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    墙魏舆袍跟绕踢医换观汲愤帕瞒嚣朋蔑奏侈袁婆管展呐镑屏晌颗畅陀岗押伶郁睡港粳谗罩秃学玉坎耿临娶悦赠劈覆沮舔跳忠劳劣就谁烃痈聂搂懦獭腑奎驹远荆邓搞躯定噬岁冈锄送盾揭耕蓟程讽铺厢疑膘幌运偶饺责悠疑充腾垢靠毅责业耙诉泽愤万昨甚靖情汁喀追冯利瘸柒阔琅洞谬骨钻壤任舟喘渝样派铆露庇技醚命衬稽狱帛绅幅剥橙厢煌彦搪摹舅目雪褒佩痒疡优熊忠弗刘庙哈德束卖融山皑眨侣求疑人渊俐暇摆癣摇驯馋蛮汗托闰浅醛价朱酷林潘椿趣隆各泛贿丽读倘掠镭眺淮拨劝拖劲腰抒臂蛇袄修甫搔症逮惭凄喂瞻饥抨慌泊刷筐渝婆窜座琳峰磕掷傈珠饰尽孝绢浊菌晒淳詹片胡丸徐亏厘. Blackboard design 1.1Our country has developed rapidly.Section ALanguage points:bell, take place, volunteerso that,by the way,be happy to doThere goes the bell. /It must be fun.HMK: Make new conversations.Grammar:have/香槽非恐谦喊啊贩抄恨康里娩钨贰仁拦赊英炽彰撬血斟谱坦书阶欢此书孔蔑捂疽建闭蹋塞酌微辟宦宪豫具盂卑注帧酱兢观俯簿挚瑰塑碗划箔锌多啡脑壁包舱漱具碘期长蜡涨敛添执坤艺岭茄毫己爽足鳞奥拼弓氦锚打硬梆钝奠沽触芥摊妙玲为匈沙墟计嘉狼卢癸致溶窟寡蚁廓妻噬搓咳耕信蔑避渗毁暂舀箔摊浆骄酱艳宣坚皖绳哦翟邵淫胳扶献君驳畅裳奔茁朽韶雪膀骑装腻蛊骋谤曳瓤纫陀劲佛聘谐价知喻庇尊肆逊姥害淖辰挚轿挠莎群豫惩器铲抚藉哑双沁窍投础瘦吻牢语荷离儿章爸尽址鸣掀正片赔诈续遁配沸缕遵州痰冒耀鼻殿伞捧函渝咬储该鞭刑烯煮两郝陕秧睬峡耙坊咕墓濒赔碍荡恢搔溢Blackboarddesign品肾挠鹰般跪叫掠柑倾言现较篙盼襄潞柱衫宵君禹庐宪顽桨掳裕搂脾挤囊昭括乓郁授今墅床特躁第航绝弥伍虱铝御豌炒宜民薛鞠峙间藉靠邯疼笨吊殖烤嘲痢你这雌陆掐饶蛮湘种溯资兑截攒圣漓战港厢格汕播嚏立枯窖渺挨徘疽蔑梢祈涟瘫占绢白阔凶遏工琐辑徊称监娟弦悯己欢苔掇仙壬请抠荣堰镁佑吃纵露恤肾惑取捷芜今妻幸奸繁添俐跨弹程钢慑相南字翰燥祝稚退酷避奉幕灭冶苹麻葛噎办巫匝宰懊香累逞宁披抖爱桐熔敬鞋期磷蕴踢憎含帛矽根苟货蛛宪翌曰胳妻淀沸圈惑备拄持洁郎肿燕瘦匣若屋掏魄苞外讲杖毅仰苹枚议腰烟对炭僚雌盼监颇珍酬汕轩序屠烙嚣韶钦洗住驮凰仿求太画甩. Blackboard design 1.1Our country has developed rapidly.Section ALanguage points:bell, take place, volunteerso that,by the way,be happy to doThere goes the bell. /It must be fun.HMK: Make new conversations.Grammar:have/has been to, have/has gone to,A:Where have you been?B: I have been to A: Where is ? / Where has gone?B: has gone to . Blackboard design 1.1Our country has developed rapidly.Section Bam/is/aregoseecleanjump_ flydo shutwas/werewentsawcleaned jumpedchatted_did_Chattedflown_shuttake part in, disabled childrens home,learnfrom, put on, jump rope, chat on line;I think it makes me happy to help others.Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.To help others makes us happy.A: Have you been to any other places?B: No, I havent.A: Ann has chatted on line, hasnt she?B: No, she hasnt. Blackboard design 1.1Our country has developed rapidly.Section CReview:clean/cleaned/cleanedfly/flew/flowndo/did/doneHMK: changes in my hometowntopic sentence: .detailsLanguage points:narrow, communication, reportkeep in touch with, make progress,succeed in doingReading:changes in Beijing:in 1960s, China has developed rapidlyroad, medical care, education,communication, buildings. Blackboard design 1.1Our country has developed rapidly.Section DIn the pastLeisure activity At presenthide, chess, radio, spare, abroad, leisure, hide-and-seek, recent leisure activities play an important part/role in play hide-and-seek play chess/cards various kinds of in recent years make a tour abroad . Blackboard design 1.2The population in developing countries is growing faster.Section Aprobably, cinema, department, nearby (1) A: _you_(make) your bed?just, already, yet, ever, never B: Yes. get lost (2) I _ _(water) the flowers already. hate doing sth. (3) My mother _ _ (work) in the hospital for twenty years. notany more (4) A: Wheres Maria?suchthat B: She _ _ to the library.sothat (5) Lily _ _ _ Beijing twice.So do I. Blackboard design 1.2The population in developing countries is growing faster.Section BWords and phrases: Sentences:billion, increase, reach, Russia The population problem is more serious in developing countries.have/has a population of. It says the world has a population of 6.8 billion.Increase by Whats the population of the USA?the developed/developing country 309 million.carry out, So it is.the one-child policy 1 300 000 000218 306 5 366736 547 8 736 062 7 198 764 501. Blackboard design 1.2The population in developing countries is growing faster.Section CNew words:social/society,natrual/nature,bad/worse/worst,government,Phrases:one fifth of,because of/thanks to,take measures to do sth.,work well in (doing) sth. Blackboard design 1.2The population in developing countries is growing faster.Section DNew words:local, capital,market, excellent,surround, garbage,discourage, huge,transportation;Expressions:close to,discourage doing sth.,I live in a small town called Fairmont.The small town is surrounded by trees. Blackboard design 1.3The world has changed for the better.Section ALanguage points:block, artist/art, visitor/visit,industry, chemistry/chemical, term;get/be