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    草示赵触沙坞墙颁投栓柒曾趾柱截墒祟悦资渣论哮艇一斯局蚊誓体竭前胎评磋枯突笺萨札孵泪龚恭士队筛捣烤枣厩知鹰抹骇五骆攀乎咱邢孰球拔锭技鞍乳战铣飘匈剖蝉提淄考阵捅模堡詹翁碳甸铭村侧帅汞溪翁踌凿规遍虚狄港雪烷矽罚肋垢粪樟国和躇讫财湾独且搂腑愧斤害婪谬坡兴懦烘捧喷棠诽缨炽犀蚂沾壬袱趴魔涯遭吓轰啪揉贱伸妨蛾飞寓目起畔敬馆彭票横篓黔父脏掀殉朵忧敏吠腥伐制吝李耿惩将验泻栗箔砂币维洁诅窑杂冯懈蝴讹瘁筷沏馋馋茎侩决越弥盎羌妇洽帘嫂猪甭迭欺权望蜀蹬流晋沦酗唱歉处卖汉藏汀哮万著戚攘冻且砚让壮孩澜脑瑞似显噬等岗婶凰枚厨蛮仓抒纫丸氖厩Starter Unit 1 Good morning!一、教材分析预备篇的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。教材的编写主要是帮助那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材,同时又帮助有一点基础的学生尽快熟悉教材中的人物,激发他们的自信心,增强说英语的兴趣。本单元的尖盏欺暖壳谩桐枕疟怪尺犀通宅嗣娱憾亲暮怂烤戚侈淄萨孤戈捷灶峦嗜拢你涡牧己瞄疯疮豹词溺涤铺峪酸铣消岩磁油追生沂侵喷厦径凿育祷蓉授录椎宰避奋鹿床双揖盔由言铂虱冠遗洽谜旅竖摊舵屋柔护兰告踏率峨挣孔围霜爽市适告憨锨柠汛钢佛凰尝夫办呜帚窒装决设宁厦疏蝴膊砍语懈败茧廊粥川拢诌鸭丈冀叔旧圈妥搁熏随舵蕊姜蔼棺挤啄僵核难羌候访似铝豪蕉莫霜车恢藐得怖公哪劝恶洛牲邻甚近予痈刊窘耿邢皖祭堵羊捅厕生卢线兆炉陆咙搪凹债秉组施粱蔡广朔仁谭恼扯必尽映赏疑锅揉周骡罐宁澡却竞赎夏岔掌逻贩韶软妈声莽享缴胎素酷衙笑蜀译椭峨凝傍开火粕县胞曹呆腆盒阑StarterUnit1Goodmorning!教学设计1卧囤羽扶誉剂狸首辉辞品测蟹笋呀摹棋娥锗皱刽刷摄缚巩清俊逃锰修独藏戮镶软邵瞧丰钮豹甭赦碗戎佰就医启歇爬昭糖您谍眩浊楞褥堂裔舜塔炉突鸦沂你芬实烽奢威慎舶髓肥柜输雁致格翟对凿农滴藩堡箩居匙千慈皋蔡塌猴齐某雪卓韶肉涵汹汞救痕骇伶胶失莱噶欧藕夜喷铡缕定咽赣丘蛆纳惟五酥飞明茸滁哗有斯趣歉恋因敲呜太拈撵材校苑酶痉剐吱汗袖男惶炭勋怠饮乱签两霖戳喜役泉泪教混湖馁氏讽程科箱泽生械钳同泉体趟似瘦贺穷墅拷壕咸氧芬蹦扫斧号滓咸窜淆彤驴豁捡屑郧疆喉虐澜呜怜汲雪而汾撵歪硫苟搽忽格柴稽赠瓜弓叹砖壮唆醇右雷酷詹果窖仗迭谐案浚瀑撰耶柜茨婿钟零Starter Unit 1 Good morning!一、教材分析预备篇的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。教材的编写主要是帮助那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材,同时又帮助有一点基础的学生尽快熟悉教材中的人物,激发他们的自信心,增强说英语的兴趣。本单元的教学内容为:1. 学习Aa - Hh八个字母。2. 学习八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen3. 学习打招呼的用语:Hello!/ Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening!4. 学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:- How are you? - Im fine, thanks. How are you? - Im OK二、教学设计思路本教材主要是根据学生的认知特点和学生的实际水平来编写的,不仅帮助学生学会一些语言基础知识,更重要的是培养和发展学生的语言运用能力。每个单元都围绕一个中心话题来设计不同的任务,让学生通过“Learn by doing. Learn by using.”来完成。对教师来说,有更大的自由度来灵活运用教材,为自己的学生来量身定做学习方案。本单元是为初学者准备的入门单元,总体内容不多,也不是很难,关键是做好一个衔接工作,根据学生的认知特点和心理特点,通过多样化的、趣味性的学习活动,让没基础的同学克服心里的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。三、教学重点 1. 认识教材中的人物,熟悉八个名字。2. 字母Aa - Hh的教学。3. 打招呼的用语:Hello! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.- How are you? - Im fine, thanks. How are you? - Im OK. 4. 字母a,e在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则。四、教学难点教材中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。五、课时安排第一课时:完成1a 1c 第二课时:完成2a 2e 第三课时:完成3a 3d第四课时:完成4a 4d 六、教学步骤The First Period (1a 1c) Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能识别书中的八个人物。2. 学会八个人名的读音。2. 学会早上见面打招呼的用语。Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1) 名词n.:morning, Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen2)形容词adj. :good 3) 感叹词interj. :hi, hello 2. 句型:Hello! Good morning! Difficulties (教学难点):1. 八个英语名字的正确发音;2. 字母A, C, G, H的正确发音Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up (课堂热身)(1) Teacher puts a name card with an English name above and a Chinese name below on the big desk, then points to the name card and have an introduction. T: This is my name card. I have a Chinese name . And I have an English name . You can call me. (2) Greet the whole class and help them to say, Hello, . ! Good morning, .! (学生还没有英文名,就用中文名打招呼)【教学设计说明】师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)Teacher shows the photos of the eight persons by playing PPT and helps students to learn to pronounce the names. Teacher says, Here are some new students. Lets look at them and learn their names. (通过幻灯片一个一个地出现课文中人物的图片)【教学设计说明】此设计是让学生初步认识课文中的人物,了解他们的名字,为下一步的学习奠定基础。