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    :和金鱼的故事英文版剧本DOCUment number : WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GTThe FiShermaIl and HiS WifeTitle: The FiSherman and HiS WifeGrOUP Member: Alice, Patty, Sally, Smile, TereSaCharaCterSFisherman: A man WhO makes IiVing by CatChing fishFisherman5S Wife: A WOmen WhO is SO greedy and bad tempered that neverSatiSfy With What She hasAlice: The fisherman and his wife,s daughter WhO is beautiful and kind-heartedPatty: A young and handsome SerVant Of their family When they Were rich IaterGOIden Fish: A fish WhiCh is grateful and has magic POWerSCene 1(The SCene is Set at the door Of the fisherman,s home, When he COmeS home WithOUt any fish. He hasn,t CaUght a Single fish for two WeekS in a row. He is hasitating Whether to knock the door Or not.)Fisherman: (TaIkS to himself.) NO fish again, but I have tried for the WhOIe morning NOW my Wife has a good reason to Iaid her tongue IaShing On me. (Finany decided to knock the door)Fisherman: m home, dearFisherman Wife: Did you CatCh any fish todayFisherman: Ah.no, I didtFisherman9S Wife: Then you,d better Stay OUtSideAlice: (QUietly) COme in, dad, COme in.FiShennan5s wife: NO fish again. (Saying as POCking) YOU haven" CaUght any fish for two WeekS LOOk at What am I eating, the hard, disgusting bread! If I keep eating this, my teeth WOUId COme Off my mouth.Alice: Mom, StOP POCking Iny dad YOU can,t grill him Iike that. It,s not his fault .It's Winter now, ane there is almost no fish in the sea.Fisherman9S wife: What YOU think I am grilling him m telling the truth! LOOk at the hard bread We eat, I haven,t eaten meat for three months; and the Shabby house We live, I Can fell the Wind COme from the hole On the WalLAlice: BUt We Stin have bread, rightFiSherman wife: If things keeps going Iike this, We Win StarVe to deathAlice: But,mOm. IFisherman: HeyJley. Stop, StOP. All right, I Will go to CatCh SOme fish now. JIlSt wait, I Wiil COme back before dinner.Fisherman Wife: If you Cairt CatCh any fish today, I Wiil not Iet you in.(The fisherman IeaVeS his home)SCene 2(The fisherman goes to the Sea and StartS to CaSt the fishing net)FiShermai1:(The first time, no fish. The SeCOnd time, no fish either. The third time, before he CaSt his net, he Said to himself) If I can,t CatCh any fish this time, I Shail go home any way. (Then he did his IaSt try)Fisherman: (SeeS a fish in the net) Oh, CheCk it out! A golden fish. NOW my Wife won,t blame me. I Can go home now. (TrieS to drug the fish into the basket)GOIdell Fish: Wait, wait, wait. Let me go, please.Fisherman: OiL God! YOU Can talkGOIdeil Fish: Yes, I'm a magic fish I Can talk as humanFisherman: SO What I can,t Iet you go, OtherWiSe my Wife WOUldn,t Iet me go home. (TrieS again to drug the fish into the basket)GOIdeil Fish: Wait, Wait If you Can Iet me go, I Can give you What you want.Fisherman: ReanyGOIdeIl Fish: Yes, I PrOmiSeFiShennan: Can you give me a IOt Of moneyGOIdeII Fish: GOd bless you! YOU Will be the richest man in your Vinage BUt you hae to Iet me go at first.Fisherman: OK, I trust you(DrOPS the fish into the Water)GOIden Fish: (SayS as SWimS back to the Sea) Thank you, sir. YOU are SO nice.