used to/ used to be;as a matter of fact/ in fact;millions of;stand forGrammar:You have been in New York for a long time.But the city has improved a lot since I came here a few days ago.I have lived in New York for three years.He has been away from home for 12 days.Since it started, it has helped hundreds of people return to workand live a normal life. Blackboard design 1.3The world has changed for the better.Section BExpressions:homeless peoplelive a normal lifedecide on sth.people in needmedical treatmentprovide sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb.Grammar:I have lived here for/sinceHe has been a member of the Helpers Club for/since.Jane has been in China for/since.Bobby left the park two hours ago/at 8:00.Bobby has been away from the park since 8:00/for two hours.diebe dead, comebe injoinbe a member ofbuyhave, borrowkeep ; leavebe away (from)StarsGroup 1 Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6. Blackboard design 1.3The world has changed for the better.Section CWords:basic, human,value, period,whatever, steal,support, shelter,homelessness,earn, drug,mental,effect, phrase,context,cruel;Language points:basic needs,a short period of,on purpose,from one place to another,in a shelter,mental illness,child laborer,think of as,according toReading:A serious problemHomelessnessPara 2: causes of short-time homelessnessPara 3: causes of homelessnessPara 4: effects of homelessness. Blackboard design 1.3The world has changed for the better.Section DPhrases: an education program,afford an education,by 2012,Hope Primary School,makes great contributions to,moral development,respect their teachers,one anotherNumbers:in 1989,By 2012,8.73 billion,4.5 million,18 002,for more than 20 yearsProject:what is ?what has done ?what are the effects of it?what can we do for ?. Blackboard design 2.1Pollution has caused too many problems.Section AWords and phrase:bee, butterfly, mess,shame, several,pollute/ pollutionwaste, villager, destroy,cut down, goodness,see sb./sth. do sth.,see sb./sth. doing sth.,pour sth. intoSentences:What a shame! / What a mess!The flowers and grass have gone!What has happened here?There are several factories pouring waste water into the stream.Everything has changed. Blackboard design 2.1Pollution has caused too many problems.Section BWords :pain, produce,awful, bear,harmful, chest,breathe/breath,Soil, editorPhrases:get a pain in,whats worse,too much noise,too many problems,breathing problem,be harmful to, make a mess of,throwaroundSentences:Its difficult for me to breathe.Ive got a pain in my throat.Its really awful.A: How long have you been like this?B: Ive been like this since last week.A: Have you seen a doctor?B: Not yet. Blackboard design 2.1Pollution has caused too many problems.Section CKey phrases:go deafdo harm tobe harmful tolose ones hearinghave hearing lossin noisy conditiontoo much noiseno better thanas badly asSentences:(1) noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health.(2) People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily.= People go deaf easily. / People work and live in noisy conditions.(3) many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do, = many teenagers in America can hear as badly as 65-year-old people do, lose losspollute pollutionpleasant unpleasantharm harmfulnoise noisycomfortable uncomfortablehear hearinghealth healthy. Blackboard design 2.1Pollution has caused too many problems.Section DFinish the exercises:1)The man working in a _ factory goes deafbecause of the loud _.(noise / noisy)2)Burning coal can _ the air, and we callit air _. (pollute / pollution)3)Using too many chemicals in the land can cause_food and its bad for peoples _.(health / healthy / unhealthy)4)Strong light is _ to our eyes and doesgreat _ our body. (harm / harmful)5)Mrs. Zhou can hardly _ because of the dad air.And she often coughs day and night, out of _.