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    苏教版译林英语6A补充习题答案(1)苏教版译林牛津英语6A 补充习题答案 Unit1 the kings new clothes A Listen and number录音文字稿: 1. Long long ago, there were a lot of people and shops in the street. 2. Tim is watching a cartoon. Listen. Hes laughing.3. The girl shouted to her friends in the playground. 4. What a clever boy!5. They pointed at the elephant.6. The foolish king walked in the street. 参考答案:a 4 b 2 c 6 d 3 e 1 f 5 B Listen and judge录音文字稿: 1. My mother likes reading.2. Joe and his mother are in the clothes shop. Joe is trying on a jacket. 3. A man and his dog walked through the forest.4. The workers are making sweets. 5. There is a house on the mountain.6. Cathy is showing her new skirt to her friend. 参考答案: 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 , C Listen and write录音文字稿: 1. I like new clothes. Who can make clothes for me? I can, but foolish people cant see them. 2. Look at the kings new clothes. Oh, theyre very beautiful. 3. Was there a bookcase in your bedroom two years ago?Yes. There were many books in it. Where is it now?Its in the living room. 4. Why is your father laughing? Hes reading funny stories. 参考答案:1. clothes, make, foolish 2. kings, beautiful 3. Was, ago, were, living 4. laughing, reading, stories D Look and say参考答案: 1. Long long ago, there was a house on the mountain.2. An old woman lived in the house. 3. She could make beautiful clothes.4. Many people liked her clothes. E Read and order参考答案: 1. One day, they visited the king.2. There were a lot of people in the street. 3. The king walked through the city in his new clothes.4. He wanted to make new clothes for the king. 5. Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. F Look, read and write参考答案: 1. was 2. showed 3. laughed 4. shouted 5. were a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the G Read and order参考答案: a 4 b 6 c 7 d 1 e 3 f 8 g 2 h 5 H Read and judge参考答案:1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , Unit 2 what a day A Listen and judge录音文字稿: 1. Its a rainy day. Nancy is reading a storybook at home.2. Its windy. Wang Bing is flying a kite in the park. 3. Its sunny. The children are having a picnic in the park.4. Its cloudy. Mike walks to school. 参考答案:1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , B Listen and choose录音文字稿: 1. Were you at home this afternoon,Liu Tao?No. I was at school. I played football with Mike in the playground. 2. Im hungry, Mum.Theres some bread and milk in the kitchen. 3. Put on your coat, Tim. Its windy. Im not cold, Mum. 4. Where were you after school, Helen?I was in the park with Nancy. We saw some beautiful parrots there. 5. Are you hungry, Liu Tao? Here are some cakes.No, Im not. I ate a hamburger just now. 参考答案:1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c C Listen and write录音文字稿: 1. It was windy in the afternoon. Tom and Jack went to the park by bike. They flew kites there. 2. It was sunny this morning. I played basketball with my friends in the playground. We were very happy. 3. We saw many ants on the bread and cakes. We could not eat our lunch. We were very hungry. 4. For the picnic, we brought some apples, some sandwiches and some drinks. 参考答案:1. windy, park, flew kites 2. sunny, basketball, playground, happy 3. saw, ants, lunch, hungry 4. picnic, brought, sandwiches, drinks D Look and say参考答案: 1. It was a rainy day. We went fishing.2. It was sunny. We had a picnic. 3. It was windy. We flew a kite.4. It was cloudy. We went to the cinema. E Read and match参考答案: 1. e 2. g 3. h 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. f F Read and choose参考答案:1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c G Read and answer参考答案: hanging on the-connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low r withesting qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end coved for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist tquirerotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools re ofessionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection ander prto finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and oth , electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant personss testhe stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightnese is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check tainagbeen completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center dr rm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work hadconfi r rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm toin a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generatot should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling witha special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i2 1. It was rainy.2. Because the playground was wet. 3. He tried to dry the playground.4. Yes, they could. H Think and write写作省略 Unit 3 Holiday fun A Listen and number录音文字稿: 1. I went to the Bund with my family in the summer holiday. 2. They visited the Summer Palace for the holiday. 3. We saw many interesting things in the Shanghai Museum. 4. Mike and Helen picked oranges on the farm. 5. Many people go to Tiananmen Square on National Day. 6. There are always a lot of people on the Great Wall. 参考答案:a 6 b 4 c 3 d 1 e 5 f 2 B Listen and respond录音文字稿: 1. Where did you go last Sunday?2. Did you see any pigs on the farm? 3. What did they do for the holiday?4. What did you wear for Sams birthday party, Bobby? 