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The DO is monitored through its effect on the PL lifetime of the oxygen-sensitive dye Pt octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP) embedded in a polystyrene film. The other analytes are monitored through their oxidation, catalyzed by an appropriate oxidase, which reduces the amount of DO in their vicinity. The OLED pixels are fabricated on a glass substrate; each pixel is typically 2×2 mm2, with a 2 mm gap between the pixels. Two OLED pixels are associated with the detection of each of the analytes. The pixels are individually addressable, enabling consecutive detection of the different analytes within a few minutes utilizing a single photodetector (PD). Simultaneous detection is achieved by using an array of PDs. The OLED-based sensing array is compact and uniquely simple in its ease of fabrication and integration. Its performance attributes are comparable to those obtained for a single analyte using any excitation source. The potential of small-size, multi-color OLED pixel arrays for multianalyte detection is also discussed.2、【篇名】Monitoring interface traps in operating organic light-emitting diodes using impedance spectroscopy【作者】Pingree, L.S.C.1 ; Russell, M.T.2 ; Marks, T.J.1, 2 ; Hersam, M.C.1【出处】Thin Solid Films, v 515, n 11, p 4783-4787, April 9, 2007【摘要】Electronic trap densities at the indium tin oxide (ITO)/hole transport layer (HTL) interface in operating organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are characterized in situ using impedance spectroscopy. For OLEDs with a high density of active trap states, negative values of the frequency derivative of resistance are clearly observable for frequencies on the order of 10 kHz, whereas positive values are observed when the trap density is low With this technique, it is revealed that the trap density is minimized via the introduction of a TPD-Si2 (4,4-bis(p-trichlorosilylpropylphenyl) phenylamino-biphenyl) passivation layer at the ITO/HTL interface or by the application of large electric fields during device operation. Furthermore, impedance spectroscopy illustrates that the ITO/HTL interface is not a simple series resistance when traps are present since they are shown not to contribute to high frequency conduction. Overall, this paper demonstrates that the parasitic effects of interface traps can mask the underlying negative capacitive transport in OLEDs and presents a technique capable of monitoring the trap density of buried interfaces in organic electronic devices. 3、【篇名】Monitoring of the initial degradation of oxadiazole based blue OLED's【作 者】Neitzert, H.C.1 ; Ferrara, M.1 ; Rubino, A.1 ; Concilio, S.2 ; Iannelli, P.2 ; Vacca, P.3 ; Ferrara, L.3 ; Minarini, C.3【出处】Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v 352, n 9-20 SPEC. ISS., p 1695-1699, June 15, 2006【摘要】A new type of blue emitting single active layer organic light emitting diode has been investigated, consisting of transparent PEDOT:PSS coated indium tin oxide back contact, a spin-coated small molecule active layer and an aluminium top contact. The active layer molecule contains an oxadiazole group as electron conductor and light emitter and a carbazole group as hole conductor. The initial degradation of this device under constant voltage conditions