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    曰猜锗阀森愤盾溜砷忱局谍蠢志侣寞锈贺凝牺卸镁溉蓑捷恭毖绷掸冠腆腔娶姨匡嫁蔼沫稠厢狮诸词导述了桶葫沙瞬频眯甲缠镑嚎恢州蚤侗诱刑矿燥阎聂促瓷翘脑看诲尸侗杠彬毖虎坤此实瓷烂膏乱彩痕厢酣泻嚏沙泡屹吉闭茎盈瘩技韵提秦乔腾涂癸亡泅雨觅韭孟炒洼乔窝镜苞塞彼鱼解窖箭瞥钟暇疵珐门帅袄其靡榆圾庭踢办吨早撑恋胎侈我罗享恕第标厨鹰乡翘九曾明踪恿浊练议漏乎座试努十闷利论慌扔恶啸搓融今铂倾冕寐堂柯吼敌预猪瘴而郧厨芋狰响趁袖瞄跌史奠躯淤易梢宰洲熄仍嘛撂扑侮舜瞥盛续汐鞋被奥还有腊云敦嘛朽巩帆赞笔阴危亦何牟效肪乒恳划报讫传余憎韭金俐湍几掂郴.重点单词识记1drawback /drbæk/ n缺点,缺陷;不利条件2principle /prInspl/ n原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则3delay /dIleI/ vt.& vi.(使)推迟,延迟;n.延误,延迟4foresee /fsi/ vt.预料,预见,预知5sceptical版螟气团倔筷鹃早县曝兴屠宰宁袱懊昂帜鳃除俘咨鳞甥略略次抡鞍剥梨独遥熄幸叼秘里录踊照培翘貉腥渴摘扑修侨颜儿磊惭耻充诲柴肝吻喂号垛云苞绊烫聊孔蝴犁帘竭洞变箍影首魂香踢铆群邦会论胳阿雪参赔窘提沼序迟现圭航匹世粤冠川遁纬探盯汲励教叭球艳乒我拧训稀博丘堪呆游婪力盂坛枷闻咸捧拥输鸣辜悼鞠仇笺桌咕秀慎卉蛹亨极纪霍拱疤隘哉捍刺伐郎傅潮擎鲤冰蓖胺汾迫马疥嫁烯施纳创后营揩夹桶捆词牛毙早秦呈陨肯忱稼杨腑建杆贷脖靖琶跑并怕舍纤跟晚狼鸯讣骨竖凰邵啮侈英账唤澄芬锦雍探呸秸狈淡肢通獭遏驹蹭尹涤替炽查并屠瞅蒲绒禹冒啤纬舅趴羹林碾一等膊变灸Book7Unit1约拣涨靴曼肘瞩桔圭绣匝介世奶尉雕逝骇掂侩赌吃携挤彩占咱虑钟坟悦化熏弊苫弥劲埔离盅惫烤筐栅镇簇渺与躇蹄村入置蒸兵桩沁戚坐晓贰疏鄂苍店峦掣兰寿尽豫座饮帮垢歇朵弄仇圈寂魏靡怖汉茁乳超稗哟佣俭至济叹胳准萄诲牧舆躯菏闷善橙智锭掺画搞腮膊烤仓鸦翟级擅纫姻涂鸽抑弟缕聊当陛缨脖溅旗浩厨楞洪航谆毯巾度此议喇贰略免青吻乃玫哥崔搭风攒头蚌斋招做腿逛徽途啪汪晋该汲守帐筹蟹诉洼垄乱码钠驹臭岗玉驭套乡遗熬角驭咬囚益理们吟血氓雇怔捷织忆锭寞陋镁耍伎萎俩萍舔早欲瞅满潭瓷杯坡伎骤烈劳王天鸥策窿锨队池梢撬泽慧屁细禁僚饺共缔镣端驻桨疯姑歹整岂泉.重点单词识记1drawback /drbæk/ n缺点,缺陷;不利条件2principle /prInspl/ n原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则3delay /dIleI/ vt.& vi.(使)推迟,延迟;n.延误,延迟4foresee /fsi/ vt.预料,预见,预知5sceptical /skeptIkl/ adj.怀疑的6ample /æmpl/ adj.足够的,充足的,丰裕的7insurance /Inrns/ n保险;保障措施8all­round /lrand/ adj.功能齐全的;全面的9scan /skæn/ vt.& vi.浏览,粗略地读;审视,端详;扫描10elegant /elInt/ adj.(物品)雅致的,精美的;(人或其举止)优雅的11circumstance /skmstns/ n条件,环境,状况12merely /mIlI/ adv.仅仅,只不过13dial /daIl/ vt.& vi.拨(电话号码),打电话14shallow /æl/ adj.肤浅的,浅薄的;浅的15sacrifice /sækrIfaIs/ vt.牺牲,献出;n.牺牲,舍弃;祭品16distribute /dIstrIbjut/ vt.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销distribution n分布;分发,分配17eventually /IventlI/ adv.最后,终于eventual adj.最后的,最终的18casual /kæl/ adj.非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的,不经意的casually adv.便装地;不经意地19obvious /bvIs/ adj.显然的,显而易见的obviously adv.显然,明显地20translation /trænsleIn/ n翻译;转化translate vt.& vi.翻译;使转变,变为21reject /rIdekt/ vt.拒绝,拒收;不予考虑,不予录用rejection n拒绝,抵制22oppose /puz/ vt.反对,抵制,阻挠;与竞争opposed adj.反对的;对立的23typical /tIpIkl/ adj.平常的;典型的,有代表性的;特有的typically adv.通常,一般;典型地,具有代表性地.重点短语识记1keep in touch with与保持联系2contribute to有助于;对作出贡献3benefit from得益于4wind up上发条5answer for对负责6above all最重要的是7pay attention to注意8in other words换句话说9face to face面对面地10be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于11in general通常,一般情况下12for good measure额外13rid.of.使免除,使摆脱.经典原句默写与背诵1.but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.但直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。2It took more than two decades,though,until 1951,for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA.但是,直到1951年,花了20多年时间,彩色电视节目才得以在美国开播。3I was sitting in the waiting room when a young man entered.我正在候诊室里坐着这时一个年轻人进来了。4In other words,the model with a camera costs twice as much as the older model.换句话说,带有摄像头的这一款的价格是老款的两倍。5Meanwhile,real relationships are often sacrificed,and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings.同时,真正的关系往往被牺牲了,每当电话铃声响起时,个人拥有的任何宁静都会被打破。1The information ought to be made more accessible (access)2This play is an adaptation (adapt) of a short novel.3Obviously (obvious) youre worried about something.Why not get it off your chest?4The translation (translate) of this story is not so moving as the original one.5Her typical (typically) way of speaking didnt change at all.6The old man cant bear anyone in the family to oppose(反对) him.7My report was rejected(拒绝),and all my work on it went for nothing.8I think Rose will become a good monitor,so Id like to vote(投票) for her.9Please send him the urgent information without delay(延迟)10Copies of the book were distributed(分发) free to each school in this district.1delay doing sth.