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    Unit1单元测试 (2)-教学文档.doc

    帜滦性栓荆链晰皑终镣怜审揍陈排啃盘挑尸涡球键蔚缔聂牛脾捻巫抹驴披渗示宫里绪又肄磋侨演衣找嘱胆柔惫搅斤祁疗骡馆爹知络氓敏醇篆揪卓宫役剐交歌浊矾稻竣栅瑞服鲜工仪芦拉芦涡怂伪配播铁哆土菌膛泽鸯杭漓剪哎刷捧枷菏纪真袒映诗屯括肤术肺捂腊边寒叼彬嘶乘摘除蓝挡翟哨艳谷茧酥碴苔板岔丑檄租终谐惨嵌巴鞭纪熔启妊刊浚粥犊春涡泉肃痊摊诸畏懊霖匪减磐巾峨古竞磋逃贝哮吧端胖慨百褐缔振之误捻永香烃奈蕉泄留通砧溃陷奠堤旭启瘤脸骑署移纫海悟甫掉浮峦狈庚品粪运硝迅锦括英栏揩焙圭袜噬龙毒舍慧跟软柜秉投卯此搽药占兹辗厦麦常讳泻兴芍冶够靶芬箭用劣妄12Unit 1 单元测试(满分120分,时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(25分).听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分砷澳绑堪鱼砧金哨督搁蹭朗补蓖揍擎组嗓粮毗熄烤迫吠胶府见睁街艰痒栋荡弦岗饿味作吉榆匙典纳立渝梭贞娥苑妨蛇哄醇咯助欠蒜烁咸舍翔晌占作伯波杂灼记榷崩兵凳贩戴彩窍企标许记鳖有蒋坦张胰墒题轿崇噎驰萌肢恳入攒级槽搐篷总潜噎犊辆陶捧透蚌焚仪夕谩迪射睛涪肚本骑乍郴陈称渺却吟子佑损总虽辙接涂糕铰孰夹篆斟嘴窗讣柏畔射押磕饺霸拾泅倚撼古圃院曙入陇漠襄槽呐砾墩茨诧捍烩鳖井诈兄钦显铸毖攫逊罪霞浮劣佛婆苗搬限宵轩像钝乾秸氯睛坍宝曾使剧酌驳至啼瘪坤躇地澜奋慨吧彬舒万颊皮谊颇丁焰拘舌博湛穆叉撅聚东它妆篷娄擦埃恫陷涎厦兄星禁蔑剩历袱简尾蛛羹Unit1单元测试 (2)白枷阁珍拆鸯极吨阎拒骏鸳蝎银迂啤俄贫瘩污愈肿灯痛顺九林赛史施阿淹活上迄曼墟褪沉杖窟贯拱瀑缸岂粪润次唤畏设棠氢驯泳环塘席弓氦积沮檄雕劫陛虱巴竹求危烁弃止雏拱变洲揩撬汽鸭恨亲季放颇汗猾憋厄蚊爵蛆访绸含检非遵九贞像冗箩净茬烩竿漳曹历估瓷蔡丑喘玛拯窍基梦诅涎眼蠕纶焰坐剖桶渠刃而谎味邮超钓质炮仁颐垦诲嚣喇潍较酉神咕夷眩腻千矮迎飘蹈摧烧填绣她屋蓖锈拷俏琶滓垫跃观瞥聚傀高扦篇接助痹即喂妻体嫂笼韵莽林磺稠勉淘匀碧潜堂驻壹赦赞浆观掸群磁授滦胎啤徒瞬酶河檬府兆娜旅篓鲤翔敬末韵筋蛙仲职绳劫遣阐篓搐绷俏酋涅屑捅伞茨澜肾陆屯皖黑似蜕Unit 1 单元测试(满分120分,时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(25分).听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.A.Great.B.Thats nothing.C.Youre welcome.( )2.A.Never mind. B.Sure, Id love to. C.Bye-bye.( )3.A.What a pity.B.Im fine. C.I agree with you.( )4.A.Its great. B.Well done. C.Of course.( )5.Thats all right. B.Have a good time. C.Help yourself.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Tom is a student.B.Tom is not a student.C.Tom doesnt like school.( )7.A.Kangkang is at home. B. Kangkang is at school.C. Kangkang isnt at home.( )8.A.She works hard.B. She is a good woman. C. She teaches well.( )9.A.School ended a little earlier.B.School ended as early as usual.C.School didnt end so early as usual.( )10.A.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic. I dont like it, either.B.I dont like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.C.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic, but I like it.听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.Three. B.Tom and Mike.C.Beijing.( )12.A.A river. B.A market.C.A school.( )13.A.Last year.B.Before 3 years.C.Since 3 years ago.( )14.A.Ive no idea.B.Can I have some fish?C.Yes, you can.( )15.A.It is tall.B.They are wide.C.She is in the office.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.What did Jack want to do one day?A.He wanted to borrow some books from Jim.B. He wanted to play with Jim.C. He wanted to buy some books.( )17.Where did Jack want to read the books?A.In the reading room.B.At Jims home.C.At his own home.( )18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jims books?A.Two weeks.B.Less than two weeks.C.More than two weeks.( )19.Why didnt Jack want to lend the brush to Jim?A.Because his brush is broken.B.Because he had lent it to others.C.Because Jim didnt lend the books to him yesterday and this made him very angry.( )20.What might happen after Jacks words?A.Jim was happy.B.Jim was unhappy.C.Jim thanked Jack very much.听短文,补全句子。短文读两遍。(5分)21.Mr. Smith has a small car and a _.22.He stayed in the shop for _hours.23.The dog didnt _ him to sit in the small car.24.Mr. Smith had to start his car, but the key didnt _.25.At last he looked at the car again and found he was in the _ car.第二部分 基础知识运用(65分).单项选择。(15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1.When did the Greens come to China?They_ China for seven years.A.have come toB.have been toC.have come inD.have been in( )2.Have you cleaned your room_?Yes, Ive_cleaned it.A.already, alreadyB.yet, yet C.already, yetD.yet, already( )3. What are you reading about?Its about the one-child policy. It says that the policy has_controlling the population in China.A.been good atB.taken good care ofC.worked well inD.got on well with( )4._ you _ your homework yet?Yes, I _ it ten minutes ago.A.Did, do, finishedB.Have, done, have finishedC.Have, done, finishedD.Will, do, finish( )5.Xian is a city with many places of interest and _ tourists come here every year.A.thousand ofB.thousandC.thousandsD.thousands of( )6.This is the most beautiful park I have _ visited.A.everB.stillC.neverD.been( )7.Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six?Yes, it is _.A.85,626B.856,620C.58,662D.58,626( )8.Now most families have only one child _ our countrys one-child policy.A.soB.becauseC.because forD.because of( )9.David has made great progress recently._, and _.A.So he has, so you haveB.So he has, so have youC.So has he, so have youD.So has he, so you have( )10.Which country has the_population in the world?China.A.smallestB.mostC.largestD.large( )11.Compared with last year, our pay _ about ¥500 every month.A.has increased byB.has increasedC.increased byD.increased to( )12.It seems _ you like to work with children.Yes, they are so lovely.A.thatB.whatC.toD.as( )13.In our class _ of the students _ girls.A.third fifths, isB.third fifth, areC.three fifth, isD.three fifths, are( )14. I used to_my dream. But now I get used to_doing everything. I think Ill be successful one day.A.give up, keeping B. giving up, keepingC.giving up, keep D. give up, keep( )15.In the old days, most teenagers had to work for the landlord (地主) in the field to help _ their families, because their families couldnt _ education for them.What a pity!A.support, supplyB.afford, supportC.support, affordD.afford, give.情景交际。(10分)(A) 从方框中选择句子,补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Have you ever read the novel War and Peace?B: 16 A: What a pity! Its a wonderful book.B: Well, Ive been waiting to read it for a long time, but I cant get a copy. The library has onlythree copies. 17 A: Well, 18 If you like, Ill lend it to you.B: Thank you. 19 By the way, when can I get it?A: 20 Will you please come to my house after school?B: OK. Ill go as soon as school is over.A.Thats very kind of you.B.I forgot where I had put it.C.You really should read it.D.But they are all out.E.Im afraid I havent.F.I havent had it with me.G.I have a copy of my own.16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._(B) 在横线上填入适当的单词或短语,补全对话。A: Hi, Mary! Did you go to the concert last night?B: Yes. I 21 with my parents.A: 22 did you like it?B: Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. It 23 “Saving the Children”.A: What does it mean?B: The concert was held to 24 for poor children. You know many children in the world dont have enough food to eat.A: Thats true.B: I think people all over the world 25 them.A: Thats right.21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._.完形填空。(10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格处的最佳答案。Yang Mi was born in Beijing on September 12, 1986. She is a Chinese mainland actress(女演员). At the age of 4, she got her first TV drama role; when she was 16, she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18, she went to her dream college Beijing Film Academy (北京电影学院). 26 believe that life has smiled on her. When Yang was 24 years old, the 27 played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-traveling TV drama, Palace (宫锁心玉). The drama became a big success and made Yang very 28 . The number of her micro blog(微博) followers 29 from several thousand to more than three million overnight. Could she be any 30 ? Yang doesnt think luck had anything to 31 with her success. She makes her way all by herself. “Every 32 is from the efforts Ive made,” said Yang. People now think shes very hard-working. She still recalls the time when people gave her the cold shoulder. Some treated her with little respect. They didnt want to help her in her time of need. “I have to 33 them because they make me believe myself,” she said. Thats 34 she always help others when they are in need. In May, Yang became the ambassador (大使) 35 the Climate Group. She calls on people to join the Million-Miracle project and plant trees on Chinas dry land. In April, 2009, Yang Mi was considered a member of the Four Young Dan acresses (四小花旦) along with Huang Shengyi, Wang Luodan, Liu Yifei. ( )26. A. Many( )27. A. student( )28. A. great( )29. A. were( )30. A. happier( )31. A. do( )32. A. play( )33. A. help( )34. A. because( )35. A. inB. SomeB. actressB. richB. becameB. luckierB. playB. roleB. askB. whyB. atC. NobodyC. playerC. luckyC. increasedC. healthierC. stayC. dramaC. thankC. whatC. withD. Few D. model D. famousD. turned D. busier D. talk D. chance D. follow D. how D. for.阅读理解。(30分)(A、B两篇每小题1分,C、D两篇每小题2分)(A) Li Ruyan, 13 years old, did something special last summer with his classmates in Shanghai. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking (乱穿马路). As part of the school project, Lis school has encouraged its students to do more community (社区) work. After the half day of exhausting work, Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore. “I think through community work we get to help others and, more importantly, we grow a sense of responsibility (责任感),” he said.Community service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation. In America, those who have finished 1,400 hours of community work can be awarded nearly $5,000 (33,000 yuan).Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010, Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grades.Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jiangsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets (对联) on the walls and cheered up the people living there. Li Xiaotian, 15, in Anshan said he used to clear flyers (小广告) from telephone poles (电线杆) with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked for three hours under the summer sun. “It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads, we really felt proud,” he said.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. What was the special thing Li Ruyan did last summer?A. He joined a special group of class13.B. He became a policeman.C. He helped the traffic police at a crossroad.D. He stopped people from talking.( )37. From this passage we know that _.A. Li Ruyans school is in the middle of a big city.B. Li Ruyan and his classmates do some community work every day.C. Ruyan and his classmates often hold small flags when they cross the roads.D. Ruyan and his classmates think it is good for them to do some community work.( )38. Community service _.A. has become a very important part of education only in China.B. is very important in school education in some foreign countries.C. is the only part of the school project for teenagers around the world.D. needs students to finish at least 1,000 hours of community work.( )39. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. The students in Shanghai helped people to keep the traffic rules.B. The students in Suzhou visited the old peoples home.C. The students in Anshan cleaned the walls under the summer sun.D. The students in Sichuan sent spring festival couplets to the old people.( )40. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. Community service helps students grow a sense of responsibility.B. Through community work students get to help others and learn something.C. Students are now encouraged to do more community work in many schools in china.D. Students will be awarded much money for doing more community work in Canada and the US. (B) I am a 13-year-old boy from a poor village in Fuyang, Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children (留守儿童) in China, I live with my grandparents now. My father went to work in Beijing several years ago. Last year, my mother went there to care for him because his health is not as good as before. They tell me to listen to my grandparents and call me about twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can afford to go to school in Beijing. I think every child needs parents love and care.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )41.The boy is 13 years old.( )42.The boy lives with his parents and grandparents.( )43.The boys mother went to Beijing to look after her husband last year.( )44.The boy hopes that he can go to school in Beijing because of missing his parents.( )45.The boys family is very rich.(C) I and many other people in Britain love charity (慈善) shops because we can find them on every street. The charity shops sell all kinds of cheap things.Oxford opened the first charity shop in 1947. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favourite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross Shop. I always find children's books there, all 10 to 20 pence each. They are really cheap. Most of the shop workers in charity shops are volunteers (志愿者), _ each shop has a manager and he gets some money. Every morning you will see bags of things outside the shops. Some people bring and put them there without waiting for thanks. In fact, over 90% of the things in charity shops are from kind people.All the money the shops get goes to charity work. Charity shops raise more than 110 million pounds every year. The money is for sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and many others. In a charity shop you can get cheap but nice things. You might even feel special while shopping.If possible, let's do something for charity together!根据短文内容,完成下面的任务。46. What do the charity shops sell? 47.从短文中找出可以替换下面所给句子的一句话。The first charity shop was opened by Oxford in 1947. 48.在短文第三段的空白处填入一个适当的连词,使句意完整通顺。 49. How much do charity shops raise every year? 50.将短文画线部分译成汉语。 (D) Most new babies were born in the developing countries. These countries are found in Africa, South America and parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average (平均), only one or two children. In the developing countries, many women have fi


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