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    本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于成功的英语对话】有关成功英语情景对话 我们英语学习的胜利,离不开过程坚持的毅力。下面是我给大家整理了如何取得胜利英语对话,供大家参阅! 我们英语学习的胜利,离不开过程坚持的毅力。下面是我给大家整理了如何取得胜利英语对话,供大家参阅! 胜利英语对话1 A.Hi, John,can i ask a you some questions about the study in universtiy? B.Hi, Li Lei, of couse. What do you want to ask? A. I am now confused about time in university. You know we have quite a lot of free time. So sometimes, i can not manage my spare time very well. i get lost. Can you help me on this? B. Oh, that is a question. Id like to help you. But you have to arrange the time for yourself. First, you should know what do you like? For example, you like reading books. Then you can spend much time in library. If you like some sports, you can go to our gym to play some sport.Like football, bastketball or Pingpong. A. Great ideas. I like dancing. So i can go to the ball dancing with my friends. But the ball activities only are held on evening. I still have some spare time. B. How about practise your oral English with me? A. That is cool. Great thanks John. You know i want to practise my spoken English. But i do now how to do it. Now you can practise with me. I do not have to worry about it now. By the way, do you like speaking Chinese? B. Yes, i would like to. I have picked up some Chinese. For example, Nihao. A. Great. Then we can help each other then. B. Yes, and it is time to go our English class. Let us go. A. OK. 胜利英语对话2 a.hi, john,can i ask a you some questions about the study in universtiy? b.hi, li lei, of couse. what do you want to ask? a. i am now confused about time in university. you know we have quite a lot of free time. so sometimes, i can not manage my spare time very well. i get lost. can you help me on this? b. oh, that is a question. id like to help you. but you have to arrange the time for yourself. first, you should know what do you like? for example, you like reading books. then you can spend much time in library. if you like some sports, you can go to our gym to play some sport.like football, bastketball or pingpong. a. great ideas. i like dancing. so i can go to the ball dancing with my friends. but the ball activities only are held on evening. i still have some spare time. b. how about practise your oral english with me? a. that is cool. great thanks john. you know i want to practise my spoken english. but i do now how to do it. now you can practise with me. i do not have to worry about it now. by the way, do you like speaking chinese? b. yes, i would like to. i have picked up some chinese. for example, nihao. a. great. then we can help each other then. b. yes, and it is time to go our english class. let us go. a. ok. 胜利英语对话3 -hello,you look happy, why? -i get full score in english exam. -congratulation! -thank you -can you tell me something about how to success ? -just as the saying goes,no pain,no gain! so we should study and work on our feet. -great ,anything else? -its necessary to follow teacher guidance.whats more, confidence is important. i wish you to success. -thank you! - all right!lets go to success hand in hand. -wow,thats great! come on! -你好,今看起来咋这么兴奋呢? -我英语考试得了满分。 -恭喜恭喜。 -感谢! -你胜利的秘诀是啥? -俗话说得好,不劳无获。所以,我们要脚踏实地啊! -还有别的吗? -听指挥,勤思索。此外要自信。 -感谢! -不用谢!让我们一条心走向胜利。 -太好了。加油! 胜利英语对话4 A:host(主持人) B:CEO of a company(一家公司的总裁) C:a university student(一个高校生) D:psychologist(心理学家) A:Hello,everyone,welcome to watch our program.Im .,today,you konw,we will talk something about success.In our society,everyone want to be a successful man,to earn others respect.However,how to make it is also a problem confused our.I think,after our program you will komw more.Now,welcome our guest.The CEO of a company,Mr. (大家好,欢迎收看我们的节目,我是.,今日,我们将争论胜利的一些事情.在我们现在这个.,每个人都想胜利,都想获得别人的敬重.但是,怎么去实现也是一个困扰我们的问题.我想,通过我们的节目,你会知道更多.现在,有情我们的嘉宾,某个公司的CEO,.) B:Hello! A:A student from ZHOUSHAN HAIYANG university,. (一位来自海洋学院的同学.) C:Hi! A:A psychologist,Lee. (一位心理专家) D:Thank you,host. A:First,I want to ask Mr.some question,do you think you are a successful man? (首先我想请问.一些问题,你认为你是胜利的人么) B:Sometime. (有时候) A:Detail please. (请说细节) B:In your heart,obviously,Im very successful,I own a big company,have a lot of money,can buy everything I want.Besides,you will believe money equal to success.But to me,I think Im on the way to success.My deram tells me I must go on.Thanks for my dream. (在你们心目中,很明显,我是特别胜利的,我拥有一个大公司,有许多钱,能买到我先要的东西.但是,对于我来说,我始终在通往胜利的路上,我的幻想告知我,我必需连续.感谢我的幻想) D:A very gerat man,In my opinion a man have a dream is half the battle.So dream is a very important in success.A dream can make you energetic. (一个宏大的人,我的观点是,一个人有了幻想等于胜利了一半.所以说幻想在胜利中是特别重要的.幻想使你布满能量) A:Thank you.Can you tell us your dream?Mr. .你能告知我们你的幻想么) B:Of course,when I was ten years old,I read a article about Bill Gates.And from then on,I concentrate on contribute to our society.Luckily,I read that.So chance is also relate to success. (当然,当我十岁的时候,我看了一篇文章关于比尔盖茨的,从那以后,我始终致力于对我们的.作出贡献,很幸运的,我能看到那个文章.所以说机会也和胜利有关) A:What your opinion, (说说你的观点,.) C:Im very agree with Mr.,I often surfing on Intnet,one day I read a aticle,it says a company need 100 employees,and they received more than 400 applications.To my shocked,the CEO throw away one half of this applications,because he believed they neednt a man without lucky.Mr.,the company is yours? (我很同意.的说法,我常常上网,一天,我也看到一篇文章,它讲一家公司需要100个员工,最终他们收到了400多份申请书.使我震动的是,那个CEO扔掉了一般的申请书,由于他信任他们不需要运气不好的员工.那个公司是你的么?) B:No,No,No!I will give every one a chance,and a challenge. (不,不,不,我会个每个人机会和挑战) A:Very good!C,do your think if you are a successful man? (特别好,C,你认为你是一个胜利的人么) C:I think I have ambition,confidence,persistence,patience,so I believe sonner or later,I can carry out my dream and to be a successful man. (我认为我有雄心,自信,恒心,细心,所以我信任,迟早地,我会实现我的幻想,成为胜利的人) D:Very confident.May you can success,whats more,you cant forget condescension also can decide your future. (特别自信,还有,你别遗忘虚心也能打算你的将来) C:Thank you! A:Thank you everyone.After this progarm,we known some aspects about how to success.I hope everyone can success by watching our progarm and try your best.Thanks for watching.Bye! (感谢各位,经过这个节目,我们知道了一些关于怎么去胜利的方面,我盼望每个人都能胜利,通过看这个节目和大家的努力.感谢大家的收看.再见!) 看过如何取得胜利英文对话的人还看了: 1.胜利的英语对话 2.采访胜利人士的英语对话 3.胜利的英语对话 4.关于胜利话题的英语对话 5.胜利有关的英语情景对话第 7 页 共 7 页


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