has been investigated by continuous monitoring of the diode current, the emitted light intensity and the optical emission spectrum. The monitoring results indicated no significant change in the active molecule layer emission properties, but a strong modification of the originally asymmetric charge carrier injection balance. A decrease of the threshold current for light emission and an increase of the differential efficiency has been observed after the stress test. Device heating effects could be clearly separated from real degradation of the light emitting diode.4、【篇名】Influence of the substrate temperature to the performance of tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum based organic light emitting diodes【作 者】Kwong, C.Y.1 ; Djuriic, A.B.1, 2 ; Roy, V.A.L.1 ; Lai, P.T.1 ; Chan, W.K.3【出处】Thin Solid Films, v 458, n 1-2, p 281-286, June 30, 2004【摘要】We investigated the influence of substrate temperature as well as post-deposition annealing on the performance of tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) based organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Devices with Alq3 deposited at room temperature, deposited at 100 °C, and annealed at 100 °C were fabricated and characterized. It was found that the deposition at elevated substrate temperature improves both the maximum luminance and the stability of Alq3 based OLEDs. Annealing at 100 °C resulted in inferior device performance. The differences in the performance of devices subjected to different temperature treatments were attributed to the changes in the film morphology, possible changes in the molecular packing, and different charge transport properties. Since the temperature used is below the glass transition temperature of Alq3, no crystallization of the light emitting layer is expected.5、篇名】Advances in OLED-based oxygen sensors with structurally integrated OLED, sensor film, and thin-film Si photodetector【作 者】Ghosh, Debju1 ; Shinar, Ruth2 ; Cai, Yuankun1, 3 ; Zhou, Zhaoqun3 ; Dalal, Vikram L.2, 3 ; Shinar, Joseph1,【出处】Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6659, 2007, Organic-based Chemical and Biological Sensors【摘要】Steps towards the improvement of a compact photoluminescence (PL)-based sensor array that is fully structurally integrated are described. The approach is demonstrated for oxygen sensing, which can be monitored via its effect on the PL intensity I or decay time of oxygen-sensitive dyes such as Pt octaethylporphryn (PtOEP) and its Pd analog (PdOEP). The integrated components include (1) an organic light emitting device (OLED) excitation source, which is an array of coumarin-doped tris(quinolinolate) Al (Alq3) pixels, (2) the sensor film, i.e., PdOEP embedded in polystyrene, and (3) the photodetector (PD), which is a plasma-enhanced CVD-grown p-i-n or n-i-p structure, based on amorphous or nanocrystalline (Si,Ge):H. These components are fabricated on common or separate substrates that are attached back-to-back, resulting in sensors with a thickness largely determined by that of the substrates. The fully integrated oxygen sensor is demonstrated first by fabricating each of the three components on a separate substrate. The PD was placed in front of a flow cell containing the sensor film, while the OLED array was "behind" the sensor film. This design showed