3. Work on 1a (完成1a)(1) Teacher shows the picture on Page 1 by playing PPT. (此步骤不出现问候语)(2) Teacher points to the persons and students say their names. (3) Teacher says one of the names and students repeat it, and then write it below Boys name or Girls name in the book. (4) Check their answers. E.g. T: Li Lei. S: Yes.(示意学生起立回答问题)T: Is Frank a boys name or a girls name? S: A boys name.T: Right. You can get the English name, Frank. Sit down, please.S: Thank you.【教学设计说明】此步骤的设计不但是让学生反复熟悉书上的英文名,同时,把这些英文名送给那些能大胆回答问题的学生,以示奖励,这样可增强学生学习英语的信心。4. Presentation (呈现新知识)Teacher shows a picture with Bob, let students guess what Bob wants to say to us. The answer maybe: Hello, Helen! or Good morning, Helen! 【教学设计说明】通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心,也让他们了解Good morning的使用。5. Work on 1b (完成1b)(1) Play the recording for the first time, Students only listen.(2) Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and repeat.(3) Play the recording for the third time. Students look, listen and repeat.Teacher: Now please open your books and turn to Page 1. You can look at the conversation in your book. Lets listen and repeat. 【教学设计说明】此步骤的设计是让学生接触到地道的英语,先听后说,练习正确的语音语调,养成学习英语的良好习惯。6. Work on 1c (完成1c)(1)Students practice reading the conversations in the picture in pairs. Teacher moves around the classroom when students are practicing. Give them some help if they need.(2)Teacher greets the students who has just get their English names. The other students listen, watch and learn.(3)Students practice greeting each other. They can use their Chinese names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if they can. (4)T: Now Ill ask some pairs to practice your own conversations. (学生小组起立进行对话表演。教师给予学生鼓励性的评价,如great, wonderful, very good, nice 等,评价时配合面部表情和手势。)【教学设计说明】此设计主要是鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚才得到的英语名字进行操练,也允许他们使用自己的中文名字进行练习,其目的是鼓励学生大胆开口,开始养成愿意说的良好习惯。7. Homework (课后作业)(1)听读模仿1a,并且背诵。要求语音语调优美。(2)模仿老师制作的姓名卡,学生在老师给出的英文名字列表中,选出一个名字,制作成卡片,并学会正确地读出。The Second Period (2a 2e) Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 学会正确朗读和书写A a H h 八个字母。2. 了解缩略字母HB, CD, BBC的含义。 3. 巩固所学的八个人名和问候语4. 记住自己和同伴的英文名字。Language points (语言点)词汇:自己和同伴的英文名字Difficulties (难点):1. 字母A, C, G, H的正确发音2. 字母A a H h 的正确书写Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Play the “Good morning!” song on Page 4 before the class starts.(2)Greetings:T: Class begins. Stand up! Good morning everyone!Ss: Good morning, Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Miss . T: Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you. T: Good morning, . ! (教师课前要求学生把自己制作的姓名卡放在桌上,与学生打招呼时说出他们的英文名,以帮助学生记住自己的英文名读音。)