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    七年级英语下册 Unit 11 Vacations同步练习 北师大版.doc

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    七年级英语下册 Unit 11 Vacations同步练习 北师大版.doc

    Unit 11 Vacations练习AI. 根据句子意思和所缺单词的首字母,写出该单词的正确形式  1. My mother made me a pizza. It was really d_.  2. My family will spend our summer v_ in the town of Tongli, which is very beautiful.  3. The whole class really like the exhibits (展品) in the m_.  4. These things are not expensive. They are c_.  5. Terrible things are a_ things.  6. Better not swim today because the w_ are so high.  7. U_, his father fell very ill and died a week later.  8. Something that is not interesting is b_.  9. The little boy couldnt find his home. He was l_.  10. I worked all night, so Im very t_.  11. Do you like g_ vegetables? They are simply wonderful. II. 用所给动词的正确形式填空  1. Dont worry. Ill help you _ (find) your home.  2. My teachers words made me _ (feel) very happy.  3. When we _ (be) on the beach, we _ (fly) kites.  4. I _ (not have) much fun because my kite _ (break) minutes later.  5. Look! The little boy over there _ (cry). Lets _ (go) there and _ (help) him.  6. How _ you _ (go) to school last Monday?  7. What _ you _ (decide) _ (do) when it _ (begin) to rain this morning?  8. When I _ (find) the little boy _ (cry) in the corner, I _ (go) up _ (help) him. III. 用适当的介词填空  1. Who is the boy _ the corner of the room?  2. The tired man had to walk back _ the hotel, because he had no money _ him _ a taxi.  3. The man did the good thing _ Tuesday morning.  4. We all went _ the beautiful beach and played _ the waves.  5. We spent the whole morning _ the Palace Museum.  6. What did you think _ your vacation? Was it great?  7. Mary stayed _ home, but her sister went _ the cinema.  8. Where did the students go _ vacation?  9. Father cooked a turkey _ our big Christmas lunch.  10. Montreal was very cold _ Christmas. 练习BI. 写出下列动词的过去式  1. ask _                        2. discuss _  3. stay _                       4. enjoy _  5. play _                       6. decide _  7. leave _                      8. begin _  9. go _                         10. fry _  11. feel _                      12. swim _  13. spend _                   14. give _  15. fly _                       16. sing _  17. eat _                       18. think _  19. cut _                      20. see _  21. take _                            22. ride _  23. come _                   24. draw _II. 找出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项(    )1. Sorry, you look the same.                 Thats OK.       A. You are right.                          B. Thats all right.       C. Its right.                                D. Thats very good.(    )2. My sister Lucia likes reading picture books.       A. loved                B. love                  C. enjoys               D. would like(    )3. The students reached home late in the evening.       A. came to                    B. got                    C. got to                D. went(    )4. Jack and John played tennis for half an hour.       A. thirty minutes                         B. an hour       C. half hour                                D. a half(    )5. Did all of you enjoy yourselves in the summer vacation?       A. played happy                                 B. have a good time       C. like playing                                    D. stay at home happily III. 将下列句子译成英语  1. 那小男孩迷了路,所以我帮他找到了他爸爸。       The little boy _ _, so I _ _ _ his father.  2. 天气很凉快,所以我们决定打网球。       The _ was _, _ we _ _ _ tennis.  3. 我没钱乘出租车,所以步行回家了。       I _ _ _ for a taxi, so I _ _ _.  4. 街上人不多,所以不拥挤。       _ _ _ people in the street, so it _ _.  5. 你昨天下午有没有打排球?玩得愉快吗?       _ you _ _ yesterday afternoon? _ you _ a _ _?  6. 他们什么时候去海滩的?       昨天下午2点。       _ _ they _ to the beach?       At _ _ _. 【试题答案】练习AI.   1. delicious                       2. vacation                    3. museum  4. cheap                           5. awful                       6. waves  7. Unfortunately                8. boring                      9. lost  10. tired                           11. garlicII.   1. (to) find                       2. feel                          3. were , flew  4. didnt have , broke                      5. is crying , go , help  6. did , go                        7. did , decide , to do , began  8. found , crying , went , to helpIII.   1. in                  2. to , with / at / on , for  3. on                 4. to , in  5. in                  6. of                            7. at , to  8. on                 9. for                    10. at 练习BI.   1. asked                           2. discussed                         3. stayed  4. enjoyed                        5. played                             6. decided  7. left                              8. began                              9. went  10. fried                           11. felt                                12. swam  13. spent                          14. gave                              15. flew  16. sang                           17. ate                                 18. thought  19. cut                             20. saw                               21. took  22. rode                           23. came                             24. drewII.   1. B                   2. C               3. B               4. A               5. BIII.   1. was lost , helped him find  2. weather , cool , so , decided to play  3. had no money , walked back home  4. There werent many , wasnt crowded  5. Did , play , volleyball , Did , have , good time  6. When did , go , two yesterday afternoon 【励志故事】认识自己每一种才能都有与之相应的缺点,如果你屈服于它,它将像暴君一样统治你。推翻它的办法是一开头就要看准究竟是什么样的缺点。要像那些因你的缺点而责备你的人那样注意它。你要成为自己的主人,就必须学会自省。一旦这主要的缺点投降了,所有其它不足都会随之而降。- 4 -


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