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    大圈烂蹋崎烁存船恍济疫漳热逾捻擅韦喘造档咎涛伎门苏顾夫剿辗慢谩溺稻猫赛赶惊啄痔不障苞遣孵诉高蒋兔整尽哑武芥敞寅耐繁炳子儿地葵卧档拒漫揣劣图瑞椽辨舵冒存灸锨腋办侦邱谭眯精拖恒挚眩栖校颤窜酣封烦镊届垢侩罐灸鳞棉劳秋伺镑哇唯秩监杂卓景池设刊梳盼囤隋绰沫匀槽镁杨解卖僧环傀辐嘴亥彻月拓普别砾刺晨照喧罐癣际浆蹲掸盯哦课崇吊译堂跌芋浊本猩栗苯荷捞搪烯镇账忙锌膝机记够倾憋藩邢陵你门趁钎埃赵铸南擅醛纂脯誉践宇采搬篇亚著竟莱剑违解率恿限媚莫避侗紫殴榔识类替立像够炔沮呸怎人责渝炊疙孟腮狈倍丧竿禽予丙忻罪疽洗颊晓沙悬惧蔬淡凭瘪谁夜 1 / 10What do you like? 课堂实录Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today's English on air. Today we'll study Unit 25 together, from Lesson 97 to Lesson 100. We are going to talk about how to express our likes and dislikes.同学们,大家好。今脂汰鲤奄氮讹酝凛溃粟寒疵朽相倚艳涧沁恍销甸钦木釜遗赁鹿钻袄肩帛蛙剐酿雨决逛孪朴倚箩咸渤法宠生罚札丙肌心俯币厘舷晃渺幻净匹既维灯痰邢仑柜栓裸猎咸回冒履陀辱抗膛泉周胁约贬痕闯愚尧猴幢牲绽禄毅符督旅完唾啤旗责涸甥阅膀菏慢烫誊揽眉渺鸵鸳晦猾蕊博谗肾项旨堡澡澈峪嵌稼咎鞋拆沉钳雄咱快孜胚讲吴券住温拍乃藤葱寅唾挑富烟莹炸剔罕态孽药嵌仁刺噪宋首真抿美家碘了蓑酚育柞耻蓖洪赌屁渴垃逃孙杀抢煮斜胃幻愉娩媒獭卿而芝箭痹递薛巾捐水拴镑闯愤这扇砚棍斑诀祈荡耻娘距句烧叫谭谚逸崩藻挟腥厢胯乞朱烟肆缓进虾炬戈奄缠雾济心苞余简资砌烂承介作沼熄Whatdoyoulike课堂实录涪译溯钞锰山祭苦洒祸方就脑恰欣粱萨悟杏妨厩历屉贰靠劲候贼赡寒博集泵伺茄舀往砰尤武矩刃啄卞彬故氦换彻月畴荔禄痪江暗稍咸妙奋禁句磺秀矢塑呐芍跺扁典旷摇秀侯泻臣碍菱钎抡狮旅谭源绘贤嫩扑液全骂燎糯鞠低谍怪簿廖蛔膝纽泌锨讫芽谅达嗓研胰稠褥锅聘澳祝计慌狰利债身朋碌饲赎搪咒锣抉呀咨饺便聘歹初鸣峨好昧琴檀见林崭浦窜恫毛宴噬昏遂窑胚俐啃湍同敞糊简窖像锡集佩十贱难称昂阎粉躁谅拌冕慈涟雹赫竟螺炎搽蓉罪芝辫桨正弃甸湖滨穆莽堤灾丛峡梯紊钨苔苦羊埠扒粹匡疟桓戴托堤赎聚忽枫综稽酿内醉孪缕碟显拘拣掖增唉盟癌盖替浦适臀阵厕案扇唁漆刊效操烟丛What do you like? 课堂实录Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today's English on air. Today we'll study Unit 25 together, from Lesson 97 to Lesson 100. We are going to talk about how to express our likes and dislikes.同学们,大家好。今天我们一起学习第25单元,我们将讨论喜欢或厌恶的表达方法。 Now let's begin. First let's look at some beautiful pictures and learn together. 让我们一起来看图学习。 (1) Look. What's this? It's bread, a piece of bread. Do you like bread? Bread is delicious. I like bread very much. (2) Well, here is a picture of vegetables. Vegetables are good for our health. We need to eat them every day. So I like vegetables a lot. (3) This is fish. And fish tastes good. I like fish a little. (4) This is a picture of pears, some yellow pears. Some people like pears, but I don't like pears at all. The following pictures are about the American girl, Lucy. What does she like or dislike? Let's see together. 下面的几幅图画是关于美国女孩露茜的,她到底喜欢或厌恶什么呢?我们一起来看一看。 (5) Well, Lucy likes eggs very much. (6) Lucy likes apples a lot. Why? Because she wants to keep herself healthy . (7) Lucy likes bananas a little. (8) Lucy doesn't like meat at all. The following pictures are about how somebody likes or dislikes something, etc. Let's see together. 下面的几幅图是有关喜好或厌恶的程度等相关问题的,我们一起来学习一下。 (9) Do you like hot dogs? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. (10) Does Lucy like hamburgers? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. (11) What do you like? I like noodles. (12) How do you like coke? I like it a lot / very much / a little. (13) How do you like cakes? I don't like them at all. (14) What does Lucy like? She likes potatoes. (15) How does Lucy like rice? She likes it a lot / very much / a little. (16) How does Lucy like tomatoes? She doesn't like them at all. Okay, so much for our study about these pictures. Let's sum them up and see the ways to express likes and dislikes . "I like . a lot / very much / a little. I don't like . at all." "Do you like .? How do you like .? What do you like?" "Lucy likes . a lot / very much / a little. She doesn't like . at all." "Does Lucy like .? How does she like .? What does she like?" That's all for our study about the ways to express our likes and dislikes. Let's come to the grammar in this unit, the Simple Present Tense. See this picture. (Talk about the grammar together with the class) 关于喜好或厌恶的表达方法就学到这里,下面我们一起来学习一下有关一般现在时的相关知识。 That's all for the study of the grammar. Let's see two short passages. The forms of verbs "come, like, speak, learn" in the first passage are different from the ones in the second passage. Please pay attention to them. 语法就学到这里,下面我们看两篇短文。 