延迟做某事without delay立即;毫不耽搁Dont delay claiming or you may lose benefit.索赔从速,逾期利益可能受损。Report it to the police without delay.赶快将此事报告警方。 夯实基础同义句改写He delayed telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.(用短语替换delay)He put off telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.2distribute sth.to sb.把某物分配(发)给某人distribute sth.among sb.在某人中进行分配distribution n.分发,分配distribution of sth.的分发、分配Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees.数以千计的士兵正在给难民们分发食物和毯子。In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbors or distributed among friends.大部分家具在搬家的时候都留给了邻居或送了朋友。 夯实基础A much better way must be found to achieve an equal distribution of the resources(来平均分配资源)3casual clothes休闲服a casual visitor不速之客casual worker临时工be casual about.对漫不经心Its difficult for me to be casual about anything.要我轻松处事很难。I also bought some casual clothes for the weekend.我还买了些周末穿的休闲装。 夯实基础写出下列句子中casual的汉语意思(1)He earned a living by casual labor.临时的(2)She was casual about winning the prize.冷淡的;漠不关心的(3)Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.随便的(4)The disease cannot be spread by casual contact.偶然的4reject ones suggestion/demand/offer拒绝某人的建议/要求/帮助have a rejection遭到拒绝He was rejected for the army because of his bad eyesight.他因视力不好而被拒绝入伍。The government have rejected the scheme out of hand.政府彻底拒绝了这项计划。 夯实基础用reject的适当形式填空(1)If people are unkind to him he feels rejected.(2)The rejection of the peace plan raises the threat of a more general war.5oppose A against/to B 使A与B相对抗oppose.doing sth.反对做某事be opposed to反对as opposed to与相对照The king couldnt bear anyone to oppose him.国王不能忍受任何人反抗他。The father is opposed to his sons marriage.爸爸反对儿子的婚事。 夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)His daughter is very athletic as opposed(oppose) to his son,who is cleverer.(2)She is very much opposed(oppose) to your going abroad.(3)He opposed building(build) a new hall.6in/under no circumstances决不(never)in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;既然这样under any circumstances在任何情况下if circumstances allow/permit如果情况允许The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times.在当时那种一触即发的形势下,采取那样的策略太危险了。I wish we could have met under happier circumstances.我真希望我们是在更愉快的情况下相识的。 夯实基础完成句子(1)Under no circumstances must you leave the house(必须不离开房子)(2)You must not mention your colleague under any circumstances(在任何情况下)(3)Iran and Iraq also have the potential to export more,if circumstances allow/permit(如果情况允许)7be typical of 典型的;有代表性的Its typical of sb.to do sth.某人一向如此做某事。This painting is fairly typical of his early work.这幅画是他早期作品中相当典型的代表作。 夯实基础完成句子(1)It is typical of him(他的特点) to be forgetful.(2)Jack is late again.It is typical of him to(他一向如此做) keep others waiting.8rid.of使摆脱或除去get rid of去掉;除去;摆脱be rid of去掉;除去rid oneself of摆脱;从中解脱The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons.因为经济原因,车主必须把汽车处理掉。 夯实基础同义句改写Why couldnt he ever rid himself of those thoughts,those worries?(用get rid of改写句子)Why couldnt he ever get rid of those thoughts,those worries?.单项填空1During the discussion,many members my proposal,which upset me greatly.Awere opposing to Bopposed toCopposing to Dwere opposed to答案D解析be opposed to反对,为固定短语。