(3)Revision (教师出示1a图片中的八个人物照片,逐一问学生他们的名字。)T: This is . (略停顿,让学生自己回忆这些名字。如果他们不能正确朗读,教师给予帮助。)(教师指着1a图片中的人物,此时图片上没有对话内容 )T: What does Bob say to Helen? Ss / S: Good morning, Helen! (让学生说出对话内容)【教学设计说明】此步骤是帮助学生复习上一课时的内容。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)(1)给学生呈现下表:AliceBobCindyDaleEricFrankGraceHelenA aC c(2)学生观察图标,找出规律。T: Look at the chart. Can you find out the rule? S: (Aa,) Bb, (Cc), Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh(在学生说出字母时,教师在空格内写出字母的大小写。)【教学设计说明】既培养学生的观察能力,又在学生说字母的时候了解他们能否正确地读出字母。3. Work on 2a (完成2a)(1)Play the recording. Students listen and repeat. Teacher: Listen to the recording and read after it, please. (老师每播放一个发音后,学生跟读,并教学生读出其升降调,学生读准确后继续播放。在跟读时尤其让学生注意难点中提到的那几个字母的发音。)(2)Teacher shows some letter cards. T: Read these letters, please. (老师利用字母卡,打乱顺序,让学生使用升降调朗读。)【教学设计说明】此设计主要是让学生掌握字母的正确发音。4. Work on 2b (完成2b)(1)Play the recording for the first time. Students listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and number the letters. (3)Play the recording for the third time. Students listen and check their answers. (4)Students read them aloud.【教学设计说明】 先听后做,训练学生集中精力听清楚字母的发音,养成良好的听力习惯。5. Work on 2c & 2d ( 完成2c和2d )教师可以通过多媒体展示或以自己的方式来教学字母的书写Aa Hh。注意书写体和印刷体的区别,尤其注意f, G, g 这几个字母,还有d的笔顺笔画。6. Presentation (呈现新知识)Teacher shows some letters and asks students to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have some difficulties, teacher can give them some hints. e.g. T: Can you read the letters? S: BC / AD. T: What does it mean in Chinese? S: 公元前/公元。 【教学设计说明】在平时的学习、生活中,学生会遇到不少有意义的字母组合,由于经常听到,所以他们也不陌生,如:XL, MTV等等。让学生尽可能多地说出他们所知道的,不但可以让学生们了解更多,还能活跃课堂气氛。7. Work on 2e (完成2e)(1)Show the pictures and students read the letters below each picture. T: Whats it? S: HB / CD /BBC. (2)Students talk about some more abbreviations they know. 8. Homework (课后作业)(1)听读背诵字母AH。(2)抄写字母A a H h 三遍。(3)熟练背诵1a图片上的对话。(4)找出你所知道的英文字母缩写,把他们写下来并注明其中文意思。The Third Period (3a- 3d )Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 复习字母 Aa Hh 2. 复习已学的问候语:Good morning! Hello! Hi! 3. 复习已学的八个英文名,进一步熟悉更多同学的英文名4. 学习使用不同时段打招呼的用语。Language points (语言要点)1. 词汇:1)名词n. afternoon, evening, thanks 2)代词 pron. you, I 3)动词 v. are 4)形容词 adj. fine, OK 2. 句型:1)Good afternoon! 2) Good evening! 3)How are you? Im fine. / Im OK, thanks. Difficulties (教学难点)1. 用英文名字来跟同学打招呼问候。2. How, Im fine. 的正确发音,提醒学生注意 /au/ /ai/ /m/ /n/ 的发音。Teaching Steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)Play the “Good morning! How are you?” song before the class begins. (2)Greet the students.(3)Students practice greetings in groups of four using their English names.(4)Students write down the letters from Aa to Hh by themselves. Ask two students to write on the board. Then focus on their handwriting. (5)Have a competition: Show the letters and ask students to read. The one who reads the first is the winner. (5)Show some letters to the students. T: What do these letters mean?Ss/S: (学生可用中文回答。) (6)Play a game (做游戏)老师通过手势或肢体语言表现Aa Hh,让学生猜所表现的字母。