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    海南万宁中学05-06学年度高一化学必修一测试题第一章测试题(附答案)海南万宁中学05-06学年度高一化学必修一测试题第一章测试题 (附答案) 满分100分 考试时间:90分钟 相对原子质量:H1 C12 O16 S32 N14 Na23 Cl35.5 He4 P31 第?卷(共45分) 一、 选择题(每题有只有1个正确答案,每题3分,共45分) 1、在实验室进行分液操作,下列实验仪器一定用不着的是( ) A、烧杯 B、分液漏斗 C、温度计 D、铁架台 2、在盛放浓硫酸的试剂瓶的标签上应印有下列警示标记中的是( ) 3、下列实验操作或作法正确的是( ) A.用100ml量筒量取8.5ml的水 B.为了不造成浪费,实验剩余的药品放回原瓶C.把烧杯放在垫有石棉网的铁圈上加热 D.用燃着的酒精灯去点燃另一酒精灯 4、除去铜粉中混有少量的氧化铜,其主要操作过程是( ) A.在空气中燃烧 B.加适量稀硫酸、微热、过滤 C.加适量水、微热、过滤 D.加适量稀硫酸、微热、蒸发 5、在配制一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液时,下列哪个原因会造成所配溶液浓度偏高( ) A(所用NaOH已经潮解 B(向容量瓶中加水未到刻度线 C(有少量NaOH溶液残留在烧杯里 D(定容时观察液面仰视 6、在试管的内壁附着下列物质,用稀盐酸浸泡而不能除去的是( ) A.用足量一氧化碳还原氧化铁后留下的物质 B.用足量氢气还原氧化铜后留下的红色物质 C.盛石灰水后留下的白色固体 D.硫酸铁溶液与氢氧化钠溶液反应后留下的红褐色固体 7、相同状况下,下列气体所占体积最大的是( ) points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each A(80g SO B(16g O C(32g HS D(3g H 3222,8、下列溶液中,跟100mL 0.5mol/L NaCl溶液所含的Cl物质的量浓度相同的是( ) A(100mL 0.5mol/L MgCl溶液 B(200mL 0.25mol/L NaCl溶液 2C(50ml 1mol/L NaCl溶液 D(25ml 0.5mol/L HCl溶液 9、1g O和1g O中( ) 23A(所含原子数相同 B(所含分子数相同 C(同温同压下,气体体积相同 D(同温同压下,气体的密度相同 +10、0.5mol NaSO中所含的Na离子数为( ) 2423 23 A(3.01×10B(6.02×10C(0.5 D(1 11、用N表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是( ) AA(含有N个氦原子的氦气在标准状况下的体积约为11.2L AB(在常温常压下,11.2L Cl含有的分子数为0.5N 2A5C(25?,1.01×10Pa,64gSO中含有的原子数为3N2A D(标准状况下,11.2LHO含有的分子数为0.5N 2A12、如果1g水中含有n个氢原子,则阿伏加德罗常数是( ) ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1A(n/1molB(9n molC(2nmolD(nmol ,13、30mL 1mol/L NaCl溶液和40mL 0.5mol/L CaCl溶液混合后,混合液中Cl浓度为( ) 2A(0.5mol/L B(0.6mol/L C(1.00mol/L D(2mol/L 14、下列各物质所含原子数目,按由大到小顺序排列的是( ) ?0.5mol NH ?标准状况下22.4L He ?4? 9mL 水 ?0.2mol HPO 334A(? B(? C(? D(? 15、等体积的NaCl、MgCl、AlCl三种溶液分别与等体积等物质和量浓度的AgNO溶液恰233好完全反应,则NaCl、MgCl、AlCl三种溶液的物质的量浓度之比是( ) 23A(1:1:1 B(1:2:3 C(3:2:1 D(6:3:2 第?卷(非选择题,共55分) 二、 填空题 (每空1分,共16分) 16、1mol HSO中含 个硫原子, 个氢原子, 24mol O. ,17、19g某二价金属的氯化物ACl中含有0.4mol Cl离子,ACl的摩尔质量是 ,22points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 相对分子质量是 ,A的相对原子质量是 。 18、选择下列实验方法分离物质,将分离方法的序号填在横线上。 