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    九级英语上册Module 10 测试题 外研版.doc

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    九级英语上册Module 10 测试题 外研版.doc

    外研初三上学期Book 5 Module 10 Fitness试题. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Its hard work building a bridge over the river. A. aB. theC. oneD. /( )2. The young man is one of the best in the restaurant. A. cookB. cooksC. cookerD. cookers( )3. Who teaches physics this term? Miss Yang. A. youB. your C. yours D. yourself( )4. I think we should make a plan in detail first. Do you agree _ me? Yes. Lets start now. A. toB. withC. aboutD. on( )5. His father wanted him to be a musician, but he had no _ in music at all. A. interestB. fitnessC. surpriseD. hobby( )6. Walking up and down the stairs is a good kind of exercise to stay _. A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD. healthful( )7. Its _ cold. Would you please close all the windows? OK. Ill do it now. A. a kind ofB. a fewC. a lotD. a bit ( )8. I remember seeing the man in the street last week. A. sometimeB. some timesC. sometimesD. any time( )9. Keep on going and never _, and then you will succeed. A. look up B. bump into C. throw awayD. give up( )10. Why did you persuade me _ that dress? Because I think its suitable for you. A. buyB. buyingC. to buyD. bought ( )11. Mum, please help me prepare the things that I will take to school. You are to do this kind of thing by yourself, arent you?A. enough old B. old enough C. enough kindD. kind enough( )12. Look at that woman! Shes the woman _ son is a famous film star. A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. who( )13. I think junk food should from schools. A. ban B. be ban C. be bannedD. be banning( )14. Its great fun imagining what life in future. A. isB. will beC. is like D. will be like( )15. I want to ask Mrs Anders if she would like to join our dance. _ A. Good luck, Peter.B. You bet, Peter! C. How did you get on, Peter?D. Whats up, Peter? . 完形填空(15分)Maybe you dont know Walt Disney, but you must know Disneyland. 16 you dont know Disneyland, you must know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.Walt Disney was American. He 17 on December 5, 1901. And he died on December 15, 1966. He died of illness.Walt Disney had three brothers and one sister. He enjoyed 18 when he was very young. He was good at drawing. When he sold his first drawing 19 his neighbours, he was only seven years old! He got 20 in 1925. And he had two daughters. Disney was very rich, 21 he was frugal(朴素的). He spent most of his money 22 his work. In 1928, he created the famous characterMickey Mouse, which made him famous to the world. Walt Disney is a great person. 23 he died, people all over the world will remember him for ever. He is deeply 24 by worldwide people. He was a clever, imaginative and creative man. He 25 enjoyment and happiness to the people of every country. He is a hero of the 20th century.( )16. A. What B. Whether C. IfD. How( )17. A. is bornB. was born C. was famous D. was out( )18. A. to draw B. drew C. drawing D. was drawn( )19. A. inB. from C. to D. at( )20. A. to marry B. marry C. marryed D. married( )21. A. and B. so C. or D. but( )22. A. inB. on C. withD. of( )23. A. So B. Although C. ButD. In spite of( )24. A. hated B. loving C. lovedD. hating( )25. A. shows B. lends C. borrows D. brings. 阅读理解(30分)ABasketball Match:Rockets vs LakersDATE: July 19,7 oclockBilly Basketball ClubFor detailed information see Paul Burton beforeFriday lunch timeLaylas DISCONo-shop Light Music Show15 Pembroke RoadWeekdays: 7 pm-11 pmSaturday late night special: 8 pm-3 amSunday: closedOver 18s onlyKARMA Health Food Restaurant6 Castle StreetHot and cold vegetable foodLunch(11:00-14:00) Self-serviceDinner(17:00-21:00) Table serviceFor bookings ring: 0865-567766( )26. You can have dinner in Karma at _.A. 10:30 B. 13:00 C. 16:00 D. 20:30( )27. _ will tell you more information about the basketball match.A. John Smith B. Tommy Brown C. Paul Burton D. Tonny Wang( )28. _ cant be allowed to go dancing in Laylas Disco.A. A 30-year-old worker B. A 40-year-old doctor C. A 22-year-old manager D. A 15-year-old student( )29. If you want to go to the Laylas Disco, you cant go there on _.A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Monday D. Friday( )30. Which of the following food can you have at Karma?A. Chicken. B. Tomato. C. Fish. D. Beef.BOne day in Overtown, Florida, 3.7 million dollars fell from the sky! It happened when a truck turned over. There was money everywhere! One man said, “The streets were like gold.” Some people took off their shirts and filled them with money.Police officers went from door to door in the neighborhood. They asked people to return the money. After six hours, the total returned: zero. No one in Overtown was surprised. Many people in this town are poor. They need the money to buy food for their children. They think that God sent the money to them. The police say this is a serious crime. “People took thousands of dollars. Its not their money, and they have to return it.” The police also say its dangerous to keep the money because everyone knows the story from the news. People have money in their pockets and their backyards, and other people will try to steal it.So far, only one person has returned some money. He is a firefighter. He found 300,000 dollars in a bag and gave it to the police. The people of Overtown still have the rest of the money.( )31. People filled their shirts with the money from _.A. the sky B. a truck C. a bank D. a shop( )32. What does the underlined word “crime” in the fourth paragraph mean in Chinese?A. 