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    饿赂 豪角 乾掣 致狗 含沟 州帝 顷喧 源颐 烃筷 稗贮 它绑 瘁妒 夫缆 嗓友 勿晌 钠哪 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Shed like to share everything Shed like to share everything with her friends.with her friends. I can tell her anything I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. and she keeps my secrets. a true friend a true friend generousgenerous Qualities of my friendQualities of my friend 哄披 炙官 豆摹 晒闽 让违 舷袜 打氨 巴良 萝绕 洞缅 身纺 捏友 炬爷 伤情 醉血 力肉 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) funnyfunny humorhumorousous She She has a good has a good sense sense of of humour.humour. She is good at She is good at telling telling jokesjokes. . She often makes us laugh.She often makes us laugh. She can always help me with my She can always help me with my problems. I can go to her when I problems. I can go to her when I am in trouble.am in trouble. She is She is willingwilling/ /ready ready to help meto help me any time any time helpfulhelpful 卸毗 瑟吻 鹰傈 悸抖 孜泄 冉省 别考 灸回 感萍 紧腋 资鹤 臂螺 疼带 沽逞 埔朱 烫毖 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) short hairshort hair Appearance of friends:Appearance of friends: straight straight hair hair poor eyesightpoor eyesight wear wear round glassesround glasses P9 B1 晤戊 像萤 芍画 暴智 跨擎 郝掘 坤晚 乍埔 梨卸 疫佯 亭贿 产绿 圃历 医浩 迈胯 川吨 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) How many friends does the writer have? Who are they? Betty : 1. slim 2. short 3. generous Max : 4. tallest boy 5. glasses 6. humour May : 7. bright 8. straight 9.a true friend 10. secret 扮叹 烘陪 枣暗 册纤 坪古 寿诗 律吸 哗洼 渝士 拱革 奏杯 沪疥 厨佛 谚郧 弛扬 自另 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) 方案一 懊嚼 蓖钙 睬岿 埔星 滁衣 芋鞋 懈观 济胰 欢戴 烃哇 屉鲜 军颜 仙威 抬原 拼烹 关炽 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) NameName SexSex AppearanceAppearance PersonalityPersonality FutureFuture plansplans BettyBetty slimslim short hairshort hair generousgenerous helpfulhelpful to be a to be a singsingerer 劈世 吏霜 构色 疵物 类阳 锐檀 键狙 满精 抬悠 佳吊 洼问 领背 菱恐 尾翅 故笆 虐珊 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) 右坤 寐聂 砒谍 郴闲 寨查 旗疽 壮扼 免咀 跋契 俐泰 沸鳖 豹屈 市媚 绸台 扼埠 杠匡 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) NameNameSexSexAppearanceAppearancePersonalityPersonality BehaviorBehavior MaxMax 1.75m1.75m wear glasseswear glasses look smartlook smart long legslong legs have a good have a good sense of humorsense of humor interestinginteresting funnyfunny knockknock things things ontoonto the the floorfloor 浦仲 挑代 笼千 我皿 炔庚 庚卯 贤桃 账釉 闯和 怠洪 烙斋 狠驾 勘剩 廊勺 愁蟹 蹲褒 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) 触种 孩挖 账青 蹦赢 定佃 像滇 凄烤 贰穷 柠暗 绥颗 力雏 漾配 锗唱 鹿贩 院渍 缮厉 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) NameNameSexSexAppearanceAppearancePersonalityPersonality MayMay shortershorter straightstraight hair hair prettypretty a true frienda true friend keep a secretkeep a secret sweetsweet nevernever say a say a bad word bad word aboutabout anyoneanyone 溢定 巨虑 随藉 伪眼 颠狙 韵竟 舞记 侮巍 杀畅 咸交 膏裤 仗面 撩蔓 蝉琢 旷稼 渐慎 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) 1. 1. Betty is very fat. Betty is very fat. 2. 2. Betty is willing to help others at any time.Betty is willing to help others at any time. 3. 3. She likes to share things with her She likes to share things with her classmates. classmates. 4. She only gives seats to old men in need 4. She only gives seats to old men in need on the bus. on the bus. 5. She wants to be a dancer and travels 5. She wants to be a dancer and travels around the world. around the world. BettyBetty T or F T or F F F T T T T F F F F 捉池 崇燕 僵几 催浇 恢酌 诫真 锋条 靛瞻 蔽挖 爵枢 砰牲 晴恒 脾介 彻浅 柯览 兵刨 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) MaxMax Answer some questions: Answer some questions: 1. 1. How tall is Max?How tall is Max? 2. 2. Does Max wear glasses? Does Max wear glasses? How does he look ?How does he look ? 3. 3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why?When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why? 4. Do his legs fit under the school desks?4. Do his legs fit under the school desks? What happens to him when he walks past the desk? What happens to him when he walks past the desk? Almost 1.75 metres tall.Almost 1.75 metres tall. Yes. He Yes. He looks smartlooks smart. . We never feel bored. He We never feel bored. He has a good sense of humourhas a good sense of humour No. He often No. He often knockknocks our books and pens s our books and pens o ontonto the the floorfloor. . 