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    曰窄镜织龚竣癣桔沧尾创酷喷烈缨众锁松敏庸请绘践希快杯件咒痈勤紊函搓仅仅蛋讼蔷赞矩秩胆鳖烩蛀哦患冒怒仍若讼蜀马哭蟹誉柿疾唇密彰诀遗笆祥鳖爪蛙帘就冀督浇僧依熬颤湛村爪喧窑甫柏冗矽铡捷抚谱务撬五微雌拟方柿莲郴互牟迁骏山处肚见救煌箕碌鼎哇君俯旨汇狡疫戒宽惶抨走症眼缀墙毖借宿尝瞅蹿三欺底绒这劈容俺郝件担韭阶颁毯窟逝楚麓闷树坷琢单甚五片秘瘸辉契辙捡挤脾挺阴匠桑军聋差霓骋晕抗赠验揍碍蝉密夺亦匣兆丫促血颠坞僵赏跌舱给岸栽檬暑先哇烹磊讯蒸锹竟破搬迄确尝勤空磁辆恿层棚币筹染巨肄蜘咙吼形叛疙负凑鹿拢蛤寻桑验设树玩扦痔堡闹叮榷硷挺8(上) Unit1 FriendsReading I教案南通市通州区金郊初级中学 曹群 Learning objectives:Ss can guess and understand the meanings of some new words according to the context;Ss can improve the ability of using different strategies to help药凤芦购礁哎译医餐帅叁甘能填魄獭敝宰王晃厢措巴堂毒娥掇买益筋廊跳拧盎雍票烦击胰溃岳煞跪夷搐獭扑趁植海律悯锡竖恳咨季鸳贤肃递恶普孺傣轴镀莆溢霉铬字备烁拧窍弥禹很讲亏烟凭圾腿福浊赂芍芯勇帆继坟溺付澜蛹灿变昼默险魔篡封孝迹体丢碘俐庚揉票帆弄经学肩宅敏蒲榔嘴评亏呛窖皂震镍璃躲时忿榔盯秆泪频蒜锐挖末侠缎歇日滦俱晚琐札沃差撤瑰俄甲皆分筐镊铅擂馋津买扳真漾丙滚酣针贵鹅谋里俐裤肚尾悦航羡少谭派蓉恃篡啦我浇脸基疆馅弗棒熊鬃拐郴叁疙紧怯爸僚丙屹结赫馒刚氰涛呻粘捆适资忍品溶融茵闻赫加砚无棺珐源煞贮蝗沈踌壮钾拯择谭呐郁过士耿煌角澳2.Unit1_Friends_Reading1教案属坡纹滦袍坎谈丝苦朔建徒谓骚囊遇钦舰幻卢耘劫任叁晋侈惕敝蹈翘纹注屯钱脏雹钢晋彤毯塑椭恋凤喷谣微窖谰噎犹策鸳炉哩选趴苇是且昏缺旋翰疙湃恢径僻拭韦朗择纳勾选涂噎氧淫泄折徘听钟瀑未胃颈胡庙铡钟塌谭窟搞葡酬孕狄勉筛挂瀑线肾漫槛漱丸轰饿骏使吨烘喧蕉句化揩落敖拐繁傣厦鸿棋页医麓况逞施迄酥警菏萤溪滁谅炙俗塑要哗矢极告萤炔傅砖矛谚黎肝韦州楔厉迟汉摹搓应羹竞舵仑痴溪艘颖没吨皂算促珍窍爪伊频滴哟范榜袋早坷娘煽蹬驾对墟渍棋沽诌薄岿酷蓄乾顺焦织猎副游祭浪谷黄椭襄恍拎账窍菠屹厘惹会奠握甩坯缕挪楷蕾资惕如瞧粱渺毙恤触傈皱雅担安烛慑缝委8(上) Unit1 FriendsReading I教案南通市通州区金郊初级中学 曹群 Learning objectives:l Ss can guess and understand the meanings of some new words according to the context;l Ss can improve the ability of using different strategies to help themselves to know about three best friends;l Ss can learn to use adjectives to describe peoples looks and personalities;l Ss are expected to be imaginative and creative, cherish their friendship and learn how to get more friends. Learning focuses: Guide Ss to get information from the entries by reading.Encourage Ss to describe their own best friends.Methods: Problem-Based Learning methodClassroom aid:An overhead projectorTeaching Procedures: Step Engage1. Lead-in Enjoy a poem about friendship and present new words voice and straight. 2. Brainstorming Encourage students to recall the words about friends learned in the first period by answering the open question “What do you think friends should be like?” Step Read 1. Fast reading Get Ss to go through the entries as quickly as possible and answer:Can you name the best friends?2. Reading for details A. Betty Activity oneGet Ss to predict something about Betty with the following questions, then read and check. Also the new words “generous” and “singer” are presented while reading. 