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    Unit 1Unitl(28)共九十三个1 I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. (Para. 1)P: I had just completed my graduate studies and began teaching at the University of Kansas City2 ,New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things.P: Though I was a new teachen ,I knew I could tell him what a university was for,but I couldn ' t.3 I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at eh end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science P: I could have told him that he was now not getting training for a job in a technical school but doing a B.S. at a university.Unit 14 It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated within its history.P: The B.S. certificate would be an official proof that the holder had special knowledge of pharmacy, but it would also be a proof that he/ she had learned / absorbed some profound ideas of the past5 . I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn ' t going to be around long enough for it to matter.P:I didn ' atctually say all this to him, because I didn ' th ink he would stay at college very long, so it wouldn ' tbe important whether or not he knew what university education was for6 . Nevertheless, I was young and I had a high sense of duty and I tried to put it this wayUnit 1P: Instead of telling him the importance of an all-around education, I tried to convince him from a very practical point of view7 . . You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn' jump the fence, or that your client doesn t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence.P: You have to take responsibility for the work you do. If you re a pharmacist, you should make sure that aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals. As an engineer, you shouldn ' t get things out of control. If you become a lawyer, you should make sure an innocent person is not sentenced to death because you lack adequate legal knowledge and skill to defend your client.Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children.P: In addition to all other things (such as satisfaction) these professions offer, they provide you with a living so that you canUnit 1support a family: wife and children.9. . They will be your income, and may it always suffice10. Those professional skills will be rewarding for your career and we hope that there may always be opportunities of further learning.1 1. Will the children ever be exposed to a reasonably penetrating idea at home?P: Will your children ever hear you talk about something profound at home?12Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellectP: Will you be head of a family who brings up the kids in a democratic spirit?13 Will there be a book in the house? P: Will you be reading serious books (not just popular fiction)?14 Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look atUnit 1without shuddering?P: What kind of pictures will you put up in your house? Will you have a painting in your house that shows some taste on your part?十五:to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought P : to expose you to / make you understand the ideas, opinions and thinking of the best philosophers, scientists, writers and artists in human history.十六. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man s development we call history then you have no business being in college.Paraphrase :If you don ' t want to improve your mind and broaden your horizon by studying a little literature, philosophy and the fine arts and history, you shouldn t be studying here at collegeUnit 117: You are on your way to being that new species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal.Paraphrase: You will soon become an uneducated, ignorant person who can only work machines and operate mechanical equipment18: Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them without making contact.Paraphrase : a number of such push-button savages get college degrees. We cannot help that. But even with their degrees, we can' stay that these people have received a proper college education. It is more accurate to say that they come through college without learning anything.19: No one gets to be a human being unaided.Unit 1Paraphrase): No one can grow up to be a civilized person without the help of others.20: There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.Paraphrase To become a civilized person, you need to acquire the knowledge and develop the culture a civilized society needs. One lifetime is too short to create an environment for him to become civilized.21: You know more because they left you what they knew, because you can start from what the past learned for you.P:All human knowledge has been accumulated by people living in the past and has been passed on to us. You learn all this before you do any original research, or any research of your own.22: As this is true of the techniques ofUnit 1mankind, so it is true of mankind ' s spiritual resourcesP:This is the way we learn and develop the techniques of mankind. This is also how we inherit and advance mankind s spiritual resources.23: For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time.P: Because a great book is something given to us to enrich our lives. It presents to you a kind of life you don' have a chance to experience yourself, and it describes for you places you don' h ave time actually to visit.24: A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worldsP: Basically, a cultured and educated person should know about such great variety of lives and worldsUnit 12 五:If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer, or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy. (Para. 12)P: If you are too anxious to make money, too ignorant to see your limitations, then you couldn ' t regard those great people minds as a gift to your humanity, and thus you can ' t be a developed human2 六:He might have said that no one would ever manage to become human if they hadn ' t read about itP: He might have added that a person wouldn ' d eserve to be called a human being if they hadn ' t read about it.27: A university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include.Unit 1P: No matter who you are, a specialist or a common person, if the university cannot make you maintain contact with the best civilization of the history that you should know it cannot be called university, and has no reason to exist.28: The faculty, by its very existence, saysimplicitly:"We have been aided by many people, and by many books, in our attempt to make ourselves some sort of storehouse of human experience. (Para. 14)Paraphrasing: The existence of the faculty of the literal arts college itself says clearly:'In our effort to make out facultya place where our students can experience variety of life they do not have time to live themselves, we get a lot of help from many people