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    重庆市铜梁县第一中学2017-2018学年高一英语上学期寒假作业(一)第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)AA year ago, my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding. After the reception, we were waiting for a public transport bus to go back home. It was nine o'clock at night, and although many buses passed, none stopped.      We waited for an hour and were getting desperate. We wouldn't be able to stay overnight because it was a weekday, and we both needed to work the next day. It was almost 10 p.m. when a family who had attended the same wedding passed by in their car. Probably sensing that we were waiting for some means of transport, they stopped and gave us a lift. I was so touched by their kindness, and I expressed my gratitude (感谢)to them.      When we reached my hometown, the family dropped us at the nearest point from where we could catch a shared taxi to get back to the spot where we had parked our bike. On the way, a laborer(工人) stopped the taxi. The driver saw his clothes and asked him whether he had money to pay the fare(车费).     The laborer shook his head and said, "No". On hearing this, the driver refused to take him. I remembered my own plight a few minutes earlier, and I told the driver to allow him to sit with us, as I would pay his fare. What an immediate opportunity to pass on the family's act of kindness! That night, I felt light-hearted and I went to sleep happily and filled with joy about what I had gotten to do. May this chain of kindness continue! 21. Why the author and his friend waiting for a bus at nine oclock at night?    A. Because they were going to attend a wedding.    B. Because they planned to help a laborer.C. Because they intended to meet a family.    D. Because they wanted to go back home.   22. What was the drivers attitude toward the laborers asking for a lift?    A. Uncaring.  .                 B. Friendly.    C. Positive               D. Respectful. 23. The underlined word “plight” in paragraph 4 could best be replaced by “_”.     A. opportunity                B. trouble    C. kindness                  D. tiredness 24. What is the best title for the passage?    A. A Kind and Helpful Family    B. An Unusual Wedding    C. Magic Chain of Kindness    D. Attitude Decides EverythingBToday, we are told, children dont spend enough time in the fresh air. Many of them are addicted to screen on a computer or a TV-they seem to be living in a virtual world. They have lost touch with nature.    But now 400 organizations in the UK, from playgroups to the National Health Service, are encouraging children to have some “wild time”. They want kids to swap at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside. Activities such as building dens, climbing trees, and playing hide and seek are just some of the things kids can do. Even if they live in a city, they can go on adventures in the garden or the park.   Children often need a helping hand from mom and dad. They need to be shown what to do and where to go. Andy Simpson from National Health Service says, “We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids development, independence and creativity, by giving wild time a go”.    So despite the complicated world that young people grow up in now, it seems that going back to basics and experiencing “natures playground” is what modern children need. David Bond from Project Wild Thing says, “We need to make more space for wild time in childrens daily routine, freeing this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted”.    This might sound a bit old fashioned to you or maybe, like me, its made you think about sticking on your boots, getting outdoors and reliving your childhood. There is no age limit on enjoying yourself! 25. According to Andy Simpson, we know that_. A. wild time is beneficial to children B. wild time is hard to designC. parents know the importance of wild time D. parents like keeping their children indoors. 26. Children are encouraged to do the following activities except_. A. building dens        B. watching TV C. playing hide and seek         D. climbing trees27. What is the best title of the text? A. Adventures of children B. Benefits of wild time C. More space for children  D. Wild time for childrenCFor an entire day, forget about the clock. Eat when youre hungry and sleep when youre tired. What do you think will happen? You may be surprised to find that your day is much like most other days. Youll probably get hungry when you normally eat and tired when you normally sleep. Even though you dont know what time it is, your body does. These patterns of daily life are called circadian rhythms(生理节奏), and they are more than just habits. Inside our bodies are several clocklike systems that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle. Throughout the day and night, our inner clocks direct changes in temperature, body chemicals, hunger, sleepiness and more. Everyones rhythms are different, which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early. But on the whole, everyone is programmed to feel tired at night and energetic during the day. Learning about our body clocks may help scientists understand why problems arise when we act out of step with our circadian rhythms. For example, traveling across time zones can make people wake up in the middle of the night. Regularly staying up late can make kids do worse in tests. “There is a growing sense that when we eat and when we sleep are important parts of how healthy we are,” says Steven Shea, director of the Sleep Disorders Program at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. One way to learn about how our body clocks tick is to mess them up and see what happens. Thats what neurologist(神经病学家)Frank Scheer and his workmates did in a recent study. Staying up night after night, their studies suggest, could make kids extra hungry and more likely to gain weight. And regularly sleeping too little, Scheer says, may be one cause of the recent increase in childhood obesity.  28. What will happen if you forget about the clock according to the passage? A. Your body will not know what time it is. B . You will feel upset.               C. You will behave normally.         D. You will probably get hungry more easily. 29. Mike feels energetic at 12 midnight while Tom feels sleepy. What advice would be given by the writer? A. Both should see a doctor.                B. Tom should see a doctor.  C. Mike should have a watch.                 D. Both should take it easy. 30. How do Frank Scheer and his workmates study body clocks? A. By studying people traveling across time zones. B. By asking questions and collecting answers. C. By seeing what happens when they are messed up. D. By programming people with man-made clocks. 31. What will the writer most probably talk about next? A. What circadian rhythms are.B. Medicines that can keep people from putting on weight. C. Why it is important to have a normal body clock.          D. Other examples of what people will do when their body clocks go wrong.   