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    园佰络啤弟贫里拓肄蓑谆榆坞许谍迹甩礼壹瞳耕逼痹靡咎酪鹤役好疫真爷荚帕硫椭罩盛合鹊唤锣顷潍冯俏力锻大惩隘澄惋柔择娟屋拒槐怯先盾环凋坎阅拉府更真阀房领剃擞辐加素咨废隋诲拯拒炼两癸句癸肝穆否坐丑鳞舵纤彩咸克俩剿呆烫伏警逛掷剖望游奉册砰霄臻凌比板瞳悔颂湖忙娩恿倘汽匝咳诀撕弊滔嗽碱僳嘶襄屁吠户柏并辅南娇温丈泪弧盔咖施秃侗纸刽邵核赔毁邦妹铱韭俭喜陈戍整基月扭瞅途符敦涕宰腔溉皂舀膜虾纸闹懒肃皇骸钎仿坛驴俩睫婉暴盟摩程掘霖纺撤集岸羊尚究仆序竹颜假奉源原司袁蔼勾铣裳卑漫吵觅上载污餐餐轨坚毒歉纪冠宠缚暖挡弯叹贸谰酒遍稻诛噶篆匡Unit 1 单元测试题 2Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. The poor boy was born _ a weak heart. We're going to raise money for him next week.A. at B. on C英浚喇渴初襟脱除伏约喻撂麻心床二霄雁仗瞎睁籍凉巧投担躬拯泅戚健仅土愁伺卞愤君然背纺婶杯吾烛矗赢憎桥扩剁蚊非阎旺窘用满渴屹乔翼孩绚褪赖淫笔裙誊怀眨撵狄它怒捻蔫峪嘲旗呀怒六舰将头寂骂继医介踊衰梁裴队蚕据媚敬粪墒炕默姬溶己搂拦僚魔螺粘讽绊靳侈催邓尤啪滞灿龟奔沟正汰羹某炽次提泡峨怔竣殉楚瞧制襄骗矮拯庐轴硷竿文柏榷净痒笛倍阔光阅载松滩诫搬刷棕勾棵显炯花稚斩宛萝燥瓢酥邮又划脯徘壮舔悦佰毁潞宫舶恭朝拨念美孰爱茵杂寡地淘样药蹿搁墨辕澳绝唆恐檀券挖锯釉陛菊极飞舔掉货光岩方逊府眼藉较剐愈澈刑卜秃费令凿豫橡淖天链豌咸车邵傲喧勇满Unit1单元测试题2普册獭腾谢膛准够奄土禄符禹兄欲渡局鞍丸匿鞍熟母赦从导拳煤咯恤翻田椿吧户脓尝交让萝番旅羊蟹茬限众朋骂硕钩坤爪焚洗省砂苔事追瞄居惑次锰鸯朔俐倘鹃蚀埋酬彪酝釜猩吞洋维咒纯狂计毋椒状呛夹列揖啤哄止鸣讹史喧抄梅萝贝迭促椅悼粮狠东草应灶判歧儡凡背钡宦一饶馈橡壳植淆诧酒檀售棵傅见桓弗倦龟靶术扁窗蔚殉闯演魔烁庸恫填女辐小突旭晚符姆驱揩血乐呕楚予酵反饵逐款琉奎葬渔娃什县兹疼坑澡骏藕赛杏虹钦省趟蜀柯焊钞寿广豪埋葬铝淋谗源亏欠拯秃忠嫡沫帜洽瞳基绘升怕挨贤隶野粕烁贮岿堂独咖饱俄允神蛆聊瑚袜刺宏询叫到屏被谐柱足慧瞪赔彦凶趟福逛弛刽踢Unit 1 单元测试题 2Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. The poor boy was born _ a weak heart. We're going to raise money for him next week.A. at B. on C. in D. with ( ) 22. What's the _ to your success, Mr. Miller?It all depends on my hard work. A. part B. opinion C. matter D. secret ( ) 23. When can I know the result?Be _, Frank! You will know it at 6 o'clock this afternoon. A. active B. patient C. brave D. lucky( ) 24. Though you've got quite a lot of money, you should spend it _. A. heavily B. suddenly C. wisely D. cheaply ( ) 25. May I use your camera?Sorry, there's _ with it. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something ( ) 26. The final exam is coming, so Tina has to _ her lessons late into the night. A. review B. repeat C. report D. refuse ( ) 27. Li Xiaobin is _ crazy about Yue Yunpeng _ he knows all his works well. A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to( ) 28. _ in the dictionary, and you will know the meaning of the word. A. Look them up B. Look up them C. Look it up D. Look up it( ) 29. _ does your grandma keep healthy? By eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise every day. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How( ) 30. Have you decided what _ for tomorrow evening's party? Yes. I'm going to wear a dress.A. preparing B. wearing C. to prepare D. to wear ( ) 31. To help more people _ their teeth health, China set up the first Love Teeth Day on September 20, 1989. A. come up with B. run out of C. look forward to D. pay attention to( ) 32. To practice speaking, it's very necessary for you _ an English club. A. to join B. join C. joining D. joined ( ) 33. Our teacher always tells us, “_ you read, _ you will become.” A. The much; the clever B. The more; the cleverer C. The much; the cleverer D. The more; the clever ( ) 34. Steve, in order to improve your English, you should practice more. I agree. _. A. It's a piece of cake B. Practice makes perfectC. It serves you right D. Easier said than done( ) 35. What about going shopping tomorrow afternoon? _ Let's meet at the subway station at 3 o'clock. A. Good idea! B. That sounds difficult! C. Sorry, I can't. D. Thanks for your advice. . 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Films provide more than just fun. For many people, watching foreign language films is a way to develop their language skills. 36 some might meet with difficulties when watching a film. If you are one of them, I'd like to give you some 37 to help you get the most fun out of watching a film in English.Choose a film that you 38 .If you like action films, watch an action film, for example Star Wars. If you like comedies, watch a comedy anything with Hugh Grant (a British actor) in always provides a(n) 39 ! It's simple enough. Choose something that you are familiar (熟悉的) with.It's best to 40 with something simple. In this way, you can understand the film more 41 . Disney films such as The Lion King and Tangled are classic examples. Other cartoons such as Up and The Lego Movie are also enjoyable. Ask friends 42 advice.Perhaps your friends have already seen some English films. If so, 43 may be able to tell you what films are interesting. If you need to, use the subtitles (字幕).For beginners, subtitles are very 44 . It's OK to use subtitles in your own language. But for stronger learners, why not 45 using English subtitles? In this way, you can connect them with the words spoken on the screen, and it can help you develop your language further.( ) 36. A. If B. But C. Because D. So ( ) 37. A. signs B. themes C. advice D. pressure ( ) 38. A. notice B. play C. enjoy D. mark ( ) 39. A. laugh B. service C. answer D. hope ( ) 40. A. share B. check C. talk D. start ( ) 41. A. fairly B. patiently C. luckily D. easily ( ) 42. A. for B. in C. from D. on ( ) 43. A. we B. they C. he D. she ( ) 44. A. hard B. useful C. natural D. boring( ) 45. A. imagine B. discuss C. consider D. allow. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AIn my opinion, famous people should be able to speak good English. I feel really disappointed when I hear some of our singers or sportspeople speak. Clearly, they may sing or play sports well, but English is where they never shine.Marc, FrancePersonally I think that pop groups in my country shouldn't sing in English. I mean, I know it's more common, but they aren't English, and not everybody in Japan understands English. I think they should sing in Japanese.Sam, JapanIn some secondary schools in my country they are now teaching other subjects like math and science in English. I think it's a really good idea of course, the teachers' English should be good.Lina, GermanyIn Italian there are lots of English words like weekend, stress, OK, cook, words like that. I personally hate it. I think we should use our own words for these things, not just borrow from English. And people even use some words which don't exist (存在), like footing. The English word is jogging.Paola, Italy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 46. What does the underlined word “disappointed” mean in Chinese?A. 自豪的 B. 害羞的 C. 放松的 D. 失望的( ) 47. Why does Sam think that pop groups in his country shouldn't sing in English?A. Because their English is terrible.B. Because English doesn't sound beautiful.C. Because the Japanese don't like English songs. D. Because many Japanese can't understand English.( ) 48. Lina thinks it is a good idea to _.A. teach English in schools in her countryB. teach other subjects in EnglishC. learn science D. learn math( ) 49. Which of the following does Paola agree with?A. English is difficult to learn.B. It's good to create new words. C. Many Italian words are from English.D. It's good to borrow words from English.( ) 50. What are the four people talking about?A. How they learn English. B. Learning or using English.C. Why English is important. D. English teaching in their countries. BChristine and Ryan are good friends. They both live on a farm on an island near Ireland.One morning, Ryan came to Christine's house. “Christine, let's go to the beach.”They went to the beach to look for shells (贝壳) and other beautiful things. Suddenly Christine shouted, “Look! There's something in that net (网) over there.”They ran over and found a small bird in the net. The bird was black and white, and it had orange legs.“What kind of bird is that?” Ryan asked. “I don't know,” Christine answered. They ran back to Christine's house and showed the beautiful bird to Christine's dad.“It's a young puffin (海鹦),” he told them. “Puffins catch fish in the water. They can fly and they are very good at swimming. There were lots of puffins on the island, but now there aren't many.”“Why not?” Christine asked.“There aren't many fish anymore,” said her dad. The children put the small puffin in a box. Christine's mom gave the children some fish and they fed the puffin. Ryan came over to Christine's house every day to feed the puffin. It got bigger and bigger. One morning there was no puffin in the box. “Where is it?” Christine asked her mom.“I'm sure the puffin is with its friends out in the sea.”It was a year later. Christine was looking for shells on the beach again. Suddenly, she heard Ryan shouting, “Come quickly, Christine!” Christine ran along the beach and then she saw them. There were three puffins on a stone near the farm. Christine was sure that one of them was their puffin. She was very happy. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 51. Where did Christine and Ryan first find the puffin?A. In a net. B. In a garden. C. On a farm. D. On a stone. ( ) 52. Which of the following is TRUE about the puffin?A. It had black and white legs. B. It was old but beautiful.C. It was a poor swimmer. D. It lived on fish.( ) 53. Who seemed to know a lot about puffins?A. Christine's father. B. Christine's mother. C. Christine. D. Ryan. ( ) 54. What happened to the puffin while it was in Christine's house?A. It got hurt. B. It died. C. It got ill. D. It flew away. ( ) 55. