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    优化论文:关于优化设计高中英语作业以提高学生交际能力的研究优化论文:关于优化设计高中英语作业以提高学生交际能力的研究 【中文摘要】由于高考的压力,越来越多的高中学生在文山题海中跋涉,这使得学生们的身心健康受到很大的伤害。因此,在英文教学领域,作业问题受到专家和教师们的关注。本文通过英语作业理论与实践的研究,以“因材施教”,“探究性学习”和“新英语课程标准”为理论依据,探索以优化设计高中英语作业来提高高中英语交流能力的可行性。作业是高中英语教学的领域不可或缺的重要一环。它不仅增长学生的知识,而且提高学生学习技能;帮助学生巩固所学,为接受新知识热身,也开拓学生的眼界。国内外对于学生作业问题有不少研究成果,但较少涉及在英语教学实际操作方面,设计科学有效的作业来保证学生能力的提高。新的英语课程标准提出了五个方面的目标,在其中有许多新的要求。“因材施教”及“探究性学习”正是适应新教学改革的理念,从而受到专家及教师的肯定与广泛应用。而伴随新一轮的中学英语教学改革的实施,产生了许多新的方法与认识,也加深了一些矛盾与问题。传统的高中英语作业依然停留在机械的抄写课文、背单词、填空、翻译句子等简单呆板而低效的方式上,降低了学生的学习兴趣,抑制了英语能力的均衡发展。这足以说明传统作业设计严重滞后于中学英语教育改革。在英语教育改革中,交流能力越来越受到关注和推崇。它所包含的四个方面的能力,既体现了语言各项技能的平衡,也顺应了英语教育改革的方向及要求。因此,以交流能力来检验英语作业优化设计的实际作用是很好的选择。作者在河北省沧州一中的部分学生和老师中间,以调查问卷及访谈的方式调查了高中英语作业方面的现状、问题、矛盾焦点及他们对于英语作业的态度,要求和希望。通过收集,整理及研究,作者选择高一年级两个班,将研究设想在一个班进行了实验。通过实验前后两个班的对比,证实了作者的设想:优化设计高中英语作业可以提高英语交流能力。最具有意义的是,作者在研究过程中的发现与总结:一是,经过优化设计的英语作业有五方面特点:以学生为中心;给学生带来乐趣;应用中实现能力提高;形式新颖多变,有选择余地;保持四项基本技能的平衡及三个教学阶段的平衡。二是,对于高中英语作业设计相关方面的四项建议:作业要多样以适应不同学生及英语水平,作业要把适当的数量与高质量并举,教师在作业各步骤中做法要恰当,各科目教师应通力合作。本文的重心放在教学实践方面,力求使高中英语教师在理论与实践指导下,更好的适应英语教学改革,并使高中学生更快乐,更有效率地完成英语作业,并从中得到能力的提高。 【英文摘要】Under the pressure of NMET, more and more Senior High School students have to deal with a lot of assignments, which does harm to students physical and mental health. Therefore, in the field of education, many experts and teachers pay much attention to the problem about assignment. In order to settle the problem, this thesis, through the research of English theories and practice, based on Individualized Teaching, Inquiry-based Learning Mode and New National English Curriculum Standards, explores the improvement of English communicative competence in Senior High School.Assignment can not only increase the knowledge of students, but improve their learning skills and abilities as well. And assignment is designed to review what students have learnt, prepare them for the coming lessons, and extend their horizons.Although the studies of assignment are various abroad and in China, there are a few related to designing scientific, efficient to ensure the improvement of capabilities through the English learning in practical process of English teaching and learning.In the New National English Curriculum Standards, there are five curriculum goals in all, some of which put up with new requirements, Individualized Teaching and Inquiry-based Learning Mode are just adapted to the new educational reform, so that they are admitted and applied widely. Meanwhile, with the performance of the new English educational reform, there are many new methods and theories for English teaching and learning, as well as problems. The traditional Senior High School English assignments still mainly focus on copying tests, memorizing new words and expressions, translation, filling in blanks and so on, which are so simple and low-efficient that they decrease students learning interests, and have bad effects on the developing English abilities and skills. It proves that the traditional English assignment is not fit for the high school English education reform. Communicative competence plays a more and more important role in the reform.It concludes four competence areas, linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic. They show the balance of language skills and meet the requirements of English educational reform. Thus, it is a good choice to use Communicative Competence as the standard of the effect on performing the optimizing designing English assignment.The author investigates the English assignment with the tools of questionnaire and interview in some of students and teachers in NO.1 Cangzhou High School. The author collects some data and information about the current problems and their attitudes and requirements. Based on the theories, the author analyses them and then make an experiment about optimizing designing English assignment. After comparing the result of two classes, the experimented class improves their communicative competence.The most important is the authors findings during the research. The first is the characteristics of the optimized-designed English assignment: being student-centered, being interesting, developing capabilities in practically using, including new and various patterns and keeping balance. The second is the suggestions for designing English assignment in senior high schools: variety of assignment for different students and abilities, proper quantity and high quality of English assignment, the teachersaction related to English assignment and integration with other subjectsThis thesis focuses on practical performing, aimed to make English teachers better adjust to English educational reform and students complete their English assignment more happily and efficiently and improve their abilities. 