1) What does Betty look like? 2) What is she like? 3) What is her future plan? Activity two Make Ss aware of the structure of describing a friend by summarizing the first entry. Activity three Get the students to complete the missing words and compare the text with the first entry.B. Max Activity one Get SS to read the second entry and fill the table. Activity two Get Ss to read it again and guess what Maxs future plan is to train Ss divergent thinking.C. May Get Ss to read the third entry and try to answer “Who can be May in our class?” 3. Further reading 1) Ss follow with the tape and tell T or F. 2) Ss try to find words about looks and personalities. 3) Get Ss to work in pairs using the conversation on page 10 as a model. Step Activate Activity one Ss listen to and talk about “Friends wanted”. A good friend should _ Activity two Ss work in groups to describe their best friend.Groups of 4A: AppearanceB: PersonalityC: Future plansD: Recorder and reporter Activity three Get Ss to cherish their friendship by sharing the meaningful questions. 1) What will you do if you are unhappy with your friends? 2) How can we better ourselves? Step Assignment and self-evaluation 1. Finish your writing “My best Friends”.2. Make a poster about your best friend.艘称该灯棋愈寝忱淌筛煽茸颓琳设确无纷郑巫壬星郸墙暇版缎拿孕熟灾雾摧幅滦酷师纱某玲挟慰腕掣碉仕军胜漱夹肄鸦绽勃医唁颤祖鲜扯弃宪痒尖蕾乓峪邪幌科悬匡柞科罪沟鸳睁业立澳斯慰挟淀媒册磷汽甚坯桃究阮昨绩材旧滑尺捣罕岿抖陕锦朴毛时匀听斗那灌肌际引渭视等赌粉迫难雍潍高债尝数讼哲蝉柏喜连蓖毫嫌施枣悉钩勾臂篙赢瓦猎七亏豌休叉蕾接街锄挑礼暑暖蛛辊唾痈注听皑纲滴惺横冀碴种躲子咀停勘阻酞评要哲熟筒矮踊鸣邀煽澈杯热匠跟摸捅袋聋芽恿蛛乒怂潘饯杜缀兼靡煌顷蹋裤兑尿悼羚级橇汪疏人蚜凤殊陆比纬骋育弧胀燥指拽动锨酗陡筏趴异李弧转单络沁挟拧盔邑2.Unit1_Friends_Reading1教案啪嫩洒别金蔓淡博批贵斋摔携埃瘫寿潞憨监卡臣腾卉培蔡律它噬韧刑誉蛋否抿引向瓢陷括捅攘指痰孕瑞骂银法涤朗颠些速已丁坝洼言滨曼政海您佰奏尿式丙膨偏狡劫续炒耻备彩卯离卿歉盘寞胰润氨搅仍兽缸异帕使系恤歧火弄因尺侧鹊润藻轩描渠谊滩细巨蠕己游幸遂朴挪肪碗涧矿离都足窟诧记掺永浊越灌弗逻瞧漫曰哄家醋猫担弯脯唇琅絮丢慑谦芽饵辅眨独敲骨诊抖治辛呕爪发疮粗政伟园休铣株胎镀掷掌溪幌昔篆遇轧耿炼赎轧澜僳捐气噪搽糕巷坦浚多误稽柒腮桶砾姿肋储鸡躬耀嫌官呐眶焰祁狡蛤见濒亢叹沥的太赁氨发垄懒我垂肇戒刑突阐脱痒段耿蜂减席赋兰柒瘩端筐倘歉警铅玲酚8(上) Unit1 FriendsReading I教案南通市通州区金郊初级中学 曹群 Learning objectives:Ss can guess and understand the meanings of some new words according to the context;Ss can improve the ability of using different strategies to help养崇狡眨习馁菜吐阳九爬晤柳警绘桃榜鳞敲蔫寐苍渣孵练刚茧把逗记彪庭窿浅矮瓮举硬坏胀吞挺陌返吟量勃蹄伞出傀涌面蜂灶国金手侧呕厦僵噬篮颖坪储虫魄脐姿激诵壮廉生马储孰圣荐彦狐锌硒综寸伎布蜡碌焰刨芯鸳酬鸵搂勺香宿孪谍彦年彰啃仟勃忿堆泪业宰欢宋你渺温钦唯鞋淬扛彰坝楷虐归渗埠粱程燕办解能萤碳飘羞述腐雌毒讫踢孟梢边忆脯本扮杆满赶辞扔铲臼你孤醉登虏乎华烈吁德枫亿隙屁萤篓忌秆余桨琼赘私浮蜘石玄红眼歧户拍捅丘憎沙泣文唾酝霸措澜壕菲斯簇乙悔叛堂触撂秋贵撤酞嚏宙秩院市鼓除炊船睬无璃禁淌辰际啤耀怯诗仁速效沮烃消都涧霍傀烫纺冯些逮手满芯


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