2Under no circumstances late for your party.Ashall I be BI shall beCI am Dam I 答案A解析under no circumstances放在句首时,句子要用倒装语序,且根据句意应用将来时态,故答案为A项。3After the professor out the project made a comment on the report,the media focused on it.Awas opposed to carry Bopposed to carryCopposed to carrying Dopposed carrying答案C解析考查固定搭配。句意为:反对实施这个工程的教授发表了对报告的意见后,就引起了媒体的关注。be opposed to doing sth.反对做某事,此处opposed to carrying out the project为过去分词短语作后置定语。.选词填空1Jack came from a poor family,so his parents had to sacrifice a lot to pay for his schooling.2The French revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality,which had a great effect on many other countries,particularly those in Europe.3Why were you late for such an important concert?The plane arrived at the airport after a delay of three hours.4The invention of paper meant more people could be educated because more books could be printed and distributed.5John was dismissed last week because of his casual attitude towards his job.6Ive so many rejections that Ive stopped offering to help her.汉译英1那是一个具有典型中国文化特色的浪漫故事。(typical) (2012·天津·书面表达)It is about a Chinese romantic story,typical of Chinese culture.2我用我母亲的手机拨我的手机号码,但是没有应答。(dial) (2012·湖南·书面表达)I dialed my mobile phone number,using my mothers phone,but there was no answer.3明显地,没有整个社会的帮助就没有今天的新学校。(obviously) (2011·福建·书面表达)Obviously,without the help of the whole society,there would be no new school today.1Now we can use the Internet to keep in touch with each other.2Why dont you try phoning them one more time,for good measure?3The toy car had to be wound up in order for it to run.4Their coach must answer for the teams poor performance.5One day we will manage to rid the world of this terrible disease.1be in touch with和有联系get in touch with与取得联系lose touch with/be out of touch with与失去联系be/become out of touch with sth.不再了解/不懂得touch v.接触;感动;触动be touched/moved by被打动/感动Lets keep in touch.咱们保持联系。夯实基础(1)同义词语替换Her story touched us all deeply.moved(2)完成句子I hope that well keep in touch with each other (互相保持联系)I have lost touch (失去联系) with most of my friends from college.They are often accused of being out of touch with real life (脱离实际生活)2take measures/steps/action to do.采取措施做make sth.to ones measure照某人的尺寸做某物measure.by.用来衡量in some measure在某种程度上take ones measure给某人量尺寸Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it?我们是敷衍了事呢还是采取实际措施保护它呢? (2013·江苏·书面表达)Use 50g of rice per person and an extra spoonful for good measure.每人50克大米,再额外加一勺。 夯实基础完成句子(1)Please make a suit to my measure(按我的尺寸)(2)His success was in some measure(在某种程度上) due to his being in the right place at the right time.单项填空1The classroom 30 feet long and 20 feet wide.Ameasures Bis measuredChas Dhas length答案A解析measure vi.(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为,故选A项。2The touch the two friends each other is becoming closer and closer.Ahave kept Bhave kept inChave kept with Dhave kept in with答案D解析keep in touch with是常用词组,意为“与保持联系”。此处对这个词组进行了灵活运用,即把touch提到了前边作先行词,但搭配规则并没有改变。3The wind is too strong.Please wind the window .Adown Bin Cup Dback答案C解析考查介词。句意为:风太大了。请把窗户摇上去。wind up给上发条,卷上,摇上。.汉译英及时掌握最新研究情况很重要。(keep in touch with)It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.选择括号内的词或短语填空1Why dont you put off (put,put off) the meeting?2I wish hed leave off(leave,leave off) moaning about everything.3Last year he married(married,married with) Mary.4I knocked and a young man answered(answered,answered to) the door.5I came across(came,came across) a word Id never seen before. It took more than two decades,though,until 1951,for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA.但是,直到1951年,花了20多年时间,彩色电视节目才得以在美国开播。It takes/took sb.some time to do.花了某人多少时间做表达“花费”的其他句型:(1)sb.spend.on sth./in doing.(2)sth.cost sb.(3)sb.pay.for sth.(4)sb.buy.for钱It took me years to get back on my feet.我花了好几年才重新找到自己。 夯实基础用take,cost,spend,pay,buy的适当形式填空(1)It takes the boy most of his free time to learn drawing.(2)I spent $120 on the books.(3)She pays 200 a week for this apartment.(4)Good words cost nothing,but are worth much.(5)He bought the bag for ten dollars.单项填空1Hi,Jack,you look tired.Im tired.I the report for our officer all day.Awrote Bhave writtenChave been writing Dam writing答案C解析考查动词时态。句意为:嗨,杰克,你看起来很疲倦。我很疲倦,一整天都在为我们的主任写报告。表示从过去开始到现在、甚至还将继续的动作应该用现在完成进行时。故答案为C项。2She decided to work on the project after work because she didnt want her colleagues to know what she .Ahas done Bhad doneCwas doing Dis doing答案C解析句意为:她决定在工作之余完成这一项目,因为她不想让她的同事知道她在做什么。由句意及整个句子的时态知用过去进行时。3Its not easy us a foreign language.Afor;learning Bof;learningCof;to learn Dfor;to learn答案D解析it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。不定式的逻辑主语用for引出。.汉译英买几辆新卡车将花掉我10万多美元。(cost)Its going to cost me over $100,000 to buy new trucks.1On Monday mornings it usually me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles. (2013·陕西,11)Atakes Bis takingCtook Dwill take答案A解析句意为:我通常在周一早上要开一个小时的车去上班,尽管实际上只有二十英里的路程。由usually可知应用一般现在时。2While intelligent people can often the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple. (2013·湖北,23)Asacrifice BsubstituteCsimplify Dsurvive答案C解析句意为:聪明的人总是会把复杂的问题简单化,而愚蠢的人更有可能把简单的问题复杂化。A项意为“牺牲;把奉献给”;B项意为“代替,替换”;C项意为“简化,使简易”;D项意为“幸存,比活得长”。故选C项。3Studying Wendys menu,I found that many of the items are similar to of McDonalds. (2012·浙江,5)Athose BonesCany Dall答案A解析thosethat ones,代指前面的many of the items,表示复数、特指,被of McDonalds修饰,符合语境。ones表示复数、泛指;any任何一个;all全部,均不符合语境。4You have to move out of the way the truck cannot get past you.(2012·大纲全国,34)Aso Bor Cand Dbut答案B解析or否则,不然的话。句意为:你别挡道,否则那辆卡车过不去。5If you happen to get lost in the wild,youd better stay you are and wait for help.(2012·四川,10)Awhy Bwhere Cwho Dwhat答案B解析考查地点状语从句。where引导的地点状语表明主句动作发生的地点。句意为:如果你碰巧在野外走失,你最好呆在你所在的地方,等待帮助。故选B。.单项填空1Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like best? .Theyre all expensive and useless.ANeither BNoneCBoth DAll答案B解析考查代词的用法。由前句中的best可知电子词典有三本(以上),故需用表达三者或三者以上的none或all,根据句意“它们既贵又没用”可知选B项。neither和both只用于两者的情况。句意为:你最喜欢那些电子词典中的哪一个?都不喜欢,它们既贵又没用。2The woman is shouting and struggling with the robber in the street no one standing out to help her.Awith BonCat Dfor答案A解析考查with的复合结构,本题中with的复合结构在句中作状语。3If the project by the end of this year is delayed,the company will suffer a lot.Ais completed Bto be completedCbeing completed Dcompleted答案B解析考查非谓语动词。if引导的条件状语从句中的谓语为is delayed,空缺部分不是谓语,而是定语,故应使用非谓语动词,complete与project之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且complete所表示的动作尚未发生,所以应用不定式的被动形式作定语修饰主语project。4Li Na returned to Wuhan after the Games, ,as is known to us,she had been brought up and trained to be a gold medalist of tennis.Awhen BthatCthere Dwhere答案D解析考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,先行词为地点状语Wuhan。句意为:李娜在比赛之后回到了武汉,众所周知,她是在那里成长并被培养成为网球冠军的。5It was 500 in the afternoon they arrived at the hotel.Awhen Bthat Cbefore Dsince答案A解析考查连词。句意为:他们到旅馆时是下午5点。 when引导时间状语从句,it指时间。若500前有介词at,则选B项,为强调句式。6At n


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