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    外研版九年级上册英语 外研版九年级上册英语Module6Unit2部分课文翻译.docx

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    外研版九年级上册英语 外研版九年级上册英语Module6Unit2部分课文翻译.docx

    本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑外研版九年级上册英语 外研版九年级上册英语Module6Unit2部分课文翻译 中学英语翻译教学是整个中学英语教学不行或缺的内容,科学、恰当地在中学英语课堂中开展翻译活动,可以促进同学英语应用力量的进展,从而有效地强化英语教学效果,关于外研版九班级上册英语Module6 Unit2的部分课文翻译有哪些呢?接下来是我为大家带来的关于外研版九班级上册英语Module6 Unit2部分课文翻译,盼望会给大家带来关心。 外研版九班级上册英语Module6 Unit2部分课文翻译: Read the letter and the reply. Choose the best summary of Steves problem. 读这封信及回信。选择史蒂夫的问题的最好总结。 Dear Diana 爱心天使黛安娜 Do you have a problem? Write to Diana at New Standard Magazine and ask for her advice. 你有问题吗?写信给新标准杂志的黛安娜,并向她寻求建议。 Dear Diana, 友爱的黛安娜: Last week,my friend David came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dads computer. I was worried, because should ask my dad before I use his computer. He usas it for his work,and I can only use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play games on it. 上周,我的伴侣戴维带了一个新的电脑嬉戏来我家,要求在我爸爸的电脑上玩它。我很担忧,由于在用电脑之前我应诙问问我爸爸。他要用电脑工作,而我只能用它来做我的家庭作业。缘由是他认为我要是在电脑上玩嬉戏的话,电脑就会出毛病。 Well,while my dad was out,we decided to try out Davids game. We copied it to the computer,and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer. However, when I started the computer again to check if everything was OK,some of my dads documents were missing. Then,when my dad used the computer last night,he was really angry. He could no longer find the documents anywhere! They were very important. 噢,当时我爸爸不在家,我们打算试一下戴维的嬉戏。我们将它复制到电脑上,在我们玩完后,我们把它从电脑上删除了。然而,当我再次打开电脑去检查是否一切正常时,我爸爸的一些文件丢失了。然后,昨晚当我爸爸使用电脑时,他特别生气。他再也不能在任何地方找到这些文件了!它们是特别重要的。 I did not tell him about the computer game because I did not want him to be angry with me. Now I feel terrible. I am not sure whether a computer repair shop can get the documents back. Should I tell him about the computer game? Should I pay to repair it? 我没有告知他关于电脑嬉戏(的事),由于我不想让他生我的气。现在我感觉糟透了。我不确定电脑修理店是否能找回这些文件。我应当告知他关于电脑嬉戏的事吗?我应当花钱修理它吗? Yours, 你的, Steve 史蒂夫 Dear Steve, 友爱的史蒂夫: Oh,dear! You have made two mistakes. It is bad enough that you used your dads computer to play games when he told you not to. And it is even worse that you did not tell him about it. If you tell him the truth now,he will be angry with you,but at least you will show that you are honest. 哦,天哪!你已经犯了两个错误。当你爸爸告知你不要在电脑上玩嬉戏的时候你却用他的电脑玩,这就很糟糕了。更糟糕的是,你没有告知他这件事。假如你现在告知他真相,他会生你的气,但至少你能表明你是诚恳的。 You should apologise to your father. You should also pay the bill to repair the computer. If you offer to give up your pocket money ,your father will realise that you are very sorry. 你应当向你父亲赔礼。你也应当付账去修电脑。假如你主动提出放弃你的零花钱,你父亲将会意识到你深怀歉意。 Remember,next time, play football with David and not computer games! 记住,下一次和戴维一起踢足球,而不是玩电脑嬉戏! Best wishes, 致以最美妙的祝福, Diana 黛安娜 Steves problem 史蒂夫的问题 a) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers computer, though his father warned him not to do so, Steves father was really angry. 史蒂夫和他的伴侣在他父亲的电脑上玩电脑嬉戏,尽管他的父亲告诫他不要这样做。史蒂夫的父亲特别生气。 b)Steves friend cut some documents by mistake from Steves tathers computer. His father was very angry. Steve did not know how to repair it. 史蒂夫的伴侣从史蒂夫父亲的电脑中误删了一些文件。他的父亲很生气。史蒂夫不知道如何修理它。 c)Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers computer. Some important documents were missing. His father was angry. Steve was worried about what to do. 史蒂夫和他的伴侣在他父亲的电脑上玩电脑嬉戏。一些重要的文件丢失了。他的父亲很生气。史蒂夫担忧该做什么。 看过外研版九班级上册英语Module6 Unit2部分课文翻译的还看了: 1.外研版九班级上册英语Module5 Unit2课文翻译 2.译林版九班级上册英语Unit6 Reading A部分课文翻译 3.外研版九班级上册英语Module4 Unit1部分课文翻译 4.外研版九班级下册英语Revision ModuleA部分课文翻译第 4 页 共 4 页


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