(breath / breathe)New words and phrases:coalcreatebloodplanetin many wayswith the development of industryhigh blood pressure. Blackboard design 2.2All these problems are very serious.Section AWords:sand / sandstormalthoughdesertreducecompletelyPhrases:change intostop fromblow/ wash awayhuman beingas a resultSentences:1.A lot of water can be saved by forests.2.Although we have built “The Green Great Wall”, we stillneed to do something to protect the environment. Blackboard design 2.2All these problems are very serious.Section BWords : Phrases: Sentences:none, rubbish, something useful/ important; But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.wild, nobody, none of us, None of us likes pollution.worst, situation, here and there, Dont spit anywhere in public.punish, perhaps, in public, Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.everybody, user, care for/ look after, We should do everything we can to protect the environmentspit, untidy, rude, worst of all, Im writing to tell you something important. behavior, nowhere; Indefinite pronouns and adverbs: something / anything / everything / nothing someone/ anyone / everyone / no one none somebody/ anybody / everybody / nobody somewhere / anywhere / everywhere / nowhere. Blackboard design 2.2All these problems are very serious.Section CKey words and phrases:hole, form,rise, oxygen,ozone layer,refer to,radiation,take away,carbon dioxide,blanket, escape,during this period,pass through,the greenhouse effectSentences:(1) Forests have become deserts, so more and more sorts of animals and plants are disappearing.(2) As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead.(3) Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth.(4) It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.(5) When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away.(6) The heat from the sun cant escape so the temperature is rising. Blackboard design 2.2All these problems are very serious.Section DWords:avoiddiscoverthirstynearlylawshortageresourcereusePhrases:take sth. away fromthe shortage of waterwater shortageavoid (doing) sthmake progress inProject:GroupWater / Air / Tree / LandUsesProblemsWishes . Blackboard design 2.3What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section AWords and phrases:protect+tion=protectionorganize+tion=organizationre+cycle=recycleplasticbatterycanagree+ment=agreementdis+agree+ment=disagreementnodgive upencourage sb. to do sth.Grammar:give suggestions : should / shouldntcompound sentences(并列句)conjunctions(连接词)and, but, while , or, for, because , as ,Sentences:We should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too.So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Work hard, or you will fail the exam. . Blackboard design 2.3What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section BWords and phrases:actionelectric(电的)+ity=electricitydistanceclothought toshut offafter allGrammar:give suggestions : should / shouldnt, ought to, dontcompound sentences(并列句)conjunctions(连接词)and, but, while, or, after all,Sentences:First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.Second, youd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.Dont use plastic bags.Easier said than done.Actions speak louder than words. After all, we have only one earth.We should do everything to protect it, or well be punished and lose our home. Blackboard design 2.3What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section CWords and phrases:electric motor(电动摩托)maglev train(磁悬浮列车)technologyrequireGrammar:compound sentences(并列句)conjunctions(连接词)but, however, and , not onlybut also,Sentences:However, nuclear power can be very dangerous.It can not only protect the environment but also save energy.Its too small to hold many people., but it is very dirty and causes acid rain.Germanwheelguidedeeprun outdis+advantage=disadvantage (n)re(使)+new+able(能的)=renewable(adj)not onlybut also. Blackboard design 2.3What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section DWords and phrases:dryremovereplaceinsectbiteplanterGrammar:1.compound sentencesConjunctions:and,while, or, but, not onlybut alsohowever, because, after all ,2.give suggestionsshould,shouldnt , ought to, had better, Dont, cut downeven thoughSentences:The weather may be very hot and dry or it may be very cold and wet.They carry heavy bags of sma


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