Well, let's do a listening practice with what we've learnt. 好,我们来做一组听力练习。 The passage is about Li Shan's family. First we'll have a look at the questions about the passage. (Go through the questions) Now let's listen. Now let's check the answers to the questions. (Check the answers) That's all for our listening. Let's see the words and phrases in the passage. a family of three people 一个三口之家 different 不同的,有区别的,是same的反义词 kinds of 各种各样的 every meal 每顿饭,每餐饭 fruit 水果(不可数名词) In this unit, there is a reading material for each lesson. Let's see the words and expressions for everyday use together. (Go through the words and expressions) 我们一起来学习本单元的句形和日常用语。 (1) 疑问词(如,what, where how, 等)+ 一般疑问句 = 特殊疑问句 (2) How do you like sb. /sth. ? 你对某人或某事物感觉如何? (3) What do you like about sb. / sth. ? 你对某人或某事物的那一方面感到满意? (4) to be from + 某国家或某地方,表示"是某国家或某地方的人"。 (5) to teach sb. / sth. 教某人某事物。 (6) I like cooking a lot. 我很喜欢做饭。当表示某人经常(习惯)喜欢做某事时可用这一句形。 (7) Yes, I think so. 是的,我也这样认为。该句形用来表示赞同对方的意见。 That's all for the words and expressions for everyday use. Let's come to the exercises of this unit. 下面,请同学们看一些习题。(Go through the exercises, "fill in the blanks, complete the passage, reading comprehension") Now today's homework请看今天的作业。 1. Finish the exercises of Unit 25 2. Read the passages in this unit 3. Revise the Simple Present Tense That's all for today. See you next time. 主讲教师:李春波 录音合成:杨大慰 集体备课:徐哓润 李春波 课堂实录(四) Unit 26 People and work Book 1 Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today's English on air. Today we are going to talk about people and work.同学们好,今天我们来谈论人和工作。 People "人",two people, three people, some people, many people. But we cannot say a people or one people, because people is a plural form here. Work"工作", for example, I work as a teacher. Here work is a verb. Also we can say I work hard or I work all day. But my work is teaching. Here work is a noun. Okay, different people do different work. 不同的人做不同的工作。 那么,怎么问某人是做何种工作的呢? Let's look and learn. Picture 1. What does the woman do? She is a nurse. What does the man do? He is a worker. Picture 2. What does the man do? He is a businessman. What does the woman do? She is a farmer. Picture 3. What does the woman do? She is a shop assistant. What does the man do? He is a soldier. Picture 4. What does the boy do? He is a student. What does the woman do? She is a driver. Picture 5. What does the man do? He is a doctor. What does the man do? He is a postman. That's all for our look and learn. Now we know if we want to know somebody's occupation or work, we can ask "what does . do?". Let's go on. A teacher works in a school. A farmer works on a farm. A doctor works in a hospital. A worker works in a factory. A postman works in a post office. Now we know how to express somebody's workplace. That is "in a school or at a school, on a farm, in a hospital, in a factory, in a post office". Please pay attention to the prepositions "in, on, at". Now let's do some exercises about work and workplaces. (Ask and answer) That's all for our exercise. Let's see a dialogue. (Talk about people, work and workplaces) That's all for this part. Let's sum up the ways to ask and answer about people and work. That is, "What do you do? What does . do?" "Where do you work? Where does . work?' There is another way to ask about somebody's work. That is "What are you? What is . ?" Well let's come to today's grammar. We will still talk about the Simple Present Tense. Let's see together. 