ' d like some noodles.2.A.This is an egg.B.This is an elephant.3.1.Have some juice.B.Have some milk.4.B.Look! Its a pen.s a pig.5.A.I have some apples.B.I have some oranges.Warm-up (热身活动)Fill the blanks.(选择适当的单词,将序号填在横线上。)A.egg B.water C.bread D.juice E.noodles1 .Drink some.2 .Eat some C.3 .I have an.4.I ' m thirsty. Can I have some B?5.I ' m hungry. Can I have some?三.Self check(自学检测)1.Fill in the blanks.(将单词序号填在图片空白处。)A.cake B.water C.fish D.rice2.Make a small dialogue in pairs.(两人一组运用句子 A和B练小对话,并对同括号内。)伴做出评价。)A: Can I have some ,please? B: Here you are.(四.Consolidation. (巩固练习)Match the sentences with the pictures1句图搭配,将单词序号填在图片下的A. Drink some water.B. Eat some rice.C. Cut the cake.D. Eat some fish.五.Expanding Practice1拓展训练)Check the sentences找出句子中的错误,并改正。 )1. Nice too meet you. 2.This is a egg.Period Six学习目标1、能借助图片读懂 Story time 中得故事。2、学习单词ice cream and coke ,要求达到能听、一.Review to understand温故知新)I.Read and draw.( 读句子,画一画。)A. Can I have some water, please? Here you are.B. Can I have some cake, please? Here you are.C. Can I have some rice, please? Here you are.D. Can I have some fish, please? Here you are.E. Can I have some bread, please? Here you are.能说、能认读。2.Read the sentences in pairs.(两人一组朗读句子,并对同伴做出评价。)()()二士;北(二.Warm-up (热身活动)Read the sentences and circle.( 读句子,圈出正确的图片。 )3.Have some fish.4.Can I have some eggs?BA精品文档三.Self check( 自学检测)1、Write the words.( 看图写单词)212.Put the sentences in the correct order.(给下列句子排序。)) Can I have some Coke, please ?)Sure.)I ' d like some fish, please.) Here you are.) Can I have some ice cream, please?) Here you are.)I ' d like some rice, please.) Here you are.)Oh, no! My fish!四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Choose.(单项选择。)()1.I have some juice, please?A.CanB.Have( ) 2.Have some water. .A.Here you are. B.Thank you.( ) 3.some milk.A.EatB.Drink( ) 4.-I m hungry. -.A.Have some juice. B.Have some cake.( ) 5.picnic 的中文意思是:A. 晚餐B.野餐五 .Expanding Practice.( 拓展训练)Do you know? (你知道吗?)pizza 披萨饼popcorn 爆米花apple 苹果bananas 香蕉spaghetti 意大利面fish 鱼cheese 奶酪hot chocolate热巧克力orange juice 橙汁西餐进餐礼仪入座后,主人招呼,即开始进餐。取菜时,不要盛得过多。盘中食物吃完后,如不够,可以再取。如由招待员分菜,需增添时,待招待员送上时再取。如果本人不能吃或不爱吃得菜肴,当招待员上菜或主人夹菜时,不要拒绝,可取少量放在盘内,并表示“谢谢,够了。对不合口味的菜,勿显露出难堪的表情。吃东西要文雅。闭嘴咀嚼,喝汤不要啜,吃东西不要发出声音。如汤、菜太热,可稍待凉后再吃,切勿用嘴吹。嘴内的鱼刺,骨头不要直接外吐,用餐巾掩嘴,用手取出,或轻轻吐在叉上,放在菜盘内。吃剩的菜,用过得餐具牙签,都应放在盘内,勿置桌上。嘴内有食物时,切勿说话。剔牙时,用手或餐巾遮口。Coke1885 美国乔治来州的潘伯顿医生,发明了一种被称为潘伯顿法国酒可乐的深色糖浆,同年政府发出禁酒令,因此他想发明一种饮料,一种让很多需要补充营养的人喜欢喝得饮料。那天,他正在搅拌做好的饮料,发现它具有提神,镇静以及减轻头痛的作用, 他在这种液体里加入了糖浆和水,再加上冰块,尝了尝,味道好极了。不过在倒第 二杯是,助手一不小心加入了碳酸水(二氧化碳+水),这回味道更好了,合伙人罗宾逊从糖浆的两种成分古柯(Coca)的叶子和可乐(Kola)的果实中,激发出命名 的灵感,罗宾逊为了整齐划一,将 Kola的K改C,然后在两个词中间加一横,于是 Coca-Cola 便诞生了。第一份可口可乐售价是五分美元,可口可乐原来是作为药物出售的,因为当时 不少美国民众相信碳酸饮料是又助健康的。于是顾客赞不绝口,争着要喝这种“新 配方”的可口可乐,从此,Coke这种可口可乐糖浆与碳酸水混合的饮料风行世界,并且从1894年起以瓶装出售。1903年,由于政府禁止使用可卡因作为饮料添加剂, 所以可口可乐的成分中不再含有可卡因。时至今日,Coke依然是世界上嘴畅销的碳酸饮料。1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seenthe Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn'thave known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rainat noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky 。、最困难的事情就是认识自己。二0二0年八月四日2020年8月4日星期二3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力4 时 44 分 4 时 44 分 4-Aug-208.4.202016:448.4.202016:448.4.202016:4416:44:0484202016:4484 20204、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。8.4.20208.4.202016:4416:4416:44:0416:44:045、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。Tuesday, August 4, 2020August 20Tuesday, August 4, 20208/4/20200二0年八月四日7、志气这东西是能传染的,你能感染着笼罩在你的环境中的精神。那些在你周围不断向上奋发的人的胜利,会鼓励激发你作更艰苦的奋斗,以求达到如象他们所做的样子。20.8.420.8.420.8.4。2020年8月4 8、时间是一位可爱的恋人,对你是多么的爱慕倾心,每分每秒都在叮嘱:劳动,创造!别虚度生!16:4416:44:048.4.2020Tuesday, August 4, 2020


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