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    Dell Specification Document Number: 6T198Title: Materials Restricted for Use Revision: A02_附件三To hide the template instructions, select “Tool”, “Options”, “View” tab, remove check in “Hidden Text”. Re-check “Hidden Text” to view the instructions. Similarly, select “Tools”, “Options”, “Print” tab and check, or remove check to print or not print the instructions on the document. Please submit the document with the template instructions hidden.DO NOT REFORMAT THIS TEMPLATE! Once the instructions are hidden, the document paragraphs will align correctly on the pages. Dell Controlled PrintSpecificationType in the title of the Dell Specification over the words “Specification Title”. Type in the Specification Number & Revision to the right of the colon. The Part Number line should ONLY be used if the Spec is structured in a BOM. If it is not, delete that row. Type Author and Owner to the right of the colon. If “Previous Owner” information applies, type in the Previous Owner to the right of the colon, otherwise, delete that row.Materials Restricted for UseSpecification Number: 6T198Revision: A02ECO: 138063Author: Jeffery “Scott” OConnellOwner: Jeffery “Scott” OConnellFor initial approval of the document, type in the appropriate Approval Authorities and obtain their approval for the initial released revision along with the date approved.Approval AuthoritiesApproval SignaturesRevisionDate ApprovedDavid StaggsDavid StaggsA004/23/02PROPRIETARY NOTEThis item is the property of Dell Computer Corp., Austin, Texas and contains confidential and trade secret information. This item may not be transferred from the custody of Dell Computer Corp., except as authorized by Dell Computer Corp. and then only by way of loan for limited purposes. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part and must be returned to Dell Computer Corp. upon request and in all events upon completion of the purpose of the loan. Neither this item nor the information it contains may be used by or disclosed to persons not having a need for such use or disclosure consistent with the purpose to the loan without prior written consent of Dell Computer corporation.Double click in the Header and type in the title of the document (bolded) to the right of the word “Title”. Similarly, type in the Number of the document and Revision (both non-bolded) and close the Header. The footer does not require any action other than entering a superceded document number if applicable.AFTER you are done composing the document, select “Insert”, “Index and Tables”, “Table of Contents”, then select “Formal” format & show level “3” or level “2” or level “4” and OK to create the table of contents. Paragraph titles and subtitles MUST BE formatted with the appropriate “Heading” formats, see paragraph 3, to automatically create the Table of Contents.Table of Contents1.REVISION HISTORY32.INTRODUCTION42.1Purpose42.2Scope42.3References42.4Definitions43.PRODUCT CONTENT RESTRICTIONS64.PACKAGING CONTENT RESTRICTIONS8875.BATTERY CONTENT RESTRICTIONS8876.NON-COMPLIANCE RESOLUTION887APPENDIX A: HIGH-RISK MATERIALS TESTING998APPENDIX B: EXPANDED LISTS OF MATERIALS121211All documents MUST contain the Revision History table labeled as paragraph 1. An entry shall be made for the initial release to call out the rev, ECO number and description (enter “Initial Release”). The Approved and Date fields for the initial release shall be reflect the same info as the 1st page. This is very similar to the method used for Dell Engineering Drawings. For a revision to the document, complete all the Revision History entries. Summarize the Revision Description, keeping it as clear and concise as possible and ensure that the table only occupies 1 page after the template instructions are hidden. Obtain the names of the approval authorities along with the date. THIS IS THE APPROVAL OF A REVISION TO THE DOCUMENT, similar to how Dell processes revisions to drawings. DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE THE INITIAL APPROVALS ON THE 1ST PAGE. Normally, approvals for revisions should be the same individuals that approved the document s initial release. Please wrap multiple revision approval initials keeping them within the boundary lines for the row of the revision being approved.1. Revision HistoryRev.ECO #Revision DescriptionApprovedDateA00126242Initial ReleaseDavid Staggs4/23/02A01132601Changed author and owner; Updated Definitions; Added thresholds and uses to material descriptions to Section 3; Added Sections 4 & 5Don Brown8/9/02A02138063Changed author and owner; Added Appendix A (Cadmium Test Requirement); Updated thresholds in Section 3.Don Brown12/9/02All documents MUST contain the Introduction paragraph and its sub-paragraphs as indicated below. The Introduction paragraph MUST always be numbered as paragraph 2.Subsequent to hiding the instructions for the template, the Style for the paragraph numbers only, will change to something other than Heading 1, 2, 3 or 4. This anomaly does not prevent the table of contents from formatting nor does it apparently affect any other document attribute. However, the erroneous Style designation can be removed by deleting all of the hidden instructions from the document. 2. IntroductionIn order to sell our products in the global marketplace, Dell must guarantee environmental materials compliance for all components and parts of finished products. The list of restricted materials was developed based on legal and market requirements. This specification lists materials banned or restricted for use in Dell products and the manufacture of Dell products. If restricted materials are introduced to products, there is potential to stop ship the product to certain regions, develop corrective actions to requalify parts to meet this specification or delay the launch of products.2.1 PurposeTo communicate to Dell design teams and suppliers materials restrictions placed on all Dell products. The specification should be used when selecting materials for product parts and packaging. The specification should also be used for information on the process for testing commodities considered at risk by Dell for containing cadmium.This sub-paragraph shall explain the intent of the document. Any objectives can also be described here. If objectives are not applicable, then omit the word “Objective” from the title.2.2 ScopeAll products that are supplied to Dell and/or designed by Dell Computer Corporation must meet this specification. The scope includes all of the components, parts, assemblies and packaging of each product. The restricted materials cannot be contained in the product or used in the manufacture of the product and its components above the designated thresholds for the applications listed.This sub-paragraph shall explain the range of application of the material contained in the document.2.3 References· Dell P/N 7X435, Suppliers Declaration on Restricted or Banned Materials· BS EN 1122 by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES): common analytical test method used for trace metals analysis.This sub-paragraph shall list all other documents referenced in the content of this document. If there are no references, type “None” as the test for this paragraph.2.4 Definitions· CAS #: Chemical Abstract System numbers are assigned to chemicals for unique identification. The CAS numbering system is an international convention.