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    【奥鹏】 - 东北师范大学 英美文学 20 春在线作业2试卷总分 :100 得分 :100第 1 题 ,We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelleys poem "Ode to the WestWind" with all the following terms exceptA、 tamedB、 swiftC、 proudD、 wild正确答案 :A第 2 题 ,Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include , symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.A、 impressionismB、 expressionismC、 multiple points of viewD、 first person point of view正确答案 :C第 3 题 ,is a play that concerns the problem of modern man s identity .A、 The Hairy ApeB、 Long Day s Journey into NightC、 The Iceman Cometh正确答案 :A第 4 题 ,Frost took a style in his poetry .A、 simpleB、 complicatedC、 modern正确答案 :A第 5 题 ,Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set outboth in theory and practice , to write specifically a “in prose, ” the first togive the modern novel its structure and style.A、 tragic epicB、 comic epicC、 romanceD、 lyric epic正确答案 :B第 6 题 ,The subject matter of Robert Frost s Poems focuses on .A、 ordinary country people and scenesB、 battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legendsC、 struggling masses and crowded urban quartersD、 fantasies and mythical happenings正确答案 :A第 7 题 , “ For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room. ” (Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?A、 More time to play.B、 More food to eat.C、 More book to read.D、 More money to spend.正确答案 :B第 8 题,For quite sometime after its appearance , Catch 22 was seen as a structural despite its narrative power .A、 successB、 failureC、 miracle正确答案 :C第 9 题 , “ .This grew: I gave commands;Then all smiles sto pped altogether”(Robert Browning, “ My Last Duchess ” )The above lines imply that .A、 the Duchess was killed by her husbandB、 the Duchess stopped smiling at her husband s orderC、 the Duchess died of laughing too muchD、 the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested正确答案 :A第 10 题 ,The plot of is divided into three parts.A、 Native SonB、 Invisible ManC、 Song of Solomon正确答案 :A第 11 题 ,Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens exceptA、 novelistB、 clerkC、 reporterD、 dramatist正确答案 :D第 12 题 ,Black humor refers to the use of the morbid and the absurd for darkly purposes .A、 comicB、 tragicC、 entertaining正确答案 :A第 13 题 ,The Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned withthesearch for .A、 material wealthB、 spiritual salvationC、 universal truthD、 self-fulfillment正确答案 :B第 14 题 ,has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama ”.A、 Tennessee WilliamsB、 Eugene O NeillC、 Arthur MillerD、 Hendrik Ibser正确答案 :B第 15 题 ,In C hapter III of Oliver Twist, Oliver is punished for that“impious andprofane offence of asking for more ” . What did Oliver ask for more?A、 More time to playB、 More food to eatC、 More books to readD、 More money to spend正确答案 :B第 16 题 ,Beowulf is a national epic ofA、 GermanyB、 EnglandC、 ScandinaviaD、 France正确答案 :B第 17 题 ,The impact of Darwin s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-centuryFrench literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another schoolof realism: American .A、 local colorismB、 vernacularismC、 modernismD、 naturalism正确答案 :D第 18 题 ,Mrs. Warren s Profession is one of George Bernard Shaw s plays. What isMrs. Warren s profession then ?A、 Real estate.B、 Prostitution.C、 House-keeping.D、 Farming.正确答案 :B第 19 题,John Bunyan 's pilgrim's progress is often regarded as a typical exampleof.A、 allegoryB、 romanceC、 epic in proseD、 fable正确答案 :A第 20 题 , has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the bestclassic style that American Literature ever produced ”.A、 Edgar Ellen PoeB、 Walt WhitmanC、 Henry David ThoreauD、 Washington Irving正确答案 :D第 21 题 ,The “ dark comedy ” refers to those written by Jonson in his third period of dramatic career.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 22 题 ,The Lost Generation was first named by Hemingway .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 23 题 ,The most striking similarities between Milton and SamsonAgonistes are their blindness and unhappy marriage.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 24 题 ,In her works , Amy Tan wrote beautifully about the contrast between Chinese and American cultures .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 25 题 ,Hardy had written and published many poems before he achieved a reputation with his novels.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 26 题 ,Neo-classicism saw its decline in Dryden.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 27 题 ,Wordsworth s best poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 28 题 ,Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 29 题 ,The short story “ The Rocking Horse Winner ” was written by Lawrence.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :Bthird lines rhymes.第 30 题 ,A ballad is written in 4-line stanza with the first andA、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 31 题 ,Mr. Bennet s favorite daughter is Jane.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 32 题 ,King Lear distributed his territory among his three daughters.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 33 题 ,The Neo-classicism saw its decline in Johnson.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 34 题 ,Most of English ballads were collected in the 18th century.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 35 题 ,Dreiser s novels usually have little detailed descriptions of characters and events .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 36 题 ,The Celestial City in the Pilgrim society.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :Bs Progress stands for an ideal happy第 37 题 ,Scott s literary career marked the transitionfrom romanticismto realism.A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B第 38 题 ,The Joy Luck Club is a group of sepa located in San Francisco Chinatown .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :Arate stories happening in men s clubthe American Goldsmith for第 39 题 ,Whitman is granted the honor of being his literary craftsmanship .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :A第 40 题 ,Marlowe mainly wrote tragedies .A、错误B、正确正确答案 :B


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