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    七年级下册数学三栏式教学计划construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others教 学 计 划 教师 学科 数学 班级 七(1) 学校 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of othersconstruction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others2014-2015学年度第二学期 一、 学生情况分析 初中数学是中学数学的基础,打好这个基础,对减少两极分化,开发智力,发展思维,培养人才都是至关重要的。因此,提高中学的教学质量,必须从七年级抓起。下面就对我校七年级学生数学学习现状做一下简单描述。 大部分同学学习积极性尚可,能较好地完成学习任务,但很多学生学习习惯不是很好,整体水平不均,学习比较浮躁,这主要表现在课堂纪律和作业质量方面。 一、学习状态 绝大部分同学都能跟上现有的进度,上课发言尚积极,个别同学表现的还比较出色,但也有部分同学的理解能力和接受能力不尽人意,学习成绩极不理想。从课堂上看,他们的注意力不能长时间集中,很容易分心,作业和试卷上的错误比较多,对于老师的问题一问三不知,在今后的教学过程中对这些孩子要特别注意。 二、学习习惯 部分学生有主动学习的行为,深得老师赞赏。比较喜欢上数学课,学习热情也很高,并喜欢与老师友好相处,同学之间、师生之间常在一起交流学习体会。但仍有少部分学生学习懒散、学习习惯差,如:粗心大意、书写不认真,不愿思考问题,上课开小差,依赖老师讲解,依赖同学的帮助,有些学生抄作业现象比较严重。 and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: thisconstruction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others三、解决方案及实施计划 1、“要抓质量,先抓习惯”。帮助学生培养良好的学习习惯和学习方法。教给学生怎样学习数学,提高学生的数学学习能力。激发学习兴趣,养成自主学习的习惯和方法。平时在教学中,注意抓好学生的书写、审题与检查等良好的学习习惯。 2、进一步加强基础知识的教学,培养学生对各知识点的融会贯通、灵活理解及运用的能力。 3、注重开发性地使用教材,在做到“吃透”教材的前提下,大胆创新,对于知识的重难点力求把握准确,突破有法。对基本技能的训练,通过创设新的情景,让学生在变化的情景中去运用,在理解的基础上去训练,而不是变成大量的、机械的、重复的操练,因为操练、重复只能加重学习负担,降低学习效率,从而引起学生的厌恶。同时,要重视能力的培养,继续加强运算能力、思维能力的培养。 4、注重积极的情感、负责的态度和正确的价值观的培养,注意激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,让学生了解数学知识的形成过程和应用价值,发挥评价的激励和导向功能,帮助学生认识自我、建立自信。 5、对优良学生,要鼓励他们刻苦学习,努力进步,要致力于发展性思维训练,不光是为了考试分数高,更主要的是掌握学习策略和学习过程。对学困生,要进一步培养他们的学习兴趣,尽量杜绝抄作业现象,是每个人在原有的基础上有所进步。 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of othersconstruction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others二、 教材内容分析 数学课程标准提出:教材是学生学习活动的基本线索,是实现课程目标、实施教学的重要资源。苏科版数学新教材遵循标准的理念,以“生活数学”、“活动思考”为主线展开课程内容,注重体现生活与数学的联系,为学生提供看的到、听得见、感受得到的基本素材;注重创设计问题请情境,引导学生在活动中思考、探索,主动获取数学知识,促进学生学习方式的转变,力求实现标准提出的“知识与技能,数学思考,解决问题,情感与态度”等四个方面的课程总体目标。”教材从联系实际、与时俱进的角度对学习内容和知识结构进行了编排,设立了“思考与探索、操作与思考、尝试与交流、猜想与验证、拓展与延伸、数学实验室”等栏目,这些栏目的设计不仅有助于学生学懂知识,学会技能,而且能引导学生体会数学的本质,体会数学的思想方法。下面谈谈数学新教材的一些特点。 特点一、注重"图文"并茂创设情境 新教材利用彩色画面,注重内容的"图文"并茂,深受学生的喜爱,能有效利用"主题图"创设教学情境。新教材除了在文本所蕴含的教学资源外,每一幅主题图都包含丰富的教学资源,可辅助学生感受课文的教学情境,感悟新概念、新知识的形成,增加教育容量,使教学活动真正成为一个生动活泼的、富有个性的过程。 特点二、注重引导学生“做”数学 (1)本教材学生做的栏目“数学实验室”,引导学生通过“做”and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city W


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