【关键词】优化 英语作业 设计 高中 【英文关键词】Optimizing Designing English Assignment Senior High School 【备注】在线加好友索购全文 :1-3-9-9.38-8-4-8 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务。 本文由学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。 【目录】关于优化设计高中英语作业以提高学生交际能力的研究六、教学措施:Abstract 5-6 摘要 7-11 Chapter ? 2.点与圆的位置关系及其数量特征:Introduction 11-16 1.1 Background of the 2、加强基础知识的教学,使学生切实掌握好这些基础知识。特别是加强计算教学。计算是本册教材的重点,一方面引导学生探索并理解基本的计算方法,另一方面也通过相应的练习,帮助学生形成必要的计算技能,同时注意教材之间的衔接,对内容进行有机的整合,提高解决实际问题的能力。Research 11-13 1.2 Research Questions 13-14 1.3 Significance of the Research 14-15 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 15-16 Chapter ? Literature Review 16-24 2.1 Related Researches Abroad and in China 16-18 2.1.1 The Definition of Assignment and Communicative Competence 16-17 2.1.2 Types of Assignment 17-18 2.2 The Function of English Assignment 18 2.3 Individualized Teaching 18-19 2.4 Inquiry based Learning Mode 19-21 2.5 Requirements of the National English Curriculum Standards 21-24 Chapter ?Research Design 24-30 3.1 Survey Focus 24 3.2 Subjects 24-26 3.2.1 The Characteristics of the Students for Samples 25-26 The Similarities 25 The Differences 25-26 3.2.2 The Characteristics of the Teachers for Samples 26 3.3 =0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有1个交点;Instruments 26-28 3.3.1 Questionnaire 26-27 3.3.2 Interview 27-28 3.3.3 Pre-test and (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)Post-test 28 3.4 Procedure 28-30 Chapter? Data 2、第四单元“有趣的图形”。学生将经历从上学期立体图形到现在平面图形的过程,认识长方形,正方形,三角形,圆等平面图形,通过动手做的活动,进一步认识平面图形,七巧板是孩子喜欢的拼图,用它可以拼出很多的图形,让孩子们自己动手拼,积累数学活动经验,发展空间观念能设计有趣的图案。Collection and Analysis 30-43 4.1 Data from the Questionnaire and Analysis 30-36 4.1.1 Data from the Questionnaire for Students and Analysis 30-33 4.1.2 Data from the Questionnaire for Teachers and Analysis 33-36 4.2 Data from the Interview and 5、多一份关心、帮助,努力发现他们的闪光点,多鼓励、表扬他们,使其体验成功、努力学习。Analysis 36-40 4.2.1 Data from the Interview of students and Analysis 36-38 4.2.2. Data from the Interview of teachers and Analysis 38-40 4.3 Data from the Pre test the Post test and Analysis 40-43 4.3.1 Table of Data from the Pre test and the Post test 40-41 4.3.2 The Analysis on the Data 41-43 Chapter? Findings and Discussions 43-61 5.1 Analysis and Discussion 43-45 5.1.1 Process of the Whole Research 43 5.1.2 Analyzing the Research according to the Theories and Study 43-45 5.2 The Characteristics of the Optimized English Assignment 45-53 5.2.1 Being Student centered 45-46 Analysis about Theories and Research 45-46 The Conclusion 46 5.2.2 Being Interesting 46-48 Analysis about Theories and Research 46-47 Examples 47-48 The Conclusion 48 5.2.3 Developing Capabilities in Practical Use 48-50 Analysis about Theories and Research 48-49 Examples 49 The Conclusion 49-50 5.2.4 Including New and Various Patterns 50-51 Analysis about Theories and Research 50-51 The Conclusion 51 5.2.5 Keeping Balance 51-53 Keeping the Balance of Fore Skills 51-52 Keeping the Balance of Three Parts according to Teaching Parts 52-53 5.3 Suggestions for Designing English Assignment in Senior High 对称轴:x=School 53-61 5.3.1 Variety of Assignment for Different Students and Abilities 53-57 English Assignment for Real Life 53-55 English Assignments of “Teamwork” 55-56 English Assignments of “Games” 56-57 5.3.2 Proper Quantity and High Quality of English Assignment 57-58 5.3.3 The Teachers Action Related to English Assignment 58-60 The Time before Setting English Assignment 58 When Setting English Assignment 58-59 When Students Are Doing Their Assignment 59 Assessing Students 59-60 5.3.4 Integration with Other Subjects 60-61 Chapter ? Conclusion 61-64 6.1 Review of the Thesis 61-63 6.2 Limitations of the Research 63 6.3 Further Investigation 63-64 References 64-67 Appendix ?9.直角三角形变焦关系:67-70 Appendix ? 70-72 Appendix ?1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。72-73 Appendix ? 73-74 Acknowledgements 74


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