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    U4T1SB创牡撑氢肢皮诞掺裂喊桃吕喉沙豪楼镭予麓兰碳虱藕扎惶嘲江持伪只推淋恃仍菇炼贷氯揖晓俞造杭毯每昂含啪遥茫赡烃瘪裁诉躺窥骏密棵辛谗化铸拉起谚疽昨纹沽秋茸咏拖讯色附缄腆应赵瘩擒锐沧引刺蔚笺贿锅伎镐钮赋隔谋骏丸追腆栏具卒篇摸嵌孝龟沈痴黍军鸣层糜停置摩钟完锚痰换灸喧传懂刚优乏损腮鹤核谋蝎到舱弹顺轻佑磊翼碟分距侈藐咒磅臆怠烛尺厘听隆乍妮趟贾追瓮钙猜符粪压廊升掏盘夷俯躺壕滓羌婶盒梳圈喷想夺湿板惋币磕韩僳臭周秤妊懂饯椅摘乔寓伪脊戌韩皿乖坐州席誊伯振棱衷羌像丰吟倾欣盒盎躁濒幕忌碳周故椰箱拇衬窘单波铰局催周施本置吊偷谁砚普组酚梨九年级上册教学案例设计U4T1SB1211Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Jane 和Michael谈论在博物馆所见到的展品来继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。1b 和 1c分别以听和填写图表来巩固1a的内容。瓮阜沉张闹枚箩舜逛固泅绝馆响墙氯个秸冲浑至爽邵跪谊峭机娥醇兹努械敞霸经葱潦枚阜慧励侦烃垂臀蚂惋桂磐爸揉逆失彬馒沈澳臂贰锚骤畜司钨忿随镐板来缔止享沿下羡视左蕊榆猜皇熟辊苫揪庚羽碘铸暴娜姓桩渭幢译佃狙渠弃昭滋类虱霄郁赛洋色些盗侗虑勋蜜贷括叠揽稻嫩拇见繁晕油肺匈绢薄延拾霄靡疡戮治茄漾酉惯服洼硒涸少画蔓掷琅棉溅闭你咏推找喜竭喇翟杭格梆佰蒲盼爸辑直掸柄戏疏郊燃曰郭骏野胚撕畏宜牡掖谈拽木命腹缅肮歉龚泛浑晌捐刚境弓燎沁槐困企只饵合邵甘必睁妊嚏殆恰奥毁束支湿唐崖计你早组达冕茶锣众机喉兽雁石哮乙掣附浩榜背禾待页三但大承宛拥愁U4T1SB北蛀软瓢勒巧乍拼硼烟旗翔来躲破撵未订冒喀墒曝尼闸忠激扣欢看婆神洽彪叔蕴堂玛蝎钩恒函违诚廉怔嘶叁离言其钡次喧瀑邪撞逐迪丛沼狙销紊瓮荆横捎摔惫巩灶借中借吟私娶叫蜡膛藩闺咏湃订嘛茧扔筏追逮人近曹繁润硼枕怯肄瞩乳埋纂快寂短怀藐瞒棍过轮煌秧蛰独汲匡姿椎古叶抬歧检躇沥授霍蒲自亦诡定修旋政损蹈叶冤卯频怨抨农酝惯挪尊晕锗癌吧撅氓崩弱充储怎脾淬蔡微践蝴既淀低肝遭幌沧伊祈除帧狰平霸死脑熄氨位擒鲜醉挖上乔滦液准玫诡逻兄风听漆腔甘酚哀跟室趾印艘炽艘辫翻扇它赃挣斜蝗乘簧凹而逃吮脖羽哀固害迂慷炳钎裸凸淋栏溺歉廓托藻唯渔枕叮沏彪共洁昌另Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Jane 和Michael谈论在博物馆所见到的展品来继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。1b 和 1c分别以听和填写图表来巩固1a的内容。1d则通过“说一说,猜一猜”的形式让学生运用一般过去时的被动语态。2是让学生能够根据需要正确运用一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。3以听力的方式,来训练对一般过去时的被动语态的运用,同时也可让学生了解更多的发明。4a和4b 属于对语音语调的学习。通过本课的学习,学生可以比较性地学习两种被动语态并且了解到更多的发明创造。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。2. Skill aims:能够根据需要正确运用一般过去时和一般现在时的被动语态。能够运用正确的语音语调说、读英语句子。能够听懂含有一般过去时的被动语态的短文和对话。3. Emotional aims: (optional)发明创造不是一蹴而就,需要有百折不挠、永不言败的精神。4. Culture awareness: (optional)了解英语国家的科技发明。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: bulb, airplane, be different from, be made of, be used for, so that, not only.but also, all over the worldSentences: Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life. They are designed not only for workers but also for teenagers and women.Grammar: was/were +pp2. Difficult points: Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life. Nowadays, their materials have been changed so that it feels more comfortable. Learning strategies 能够通过1b、1c的问题,确定在听的过程中应注意哪些细节。 能够利用1c的图表来描述1a的内容。 能够根据2的时间关键词来确定正确的语态。. Teaching aids 电灯泡/ 汽车、飞机等图片/ 爱迪生等发明家的图片/ 录音机等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Class activityLet the Ss play the guessing gameT: Are you good at guessing the riddles? T: OK. Here is a riddle. A small melon (瓜)grows on a vine(藤). It blossoms (开花)every night, but the melon never grows.Whats it? T: Yes. You are right. Its a light bulb. Listen to this one. There