金钱 B. 犯罪 C. 损失 D. 德行( )33. Where did people hide the money they got? A. In their kitchens. B. In their bedrooms.C. In their backyards. D. In their sitting rooms.( )34. How much money was still missing? million dollars. B. 300,000 dollarC. 3.4 million dollars. D. 700,000 dollars.( )33. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Money from the Sky. B. Police and Money.C. A Truck of Money. D. Poor People and Money.CThe human body is a living machine, and, like all machines, it needs “fuel” to supply it with energy. This is provided by the food we eat. But how much do we need to stay healthy? The energy value of food is usually measured in calories(卡). A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1. The number of calories people need per day is different, as the picture shows. Also, the number of calories you use at any one moment normally depends on the activity you are in. For example, you need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than for walking, and so on. The energy in food is in the form of three kinds of chemical materialscarbohydrate(碳水化合物), protein(蛋白质) and fat. Carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal /gm of the energy, protein 4.0 Cal/gm, and fat 8.8 Cal/gm. Each food contains different amounts of these materials, as the round pictures show.(P= protein C= carbohydrate F=fat)( )36. How many calories are needed to raise the temperature of 5kg of water from 35 to 90?A. 55. B. 175. C. 325. D. 275. ( )37. Which of the following contains the most amount of calories? A. Milk. B. Rice .C. Peanuts. D. Milk or peanuts. ( )38. Who needs the most amount of calories each day?A. A woman. B. An office worker. C. A farmer. D. A boy aged 16.( )39. Which of following is True?A. You need more calories for swimming than for mountain climbing. B. A child aged 8 needs the same amount of calories every day as a man over 70 does.C. A woman feeding baby needs over 4 times the amount of calories that a baby does.D. Everyone needs the same amount of calories per day.( )40. This passage mainly tells us _. A. all the energy is in food B. the human body needs energy C. the number of calories depends on your activity D. we must only eat peanuts to get calories. 单词拼写,每空限一词。(15分) A)根据汉语意思,写出单词。41. How many _ (糖) do you want in your coffee?42. Could I have the _ (食谱), please?43. The coffee in his hand is a _ (典型的) Italian café. 44. I have an _ (疼痛) in my stomach.45. Its a difficult task to _ (教育) children.B)从方框中选择合适的词填空。advertise cook diet run disadvantage46. How often do you go _?47. My father does all the _ at home. 48. His poor eyesight was a _ to him.49. We should _ for someone to look after the garden.50. Remember a well balanced _ is good for our health. 翻译句子。 (10分)51. 你不在时他们表现很不好。 They _ when you were not here.52. 我认为垃圾食品不仅仅有害健康。 I think _ bad for our health.53. 今天早上我撞上了我的班主任。 I _ my head teacher this morning. 54. 最后妈妈说服我去上学。 In the end, my mother _ go to school.55. 暑假过后,我增重很多。 Ive _ after the summer holiday.VI. 任务型阅读(10分)What are the limits(极限) of human body? The BBCs Focus magazine has some answers.How cold can you stand?Normal body temperature is around 37. At 35 youre unable to write your name. Even walking is very difficult. At 33 you may find it difficult to think, understand and form(形成) opinions properly. By the time you have cooled to 20, your heart would have stopped beating.Limit: 0. Ice would form in your tissues(纤维组织), killing all the cells.How spicy can you eat?There is capsaicin(辣椒素) in many foods. The more capsaicin, the hotter the dishes are. If youre healthy enough, you can survive(存活) eating a teaspoon of pure capsaicin. But you would find it impossible to eat anything else for a few hours.Limit: 5g capsaicin.How fast can you run?The fastest man in the world is Asafa Powell. The runner finished the 100m in 9. 74 seconds in 2007. This gives an average(平均的) speed of 36. 96km/h.Top runners are at their fastest around 80 metres, so a runners greatest speed may reach .Limit: .How loud is too loud?The loudest sound you can hear is 168 dB(分贝). Sound louder than that may do harm to your ears. The loudest sound ever recorded was the eruption of Krakatoa(卡拉卡托火山爆发) in 1883. It was 180 dB, 160km away.Limit: 168 dB根据短文内容,回答问题。61. At what temperature will your cells die? _62. What will happen if you eat a teaspoon of pure capsaicin? _63. How fast can a runner run at most? _64. What sound can be heard by your ears? _65. Where can you read such an article? _ VII. 书面表达(15分) 假设你们班要召开“珍爱生命,远离垃圾食品”主题班会,请你以 Feed me better为话题写一篇发言稿。词数:80左右。要点提示: 1. 健康的重要性;2. 吃哪些食物、怎样吃更健康;3. 保持健康的其他方法。_第十模块参考答案: . 1-5 DBABA 6-10 BDADC 11-15 BCCDA. 16-20 CBCCD 21-25 DBBCD. 26-50 DCDAB 31-35 BBCCA 36-40 DCCBC . 41. sugars 42. menu 43. typical 44. ache 45. educate 46. running 47. cooking 48. disadvantage 49. advertise 50. diet . 51. behaved badly 52. junk food isnt just 53. bumped into 54. persuaded me to 55. gained / put on much weight VI. 61 At 0. 62. I wont be able to eat anything else for a few hours. 63. . 64. Sound which is lower than 168dB. 65. In a science magazine. VII. One possible version:As a student, I know I need a healthy body and mind. With the development of science, there are many kinds of food. But most of them are junk food. Typical meals include rice, dumplings, meat and vegetables. In my opinion, we should eat more green vegetables and a little meat. Too much meat contains too much fat which is bad for health. I think three meals must be eaten on time. Ill eat healthy food and take exercise every day. I hope you all follow me and well keep healthy.


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