and books, present and past.Unit3 (13)1 ) And root crops especially are hard toUnit 1tell apart, when store-bought, from our own .P:It is really hard to recognize the difference of root crops we buy from stores and those we grow.2)As it is, though, I cannot deny that when April comes I find myself going out to lean on the fence and look at that miserable plot of land, resolving with all my rational powers not to plant it again.P:However, in reality, I have to admit that when April comes I leaned on the fence and look at this patch painfully and reasonably made up my mind not to garden any more.3,But inevitably a morning arrives when, just as I am awakening, a scent wafts through the window, something like earth-as-air, a scent that seems to come up from the very center of this planet.Unit 1P:But inevitably just as I am waking up in a morning, a pleasant smell floats up and pour in though the window. It smells like earth and it seems to rise from inside the earth.4, the worms are deliciously worming their way through the melting soil.P:The birds start to cry really loudly. We are thinking the same thing: the soil is becoming soft and the delicious worms are moving across the soil.6. But black plastic looks so industrial, so unromantic, that I have gradually moved over to hay mulch. (Para 4) Paraphrase:But black plastic looks so unnatural (because it is made in factories) and ugly that I have gradually shifted to hay mulch.Unit 17. Keeping a garden makes you aware of how delicate, bountiful, and easily ruined the surface of this little planet is. Paraphrase:If you keep a garden, it will help you realize how generous the land of the earth is to us and how easily damaged it is.9 . I suppose if you loaded the soil with chemical fertilizer these differences would be less noticeable, but I use it sparingly and only in rows right where seeds are planted rather than broadcast over the whole area. (Para 5) Paraphrase:I suppose if you use a large quantity of chemical fertilizer on the soil, these differences would not be so obvious (would be covered up); but I use it very carefully and only in where the seeds are planted instead of spreading it over the whole patch.10 , She looks about skeptically. Her favorite task is binding the tomato plantsUnit 1to stakes.Paraphrase:She looks around doubtfully to see if something goes wrong. And she likes most to bind the tomatoes to wooden stakes so that they would not bend downward due to the weight of the fruits.11 ) In some pocket of the mind there may even be a tendency to change this vision into a personal reassurance that all this healthy growth, this orderliness and thrusting life must somehow reflect movements in one' s own spirit. (Para 9)Paraphrase:Whenever I see this beautiful, well-organized and arranged garden which is full of life and where everything is growing so vigorously, I feels certain that there is something similar in my mind.12 . and so it has to be an arena where striving does not cease, butUnit 1continues by other means.Paraphrase:and so a garden turns to be a stage or field where one shows that his effort to achieve something never stops. (Or put it another way, a garden is a means of displaying his ceaseless struggle.)13. Only the gardener is capable of endlessly reviving so much hope that this year, regardless of drought, flood, typhoon, or his own stupidity, this year he is going to do it right!Paraphrase: Only the gardener is capable of continuously finding back (or bringing back) the hope and believing that this year he is going to do it correctly, in spite of the possible difficulties-such as drought, flood, typhoon or mistakes he will possibly makeUNIT,4 (15)The Man in the Water14)And there was the aesthetic clash as well blue and green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk downUnit 1among gray chunks of ice in a black river. P: When the air crash occurred, it was not just a clash of metal against the bridge, but also a clash between colors: the blue-green color of the plane and the gray and black color of the ice and river.十五:And on that same afternoon, human nature groping and struggling rose to the occasion.P: On that same afternoon, human nature, searching for the flotation rings and struggling in the icy water, came to prove its greatness displayed in an unexpected tragedy.十六:delivering every hero ' s line that is no less admirable for being repeated.P:Skutnik gave a remark that has been said before by many people in similar situations, but it is still admirable.17: But the person most responsible for the emotional impact of the disaster is the one known at first simply as "the man in the water ”Unit 1P:The man who is known as “the man in the water' is the main reason for the great impact of the disaster. / The people of the nation were greatly moved by this disaster mainly because of the man who is at first just known as “the man in the water.”This man was described by Usher andWindsor as appearing alert and inthey lowered a ring to him, he another of thecontrol. Every time lifeline and flotation passed it on to passengers.P: The man appeared to be able to think quickly and clearly, to be calm and with perfect presence of mind. Every time the rescue team lowered him a lifeline and flotation ring, he never kept it for himself, he handed it to another passenger.19)“In a mass casualty, you' ll find people like him,“ said Windsor." But I' ve never seen one with that commitment."P: We can always find heroic people likeUnit 1him when a large number of people were hurt in an accident because although not everyone is a hero, there' s bound to be a fair representation of heroes in a big crowd. But I ve never seen anyone with such a strong sense of responsibility.20: When the helicopter came back for him the man had gone under.P: When the helicopter came back for rescuing him, the man had sunk down under the water, and drowned.21: His selflessness was one reason the story held national attention; his anonymity another.P: The fact that the man in the water who had displayed such heroism did not leave his name and no one was ever able to find it out was another reason why the whole nation felt so touched by this story. It showed that the man was a very ordinary citizen. It also proved that he did all these not for fame or anything.22)The fact that he went unidentifiedUnit 1gave him a universal character,.P:The fact that nobody could find out the identity of this person really made him a representative man, like everyone of us could do. We may feel that it might have been anyone.23)For a while he was Everyman, and thus proof (as if one needed it) that no one is ordinary.P: Notice that the word “ Everyone” is capitalized. It conveys the idea that this anonymous man really represents the best of human nature. What he did was not the act of a supernatural being


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