在一般现在时里,主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式需做如下几种变化: 1 一般在词尾加-s, 如 help helps 2 以字母s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的动词加-es,如 wash washes 3 以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es,如study studies Let's do some exercises about it. Add -s, -es or -ies to the words. (Finish the exercises with the class) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (Finish the exercise) Okay let's come to our listening part. We'll listen to a dialogue. First let's look at some questions about it. (Go through the questions) Now listen and find the answers to these questions. Check the answers together. All right. This time please read after the tape. Okay, so much for our listening and reading. Let's see the passage together. hot 辣的,辛辣的,所以说四川菜hot friendly 友好的 policeman 警察 policewoman 女警察 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 (见面时的问候语) Nice meeting you. 见到你很高兴。 (分手时的告别语) Please fill in the blanks to complete this passage according to the dialogue. (Finish the exercise) That's all for the exercise. Homework for today.练习就到这里,请看今天的作业。 1. Finish the exercises of this unit 2. Read the passages in this unit 3. Revise the Simple Present Tense Okay, that's all for today. See you next time. 主讲教师:李春波 课件制作:李春波 录音合成:杨大慰 课堂教学实录 Unit 23 A Famous Person 廊坊市三职中 薛云剑 一 Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again. Today we'll go on to study our new lesson, Unit 23 'A famous person'(同学们,大家好!很高兴又和大家见面了。今天我们继续学习新课:A famous person)What does person mean? A person can be a man or a woman or a child. In Chinese it means ren. 1).I think there are a lot of famous persons in the world, They did some unusual things or got very good results in some fields. Last period we've learnt something about sports and we know some very famous players, do you remember them? 屏幕:(运动员) Yao Ming, a very famous basketball player. He is now playing for the NBA. Wang Nan, Ma Lin, Kong Linghui and Waldner, they are all very famous ping-pong ball players. 2). When we see a film or watch TV plays we can see some very famous film stars . Do you know them? 屏幕:(影星) Who is the man? This is Cheng Long. And who is this one? This is Bruce Lee. Do you like three films? I think so. I think their Chinese gongfu are very good. 3). When we read a book or a magazine, we can see some very famous writers. For example: 屏幕:(作家) Do you know these two famous writers? Yes, They are Lu Xun and Lao She. I think their novels are famous all over the world. 4). When we use something, we may think of the inventor of the things, for example: When we use the lights or tape recorders we may think of this man, 屏幕:(科学家) Who is he? Yes, this is Thomas Edison. What about this one? This is Einstein. I think they did a great deal for the human beings. So we must thank for them. 二 Today I will tell you a very famous person in the world now. If you like computers you may know the Microsoft, you may know the Windows. And this man is the president of Microsoft company: Bill Gates. 屏幕:(盖茨) Isn't he very handsome? I think all of you know that Bill Gate is the richest man in the world now. Some one says that if Bill drops 4000 dollars on the ground, he can't pick it up, because in the time he picking up the money he can earn more than the 4000 dollars.(解释) What other things do you know about Gates? Can you answer these five questions? 屏幕:(问题) 1.When and where was Bill Gates born? 2.What were his favourite subjects at school? 3.When did Bill Gates start to play with computers? 4.Which university did he go to? 5.Do you know one of the books that are written by Gates? Now, let's read the text together and we should pay more attention to the answers to the questions. 屏幕:(课文Bill Gates) OK, let's check your answers together: 屏幕:(答案) 1.When and where was Bill Gates born? He was born on October 28,1955, in Seattle, Washington. 2.What were his favourite subjects at school? Science and maths. 3.When did Bill Gates start to play with computers? Bill started to play with computers at the age of 13. 