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    Unit7 Topic2 Section C教学设计I . Material analysis本课是第七单元话题二的第三课时。本节课主要活动是 1a 和 2。通过读前 检测和阅读理解, 锻炼学生语篇理解能力, 学会用情态动词 can 和 could 谈论个 人能力,并复习有关程度的表达法。 还将进一步操练谈论过去和现在经历的表达 法,学习有关过去不会做和现在会做的活动, 锻炼学生运用知识和技能解决实际 问题的能力。n . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规那么,正确朗读和拼写以下词汇: ago 熟练掌握并应用表示过去不能做 couldn 't 和现在能做 could do 事情的表达方式,如:One year ago, she couldn 'tdo it at all.When she was five, she could dance just a little.She can do it well now. But she couldn 'tdo it at all in the past. 稳固现在进行时的表达方式: Maria is performing ballet. 能够掌握并应用情态动词 could ,如:One year ago, she couldn 'tdo it at all.When she was five, she could dance just a little.2. Skill aims能够听懂有关谈论现在和过去能做和不能做的事情的对话和简单的故事;能够在老师的帮助下或根据图片用所学的表达法表达现在能做和不能做的事情,谈论过去的经历;能够连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能够参照图片或范例,应用转折连词 but编写句子3. Emoti onal aims通过小组间良性的竞争与合作,培养友好互助的精神;通过学唱英文歌曲,体会学习英语的乐趣。川.The key points and difficult points1. Key points能够用英语谈论过去不能做couldn '和现在能做can do事情的表达方式; 能用canbut couldn '句型描述经历。2. Difficult poi nts能够运用表示过去不能做 couldn '和现在能做can do事情的表达方式编 写短文。IV. Lear ning strategies运用表格能够帮助学生记忆阅读短文的主要信息。V . Teaching aids教学挂图、单词卡片、黑板和多媒体W. Teach ing proceduresStepIn teracti onpatter nsStude nt activityTeacher activityIn troduct ionI.The whole1.Focustheir1.Greet stude nts and sing the(5 min utes)class work.attention onthesong I can sing it wellteacher and singtogether.thesong2.ln dividualtogether.2.Help students revise thework.2.Look attheusage of can for ability:Showpicturesandthepicturesflya kite,an swertheperform ballet, play ping-questi on: 1 can .pong, ride a bike, playThen add morebasketball, go fishing andthings thatyouask: Can you .?can do: I can.Then ask students to addmore thi ngs that they can do.Prese ntati on1.I ndividual1.Do 1a &1b.1.Show the table in 1b and(15 min utes)work.Readthegive students 3mins to readpassageby1a by themselves. The n askyourselvesandstudents to point out thepoint outthequestions in 1a and givequesti ons in 1a.some expla nati on.2.ln dividual2丄et students fill in the tablework.2.Fill in the table.in 1b by themselves.3.The whole3.Po int out the key senten cesclass work.4.Pair work.3. Look at the keysenten ces on the blackboard and remember them: One year ago, she couldn ' t do at all. When she was five, she could dance just a little4. Do 1c. Ask and an swer in pairs: A: Can Jane fly a kite?B: Yes, she can do it very well. But she couldn ' do it at all in the past.Then share your dialogues.in 1a on the blackboard.it4.Let stude nts ask and answer in pairs using the table in 1b. Then choose some pairs to show their dialogues.tCon solidatioI.The whole1.Do 2. Look at1.Show the first picture andn (8 min utes)class work.2.ln dividual work.3.The whole class work.4.I ndividual work.the picture and try to make senten ces with it.2. Makesenten cesbyyourselves.3. Listen to the teacher carefully.4. Describe your own experie nces.the key words in 2. Let stude nts make senten ces with it.(老师可以引导学生看 图说话)2.Show the other pictures and let stude nts make senten ces with them by themselves.3. Correct the mistakes that stude nts made.4. Give students some time to make some sentences that describe their experiences. Then ask some students to say their own senten ces.Practice(5 min utes)1.I ndividual work.2.The whole class work.1. Dosomeexercisebyyourselves.2. Checkthean swers.The n1. Give students 2mins to finish the exercise by themselves;2. Choose some students to share their an swers.3. Teacher expla insstude nts expla in.Producti onGroup work.Surveyyour1.To be a controller and(7 minutes)group membershelper.aboutthe2.Assig n the homework:activitiestheyReview the key senten ces incouldn ' t do in thej Grammar and Fun cti ons;past and they canWrite a passage about yourdo now;Andown experienee using thesomegroupsentences: I can But Imembersreportcouldn ' t . When 1 was ./onthe resultof theyear ago survey.Preview the words in Sect ionD.Teach ing reflect ion:本节课的重点是帮助学生理解短文内容,并从中抽取重要信息。在课堂教 学中,要充分发挥学生学习的积极性和主动性,把课堂交给学生,让他们发现 问题并试图解决问题,老师在课堂中起到引导学生和点播学生的作用。本节课 在这些方面做的较好,但在实际教学中还需不断探究教学方法。VD. Blackboard desig nTopic 2 Can you sing an En glish song?Section C1. One year ago, she couldn' t do it at all.2. When she was five, she could dance just a little.3. She can do it well now. But she couldn' t do it at all in the past.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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