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    牛津小学英语6BUnit5单元练习管理资料牛津小学英语6B单元练习听力部分 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组和句子。(10分) ( ) 1. A. swing B.spring C. ring ( ) 2. A. with B. winter C. weather ( ) 3. A. rain B. rainy C. ran ( ) 4. A. place B. plan C. player ( ) 5. A. have B. history C. heavy ( ) 6. A. pick apples B. pick oranges C. pick pears ( ) 7. A.warm clothes B. warm coat C. warm scarf ( ) 8. A. last week B. next week C. this week ( ) 9. A. Its cool most of the time. B. Its cool some of the time. C. Its cool every day. ( )10. A. Which season do you like best? B. Which subject do you like best? C. Which sport do you like best? 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍;5分) ( ) 1. A. I like winter best. B. Yes, I do. C. Because its cold.( ) 2. A. I usually swim. B. Its cool and sunny. C. Its very beautiful. ( ) 3. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it does. C. Its in spring. ( ) 4. A. Were watching TV. B. Yes, we do. C. I often go rowing and fishing.( ) 5. A. Because I can fly kites.B. I like winter best. C. Yes, it is. 三、听录音,完成下列短文,每空一词。(每小题读三遍;5分) In New York, theres a lot of rain in . The_ in summer is as _ as in Nanjing. _is the best _ in New York. Its _and _. In winter, its _ than in Nanjing. Mum, we need to _some _clothes. 笔试部分(共80分) 一、单词辩音 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(6分) ( )1. A. forty B. work C. morning D. airport ( )2. A. season B. bread C. weather D. sweater ( )3. A. country B. touch C. cousin D. cloudy ( )4. A. summer B. here C. warmer D. daughter( )5. A. bike B. his C. big D. give ( )6. A. cook B. clean C. cinema D. cake 二、词汇。(共20分) A)英汉词组互译(15分;1-5题,每题 2分,6-10题,每题1分) 1. 在夏季 _ 2. 最好的季节 _ 3. 去农场 _ 4. 下个星期 _ 5. 采橘子 _ 6. in the countryside _ 7.most of the time_ 8. sounds great _ 9. go fishing _ 10. as warm as _ B) 用括号内容单词的正确形式填空(5分) 1. My father _(be) in Beijing last weekend. 2. Whats the weather like today? Its _(sun). 3. I often go _ (row)with my friends. 4. How many _ (season) are there in a year? 5. Mary often _ (go) jogging after school. 三、选择填空。(10分) ( )1. Nancy is going to _ a running race on Sunday. A. watched B. watch C. watches D. watching ( )2. The days get _ and the nights get _ in autumn. A. longer; shorter B. shorter; longer C. short; longer D. long;short ( )3. Which season do you like _, spring or autumn? A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )4. Liu Tao _ know about the weather in Guangzhou. A. want B. wants C. want to D. wants to( )5. -_ season do you like best? I like _ best. A. What, warm B. Which, windyC. Which, autumnD. What; running ( )6. _ a lot of rain in New York. A. Theres B. There are C. There be D. There were ( )7. The apples _ the tree turn red. A. in B. at C. on D. of( )8. -_ do you like summer best? -Because its hot and I can go swimming. A. What B. Why C. Which D. How ( )9. Spring comes _ March in Nanjing. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )10. _ it often _ in winter here? A. Do; snow B. Does; snows C. Is; snow D. Does; snow 四、按要求改写句子。(16分;1-5题,每空一词,每词1分;6-7题;每题 2分)1. I usually go fishing on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you usually _ on Sundays? 2. Its sunny today. (对划线部分提问) _the _ like today? 3. It often rains in New York in spring. ( 改为一般疑问句并回答 ) _ it often _ in New York in spring? Yes, it _. 4.I had supper with my parents last night.( 改为否定句 ) I _ _ supper with my parents last night. 5. My mother likes apples better than other fruit. (改为同义句) My mother _ apples_. 6. you, fishing, often, in, do, go, summer ( 连词成句 ) _? 7. needs, for, your, warm, some, dad, winter, clothes ( 连词成句 ) _. 五、根据中文提示,完成句子翻译。(每空一词,13分) 1.他将在那里工作一年。 He is _ to _ there _ one year. 2.昆明夏天的天气怎么样,很热。但没有南京热。 Whats the weather _ in _ _ Kunming? Its _. But it _ as _ as in Nanjing. 3.春天天气暖和。树变绿。 It is _ in spring. The trees turn _. 4.格林先生经常去乡下散步。 Mr. Green often _ a _ in the countryside. 六 、选用方框内的句子完成对话,将序号填在横线上。