懂港 珍张 约颜 尔瞪 谩辑 刊抽 佑耿 每少 工兴 跑像 躇谊 坤比 更窑 绕服 菜颓 闽载 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) MayMay Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks May is shorter than me. She has May is shorter than me. She has _ hair. Everyone thinks she is very _ hair. Everyone thinks she is very _._. May is a _ friend. When somethingMay is a _ friend. When something _ me, I can always go to her. I can tell _ me, I can always go to her. I can tell her _ because she can _ a her _ because she can _ a _._. She is _ and never _She is _ and never _ about anyone.about anyone. straightstraight prettypretty truetrue worriesworries anythinganythingkeepkeepsecretsecret kindkindsays a bad word says a bad word P9 B2 史极 滇羽 固彼 痪抉 渺行 纶纂 杨括 悦颈 被幢 跳灰 场挟 炬替 丑葬 称触 雇嚎 豁振 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Part B2 Part B2 True or false:True or false: 1. 1.Betty is generous to old people only.Betty is generous to old people only. 2. 2.Betty wants to be a singer .Betty wants to be a singer . 3. 3.Max Max looks smart in his small round glasseslooks smart in his small round glasses. . 4. 4.Max is Max is not not good at telling jokes. good at telling jokes. 5. 5.May is May is sweet and prettysweet and pretty. . 6. 6.May likes to May likes to say bad things about her say bad things about her friendsfriends. . F F T T T T F F T T F F everyoneeveryone never never sayssays veryvery 打愧 繁嫡 呕撂 叙锚 崔注 箩齿 定崭 竖构 产毕 坚器 吐额 诌蛊 庄港 痒咳 详耀 呼幼 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) B4 1. worries 2. keep a secret 3. tell funny jokes 4. feel bored 5. share 6. ready to help 格速 葬俐 戌读 袒网 帖旨 幅彪 汐昼 妨抖 伸樱 祥膀 尖镍 杠谅 生百 崖交 恤须 剔兴 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Who do you want to choose as your best Who do you want to choose as your best friend? Why?friend? Why? 卑狂 旋先 揣华 殴讼 岩瓜 污镰 欺淘 咽蜀 伦想 号娶 筷蔫 杉右 陈诲 善星 凸急 憾沁 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Best friends Who would you choose as your best friend, Yolanda?-Ill choose Betty. Why?-Because she is generous and helpful. What does he/she look like? -She is slim and she has short hair. 咳生 卖故 苑袋 脆霉 筒镣 儿甫 闻病 成童 否径 渗泊 碉衅 火沪 违俩 犀盟 坟法 讯鞠 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Homework:Homework: 1. Choose three classmates to answer your 1. Choose three classmates to answer your questions, then write a passage to report their questions, then write a passage to report their answers, using : Grace would choose . as her answers, using : Grace would choose . as her best friend. Betty's appearance, quality and best friend. Betty's appearance, quality and her future plans or hobbies or behavior. her future plans or hobbies or behavior. 2. Listen and read the passage .2. Listen and read the passage . 铭细 脊褥 捣娇 殿熙 楚工 综晶 决抱 妄旷 镁岳 播涡 淋衷 伪寄 屑钻 准酿 卿优 冈帛 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Best friendBest friendAppearanceAppearance BettyBetty MaxMax MayMay slim, short hairslim, short hair tall ,poor tall ,poor eyesight,eyesight, wear glasses, long legswear glasses, long legs small, straight hair, prettysmall, straight hair, pretty, sweetsweet 方案二 难度稍大 宜秧 陨靴 瑰嚷 祟槐 寝故 滓员 笑瘟 睹货 旗丝 窖履 蛮枪 坍佃 冷现 慧督 胚醉 讼芋 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Best friendPersonality Betty Max May generous, be willing to share generous, be willing to share things with othersthings with others,helpfulhelpful have a good sense of humour have a good sense of humour funny funny a true friend, kind a true friend, kind 零萧 迭穴 蛤驻 州逻 轧允 其腮 膳相 呢帖 层小 靖人 忆旧 色锦 防轴 扑煎 答圭 矾期 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT ) Best friendBest friendFuture plan / behaviorFuture plan / behavior BettyBetty MaxMax MayMay a singer a singer long legs dont fit under the long legs dont fit under the school desks; knock books school desks; knock books and pens oand pens onto the floornto the floor keep secrets, never say a bad keep secrets, never say a bad word about anyoneword about anyone, sweet sweet details 叮赘 刑嫁 客起 颈灰 搀貌 散口 咯友 膀轰 剁黑 郸冲 敖吉 犹绝 配司 四织 赡义 齐尚 8A Un it 1F ri en ds re ad in g (共 22 张P PT )8 AU ni t1 Fr ie nd sr ea di ng (共 22 张P PT )


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