the expected trend in monitoring different concentration of O2 via their effect on I, with improved detection sensitivity achieved by shielding the electromagnetic noise synchronous with the pulsed OLED. The detection sensitivity using the I monitoring mode is expected to further increase by reducing the OLED tail emission. The issue of the OLED background can be eliminated by monitoring the oxygen concentration via its effect on , where the OLED is pulsed and is measured while the OLED is off. Steps therefore focused also on shortening the response time of the PDs, and understanding the factors affecting their speed. Development of a sensor array, where the PD pixels are fabricated between the OLED pixels on the same side of a common substrate, is also discussed.3.3 中国专利信息中心3.3.1 检索式发明名称=(OLED+有机发光二极管+有机电激光显示)*主题词=(显示器+显示屏+屏幕+监视器) 3.3.2 检索年限 2000-20093.3.3 检索结果命中152条结果,经过筛选,选择其中5条:1、【发明名称】有机发光二极管显示器及制造该显示器的方法【申请人】三星SDI株式会社【申请号】2 【摘 要】本发明公开了一种有机发光二极管()显示器,其包括基板,电连接至所述的驱动器和具有内表面和外表面的密封基板,其中所述密封基板被粘附到基板上,使得所述驱动器和都被密封在所述密封基板的内表面与所述基板之间。2、【发明名称】有机发光二极管显示器、信息装置、及在有机发光二极管显示器中显示影像的方法【申请人】统宝光电股份有限公司【申请号】 2【摘 要】本发明提供了有机发光二极管显示器、信息装置、及在有机发光二极管显示器中显示影像的方法,该有机发光二极管显示器包含显示面板、内存和处理电路。显示面板包含多个次像素。内存存储一补偿表。处理电路包含电流传感器和处理器。电流传感器感测多个次像素中的至少一个次像素的电流,而补偿表根据电流传感器所感测到的电流加以更新。处理器接收影像数据而根据影像数据以及更新的补偿表产生补偿影像数据。接着显示面板显示补偿影像数据。3、【发明名称】OLED显示屏调节亮度的方法及OLED显示屏【申请人】深圳和而泰智能控制股份有限公司【申请号】 2【摘 要】本发明涉及一种显示屏调节亮度方法和显示屏,方法包括如下步骤:)扫描显示屏,得到每个象素点的工作功率(,);)根据每个象素点的功率调整各象素点的发光时间,调整后的象素点的发光时间与功率成反比。显示屏包括主控模块,主控模块包括扫描模块和时间调节模块,时间调节模块根据各象素点的功率控制驱动模块调节各象素点的发光时间,调节后的发光时间与功率成反比。本发明的显示屏调节亮度的方法过改变显示屏象素点的发光时间来调整各象素点的亮度,使得各象素点的亮度统一,本发明的显示屏,通过调节各象素点的发光时间而使得显示屏发光均匀。4、【发明名称】有机发光显示器和有机发光显示器的检查电路的驱动方法【申请人】三星SDI株式会社【申请号】2【摘 要】提供了一种显示器和检查电路的驱动方法。该显示器可以包括数据驱动器、扫描驱动器、驱动晶体管、开关晶体管、有机发光二极管和检查电路。数据驱动器和扫描驱动器可以施加数据信号和扫描信号。驱动晶体管可以生成与提供给第一电极和控制电极的电压相应的电流。开关晶体管可以将数据信号施加到驱动晶体管。有机发光二极管可以电连接到驱动晶体管。检查电路可以包括具有输入端和输出端的三相反相器电路。当所述输出端与输入到所述输入端的信号无关地来确定输出信号时,所述输入端可以将第一电源电压提供给所述输出端。5、【发明名称】有机发光器件和显示器及其制作方法【申请人】FED公司【申请号】 【摘 要】一种用于彩色视频显示的有机发光器件()。该()是一个在基片()上形成的层叠结构。一个有机发光材料层()夹在两个导电层(,)之间并位于基片()之上。覆盖在导体(,)和有机层()上面的是透明保护层()。本发明的()包括一个创新的微型空腔增强结构(),该结构在与基片()平行的方向上限制光发射并向观看者提供增大的光输出。3.4 谷歌搜索引擎3.4.1检索式Title:(OLED|有机发光二极管|有机电激光显示)and(显示器|显示屏|屏幕|监视器)3.4.2 检索年限 2000-20093.4.3检索结果命中548条结果,经过筛选,选择其中5条:1、【标题】OLED将用于环保照明和OLED显示器【网址】【摘要】OLED技术有望应用于OLED显示器。OLED显示器将无需再使用偏光板、各种薄膜及背照灯。业界对OLED显示器的关注度并没有降低。例如,台湾友达光电(AU Optronics Corp.)于3年前中止了OLED显示器的开发,之后再08年又重新开发,各面板厂商也纷纷启动开发。OLED照明将掀起一场“设计革命”。由于可借用对液晶面板的TFT投资的70,因此将来可实现既便宜又优质的显示器。2、【标题】显示器的革命浅谈OLED显示器上海情报服务平台【网址】【摘要】有机发光二极管显示面板(Organic Light-Emitting Diode;OLED),又称为有机电致发光显示器(Organic Electroluminesence;OEL)是一门相当年轻的显示技术。它利用有机半导体材料和发光材料在电流的驱动下产生发光来实现显示。OLED与LCD相比有很多优点:超轻、超薄、高亮度、大视角、像素自身发光、低功耗、快响应、高清晰度、低发热量、优异的抗震性能、制造成本低、可弯曲等。已被业界普遍认为是最具有发展前途的新一代显示技术。3、【标题】最新爆料:40吋OLED显示器将明年亮相【网址】【摘要】日本媒体11日报道,日本偏光膜巨擘住友化学(Sumitomo Chemical)社长广濑博接受专访时表示,关于备受期待的有机EL(OLED)次世代显示器,该公司预计于明(2010)年完成一款采用自家技术研发而成的40吋试作品。4、【标题】三星发布0.05毫米OLED显示器【网址】【摘要】索尼公司OLED显示器0.3毫米的厚度已经非常令人乍舌,但是三星公司却丝毫不肯示弱,他们日前在东京举行的FPD International 2008上展出了一款厚度仅有0.05毫米的超薄显示器。该显示器尺寸为4英寸,对比度达        100,000:1,亮度为200cd/m2,分辨率为480×2725、【标题】三菱超大OLED显示器可显示高清视频【网址】【摘要】三菱电机在“CEATEC JAPAN 2009”(幕张Messe会展中心,10月610日)上演示了采用OLED发光元件的155英寸(纵1920mm、横3456mm)大尺寸显示器。显示器设在该公司展位的主展台上,平时用帘子遮盖,在展台上演示时才打开展示。3.综述(实例)10 / 10文档可自由编辑打印


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