(5分) A:Ben, my fathers going to New York soon. _ B: Its usually very hot. A: _ A. Because I can make snowmen. B: Its the best season. Its cool and usually sunny. B. I like winter best. A: _ C. Whats the weather like there in B: Yes, it does. summer? A: Which season do you like best? D. What about autumn there? B:_ E. Does it often rain there in spring? A:Why? B: _ 七、阅读理解(共10分) A It is spring. The trees turn green. I often go jogging in the street in the early morning. In Nanjing spring is very short. So summer is coming soon. It will be very hot. And it doesnt often rain. The days get longer and the nights get shorter. I like go fishing in the park. My father and I usually go swimming in the evening. Because the sun goes down, its a little cool. I like summer.根据短文内容判断,正确的写?,错误的写×。 ( ) 1.Its summer in Nanjing now. ( ) 2. My father and I like jogging in the park. ( ) 3. Spring is very short in every place. ( ) 4. It isnt raining most of the time in summer in Nanjing. ( ) 5. In summer evening, the weather is a little cooler than the days. B Huang Fei lives in Guangzhou. His penfriend Zhang Han lives in Xingjiang. This winter Zhang Han came to Guangzhou to see Huang Fei. They were happy to see each other. Now they are talking about the weather in their cities. Guangzhou is quite warm in winter, but its colder in Xingjiang. It doesnt snow in winter in Guangzhou. Some people in Guangzhou have never seen snow. In Xingjiang, it often snows in winter. Children like to have snowball fights and make snowmen. 根据短文内容选择。 ( ) 6.Where does Zhang Han live? A. Guangzhou B. Xingjiang C. Guangdong ( ) 7.Whats the weather like in winter in Guangzhou? A. Its warmer than Xingjiang. B. Its colder than Xingjiang. C.Its as cold as Xingjiang. ( ) 8.Does it snow in winter in Xingjiang? A.No, it doesnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does. ( )9. What do children like to do in winter in Xingjing? A. Have snowball fights. B. Make snowmen. C. Both A and B. ( ) 10. Zhang Han and Huang Fei are both very_ to see each other. A. unhappy B. glad C. sad(悲伤的) 附加题 找出下列句子中的错误并改正。 ( ) _ 1. It is cloud today. A B C D ( ) _ 2. The weather in autumn is as cooler as in spring. A B C D ( ) _ 3. Do you go to the park last Saturday. A B C D ( ) _ 4. You can go to school by a bus. A B C D ( ) _ 5. How many building are there in the street? A B C D 牛津小学英语6B单元练习(Unit 5) 听力文字稿 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组和句子。(每小题读两遍) 1.spring 2. weather 3.rain 4.player 5. history 6. pick oranges 7. warm clothes 8. next week 9. Its cool most of the time. 10. Which sport do you like best? 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍) 1、Which season do you like best? 2、Whats the weather like there in autumn? 3、Does it often rain there in spring? 4、What do you usually do in spring? 5、Why do you like spring best? 三、听录音,完成下列短文。(每小题读三遍) 说明:根据垂径定理与推论可知对于一个圆和一条直线来说,如果具备:In New York, theres a lot of rain in spring . The weather in summer is as hot as in Nanjing. Autumn is the best season in New York. Its cool and sunny . In winter,its colder than in Nanjing. Mum, we need to buy some warmer clothes.6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。牛津小学英语6B单元练习(Unit 5) 参考答案 听力部分 tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;一、BCACB,BABAC 二、ABBCA 5.二次函数与一元二次方程三、1. spring, weather, hot, Autumn, season, cool, sunny, colder, buy, warmer 笔试部分 一、BADBAC 1、20以内退位减法。二、A. 1.in summer 2. the best season 3. go to farms/go to the farm 4. next week 5. pick oranges 6 确定圆的条件:6.在乡下/农村 7. 大部分时间 8. 听上去好极了9. 去钓鱼10. 和一样温暖(2)交点式:y=a(x-x1)(x-x2)B. 1.was 2. sunny 3. rowing 4. seasons 5. goes 三、BBCDC,ACBAD 四、1. What, do, do 2. Whats, weather3. Does ,rain, does 4.didnt, have 5. likes, best 3.余弦:6. Do you often go fishing in summer? 7. Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter. 五、1.going, work, for 2. like, summer, in, hot, isnt, hot 3. warm, green 4.takes, walktanA不表示“tan”乘以“A”;六 CDEBA 74.94.15有趣的图形3 P36-41七、A. ×××? B. B ACCB 附加题1. Ccloudy 2. Ccool 3. ADid 4. Dbus 5. Bbuildings


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