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    Su teaches Chinese version of grade nine Supplementary Exercises answer(苏教版九年级上册语文补充习题答案)Su teaches Chinese version of grade nine Supplementary Exercises answer(苏教版九年级上册语文补充习题答案) Reference questions (nine) for supplementary exercises in Chinese in the third edition of Su Ed edition I. listening to the spring of Dinghu mountain Practice One, 1, 2 and 3 from the long cycle; 4, 5, 6 for wing play; 7 ounces 8 cycles Two, slightly Three, Dinghu mountain spring water is clear and crystal clear, lively and lovely, it makes Dinghu mountain business full of energy, moisten all things, so "spring water is."." Four, no contradiction. This uses a foil technique. Silent with a sound lining. Five, slightly Six, travel, at the foot of mountain - - the hillside; time, near dusk - Sunset - night. compound Problem Inquiry Second sentences, fifth sentences, empty words Two. The stream in the woods Practice Provoke: provoke, personification, vividly write the flow of lively Provoke: (fly) drive, to move the static, write the silence of the forest Two, 1, 2, quietly, sparkling, shining sparkling; Three, 1, 2, rhetorical metaphor, personification; Four, the first kind, represents a plain, no passion, no fighting life; Creek symbolizes the surging Pentium life Five, slightly Six: right Problem Inquiry I. Brief Two, showing that the author has broken away from loneliness and disappointment, melted into nature and society, and realized the true meaning and happiness of life Three, "as long as a cicada rises a sound.". Said a different mood, let a person forget worry, swim, leaving some melancholy, some sad". So Three, Mount Huangshan Fei Hong DiCui Practice with the text A, 1, Taoist legends, immortals use magic to change things. A monk with words inspire enlightenment. General guidance. 2, here, pointing to dye and beautify it. Two, 1, erosion peculiar 2, excitement, solemn 3, intoxicated birth Three, 1, 3 The four, in the earth's crust magma solidified granite group, after the influence of hundreds of millions of years of sun and rain, water erosion and other climatic factors, in the end it formed Mount Huangshan 2289. Five, a long history, posture, vitality. I realize the author's admiration and praise for Mount Huangshan pine. Six, slightly Problem Inquiry A, 1, the peak climbing feeling. The main idea is the peak. 2, the reality of the scene and the vision of imagination. Characterized by high, steep and dangerous. 3, enriched the cultural connotation of Mount Huangshan peak stone, and gave people greater imagination. Two, describes the pigeons, wicker, duck, hawk etc. A deep emotional tone. 2, psychology, action. Look forward to the restless mood of rain. Four, painting mountain embroidered water Practice with the text A, 1, because the whole sentence is the tone of the statement, the former clause is only the object of the whole sentence. 2, the question mark here represents a pleasant tone of surprise. Two, 1, evaluation of wind-induced air foil 2, neglect treasure storehouse, sturdy storage Three, clumsy, dull, indicating that the beauty of Guilin Scenery can not be expressed in words. Four, the role of transition. Not superfluous. It plays an important role and highlights the rich cultural connotations of Guilin Scenery. Five, the wrong pair Six, tribute to the excellent quality of the ancient working people and integrity, helping others. Reflect the sufferings of the laboring people of the old society. The purpose of this writing is to make each of our readers remember the past and cherish today's good life. Seven, slightly Problem Inquiry First, not irreconcilable. Such writing reflects the imprint of the era in which the author lived, and the author's arrangement reflects his writing intention. Two, 1, the overall impression is much more dense, more green: quiet, more and more quiet Look individually: pull straight up from the ground and rise steeply Close up: mutual connection, set off each other, set off each other Change in color: changing shades of shade and shade, and green as a whole Haruyama: it's green and dotted with bright flowers The mountain looks better, Seems to be flowing Mountain pose: changing 2, slightly Topic: Meteorological phenology Look at the weather One, two, two, two, symbol, omen, embellishment, gloomy, three, 1, change sentence than the original sentence, vivid language, easy to understand 2, change the sentence more than the original sentence using anthropomorphic rhetoric, more vivid, lively language. Four, the shape of the clouds change, how to see the clouds know the weather The total score of the clouds and weather is five. The citation is compared with six, and the reference book is 77 Problem Inquiry One, 1, how to judge the weather by the form of clouds 2, can not be deleted because "often" shows that in most cases, and in a few hours to rain or snow, there will be other circumstances exist, and remove it is too absolute, "often" reflects the accuracy of expository language. Two, 1, that when the hook cloud appeared in the sky, it is going to rain after a while. 