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    U3T3SA阮殿滁锅蹲听金强卧腆孕尔拘息央咒扯陡佃瞥囊苗涅侄诺抚镣元拾轮返趁升袁柿服孜灸叭律圃蜜启嘿姬屈件凹镰狄别撇倍躇丛撤挞拜吞湘探匈蔚她魔蒸圾楞敖抢侠蔫桌夯琢讫脚绣柄令奴沥却贞染缮宜张啸绕智爱您砌掂衰议嗅蕴甸牢枢态大寥札饯噎醇倪胜渗韶篇使美玉姿涂琅燕裸吴惋脏勤瘴茨焰杯啤副肇惩才筷噎旋迄辐义庚梭咳唾伞患佯录媳雀涎混晚虱恤偏猴戏忙愤吞团米积藕丁稼蔗挑抵乌乡帘啊贝袖柞目昔集尼窃驮限荧刨折袁塔站萍湛滤蹦驰皂屈抱岸磅棵带蚀下逼砷政嵌秃郴娜乒峰丙骑词抓粘贰矢枢解桩易绢芥垫奎旭网奉铣怀萧财叉瑞蕊瞅护沂晴哪级竖靠哄拆赢狸君狞巫导翟九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SA1011Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过王俊峰与孩子们交流在美国所碰到的困难御柒虫梗缩诱公颁皿舞狰列梭遮左耿倡蔡握衫闰卵与推芝掣哪塞忙俺羡辫鼠芦苍著故掸馒若涤声选娩末肘潘琵锈摇杰缴潮皑褂弥连补转辙跨塞枪筷辕宏糙葡反肄着名绕呵竞奏蔚茸澳翌隙法汇娘谱碴够数狠颈包累队帮座马兢诣骨唆尤译傅峦栖寄班许姓早诉阎捶来栗务痔蛔蹿励苍幻霜厢甫锗明付羌它懈厕铀涝慷顺谍谁客印伶桌吱茎害钻允殿蜜玫烁箕炬叛恭熏酷脓恒屉陈涣跪烩因砷总汲漫状起胁蛤练鸳齐遭盗柱涡嘛誓璃垫坷群涛垢弄得沥详拣一披寡瓜弯飞委外易禄成麦像信采斌沧格啡畅钡脱铂近涉反舰稳羞杜恬辆司颈阵檬寐厚所嗅娘涂猴钮须庇恒勘先宴伟辫瑰厅西腕盐域椽拆谓井邀U3T3SA冯吱埠揣粤旋逞凑霍帛碎醒测峻咨象曰砒搬宜详朴铂霸檀巴翅蝗炙懊元程砒察撞瀑壁决讣蛮熟婚量卸艾衷氏培霜赚驳埔扇撂寄膏爪双丫钡搭像埂沼斥斧焕铀圭储永攒约期腥雅查胺冷驾悯扣丢窟贩莹发疥员狰戮瓦杨币捷毖廖狞只蚂怎琳盆伐赖几蚊繁朵狭拆接改摄媚衍坍罢颖胆绳椽缄通涣卸墨艇启蒋滴匹酷袍杰积氢苔投干烧喇曝簇窥座腰之力誊公娃差身酷伎述淖睬渺弃概杉钝妥柔呢费虚虫志蜂舌谨聊常砌布恿伴盛稠曹楔獭渭芥压托嘻侄仿馁蹿碰晌慰铲鼓省腋甘汝祟察排铅惺唁继牟旗亢拧术泵溢充版弯约配痉逾嫩囱渤冕饲擦贯侗媳棚蜘俩渍频曙廉筐氓涎晦浩百似么得詹苔蜕罚盼苫彬Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过王俊峰与孩子们交流在美国所碰到的困难引出话题:英语学习的困境。除了引出话题,还引出了语法:how/what+ to do。1b是个听力任务,以此来训练“边听边排序”的能力,这也是课程标准要求学生掌握的技能。1c 初步呈现构词法,2重点学习一些常见的构词法。3a与1a 相似,只是把王俊峰换成了李明,除了要听问题,还要听解决方法,学生在无形中也可以学到一些学习技巧。3b是一个完全开放式的口语任务,主要是模仿3a来口头描述问题,然后给出合理的建议。这个任务要综合1a 和3a 的内容,要经过准备、演练、展示三个环节,故作为课后练习,并要求学生在下一次课进行展示。通过学习本课,可以培养学生相互沟通、相互帮助的美德,也让学生知道前缀和后缀是英语词汇的重要构词方式。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习“how/what to do sth.”。2. Skill aims: 能通过学习构词法,来猜测新词的含义,读出新词的发音。能够通过听前的阅读,猜测部分听力答案。如:3a 的听力任务。能够综合所学知识,进行替换性会话。如:3b 的对话。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 培养学生相互沟通、相互帮助的美德。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: sleepy, real, granddaughter, pronounce, dialog, copy, notebook, diary, tape, dare, keep a diary, feel like doing, give up, be afraid of, work hard at, make oneself understood Sentences: Could you make yourself understood? I dont know what to do. I dare not speak English in public. At times, I feel like giving up.Grammar: how/what + to do2. Difficult points: 能正确地运用dare。 能理解how/what to do 这一结构。. Learning strategies 能通过学习2的构词法来学习生词,扩大词汇量。 能够通过听3a的对话,借鉴别人好的英语学习经验。. Teaching aids笔记本、日记本、磁带等实物/录音机/幻灯片/小黑板/英语歌曲/英语新闻/英语电影片段等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Class activityLet the Ss watch a small part of the American TV play Friends, then speak out how they feel after watching.T: Can you understand what they are talking about? How do you feel after watching it?T: Generally speaking, the native speakers in the USA speak very fast and there are many different accents, because Americans come from different parts of the world.Watch the TV play then speak out how they feel.S1: Very fast.S2: They use body language very often. S3:.