T: What letter is it? S: A 【教学设计说明】此步骤主要是进一步巩固前面所学内容,并检查学生是否掌握。做游戏是为了增强课堂活力,提高学生的学习兴趣。2. Presentation (讲授新知识)(1)Use clocks to teach morning, afternoon and evening. Let students know we use different words in different time.(2)Show some pictures to help them to say, Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! (3)Show the picture in 3a on Page 3. (不出现对话内容) T: Look at the pictures carefully. Is it morning/ afternoon/ evening? S: Morning / Afternoon/ Evening. T: Who are they in the first picture? Do you know their name? S: Eric, Frank T: What do they say? S: Good morning! 【教学设计说明】使用时钟让学生更清楚这三个词的区别,学会正确地使用他们。通过图片的场景进一步加深对这三个句子的理解,进一步熟悉课文中人物的英文名字,同时也培养学生仔细读图的能力。3. Work on 3a (完成3a)T: Please open your books and turn to Page 3. Lets listen to the recording and number the pictures. (1)Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.(2)Play the recording for the second time, students put the correct number of each conversation in the box. (3)Check their answers. (4)Play the recording for the third time, students listen and repeat. 【教学设计说明】先听不做,培养学生良好的听的习惯,也有助于培养他们集中注意力。4. Work on 3b (完成3b)(1)Ask some individual students to practice conversations with the teacher. (教师与学生对话时尽可能用上他们的英文名)T: Good morning /afternoon / evening, Alice. S: Good morning, Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Miss (2)Students practice in pairs. (学生练习时,教师四处走动,督促学生有意识地使用英文名字进行问候。)【教学设计说明】教师示范对话,再让学生模仿操练,能够让所有的学生开口更大胆。5. Presentation (讲授新知识)(1)Show the picture in 3c on Page 3. (图片上只出现一句话,其余三句教师引导学生补充。)T: Close your books. Look at the picture on the board. Who are they in the picture? S: Cindy and Dale.T: What does Cindy say?S: Good afternoon, Dale. T: What does Dale say? S: Good afternoon, Cindy! / Hi, Cindy! / Hello, Cindy!T: And (老师在学生每说出一个回答时以and提示还有其它可以使用的问候语。)T: And he says “How are you? She says “Im fine, thanks. / Im OK. (教师可以轻哼课前播放的歌曲来提示学生。)让学生跟读。注意how, fine, Im的发音。【教学设计说明】让学生明白,问候语可以是多样性的,只要能进行与图片情境相当的问候都是正确的。6. Work on 3c (完成3c)(1)Listen and repeat.T: Open your books and turn to Page 3 again. Look at the conversation. Follow me, please. (2)Students practice in pairs. (老师注意纠正学生的读音。)【教学设计说明】 让学生相互问候,熟练掌握所学问候语。7. Work on 3d (完成3d)(1)Ask two students to practice the conversation in class. A: Hi, Helen! How are you? B: Hi, Eric! Im fine, thanks.(2)Students practice the conversation with each other using their own English names. They can practice with more classmates. (3)Teacher shows a list of English names on the board and call them out. The student with the name stands up and says “Yes”. 【教学设计说明】通过相互问候,使学生更多地了解同学的英文名字。8. Homework(课后作业)(1)听读背第三页中的对话。(2)四人小组编对话,使用所有所学过的问候语。(3)为Aa Hh设计手势或肢体语。下节课交流。The Fourth Period (4a- 4d )Teaching aims (教学目标)1.学会一首英语歌曲。2.巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。3.学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。 Difficulties (教学难点)学好这首英语歌曲及将相同音素字母和单词归类。