(A Iarge amount Of money appears in the basket)Fisherman: Wow, it,s real. SO InUCh money! m rich now. I don,t need to CatCh fish for a IOng IOng time. d better buy SOme rum and brisket SO that I Can have a big meal tonight. (Went to home quickly)SCene 3(The SCene is Set at the fisherman home)Fisherman: (IntendS to knock the door but StOPS) d better keep SOme money for myself. She WOUld not know if I keep money for myself. (TakeS a roll Of money from the basket. And then knocks the door) Dear, m home! OPen the door!AliCe:(OPenS the door) ShhDad, COme in. MOm is Stiil angry.Fisherman: Thank you, honey. DOirt WOrry about me. Where is your momFisherman9S Wife: In the bedroom.Fisherman: Dear, I have a good news to tell you.Fisherman9S wife: (TUrnS her head away. And keeps Silent)FiSlIennan: WeIL you Can guessFisherman wife: (TUrn away again.)Fisherman: ShOW his Wife the rum and brisket.Fisherman9S wife: (IOOkS SUrPriSing) Wow, Where did you get theseFisherman: That's not the SUrPriSe(ShoWher the full basket Of money) Fisherman Wife: Oh, dear. YOU knocked it out of the park. I IOVe you! Alice: Dad, Where did you get these moneyFisherman5S wife: Right5 Where did them COme fromFiShennan: Well, I Win tell you. (Blah blah blah blah)(The fisherman is Very happy)FiSherman?s wife: HOW StUPid you are!Fisherman: What m StUPidFisherman5S wife: Yes, you are! HOW Can you Iet it go Iike that It is a magic fish YOU ShOUIci have ask InOre LOOk at OUr house. It,s SO Shabby.Alice: No, mom I think it's enough We Can USe these money to buy a bigger house Fisherman: I agree We Can IiVe a better Iife now.FisIierinan9S Wife: HOW StUPid you are. We ShOUId SeiZe the OPPOrtUnity. We Can be the richest family in the world. (TO his husband) YOU gotta tell that fish tomorrow that I Want a PaIaCe and a servant.Alice: Don,t be SO greedy, mom We can.Fisherman: Time for bed. NO more talking, go, go, go.(AIiCe IeaVeS the room, SadIy)Fisherman: (IntendS to leave, too)FiShennan5s wife: HOId OrL Did you take any money from the basketFisherman: Ah.no.no.dear. I.I.never Iie to you, you knowFisherman9S Wife: (SearCheS his body for money but in Vain)Fisherman: I told you, dear. Can I go to bed nowFisherman5S wife: Yes, you can.Fisherman: (RelieVed and heads for his room)Fisherman9S wife: Wait. Take Off your ShOeSFiSlIennan: (Stiffed) No, no money in my ShOeSFisherman wife: Take them off.Fisherman: (TakeS Off his ShOeS and take OUt the money) FiSherman,s Wife: HOW dare you YOU PlIIIed the WOOI OVer my eyes. (StartS to beat him)Fisherman: (StartS to run) Let Ine explain.Fisherman: (ChaSe after him) I don't Want to IiSten.SCene 4(The SCene is Set at the Sea)FiShermaii: GOlden fish, Where are you GOlden fish!GOIdelI Fish: What Can I do for you, sirFisherman: Uh.it,s my wife, She WantS a PalaCe and.and.a IOt Of sevant.GOIdeII fish: She is SO greedy BUt you are a nice man. I Win give you a PalaCe GOd bless you!(A handsome young Inan COmeS from nowhere)Patty: Hello, master. Fm your servant, Patty.Fisherman: (SUrPriSed) Where CIid you COme fromGOIdeil Fish: I Ordered him to be your servant. He is a nice young man and WilI OeVer betray you.Fisherman: Thank you Thank you Very muchGOIdeil fish: YOU PrOmiSe Ine that this Will be the IaSt requirement, OKFisherman: Yes, I PrOmiSe(The fish SWimS back to the depth Of the OCean)FiSherman: (TO Patty) I have to tell you that my Wife is bad-tempered YOU have to be Very careful.Patty: OK, sir.(They go home together)SCene 5(The SCene is Set at their SPlenClid PalaCe)Fisherman: ( Standing in front Of the CiOOr) What a staggering palace!Patty: AnOW me to OPen the door for you, sir.Fisherman9S Wife: (WaIking to her husband) GOOd job, dear. ThiS is What i want. I IOVe you. FiSlIennan: I IOVe you, too.Fisherman VVlfe : (TO Patty) WhO are youPatty : GOOd morning, masters. m your servant. My name is Patty.AliCe : (TO Patty)GOOd morning, Patty. NiCe to meet you, my name is Alice.Patty: NiCe to Ineet you too. I have to tell you that you are the most beautiful girlve ever Seen in my life.Alice: Thank you.FiShennan5s VVife : Hey hey hey What are you doing(try to PUn her daughter away) DO not think too much about my daughter, you are not rich enough for her.Patty: I WaSjUSt introducing myself, madamFisherman: Don,t think I Wollldrft know. Now, go to Clean every COrner Of the PalaCe before dinner.Patty: Yes, madam.