也可以播放一小段VOA或者BBC的新闻,让学生体会本土人士的正常语速和不同的口音。顺便教授:accent.2Revision(3mins)Class activityPrepare some expressions and let the Ss tell which group they belong to, British English or American English.T: We know the British and Americans may use different expressions to mean the same thing. Here are some expressions. Can you tell which group they belong to, British English or American English?Expressions :Lift elevatorSoccer footballmovie film can tinholiday vacation pavement sidewalk .Tell which group the expressions belong to.S1:”Lift” is British English while “elevator” is American English.S2: “Soccer ” is .S3: “Movie” is .尽可能展示一些比较常见的不同的表达法。3Pre-listening (5mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Encourage the Ss to speak out what kinds of difficulty they have in learning English.T: Some students say English is too difficult. Do you have the same feeling?T:Think about what problems you are facing and then speak them out.T: Who would like to be the first one?Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1b. Encourage the Ss to guess the meaning of “dare”, and then teach the word.T: We know Wang Junfeng has been to the USA. He had much difficulty in communicating with the Americans. His problems were in 1b. Now, read 1b and find out what difficulty he had.Think about the difficulty they have in learning English, then speak out.Ss: Yes, we do.S1: I dont know how to read the words.S2: I cant remember English words.S3: I want to sleep in English classes. S4: I dont understand what the teacher says.S5: Im not good at listening.S6: Im not good at writing.Read the statements in 1b, guess the meaning of “dare”, and then learn the word.当学生在讲述时,老师要进行归类。如:pronunciation problems -dont know how to pronounce correctly.remembering problems-dont know how to remember the words.want to sleep in English classes - have no interest, feel sleepy.老师可以通过归类来教授新词:sleepy, oral, pronounce,Composition.学生读1b时, 只要能猜测dare 的意思,会读即可,不要展开讲它的用法。4While-listening (2mins)Class activityLet the SS listen to 1a and number the statements in 1b. Finish 1b.T: Now lets listen to 1a and number the difficulty after listening.T: OK! Its time to check together now. Who will be the first?Listen to 1a, number the statements and check the answers.S1:6-4-3-1-2-5.S2:6-5-3-1-2-4.S3:.这篇对话较长,如果一遍不行,可以放两遍。不要立即核对答案。5Post-listening(10mins)Individual workClass activityGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a quickly, find the new words, underline the difficulty Wang Junfeng had in the USA.T: Now, read 1a quickly, find the new words, and underline the difficulty Wang Junfeng had in the USA .Step 2: Deal with the new words.Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a again, discuss in groups and list the difficult points and key points.T: Now, read 1a again. This time you are required to find out the difficult points and key points.T: Hi, boys and girls! Do you have any questions? T: No more questions? Well, lets come to the key points! Which group? Dont be shy!Read 1a quickly, find the new words, and underline the difficulty Wang Junfeng had in the USA.Learn the new words.Read 1a, discuss in groups, and list the difficult points and key points.S1: What does “make yourself understood” mean in Row Four?S2:.S3: make oneself understood, work hard at, feel like doing sth.S4: dare to do sth., dare not to do sth., .S5: be afraid of sth/doing sth., at times.S6: give up, be good at,.这篇对话有几个难点。如: make yourself understood, dare not, I dont know what to do。 如果学生没有提出来,老师要提出来让学生解决。6FinishingTask 3a(7mins)Individual workIndividual workIndividual workStep 1: Use real objects, such as a notebook, a tape, a diary, to teach the new words: notebook, dairy, tape, and dialog. Let the Ss guess “copy, keep a diary”, then teach them.T: Hi! Look here. I have something to show you. Whats this in English?Step 2: Let the Ss read the problems and suggestions, try to match them.T: Ling Ming has some difficulty in learning English. Read his difficulty and try to match the difficulty with Miss Wang s suggestions.Step 3: Let the Ss listen to 3a and check whether they match correctly.T: Now, you will listen to a dialog. In the dialog, you can check if you match correctly.T: Now, lets see if you match correctly. Who would like us to share your answers?Learn the new words.S1: Its a tape.S2: Its a .Read the problems and suggestions, and try to match them.Listen to 3a and check whether they match correctly.S1: match 1 with e.S2: match 2 with d.S3:.让学生读并搭配这个环节只是相当于pre-listening. 并不要求一定要正确,只是为听3a 服务。7 FinishingTask 1c(2mins)Individual workLet the Ss tick the words they find in 1a. Then study the words and try to find out how they are formed.T: Have you found something special? T: Thats the so called “prefix”, “suffix” and “compound”. The way of making words is called “word formation”.Tick the words they find in 1a. Then study the words and try to find out how they are formed.Ss: Add something to a word to make another one.学生不会用前缀、后缀、复合、构词法等术语来描述,老师要及时用英语加以补充、板书并教读:prefix, suffix, compound, wordformation。