5. How was your National Day holiday? 参考答案:1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a C Listen and judge录音文字稿: 1. Where did you go for the holiday, Peter?I went to a farm with my family. What did you do there? We picked some apples. 2. What did you do at the weekend, Jack? I went fishing with my father. 3. What did you do with your friends on Childrens Day? We had a fashion show. What did you wear?I wore a paper T-shirt and a paper skirt. 4. Did you go to the Great Wall with your family on National Day? No, we didnt. We visited the Palace Museum. 参考答案:1., 2., 3., 4. , D Listen and write录音文字稿: 1. What did you do on National Day? I visited the Great Wall. 2. What did your sister wear on her birthday? She wore a pink dress. authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or go pmenttory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equiloading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a fac beforen of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examinatio, its leted. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checkeddebris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been compf any he quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free oor, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with tf statand stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning on preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator ructioarance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration constet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clet should mea special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, ihanging on the-urds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low3 3. Where did you go for the holiday? We went to Beijing. What did you do in Beijing?We visited the Summer Palace. It was run. 4. Did you catch any fish? Yes, I caught a big fish. 参考答案:1. National, Great, Wall 2. wear, dress 3. holiday, went, visited, fun 4. catch, caught E Ask and answer 参考答案:1. When did Tony do for the holiday? He went to the cinema./He saw a film. 2. What did Mary do for the holiday? She went to the Great Wall with her parents. 3. What did Mrs White do for the holiday? She flew a kite with her children. 4. What did Frank do for the holiday? He went fishing. F Order, write and match参考答案: 1. call, b 2. rain, d 3. pick, c 4. bottle, a G Choose and match参考答案: 1. How, b 2. Where, e 3. What, a 4. Why, c 5. Who, d H Read and order参考答案: 1. Where did you go for the holiday?2. My family went to Star Park last Sunday. 3. How was your National Day holiday?4. Please pick an orange for me. Unit 4 Then and now A Listen and circle录音文字稿: 1. It is Tuesday today. It is my mothers birthday.2. Five years ago, Lily could read, but she couldnt write. 3. Twenty years ago, Mr Black wrote letters to his friends. Now he writes emails. 4. Ten years ago, Mrs Black bought clothes from shops. Now she does shopping on the Internet. 参考答案:1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a B Listen and write录音文字稿: Li Lei is my good friend. He is fourteen years old. He is tall and strong, but he was short and thin two years ago. He likes English very much. He is good at it. He can read English newspapers. Li Lei likes playing football too. He didnt play well two years ago. Now he is a very good player. 参考答案:1. Hes fourteen. 2. No, he wasnt. 3. He likes English. 4. Yes, he can. 5. He likes playing football. 6. No, he didnt. C Read and match参考答案:1. f 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. e D Read and write参考答案:1. wrote 2. took 3. ate, was 4. went, flew, had 5. could -connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low r withesting qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end coved for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist tquirerotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools re ofessionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection ander prto finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and oth , electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant personss testhe stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightnese is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check tainagbeen completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center dr rm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work hadconfi r rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm toin a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generatot should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling witha special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, ihanging on the4 E Read and order参考答案: 1. Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends then.2. He does not have a telephone at home. 3. She bought clothes from shops.4. Bobby is looking out of the window. 5. I could not write four years ago. F Do a survey参考答案:略 G Read and judge参考答案:1., 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , Project 1 A holiday album A Listen and circle录音文字稿: 1. now, know, new2. hard, happy, party3. windy, sunny, rainy 4. look, at, point at, listen to5. on the farm, in the park, in the street 参考答案;1. c 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c B Listen and number录音文字稿: 1. It rained yesterday. I watched TV at home. 2. I played basketball with my friends after school. 3. We wen


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