(EVerybOdy IeaVeS)SCene 6Narrator: AS time goes by, Patty and AIiCe have fallen With each other. And One day, Patty is SWamPed With his WOrk as What he does everyday. AliCe and Patty are having a COnVerSatiO n.Alice: YOU know, Patty. My InOther has asked too much these days .It SeemS that She never SatiSfieS With What She has I have told my father not to Obey her every instruction, but he WOUId not IiSten to me.Patty: Yes, I UnderStand Maybe you ShOUld talk to your father and tell him that he ShOUld StiCk to his gunsAlice: I have tried. BUt it didn,t WOrk My father is afraid Of disagree With my mom.PattyJ Want to tell you SOmething Alice, I think you are a beautiful, brave, and kind-hearted girl in the WOrldAlice: Oh, thank you! YOU are SUCh a gentlenen.Patty: And I know, AliCe YOU are not that kind Of girl WhO CareS about money. I Want to ask you if you WOUld Iike to IeaVe With me and get rid Of your Iife here I Will take good Care Of you and give you all my IOVeAlice: TO tell you the tth that I also hate the Iife here I,m tired about my Parents, endless quarreling. My mom never CareS about me, my father never IiStenS to me. I Win IeaVe With you!Narrator: The fisherman,s daughter AIiCe and the SerVant Patty Ieft together and never COme back They IiVe a happy Iife ever after.SCene 7(The SCene is Set at the palace, the fisherman and his Wife are having a COnVerSatiOn) Fisherman5S Wife: Dear, I have to tell you that m tired Of Iife there I Want SOmething new. Fisherman: What nowFiSherman9S wife: I Want to be the queen Of the OCean and that fish be my servant. Then I Can have anything I Want anytimeFisherman: What When Can you be SatiSfied Of What you have OUr daughter is gone, and that,s all your fault!FisIierinan9S wife: It's not my fault .It's you WhO brought that SerVant in, and he took OUr daughter away.Fisherman: YOU never CareS about her! NOW you feel no regret and Still WantS more. Fisherman9S wife: I don,t Want to talk about this At IeaSt She has SOmeOne to IOVe her. BUt you never IOVeS me. All I Want in my Iife is to be the queen Of the sea, but you don't Want to help me.Fisherman: NO matter What you say, I won't go.FiSherman5s wife: Are you going there Or notFisherman: No!Fisherman5S Wife: Fine, ll go by myself. (LeaVeS for the Sea)Fisherman: (PUnS her back) COme back Fine, go. YOU OnIy InakeS things WOrSe (The fisherman goes to the Sea)SCene 8(The SCene is Set On the Sea)FiSlIennan: I don,t Want to ask for any more BUt my Wife forced me BUt She Said that this Win be the IaSt requirement.GOIden fish: What now IS Hiere SOmething WrOng With the PaIaCeFisherman: No, no, no. The PaIaCe is SPlendidGOIdeil Fish: Then, What did She WantFisherman: It,s.my Wife.she.she.wants to be the queen Of the sea.and.and She WantS you to be.to be.her ser. servant.GOIdeIl Fish: What HOW dare She HOW Can She be SO greedy She has asked too much I can,t Stand it any more FrOm now on, you two Win IOSe everything All the money and your PalaCe Will goneFisherman: NO no no PleaSe I won,t ask for anything anymore Please, don,t go. GOIden FiSh : (Talking as SWimming away) TOO Iate5 now She ShOuId Pay the price. (VaniSheS in the depth Of the OCean)FiSlIennan: No! No! Please! COme back! COme back! Pleeeeaaaase!Narrator: The fisherman Went home, OnIy to find everything is gone, Wind Stin Came from the IIOle On the WaIL his Wife Still WOre her Shabby ClOSe before. They IiVe a POOr Iife as before, and their daughter never Came back


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