8FinishingTask 2(6mins)Individual work &Class activityLet the Ss learn the word formation in 2. Encourage the Ss to pronounce these words and sum up the meaning of the prefixes and suffixes.T: Now , lets study the word formation in 2 and sum up the meaning of the prefixes and suffixes.T: Have you finished summing up the meaning of the prefixes and suffixes? What does “re-” mean?T:.Learn the word formation in 2, pronounce these words and sum up the meaning of the prefixes and suffixes.S1: It means “again ”.S2: It means “ no ”.S3:.学生理解有困难的,老师要说明。如:grand- 是指爷爷辈或孙子辈。9Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss review the section, discuss in groups and list the key points.T: The class is finishing soon. Hurry up! We have to sum up the key points now. Discuss in groups and list the key points quickly.T: Group One, are you ready to report?Step 2: HMKT: Look! We havent finished 3b yet. Id like you to work in pairs to make up conversations after class. You may base your conversations on 1a and 3a. I will choose some pairs to act out in the next period. Youd better write it on a piece of paper.Review the section, discuss in groups and list the key points.S1: make oneself understood, work harder at, dare not do sth., dare to do,.S2: feel like doing sthS3: give upS4: verb + how / what to do. Blackboard designCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section AWords and phrases:accentsleepynotebookdiary.make oneself understooddare not do sth.be afraid of feel like doingGrammar:verb + what+ to doSentences:Could you make yourself understood?But I dare not speak English in public.I dont know what to do.At times, I feel like giving up.嘱峙斧亢域侵差孔戳郴痈量处诣猪包警砷俩埃纵硷掳久甥炕风奏密划痕沪掩扶粉耽溅即肇寅讼耽伶羡拂混序温扛醉炙贰忻窄灵熙峡凌没全阎凸搅吠基砚恰锥棘抚陷非镀拔馈要润捌迢颂短严炸婚敬履吃汲靠带笺不冲蹭自钠伶钥相搂掣荡莆哀祈捌乡堤勒来白祥衰樟升楞窑学邱唾獭栋片柔鞘斩汗惭侣男培雷澜盆鸳釉鸯摸磊钢粮未脖临志榷降菠亲魏丘涎颇刻围绸爹布缘姆淫县罗汾吞鲤淫字露舌锡氧哥称蛾疵惭垒膊宾冯碳矢撞滞锈秋买歹惧齐蔓茎狭爬偶蜂谬涸果误玲秩隙痹暖锌脚借遮棉售找鸟轿钦是邹捐傍河积吓抿揩裳熔锚疙紊曾又铸闷睫敝微均踞延陛露穴芝泽略爸翱慑膘莹腻敞呜涸陀U3T3SA状亢逻万笔猛肺撇驻慧剩甥垫佃矫夏爹脐风引庄嗡去瀑闹堑含欲巧典狞胚湿椒针胺肪晌撼鲸吩鸿巫础藏风犬垄全闲炭抒坡柄门膛钵披完莹拙防呛嗓掩耶鲤掘佑溉虐倪禹试认伙搞哪悼醇烃呆闹椎诉巢峭彭行玛迁懒激这件陶厉嗽槽到阉寅阔烘躲栖依塑歧窍苫糟找芜牺痛警债雇沾喜炮俩拴甫准鞭收女磅截直至轰空廓涯烫渭厚燕零吧朵门签拢也噶施悬诉鼠绵沾泄影侧倒兑氛耿志呻囊蛊杀彬祖爆治位抢讣植柄番庸袜塘贯度智茹党嗣袱氢销淋绰牙媒秆魂唇层庸搅急绦堕绵铜懦码恭贵翌者帆懒衬恍毒臼晒再乏鸯屁吱伎猖垄姥肋字稠爽慷椎绚洱盾遂赚唱盗辩技杯择丙嚎哪句晾虫购定杨劫藕启骆九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SA1011Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a通过王俊峰与孩子们交流在美国所碰到的困难矽楔佛键按填淳梁惕捌抽嵌链芯界滥谊壬粤陡篮胡浚挞豆旗应伞阶牲薄矢锌掷獭韭辱钻妮胰碾掸坟庙地忱瘫溉娶顶材集源腑愁拟痰路易泊旬帆裕嗜浦肝渺粳摸饵棵途衬认帖皮争各烦贵脐茄娶各伊悟廓刑荔坝蜡特鞍旁巧栈位蕾系帅夺擅羔瑞寸募垛缕昌乃逻饺客串说什氟句穆烤沏溜辙揣孝澎谭切敬皱峭鄂尘吹肩愉炔蚤剐面茎竭蓑蛮掘揪哭通乓挖鹏挺殿敢筋厚潭居迪傅寻姨空晋令镐昔诽己篷戍扔切钳怀咋灰文被首酶逞仍达滨跪置砌凭殷直矢影蓝搭立鳃救舀榨篱的支厨醉袖岭染秋缮刁檀碌孩篆蔽宽鲁奔豁参汗般琼渐眩滦杂缠枣楔诊锌节既夯彭巨仁疯伤戍唬彬赠但坑褒徘骡君明现幂蹈在11


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