DBabies love reading stories with bright and colorful pictures. As they progress, they'll enjoy slightly longer stories, and will look forward to joining in. So whatever your kids are interested in, look for stories that attract their interest. Price: $22.95 Description: A lyrical(抒情的)  book with colorful illustrations(插图) that explores the growth and continual change of a garden. It's a pleasant story about the cycle of life. Call Mrs. Smith at 758-9339 for more information. Price: $21.95 Description: This book is about the typical Australian animals in lots of different Australian environments. The gently rhyming(押韵) text is easily understood and accompanied by Pamela Lofts' bright and colorful pencil illustrations, creating a warm and loving atmosphere. Call Mr. Black at 758-9328 for more information. Price: $12.95 Description: Max, a wild and naughty boy, is sent to bed without supper by his exhausted mother. In his room, he imagines sailing far away to a land of wild things. Instead of eating him, the wild things make Max their king. This year, the book won the Caldecott Medal, and was named one of the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books. Call Mrs. Green at 758-2589 for more information. Price: $8.95 Description: This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Seuss's classic tale of the coolest and the most fashionable cat in history! The cat is one of the most popular characters in children's fiction, and this book is a great way for readers to make his acquaintance. Call Mr. Wilson at 758-4876 for more information. 32. The purpose of the passage is to _.A. introduce several writers of children's books    B. advertise several children's books         C. advise parents how to choose books for children D. show what books children like33. Whose book should his or her parents buy if a baby likes fiction?    A. Dr. Seuss'         B. Marcia Vaughan's   C. Maurice Sendak's        D. Glenda Millard's  34. How much will you pay for two copies of Isabella's Garden and one of The Cat in the Hat?    A. $67.85         B. $56.85                 C. $48.85 D. $54.8535. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?    A. Isabella'.s Garden has no pictures. B. Where the Wild Things are is about Australian animals.    C. Pamela Lofts' illustrations can be found in Snug as a Hug. D. The Cat in the Hat has won the Caldecott Medal.    第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Do you know how to deal with failure at school? Four steps will help you get the most out of each failure and move on. 36 When you feel bad after failing, talk with your parents or good friends, or any other adult. Then decide to take the duty to improve yourself. Read the teachers comments on your test carefully. Ask yourself what you were trying to do and why you failed.    37   Maybe you didnt have all the information you needed; maybe you made a mistake or a poor decision. If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Fewer people ever get something right the first time they try it, and often it takes them many times.   38    Sometimes the failure isnt because of something you did or didnt do; it is someone elses fault. But dont spend time blaming them; instead, move on toward your goals.   39     Review the situation to see what your choices are. There is a different between making a decision and giving up. Deciding to follow a better way is one thing; simply walking away means you really have failed. Keep trying again. Successful people are different because they choose their next steps instead of just reacting to feelings. If a goal is still important to you, figure out what to do and go after it again.    40  A. If it isnt, do your best on something else. B. Usually it was because you were trying out a new skill or learning a new subject. C. Failure is unavoidable. D. Actually it was because you were very lazy. E. Dont give up easily.F. No pains, no gains.G. Remove your bad feelings. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)To me, kindness is a chosen lifestyle. In my classroom, I tell my   41   that every day they are offered a choice. They cant choose what happens to them, but they can choose how  they    42   to it. Kindness is a    43  . And it is a lifestyle. It isnt something that we just choose once in a while- it is a(n)  44   to live our lives. My father was hospitalized with leukemia(白血病) when I was in college. He didn't choose the cancer.   45    , he chose how to react to it. To this day, seventeen years later,  the nurses    46  write my mother letters. The    47   ? It was because of my fathers kindness to others even when he was   48   against the disease. He made kindness a lifestyle. And I want to be    49   him. Every day as a teacher, I try and teach my students the kindness lifestyle. Just recently, I turned 40 and a friend gave me 40 individual dollar bills. She challenged me to do something    50   with the money. I gladly accepted the challenge. I gave 40 of my students one dollar each and challenged them to make a(n)     51   . What happened? My Twitter and Instagram were   52    with pictures of kids making the world a better place. One girl bought a dollar store stuffed animal(填充玩具). It was   53   that kids should have made a difference when they were given the  54   . Living the kindness lifestyle   55   every day, every opportunity. As a high school teacher, I see   56   everywhere. In the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the locker room,   57   words and gossip(流言蜚语) fill the air. So I started a hangtag (标签) to   58   positive gossip called “third party compliments(称赞)”. The idea is that you talk about people behind their backs, but do it in a    59   way. In that way, the gossip that gets back to students makes their day instead of getting them down. Our kindness lifestyle leaves a footprint on others, and let us be the movers and kindness-makers who    60   a better, more beautiful world.  41. A. students        B. classmates              C. teachers             D. friends 42. A. contribute       B. refer                    C. return               D. respond 43. A. mood             B. goal                          C. choice               D. benefit44. A. spirit             B.  way                 C. chance               D. idea 45. A. Therefore         B. However               C. Otherwise              D. Furthermore46. A. never                  B. still                   C. once                   D. just 47. A. meaning               B. solution               C. reason                       D. purpose48. A. working            B. exercise                 C. seeking               D. struggling 49. A. like         B. with                 C. before                       D. against50. A. reasonable            B.  creative              C. necessary                  D. private51. A. promise       B. difference             C. profit                 D. achievement 52. A. concerned      B. equipped         C. decorated                  D. flooded53. A. amazing             B. natural                   C. common                   D. confusing54. A.  payment         B. advertisement          C. opportunity                D. introduction 55. A.  explains              B. increases          C. makes                       D. means56. A. progress       B. trust                C. negativity             D. harmony 57. A.  inspiring             B. hurtful           C. touching  


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