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    Unit 4 Why don’t you talk it with your parents人教版英语八年级下册复习课件 (共44张PPT).pptx

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    Unit 4 Why don’t you talk it with your parents人教版英语八年级下册复习课件 (共44张PPT).pptx

    Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,课程目标,copy,until,instead,work out,deal,compare,proper,argue,allow,cause,What makes you tired?,too much homework,difficult subjects,cold war with parents,argue with friends,no phone on schooldays,no much change,too much homework,no time for hobbies,allow,01,v. 允许,My boss doesnt allow me to take photos.We dont allow smoking in our house.be allowed to do.,02,Whats wrong with you?go wrong There is something wrong with,wrong,03,deal,Its a deal.Whats the big deal? Its only a birthday, not the end of the world. deal withI dont know how to deal with the problem. I dont know what to do with the problem.,n.交易,v.处理,1. -Shall we go to the movies tomorrow? -If my mother agrees, . A. its a deal B. that depends C. Im sorry about it D. take it easy,练一练,2. Smoking is not in public places. A. agreed B. needed C. wanted D. allowed,04,work out,Hope everything works out.Mike worked out the problem himself.I work out regularly to keep fit.,work as a teacher,work for New Oriental,work on the building,work at a school,04,3.-The problem is difficult to_. Can you help me out? -Of course.A. put out B. hand out C. work out D. look out,练一练,4. - Have you finished your homework? - Not yet. I am _ now.working it on B. working it out C. working on it D. working out it,05,argue,The parents are arguing about childrens education.,What are they arguing for?,He argued against the plan of travelling.,He argued with his wife yesterday.,argument,n.争论,05,argue,Neighbors complained to the police about the dogs barking.,She explained that she was too sick to appreciate visitors.,At one time,we quarreled over something silly.,They argued for who should do the housework.,06,proper,adj.合适的,He asked Peter to wait for a proper time to go to Disneyland.,a proper way,07,-I feel nervous because of the exam.-Take it easy.He is anxious about travelling on her own.,nervous,adj.紧张的,08,get on with,Get on with your homework.,Do you get on well with your parents?,He didnt stop. Instead, he ran faster.If we cant go out for dinner, we can cook instead.,09,instead,adv.代替;相反,instead of 相反;而不是,It is better to light up a candle instead of complaining about the darkness.,He cant compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.Theres nothing to compare with a nice cold drink when you get home after work.,10,compare,v.比较,11,be good at,Im good at playing the piano.Eating vegetables and fruit is good for your health. He is quite good with little children. Are your teacher good to you?,擅长,do well in,12,continue,She continued to work after she had a baby.,He picked up his book and continued reading.,v.继续,13,push,We pushed him hard to take up science.Once the actor Edwards told his fans, “Be yourself and dont let anybody push your around.”,pushpull,14,cause,What caused the fire?,v.造成,Whats the cause of the fire?,n.起因,15,copy,Please send me a copy of his letter to Mr. Grey.,n.副本,I copied the letters into my book.Jean always copies the way I dress.,v. 复制,16,whatever,Wherever he goes, he spreads love and joy.,I am here whenever you need help.,Help yourself to whatever you want.,Whoever took it would live forever.,1.-I feel really _ about the exam tomorrow, dad. -Never mind, dear. Believe in yourself.A. excited B. embarrassed C. strange D. nervous,词汇综合练习,2.-Is there any need for us to come up with a new plan? -Not at all. It _ fine.A. worked on B. worked out C. helped out D. set out,3. There were so many people on the platform(月台). So we_ our way into the train.A. continuedB. pressedC. pushedD. beat4. -Why dont you listen to me this time? -However you _, I shall hold my decision.argueB. talkC. decideD. fight,词汇综合练习,5. Driving after drinking is one of the most common _ of traffic accidents.A. reasonsB. causesC. excusesD. results6. -Lily told me that she could not _ like that. -Shes right. Its time for her to come to an pareB. dieC. continueD. fight,词汇综合练习,7. -What do you think parents do to help their children? - Encourage them to try new things, but not _ them too hard.A. push B. pull C. drive D. beat 8. Should I believe in Jim? Dont even try to make a _ with him, because he lies and cheats like crazy. A. reasonB. planC. deal D. decision,词汇综合练习,9. -How can we get to Los Angeles? -It will take days by car, so lets fly _.laterB. insteadC. perhapsD. simply 10.We should think more of others if we want to_ them.get on well with B. hear of C. get ready for D. take care,词汇综合练习,11. -You look great! How is everything going? -I often eat vegetable and fruit, and I also at a sports club twice a week. A. work as B. work out C. work on D. work with12. -Its Mothers Day today. I couldnt give my mother flowers. I will get her a pair of gloves . A. instead B. instead of C. as well D. too,词汇综合练习,13. -I heard Ted got hurt badly in the car accident yesterday? -Its true. His careless driving was the _ of the accident.reason B. cause C. excuse D. answer14. His brother continued _ with his parents after his marriage.livingB. liveC. livedD. lives,词汇综合练习,15.As the story _, the truth about the strange person is slowly found out.Abegins BhappensCends Dcontinues16. What happened? They both wanted to use the car, so they did a _.Amatter BriskCdecision Ddeal,词汇综合练习,17. Dont you believe me? _, Ill believe_ you say.No; whateverB. Yes; no matter whatC. Yes; whateverD. No; no matter what,词汇综合练习,18. Nowadays, bicycle-sharing system like Mobike has become increasingly popular. -Its convenient. Moreover, we can park the bikes you like. wheneverB. unlessC. untilD. wherever,词汇综合练习,Grammar focus,He saved up his money so that he might go abroad for his summer holiday.,Although we all tried our best, we lost the game.,Wait until the rain stops.,连词,He injured his foot, so that he was unable to play in the match.,Wait until the rain stops.,连词,I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.,His mother didnt go to bed until he came back.,He left as soon as he heard the news.,Ill tell him as soon as I see him.,连词,As long as it doesnt rain, we can play outside.,As far as I know, he did quite a good job.,词汇综合练习,1. - Do you know when Mary_ back? - Ill ask her to tell you as soon as she _.comes, arrives B. will come, will arrive C. comes, will arrive D. will come, arrives,2. Can I go to the basketball match with you? Im afraid not, _ you have a ticket, because I have only one. A. when B. unless C. if D. Although,词汇综合练习,3. You wont be healthy_ you eat less sugar and exercise more.A. unlessB. whenC. afterD. if4. May I go out to play now, Mom? -No, you cant go out _your homework is being done. but B. unless C. until D. as soon as,词汇综合练习,5. My father will call me as soon as he to Wuhan. A. returns B. will return C. arrives D. will arrive,6. Good afternoon, Sandy. Got a new coat again? Oh, no. Its my old one. I took it off _ the weather was too warm just now.Aif BbecauseCunlessD. since,


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