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    Module 7 En glish for you and me Un it 2 We all own En glish 教材分析 _ J Module 7的主要内容为通过对英语的学习情况的讨论和对英语语言发展的介绍来复习 状语从句和动词不定式。从全书来看,本模块是对以前状语从句和动词不定式知识的归纳, 具体结合学生的学习情况来展开,贴近实际情况,学生易于理解。 教学目标 I _ _ 【知识目标】 Key vocabulary boss, secretary, in dustry, zero, In dia n, type. Key structures a quarter of, together with, at least, even though. 【能力目标】 To get in formati on about En glish in troduct ion. To master the infin itives. 【情感目标】 To be glad to lear n about others happ in ess or sad ness in lear ning En glish. To be glad to help others when they are in trouble in learning. 教学重难点 【教学重点】 1. To lear n some expressi ons in the passage. 2. To lear n the infin itives. 【教学难点】 1. To get in formatio n from the article. 2 2. The use of “ the reas on why is that 课前准备 1. 课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2. 教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程 I _ j Step1. Words 1. Teach new words with their Chin ese tran slati on and complete expla nati on. 2.Show the new words and phrases through pictures. 3. Teacher ask questions to students and students answer them with the new words and phrases to enhance their own memory. 4.Show the map of China to in troduce the coun tries where En glish is spoke n. Step2. Talk ing 1.Stude nts discuss the history and developme nt of En glish. En glish has now become an intern ati on al la nguage. How did this happe n? What will the future of En glish be like? Who owns En glish? 2. Work in pairs. Talk about the photos of coun tries. Stude nt say: where they are? what languages you can see? 3 3.Students answer who owns English. Everyone who speaks it the English, the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a rich language. Step3. Learning 1. Read the whole passage and answer the questions about the history and development of English. 2. Choose the best answer fitting in the text content. 3. Work in pairs and talk about your answers to the questions. What do you want to use English for? Do you know any Chinese words from English? Give some examples. Do you agree that Chinese will one day replace English? Step4. Writing 1.Write a composition called: The future of Chinese 2.The composition should include these aspects below: How many people speak Chinese at home in China? Where do people outside China speak Chinese? Who is learning Chinese elsewhere in the world? Whydo you think people will speak Chinese as an international language in the future? Write your notes in full sentences. 3. Present the sample passages to the whole class. Step5. Practice 1.Now 2 mins to test students spelling. 2.Check the bilateral translation between Chinese and English. 3. According to the first letter, students complete the words. 4. Guess the words in the context with Chinese translation. 4 5. Translate the Chinese sentences into English. Step6. Homework Write your composition about the language English.


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