A、萃取分液法 B、加热分解C、结晶法D、分液法E、蒸馏法F、过滤法 (1) 分离饱和食盐水和沙子的混合物; (2) 从硝酸钾和氯化钠的混合溶液中获得硝酸钾; (3) 分离水和苯的混合物; (4) 分离四氯化碳(沸点为76.75?C)和甲苯(沸点为110.6?C),已知四氯化碳和甲苯互溶。 19、用20g烧碱配制成500mL溶液,其物质的量浓度为 mol/L;从中取出1mL,其物质的量浓度为 mol/L;含溶质 g。若将这1mL溶液用水稀释+到100mL,所得溶液中溶质的物质的量浓度为 mol/L,其中含Na g。 20、欲除去KCl溶液中的Ba(OH)杂质,若只准加一种试剂,则这种试剂是 ,2。 反应的化学方程式是三、推断题:(每空2分,共10分) 21、A、B、C、D分别是NaNO、NaOH、HNO和Ba(NO)四种溶液中的一种,现利3332用另一种溶液X,用如图所示的方法可将它们依次确定。 试确定A、B、C、D、X各代表何种溶液。 A: ,B: ,C: , D: ,X: 。 四、实验题:(22题9分,23题16分,共25分) 22、有两包黑色粉末,分别是铁粉(通常情况下呈黑色)和木炭粉,请你设计多种实验方案进行鉴别,并填写下列实验报告。 步骤 现象和结论 方案一 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 方案二 方案三 23、某化学兴趣小组在课外活动中,对某溶液进行了多次检测,其中三次 检测结果如下表所示,请回答: 检测次数 溶液中检测出的离子 第一次 KCl、KSO、NaCO、NaCl 2423第二次 KCl、BaCl、NaSO、KCO 22423第三次 NaSO、KCl、KCO、NaCl 2423(1)三次检测结果中第_次检测结果不正确。 (一)数与代数(2)在检测时,为了确定溶液中是否存在硫酸根离子、碳酸根离子和氯离子: 首先,向溶液中滴加_ _溶液(填化学式),其目的是 ;其次,然后继续加入过量的该溶液,其目的是 ;第三,过滤,向滤液中加入 溶液(填化学式),其目的是 ; 第四,过滤,再向滤液中加入_溶液(填化学式),其目的是 。 五、计算题(4分) (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);+,24、在MgCl、KCl、KSO三种盐的混合溶液2L,若K为4.5mol、Cl为2.5 mol、2242+Mg为3mol,求KSO的物质的量浓度, 24切线的性质定理:圆的切线垂直于过切点的半径.points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 设O的半径为r,圆心O到直线的距离为d;d<r <=> 直线L和O相交.试题答案 一、 选择题(每小题3分,共45分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 号 答C A C B B B D D A B C B C A D 案 二、填空题 (每空1分,共16分) (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:23 24 16、6.02×10 ,1.204×10,4 17、95 g/mol , 95 , 24 18、F ,C , D , E 对称轴:x=19、1, 1, 0.04, 0.01, 0.023g 20、HSO, HSO+ Ba(OH) ?Ba SO?+ 2HO 24 24 24 2tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;三、推断题:(每空2分,共10分) ) ,D:HNO ,X:MgSO 。 21、A:NaOH ,B:NaNO ,C:Ba(NO3234 3四、实验题:(22题9分,23题16分,共25分) 22、 步骤 现象和结论 方案一 用磁铁 能被磁铁吸引的是铁粉,否则是碳粉 方案二 滴加稀盐酸 若有气泡产生则是铁粉,否则是碳粉 方案三 滴加硫酸铜溶液 若有红色固体析出则是铁粉,否则是碳粉 8、从作业上严格要求学生,不但书写工整,且准确率高。对每天的作业老师要及时批改,并让学生养成改错的好习惯。其它答案合理亦给分 23、(1)二 (2)HNO ,检验碳酸根离子;除尽碳酸根离子; 32、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。Ba(NO),检验硫酸根离子;AgNO,检验氯离子。 323五、计算题(4分) 2 mol/L 10.圆内接正多边形points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each


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