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    Unit 8 Is there a post office near herePart 6 Self Check自我检测,综合提升一、读音标,写单词。1 /pst/fs/izli/ post office easily 2 /klam/htel/restrnt/ climb hotel restaurant 3 /spend/krs/neb(r)hd/ spend crossing neighborhood 4 /rand/snan/wlk/ around sunshine walk 5 /niz/ /bhand/plis/ noise behind police 二、单元语法过关。( C )1Dont break the traffic rules, or maybe you will be sent to the _. Arestaurant Bpost office Cpolice station Dbank ( A )2Dont _ too much time playing computer games, thats bad for your eyes.AspendBtake Ccost Dpay( B )3Dont choose to live in a restaurant near the street _ it will be very noisy.Aso Bbecause Cwhen Dif( D )4I like reading. When I read, I find time goes _.Aslow Bslowly Cquick Dquickly ( A )5Students usually have a 10-minute rest _ classes.Abetween Bin C.behind Dbefore( C )6If you want to see that beautiful village, you have to _ the river.AoverBthroughCcrossDacross( C )7Walk along the street and _right. You can see the school.Ago Bgoing Cturn Dturning( B )8Tom studies very hard _ the exam of the senior high school.Apassing Bto pass Cpass Dpasses( D )9_ a lot of trees and flowers in Song Shan Lake of Dongguan.AThere have BThere has CThere is DThere are( D )10Thanks for telling me the way to the store. _.AI dont know BI am sorry CAll right DMy pleasure三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对5个人的情况介绍,右栏是7个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置。( C )1Selina wants to go to the Great Wall in Beijing. She wants to know the weather there. ( D )2Cindy is a woman. She loves soap operas very much. She often talks them with her workmates when she is at work. ( A )3Scott is 8 years old. He loves animals. He often plays with animals. But he cant stand talk shows.( G )4Jet is a fan of Jacky Chen. He loves seeing his films in the cinema. But this night he cant get a ticket. So he has to watch TV.( B )5John is an old man. He reads newspaper every day. He wants to know the news around the world.AAnimal WorldDo you like animals? We talk about different kinds of animals all over the world. You can know the lives of animals. Time: 7:30-7:45 every Sunday night.BCCTV NewsAre you interested in the news around us? Watch our CCTV News. You can know the latest news in China and out of China. Time: 7:00 to 7:30 every day. CWeather ReportIts important to know about the weather. We will tell you tomorrows weather in different cities, especially the tourist cities like Beijing, Shanghai and so on. DSoap Opera: Love Do you like watching TV? Do you like the soap operas? Tonight we are going to show you the TV series: Love(9). Its a Korean story(韩剧)EA Talk ShowTonights talk show: He Jiong vs. Xie Na. Come and enjoy with us. Time: 8:00 to 10:00 every Saturday night. We are waiting for you. FA movie: Rush HourRush Hour is an action movie. A famous actor Jacky Chen acted in it. Its interesting and exciting. If you like his movie, come to the Happy Cinema.GA movie: A New Story of PoliceA very exciting action movie! Its acted by Jacky Chen. It tells us the life of some policemen. Time: 8:00 to 10:00 this night on CCTV 6四、短文填空。My favorite place is the zoo. I 1 there every two weeks with my friends. Its not 2 from my home. We usually 3 there. It only takes 4 about 15 minutes. 5 can we get there from my home? Walk along Green Street, turn left when you 6 a supermarket. Then go down that 7 . The zoo is on your right. Its 8 Peoples Hospital and City Library. You can find it 9 . When we get to the zoo, we can see monkeys, elephants, giraffes and so on. My parents usually 10 about different animals with me. In this way I can also learn a lot about them. 1 go 2 far 3 walk 4 us 5 How 6 see 7 street 8 between 9 easily 10 talk 五、读写综合。A信息归纳。Jim likes reading books, such as novels, magazines and science fictions. So he goes to the library every Saturday morning. He spends 2 hours reading his favorite books and one hour finishing his homework. The library is not far from his home. He goes there on foot. Just walk along the Center Road for about 5 minutes. Then turn left at the first crossing. Go on walking for about 10 minutes. The library is on the right, in front of the hospital. Its four thirty in the afternoon. Information CardThe favorite thing Jim likes 1Reading books.The favorite place Jim likes2The library.The time Jim spend there33 hours.The thing he does there4Reading books and finish his homework.The way Jim goes there5On foot.B书面表达。假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,请结合上文内容,以“thank you , my mother”为题,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1你周末最常外出和最喜欢的场所和原因。2详细描述从你家如何到达那里及交通方式。3你在那里喜欢做的事情。要求:1不能照抄原文,不得出现真实姓名和校名。2句子通顺,语意连贯,内容完整,不少于70词。写作方法指导与操练一、写什么细审题,列要点1你周末最常外出和最喜欢的场所的原因。 2详细描述从你家如何到达那里及交通方式。3你在那里喜欢做的事情。二、怎么写遣词句,重结构 My favorite Place第一点:我周末最喜欢去的场所及原因。On weekends,I like to go to _ because I _.第二点:详细描述从你家如何到达那里及交通方式。Id like to tell you how to get there. The _ is _from my home. I usually go there _(方式). It takes _(时间). 第三点:你在那里喜欢做的事情及感受。In the _. I usually _. Sometimes I _. I like _ there because _. I spend _(时间)总结:I really like this place. How about you? Whats your _ place. I feel _.When I am free, I like to go the park, because I like the fresh air and sunshine. Its not far from my home, so I usually walk there. It the park. I usually spend 2 hours doing exercise there such as playing basketball, running and so on. Sometimes I just sit in the sun and do some reading. I feel relaxed.I like this place. How about you? whats your favorite place?我的完整作品书写美观,可适当发挥】_4


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