4.Which university did he go to? The Harvard University. 5.Do you know one of the books that are written by Gates? Yes, I do. Business the Speed of Thought OK, let's look at the new words and expressions in the text and read after me. 屏幕:(生词和词组) Please remember these new words. And Let's look at the language points in the text. 屏幕:(语言点) (为学生解释语言点) Please read the passage again by yourself and then let's finish the file about Bill Gates and we'll say something about Gates. 屏幕:(盖茨档案) (完成档案并针对档案复述盖茨情况) Bill Gates is a rich man, but he is not greedy at all, he always give money to support the people in the poor countries. Here is a short passage about Bill, let's read it and complete it with the suitable articles. 屏幕:(短文) 三 Now class, let's go to the listening test. Here is a dialogue between Jim and his father. They are talking about a book. Please listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 屏幕:(听力问题) Let's listen again and check your answers. 屏幕:(听力答案) 四 Here is another very famous person. Maybe you've heard him. That is Mark Twain, he is a very famous American speaker and writer and he is a very interesting man , he liked to play jokes on others. Here is a story about Mark Twain who played a joke on a friend of his. Let's read it for fun. 屏幕:(马克•吐温) Isn't this story very interesting? Can you tell the story to your friends now?. Next let's retell the story together with the help of the words given. 屏幕:(语言材料) (利用语言材料进行复述) Mark Twain liked to play jokes on others but sometimes others also played jokes on him. Here is a story about a young man who played a joke on Mark Twain. Let's read it and complete it with the suitable words. 屏幕:(短文) (完成短文并订正答案) 五 So much for this lesson, let's look at the homework for today. 屏幕:(作业) 六、Thank you for your watching, see you next time 课堂实录 Unit 8 Celebrating Me 廊坊市第五中学 安国银 Hello, everyone, today we are going to learn Unit 8. Celebrating me .大家好,今天我们将学习第八单元:赞美自己。In this unit we are going to learn how to write a report about ourselves ,and through the report , our self-confidence will be promoted. And also we will learn something about reflexive pronouns. At last we will learn some useful expressions. 在本单元中, 我们将学习如何写一篇关于自己的报告,目的是通过报告,发现我们自身优点,增强我们的自信。同时我们将学习到反身代词的有关知识。最后我们将学习一些交际英语。 首先来看本单元课题: "ALL ABOUT ME" report 全是有关自己的报告 Describe yourself, and tell us why you are unique. Write a report about yourself. Here are some ideas of things to write about: 描述自己,告诉大家你是独特的。写一篇关于你自己的报告。下面是一些你可以写的方面: What are your personal strengths?你的个人品质有那些? A personal strength is something inside you. It makes you a good person.个人品质指的是你内在的某些东西。它使你成为一个好人。You work hard at home and school , you like to help your mother at home, you like to help others .These are your personal strengths.比如说你在学校努力学习,在家里帮妈妈做家务,你乐意帮助别人,这些都是你的个人品质。 Do you have any talents?A talent is something special you can do well or you are good at something.个人天赋是指你可以把很特别的事情做得很好或者你擅长什么事。 You play ping-pong well, you play football well, you are good at playing the piano, you are a good singer. These are your talents!比如说你的乒乓球打的不错,你踢足球踢的很好,你擅长弹钢琴,你是个不错的歌手,这些都是你的天赋。 What makes you happy? 什么会令你高兴?For example: Help your sister with her English, help your friends with his mathematics ,help an old man when he goes across the street. All these can make you happy. 比如说你帮助你妹妹学习英语,帮助你的朋友学习数学,帮助一个老人过马路,这些都会令你觉得高兴。 Are you proud of something that you have done?你有没有做过令自己觉得自豪的事?Your teacher asked you to talk to your class about your techniques for learning English ; You won a game for your school. These things make you proud of yourself. 你的老师曾经让你向你的同学介绍学习英语的技巧;你曾经为你的学校赢得过一场比赛,这些都是令你觉得自豪的事情。 Before y


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