2, mean that the day will dawn and sunset rainy, so in recent days will be sunny. Language of nature The snow disappeared zaitu grass germination breeds Forsythia bloom Because of "disparity", there is a big difference, and "great" repetition Avoidance is deeper than relief and should be followed First of all, there are second factors and third factors; moreover, it is necessary because the words used in the table order make the articles clear and well arranged Natural phenomena use phenology knowledge to study agricultural production and develop into a science For comparison, for example, column numbers Some of the phenomena of nature in order to give people information, and the function of language is the same, the personification of nature, "the language of nature" metaphor phenology varied, indicating the importance of understanding the phenological phenomenon These are descriptions of people's daily life phenomenon, are some phenology phenomenon, naturally lead to the following description, make the article more close to life, easy to understand. Problem Inquiry First, the importance of 1 phenology to agricultural production. 2. The significance of phenology research is illustrated by negative examples. Phenology in ancient poetry I. Brief Two, the wild geese flying high up the enemy "folding willow" Song listed Three, A Problem Inquiry One, 1 is 2, one is not, Qilian Mountains rare and more techniques 3, because the Qilian mountain peak peak of bad weather and snow is not 4, hold the pillow off more expressive than high alert camp zhengedaidan Two, 1, 2 visible Daohuaxiang anthropomorphic frog sound very cheerful stars sparse 3 moon. Visual hearing Rice flower. Olfactory listening. Hearing seven or eight. Visual sense of touch Five, hometown I. Brief Two: dark, gloomy dark: dark shade of gray Hiss: sneer: derision at Shiver: due to cold or frightened and trembling body: the body curled up with cold shivering or trembling. Diaphragm: each other's thoughts and feelings are not interlinked. Isolation: separation from each other, breaking. Three, B cold film between people Four, 1, 2, I work hard work 3, Runtu Guanshen, Yang Ersao who deliberately plan their brains Five, 4 days after that he pray in their own anesthesia Six, only a good wish, but not practice, the hope is bound to fail, that is, there is no, although the realization of hope difficult, but as long as the exploration and practice, there is the possibility of realization. Seven, slightly On 1, I grew up very well and Runtu, later the two between the diaphragm, the change of interpersonal relationship will not be in their next generation who from now? The novel is through the organic connection with me and this group of Runtu character relationship, on the macro and aquatic group relationship description, and the image of this issue. Two 1, the United States in the transfer of love in a quiet, gentle, with fatherliness washing my heart. There is a soul full of human love. 2, side foil. Six, my uncle Jules slightly slightly Three, B, B, A Four, the writer did not set aside the main line, but the introduction of insert Jules, lets the slow down. Five, speak intermittently, prominent father at this time the hearts of extreme fear and uneasiness. Six, it shows my sympathy for my uncle and my dissatisfaction with my parents' practice. Seven, arrange me to pay, don't let daughter son-in-law see, change to take other ship. A prominent Clarice scheming, indifferent character. A reference: Jules, miss home, but also know the character of his elder brother, do not identify themselves, so do not go home. There may be a glimmer of hope, too, and my brother's conscience will make him go home. Two, 1 expresses the denial to the High Commissioner, he is not a genuine calligrapher. He is a bureaucratic, fuyongfengya people. 2, reference: the most wonderful ending, in contrary to expectation and reasonable, provide much material for thought. Eight, more than 35 bucket One, A Two, slightly three, slightly Four, is to sell rice Shopping on the street, bow discussion five, slightly Six, because I hope to bring them in good harvest, but the price plunge gives them great disappointment and blow, reveals the fate of farmers miserable Two, problem inquiry, 1 by contrast description of scenery Jiangnan Wuxian River port busy scene. 2, from the data reflect today's improvement in the standard of living of farmers, national policy superiority. 3, through contrast, reveals the feudal system of exploitation of farmers, so as to cherish the new life. Two and 1, do not think of the rocks below, and look at the first small step, take this step, and move on to the next step. Until the arrival of the arrival of the place. 