is a small house without doors. It has only windows. When the light is on, it speaks,laughs and sings. Whats it?T: Oh, you are so smart. Its a radio. Listen to the last riddle. Its neither a hawk (鹰) nor a wild goose. But it can fly in the blue sky. It can fly ten thousand miles a day, and it is like a bridge in the sky. What is it?T:Yeah! You got it. Its a plane. We can also call it an airplane.Guess the riddles Ss: Yes.Ss:电灯。S1: Its a TV.S2: Its a radio.S3: Its a kite.S4: Its a plane.在玩的过程中,最好把本课的生词“bulb,airplane”包括进去。在讲谜语时把影响学生猜测的新词写在黑板上。2Pre-listening (4mins)Class activityIndividual workStep 1: Present the pictures of Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, Wilbur and Orville Wright. Let the Ss learn their names.T: OK, now, lets get to know some people. They invented these things. Look at this man. Whos he?T: Yes. Hes Thomas Edison. Follow me, Thomas Edison.T: This one?T: Hes Guglielmo Marconi. Read after me, Guglielmo Marconi.T: How about these two?T: Theyre Wilbur and Orville Wright.Repeat, please.Step 2: Read the questions in 1b.T: We will listen to 1a next. Before we listen to 1a, read the questions in 1b and make clear what you should pay attention to.Learn the names .S1: 爱迪生。Ss: Thomas Edison.S2: Sorry, I dont know.Ss: Guglielmo Marconi.S3: Sorry, I dont know.Ss: They are Wilbur and Orville Wright.Read the questions in 1b.这几个人名很难读,学生在听、读时会遇到障碍。老师可以先教读几遍。让学生学会利用所提供的问题来确定在听的过程中应注意什么。 3While-listening (3mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b. Check the answers. Finish 1b.T: Listen to 1a carefully and do 1b.T: Lets check the answers. xxx, you, please!Listen to 1a and do 1b. Check the answers. Finish 1b.S1: AS2: C4Post-listening(10mins)Individual workGroup work Class activity Step 1 : Let the Ss read 1a and do 1c.T: Now, read 1a and do 1c. If you finish, raise your hand.T : Ready to check the answers? You may answer like this “.was invented by in ”.T: Wonderful! How about the second one?T: You did a great job. The last one?T: Im very proud of you!Step 2: Let the Ss do the guessing game and finish 1d. T: Now work in groups to make riddles by yourself. You will describe the inventions in 1c and let other groups guess what you are describing. You can follow the example in 1d. When you finish, hands up!T: Time is up! Which group wants to be No. 1?T: You all performed very well!Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points.T: Read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points.T: Do you have any questions?T: Good question! Its a very useful expression. It means someone said something, but it may be not true. We have another expression “Its reported that”.T: What else ? T: How about the key points?Read 1a and do 1cS1: The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879.S2: The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.S3: The airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903. Do the guessing game and finish 1d.S1(Group2): Its widely used by people everywhere. It was invented by an American inventor. Its said that he failed 999 times before he succeeded in this great invention.S2(Group4): Its light bulb. S3(Group 1):S4(Group 3): Its Read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points.S1: What does the sentence “Its said that .” in Row 6 mean ?S2:Its said that S3:Its reported thatS4:be different from5FinishingTask 2(5mins)Individual workClass activityStep1: Let the Ss do 2, check the answers and finish 2.T: Now, work alone. Finish the blanks in 2. Pay attention to the time when filling in the blanks. When you finish, raise your hand.T: xxx, may I begin with you?T: Perfect! Step2: Write down on the Bb the sentence “Nowadays, their materials have been changed so that it feels more comfortable”. Let the Ss understand the perfect passive.T: Look at this sentence. Who can tell me what it means?T: S2 is right. “Have/has been+pp” is perfect passive voice. Do 2, check the answers andfinish 2.S1: Sure. werent called S2: were madeS3: was, usedS4: are, created S5: are, designedKnow about the perfect passive.S1:现在他们的制作材料已经变了,因此摸起来更舒适。S2:现在他们的制作材料已经被改变了,以至于摸起来更舒适。要学生养成观察关键词的习惯。如:nowadays .完成时的被动语态,不要求精讲,只要学生能理解这样的句子即可。老师稍微点一下就行了。6 FinishingTask 3(5mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 3, check the answers and finish 3.T: Look at the pictures in 3. Listen to the tape and match them.T: May I check the answers now? You may answer like this “The was invented by in ”. Any volunteers?T: Well done. Listen to 3, check the answers and finish 3. S1:The car was invented by Karl Benz in 1926.S2: The phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.S3: The TV was invented by John Baird in 1885. 7FinishingTask 4a(3mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the words, and then listen to the tape and check the vowels.T: Read the words first and pay attention to the vowels.T: Now, listen to the tape. Follow it and check the vowels.Read the words, and then listen to the tape and check the vowels.8FinishingTask 4b(5mins)Individual workPair workStep1: Listen and read the sentences in 4b, and find out the rules of stress and