· Display lamps: Fluorescent bulbs contained in products for display (e.g., LCD, projector, flat panel monitor, scanner)· Halogenated flame retardants / additives: Substances that contain or are treated with one or more of the following elements: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and/or astatine. These elements are typically added to reduce the flammability of components. Examples include, but are not limited to, tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBP-A), brominated epoxy resins and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBBEs).· Halogenated plastics: Plastics/polymers that contain or are treated with one or more of the following elements: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and/or astatine. Examples include, but are not limited to, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and tetrafluoroethylene (TFE, “Teflon”).· Material: A substance out of which, or with which, a component, part, or assembly is made. A material is a pure substance (e.g. Cadmium “Cd”) or a chemical compound (e.g. Cadmium Sulphide “CdSO4”).· Non-compliance: A failure to meet the requirements of the specification. Non-compliance requires corrective action.· Packaging: Materials used to protect products from damage due to storage or transportation (e.g., boxes, shipping supplies, cushioning & foam, bags, shrink wrap, tape/adhesives). Includes inks and dyes used to label packages.· PPM: parts per million, unit of measurement for weight percentage. 1 ppm = 1 mg/kg = 0.0001 % by weight. The parts per million thresholds listed in this specification refer to the weight of the material in a specific part, not the weight of the material in an entire system.· Threshold Limit: The maximum concentration at which the material can be present in the product for the controlled applications listed in Sections 3-5 as an unavoidable trace impurity.3. Product Content RestrictionsThe list below contains materials that Dell has banned or restricted in the controlled applications listed. These materials cannot be used in the manufacturing of; intentionally added to; or contained in; products, parts and components supplied to or designed by Dell Computer Corporation for the controlled applications listed in the below table. In some instances, a threshold limit has been established to account for unavoidable impurities. The material is acceptable if contained at a quantity below the threshold limit for a controlled application or if it is used in an uncontrolled application.To ensure that high risk materials (i.e. cadmium) are not contained in certain applications above the designated threshold limit, some commodities are required to be tested prior to product release (RTS). Appendix A lists these commodities and the process for completing this testing.Refer to Appendix B for a detailed list of CAS #s for each material below.This sub-paragraph shall list all definitions of key terms used in the document. The definitions should help the user understand the material. If there are no definitions, type “None” as the text for this paragraph.MaterialThreshold Limit(mg/kg=ppm)Controlled Applications - Traditional UsesReference Appendix BAsbestos and its compounds0All applications- Not expectedTable ACadmium and its compounds*50Plastic parts, plastic stabilizers, coloring agents, dyes/pigments, paints or surface coating/ plating treatments- SameTable BChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)0Manufacturing Applications- cleaning agents, foam plastics, solventsTable CChloroparaffins, short-chained (10 13 Carbon Chain)1000All applications - softener or plasticizer in plastics, paints, coatings, flame retardants in plastics, rubbersCAS #: 8029-39-885535-84-863449-39-8Chromium VI and its compounds100Plastic parts, Paints- stabilizers, colorants, dyes, pigmentsTable DHalogenated flame retardants / additives1000Plastic parts over 25g, keycaps, except for cables and interconnect parts- halogen based flame retardantsSee Section 2.4 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)0Manufacturing applications- cleaning agents, foam plastics, solventsTable ELead and its compounds100Plastic parts, Paints- stabilizers, molding agents, colorants, dyesTable FMercury and its compounds5All applications except for display lamps- relays, switches, electrical contactsTable GNickel and its compounds100External chassis/case parts- stabilizers, molding agents, colorantsTable HPolybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) and their Ethers/Oxides (PBDEs, PBBEs)5All applications- flame retardants for plastics (e.g. HIPS, ABS)Table IPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Terphenyls (PCTs)5All applications- transformers, capacitors, printed circuit board componentsTable JPolyvinyl chloride (PVC)0All applications except for cables and interconnect partsCAS #: 9002- 86- 2*Note: Reference Appendix A for information on required analytical testing for cadmium in at risk commodities.4. Packaging Content RestrictionsThe list below contains materials that Dell has banned or restricted in packaging materials supplied to or designed by Dell Computer Corporation. These materials cannot be used in the manufacturing of; intentionally added to; or contained in; packaging materials supplied to or designed by Dell Computer Corporation. In some instances, a threshold limit has been established to account for unavoidable impurities. The material is acceptable if contained at a quantity below the threshold limit for a controlled application.Refer to Appendix B for a detailed list of CAS #s for each material below.This sub-paragraph shall list all definitions of key terms used in the document. The definitions should help the user understand the material. If there are no definitions, type “None” as the text for this paragraph.MaterialThreshold Limit(mg/kg=ppm)Reference Appendix ICadmium, Chromium VI, Lead and Mercury compounds100 (sum of concentrations)Tables B, D, F, GChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)0Table CHalogenated plastics or polymers0See Section 2.4for definitionHydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)0Table E5. Battery Content RestrictionsThe list below contains materials that Dell has restricted in batteries supplied to or designed by Dell Computer Corporation above the indicated threshold limit for unavoidable impurities. Battery technology cannot be based on lead, mercury or cadmium.*Refer to Appendix B for a detailed list of CAS #s for each material below.This sub-paragraph shall list all definitions of key terms used in the document. The definitions should help the user understand the material. If there are no definitions, type “None” as the text for this paragraph.Material


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