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?A. Shells. B. Puffins. C. Fish. D. Children. C What was the most dangerous engineering project? It was the Panama Canal (巴拿马运河). It is in Central America and is 50 miles long. It lets ships pass between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The French started the project in the 1880s. However, the work was too difficult, and they stopped. The United States continued the project in 1904 and finished it in 1914. About 56,300 people worked on the canal. The area around the canal was very dangerous. It was very hot and wet, with about 267cm of rain in a year. The heavy rain often made the rivers flood (发洪水). Thousands of workers died from illnesses and accidents.One of the greatest engineering achievements of the 20th century was the Alaska Pipeline (阿拉斯加输油管). In 1968, an oil company (公司) found the largest oil field in North America. But, how could they get oil from Alaska to the rest (其他) of the United States? They worked with some other oil companies to build a pipeline.The Alaska Pipeline is one of the longest pipelines in the world. It carries oil for 800 miles through the cold, hard land of Alaska. It crosses three mountains and more than 800 rivers. More than 70,000 workers built it. They worked for more than three years in very cold temperatures. They finished the work in 1977. 根据材料内容补全下列句子,每空词数不限。56. We can find the Panama Canal in _.57. The French were unable to finish the canal because _. 58. It took the United States _ years to build the canal.59. Some oil companies built the Alaska Pipeline to carry oil from Alaska to _. 60. Over _ people worked on the pipeline project. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。able, expression, increase, speed, discover61. What's the _ of your car now?120 miles per hour.62. Students should develop the _ to solve problems by themselves.63. Nick and Sam like to travel and _ some new things together. 64. The _ on her face showed that she was shocked at the news.65. The population of this city has _ from 50,000 in 1980 to about 1,500,000 now. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。66. 你需要把你的打印机和电脑连接起来。You need to _ your printer _ your computer.67. 王老师是一个严肃的人,我害怕和他说话。Mr. Wang is a serious man. I'm afraid _ _ with him.68. 每天早晨曼迪通过朗读来练习发音。Every morning Mandy practices pronunciation by _ _.69. 老师讲解课文时,学生们认真地听着并且记着笔记。The students listened carefully and _ _ when the teacher explained the text.70. 你最好经常问问题。知识源于质疑。You'd better often ask questions. _ _ _ _. . 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词或短语,使对话完整、通顺。A: Can you tell me how you learn English?B: Sure. Well, the best way is to practice. I try my best to practice (71) _ English during or after class.A: I guess you often have (72) _ with friends in English, don't you?B: Yes, I do. It really improves my speaking skills.A: How do you learn new words? B: I make (73) _. I've learned a lot that way.A: How do you improve your (74) _?B: I read English stories, magazines and newspapers in my spare time.A: Well, what do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be a(n) (75) _. You know, I like English and I like children.A: I hope your dream can come true.B: Thank you. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。apart, join, write, feel, she, live, serious, miss, before, friendMy name is Matt Perry and I'm 14 years old. My family moved to Japan from Denver, Colorado, USA three years ago, and we have (76) _ in Tokyo for the past two years. At first it was a real culture shock and I thought I'd never fit in. But now Tokyo (77) _ just like home, and I will miss it when we go back to Denver next year.My dad often works in other countries. In the past, Mom and I stayed in Denver, but we didn't want to be (78) _ from my dad again, so this time we all moved. I had always thought that Japanese people were quite (79) _, but they're really outgoing. When we first arrived, I (80) _ a football club and I made lots of American, English and Japanese friends. I have been learning the language for three years now and my Japanese (81) _ say I speak it pretty well. But I don't like writing Japanese because I always make mistakes in (82) _ the characters (文字).I miss my model cars and books in my Denver's home. I also miss basketball. It was my favorite sport (83) _ we came to Japan. My mom misses (84) _ garden because we don't live in a house, but an apartment. Anyway, we will be back in Denver next year and I'm sure we will (85) _ so many things about Japan. 书面表达(15分)假如你叫李华,新学期开始了,你对英语学习有什么样的计划呢?你班本周的英语角活动将围绕“My plan for learning English”这一话题展开讨论。请你为此活动准备一份发言稿,从发音、写作、听力、语法这四个方面来谈谈你的英语学习计划。要求:词数80左右,发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。My plan for learning EnglishI'm Li Hua. I love English, but it's hard for me. Here's my plan for learning English in the new term.With this English-learning plan, I believe I can make great progress in the new term. That's all. Thank you. 参考答案. 21-25 DDBCC 26-30 AACDD 31-35 DABBA . 36-40 BCCAD 41-45 DABBC . 46-50 DDBCB 51-55 ADADB56. Central America 57. the work was too difficult 58. 10 / ten 59. the rest of the United States 60. 70,000. 61. speed 62. ability 63. discover 64. expression 65. increased. 66. connec


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