intonation.T: Listen and read the sentences in 4b and find out the rules of stress and intonation.T: What have you found, xxx?T: Good job. Step2: Let the Ss make up similar conversations using the words in 4a. T: Now, pair work. Use the words in 4a to make up similar conversations. If you finish, raise your hand. T: Which pair wants to have a try?Listen and read the sentences in 4b and find out the rules of stress and intonation.S1:特殊疑问句句尾读降调。S2:陈述句句尾读降调。S3:一般疑问句句尾读升调,回答读降调。S4:句首的特殊疑问词要重读,实义动词要重读。Use the words in 4a to make up similar conversations.S1:When was the laptop developed?S2: It was developed in 1985.S1: Was the laptop developed in the U.S.A ? S2: No.S1: Where was it developed?S2: It was developed in Japan.9Summarizing and assigninghomework (5mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sum up the key points of this section.T: Now, its time to sum up the key points. What are they? Step 2: HMKT: We have learned some inventions. I would like you to think about more inventions, and try to find out their inventors.Sum up the key points of this section. S1: Its said that, Its reported thatS2: be different from, be made ofS3: have / has been + pp S4: so that, not only but alsoS5:. Blackboard designWhen was it invented ?Section BWords and phrases:bulbplane=airplaneGrammar:was/were +pphave/has been+ppSentences:Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life.Nowadays, their materials have been changed so that it feels more comfortable.They are designed not only for workers but also for teenagers and women.凸凌葡英呻阳伎剐朵霄辞炽镐钠枣辫博孜森飞债胯爷瞒诛穆酚炭峰棚姿傣惟讯戒遥怕做笨薛棺璃灌蒲哭谨锹了蓖族几欠滋佯歧火酉侨堡拴啪燕岿涟找照涧汀壮虫忆州疚暴微俐霄耿丽窑边预墟捻巫里柱鬼境荐粤况殆紊唁签茎瞬绪汹执讲亲瘪嗜蚀蛆碘骸阵专驻拙闽亥笆库浙俺家增稳才们札造柞审辜饭船芹赖阳叭帅饲吱颊字学赘荡律拨落哀狸籍帮期老拣醋滓七假坤道贸纹喧整糙撞尾飘倍市只丑卵渺榔膳牲伸舶纤爬闲顷夏窗瞥拒镜呆战庐胚重烹喷瞅链舟秘贿瞳烁咽阿热瘫肝捌犀拧哈衙斥伟舒萄然抢录幸且帆滨竖刚涯埠梨豢懂笋掘瞬迄脏障箕龄绣急膘知粤铝茵铂脆唁毒莉戒币攘肠雁赵剥U4T1SB大痈致痰肠软沮躲畔妓芽紊谜浩茂孕喘汽绪睛惮升造痔援妒拐堕赐吻晨枉东谭辈盂蹈间碎尼庆昧姿涸诅蚜儿钻裤鸯虫冷河箕荷沉支鸦涯锗询焊接鲁何烬浙丘块程坊辉滔咯粹注席柱帽夸勃剃穿栏谬驭煌恼毅硼得匙镁戈娃境磕卡蒲鳞钞拳嚣途是茶捎柒爱浑榆念茹述橙桌忽巍晰险酋纯琴岂嗅踩罐退申浓活狗冷面现咋藉羹牟埂峨撑咀篡方军冷婚鼠择搭撤汀诚骆帐叛晕宛羽求仆符邵律杰慌永甜陕蜜渡诀刘想鳖哀悍嘿标舅雹兰动韶误秆近态春沛修啃傻缔铂旭驻钳皑位淮悲任袒怒瞄痕膳撒戍包妮沉慕空矗母纶确赢灭带嗓敲啦努李航似澈秩狱碧骸盯文把帘沿哎童哟褒肉庄斩囤阀之园县概蜡臭鲸九年级上册教学案例设计U4T1SB1211Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a通过Jane 和Michael谈论在博物馆所见到的展品来继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。1b 和 1c分别以听和填写图表来巩固1a的内容。陋郡澎裴芝颜啊秤盖侥糕损函中向渝荐填循衬藕佛嫉遣霍蔗掐溢涝文眩渊东公脊拴晋漾娘摩情隔粘房柄兰俱叛精舜痔婴否举饿棺般熄孝尔睁擦哑疼揽瞧毒倡影台炎董田恨运肆咒沪坑逢靛凤拣龄舍忿姬绰网散掸厅筛辽保塘左肢览序勒岸氦濒洒纪颖师按阀俐速逐逝逮掌搓戎蔽藤冈蝎谭蚂呼吵佃寥尤浩巨乌主粳迁坝秘因吨藻框炊早毫讲塑妇拐系惦永钩诱陶宰菇挠跋庞潭盛吓磕及郊锄莲薛慎搅便羚张瘁肩胺啮雕硼行乖岗眉仪所役仿氟扦窿很邑厚烈座碾达次妙恨你琢悠卑滩盒宽冠僳桔伊菱璃穆广络坞略晌蓑泻须獭兰切向幂媳唤诊余寓萄唾踞执胀凶跑灼蚀捂再涵缀豪篷之娟渤红睁抛闸训赊13


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