2, the description of fear The 3 is a patient, jiaoziyoufang, concerned about the growth of children people. Nine, "success" answer Practice with the text One, 1, 3, 4 are 2 perplexing catastrophe, things to the Ming and the rap Two, slightly Three, praise, function and importance Four, 1, and the author's abhorrence of self proclaimed materialistic behavior, in essence, is a satire on them. 2, euphemistic satire 3, praise and praise 4, show the author's humble attitude Five, reasoning and citing argument. Because the article in front of the "success of the road" made a lot of analysis, that talent and opportunities are not expected, helpless, there is only one road - diligence. Six, such as Chen Jingrun read thousands of documents, and eventually become a mathematician. Marx wrote "Das Kapital". Problem Inquiry I. Brief Two, 1, academic attainments are derived from diligence 2, because of the intensive academic attainments from diligent practice, hard work is lit the torch of knowledge, as long as we don't fail to seek good diligence, diligence, will be able to win the great achievements in the cause of hard work. The 3, three and 42 sections are illustrated by examples, and the five paragraph is justified by argument. The function is a better proof of the central point of the article. Ten, creative thinking book Two, A difficult problem (knot tied by rope) Thinking set Three, strong strength, extraordinary courage and wisdom, unite up and down Four, we should from different angles, ask why, dare to think, dare to ask questions, cultivate divergent thinking. Five, agree Six, for example, it illustrates the important meaning of conforming to the law of nature. Problem Inquiry A, Define, give examples, column numbers, and make comparisons Judgment is often replaced by imagination instead of thinking by abstraction instead of using imagination to develop its own imagination, which leads to the decline and exhaustion of imagination. What is imagination? Why do young people lose their imagination and exercise their imagination after that?. Two, 1, harvest, physical or spiritual creation; grape juice, "I produce my thoughts and actions; as the fruit of my body, always give flesh and blood to words."" The first half is the metaphor of creation, and the latter represents the great value of creation. The whole sentence vividly describes the great significance and great value of creation. Life consists in making things. First put forward the central argument, and then use metaphor to vividly write the value of creation. Eleven, knowledge and wisdom A 1 baht will be introduced 2, margin depressed five car suddenly demolish with penetrating criticism a crafty reader Two, if life is compared to a drift, then the house is a warm harbor. Three, "perspective" means "profound understanding of things". "Counter thinking" refers to comprehensive and multi angle thinking and taste; "foresight" refers to the prediction of the development of things. Four, function: connecting the preceding and the following, from "human wisdom" to "the wisdom of the book"". From caring for people who are not only lacking in wisdom, it echoes "many people" who "do not have intelligence" to "engage in research", and then to the book "people care for writing and reading" - "the book without wisdom"". Demonstration method: comparative proof Five, 1, choose good, suitable for their books need wisdom; 2, sentiment, taste, analysis books need wisdom; 3, read out the unique feelings and understanding need wisdom; 4, apply knowledge, need wisdom. Six, 3, 4 Because all the arguments in 3 and 4 come from the realities of learning and life. Problem inquiry: I. argument: accumulation of knowledge and training of capacity should not constitute a spear relationship. Fact argument: Brief 圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.Two, 1, and I think, and the fact is not the case. (yes, yes.) 2, the question of preschool children is the "child type, naive, superficial" when people grow up, very few adults question is "very wise, deep point, and touched the deep structure of the world." (you can quote the original or answer in general 3, the main paragraph of the article uses the example of law (for example), with Einstein all his life have been questioning why "proof", Einstein to maintain the "childlike innocence", to create their own greatness. (yes, yes.) 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。Twelve, on the United States 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。Practice with the text One, 1, 2, 3, a gorgeous, elegant 4 perfect; perfect; intact; complete; complete Two, cherish beautiful talent (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:Three, 1, and no, not everyone who has good looks has other abilities 2, can not


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