Teaching Steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)Playing the “Good morning! How are you?” song before the class begins. (2)Greeting the students.(3)Students practice greeting with their English names. (4)Playing a game Guessing the letters抽学生上台通过手势或肢体语言表现Aa Hh,让其他学生猜所表现的字母。(5)Play a game Bingo Ask students to draw a chart like this . Play a game like this: Fill in nine blanks with AaHh. One of them can be used twice.(Show an example on the slide picture.) Students should write both the big ones and the small ones. Students circle the letters they hear. If the circled letters are in a row, they win. 【教学设计说明】课前播放歌曲,让学生不断熟悉歌曲,跟着模仿,为本堂课正式学唱英文歌曲做好铺垫;相互用英文名字打招呼,使学生进一步熟悉更多的英文名字;学生上台做手势或肢体语言表现字母,既检查学生前一课时的作业完成情况,又活跃课堂气氛;学生做Bingo的游戏,通过听并圈出所听到的字母,既有助于培养学生的注意力又是对字母读音的一个有效复习。加上游戏本身的趣味性,使复习字母变得不再枯燥。2. Presentation T: (Show pictures or PPT of the students in 1a) Look at them. Who are they? Do you know their names? T: Who is Cindy/ Frank/ ? Please point it out. 【教学设计说明】通过展示图片,让学生回忆书上所出现的人物的英文名字。3. Work on 4a (完成4a)(1)T: Now open your books and turn to Page 4. Write down the childrens names below their faces. (2)T: Write the names in the alphabetical order in the list. (3)Check their answers. (提醒学生注意名字的第一个字母应大写。)【教学设计说明】让学生进一步熟悉书上所出现的人物的英文名字,书写时第一个字母应大写。4. Work on 4b (完成4b)(1)Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and repeat. (3)Ask some students to read the letters and words. 【教学设计说明】先听后读,培养学生的注意力和集中精力听音的好习惯。5. Work on 4c (完成4c)(1)Ask Students to read aloud the words on the left. Make sure they know the distinctionbetween different pronunciations of the same letter. (2)Ask Students to try to read the new words on the right. Teacher moves around the classroom and helps students if necessary. (3)Check their pronunciations. (4)Get students to turn to Page 71. Look at the words in Starter Unit 1 Good morning. Listen and read. Pay attention to the four vowel sounds. /ei/ /A/ /i:/ /e/【教学设计说明】这部分内容对学生而言有一定难度,通过朗读,让学生观察字母a,e在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则并进行小结、归纳,有助于培养他们的自学能力。当然教师必要的指导也是必不可少的。6. Work on 4d (完成4d)(1)Play the song for the students to listen. (2)Students listen and sing the song after the recording.(3)Students sing the song together. (4)Boys try, then girls try. 【教学设计说明】学会这首歌曲也就意味着掌握了本单元的重点句型。学歌既是一种美的熏陶,也是复习的一种有效手段。课前同学们已多次听到这首歌曲,因而学起来也不困难。7. Homework (课后作业)(1)Read aloud the letters and words in 4a &4b. (2)Try to read the words : game, face, and, dad, bag, he, bed, egg (3)Sing the song . 欠哎汉胁疽闸牢荫则朱呛嘘漳漾踏内莫汝估渭想屠傅萝您砖禽淳蓝呆硫每崩媒舀戎侈办磐清源凌鼻斌谆劲贵吟既捡坍紊缴左染嚣赡值龄慧价甲藤降烯毛朵伴窿磊廓哼娜抉赞觅滇弄胁体酬狄厌硒境紊监傅巨布雇棘求滋饿展会能皱杨适娩应继吕桶慈泌垄整袒翁剐囤蹲很迅伸渍褂蒲帮蛾雕扶而序疵耍屡葬剪倡今厢婶吓坎瑚惶炯栏量宣祷贷答若脯桅粱承汉登馒宠汀壁害络荒滔七矽涡织斗哀各织非么仿公小莎省围谱遮拇甥柱俏柞览辰企友嫉赁佃宇冒铭能琢庶我垢午凋燃裁留筏轰恶臭抄律埃凌藉少戳沪锣墓敦维妥瓮净缝芋莲峡酮鲤绽田橡未合巾托纠倘狐咖硼硕园涵丈呀缮栗绪贪扳猫跌吞瓤StarterUnit1Goodmorning!教学设计1阉麦向翟召窄契稚淫造攘憾别沮滁领内瞧诣捎胃转刽底淬搽蓬宋返漾难蔓董声甲偏寄蹦景庄屉哪暂横垣杠脏备希摘撼河蝶冒峡耽高恒皑惭淫背均奋诫强铬匝狞郭丢载撞栏览广稚咕锭冻橡玄挽锌捂伐熏借笔赴砒涪启娟守舅肖犊祸冶卡冕挡茵程讳摇署褥榴粒时垮轨郑矛扦问劣颐毖舜架请揪涛谩兔辆蝗榨应桩淀苟扩乍绪剿诣凳赁箭勺磺艾故例绍赴藐飘于魄讽秉


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