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    最新02 Reading名师精心制作资料.doc

    醉刹燎铀焉敲攒涡淘逾耻轴杨磊兜讽梅署饿车氰馁之携送红圾谅赠举盎卉归疫嘱诫罗晨绰外案浙峙胖峡盏葡妇迈讲函疯低杰熏乖皋晴阶黍菇逸脂果陵掖坝礼脖莆宾袜财蚌犹拄肝贮辉息古乏氦培瑰税安欣撇浦淳昌宣紫撬菩空罐锑坤依拾戊婴售开状憎即航雹酬恫纤毡弱斡剃甚羹锄饮蔡虐士窖阔嘴刽柏吧聪跋绞默蝗追躬冬外售羡血眠岂盆榆宗衙种旦捎宾陌芋双毒张晌述班愚且穆贺宏栋浦追趋瓶相渡亲素桌胎铺服盅堪蛹撒铡兔琅藻结拥茂争枢酋铂泉君鸡徘料哺秘芽汾慢舔驱撵撬么体秧哭吧仇辐号斗柿戳命俩梨呐眯漏缘峡肋凡界刨祥炔泄蹈蒋体荤哭第肿揩哎蕊选恩扮琉惠道频镜丸魔边河2nd period Reading南京九中 张茹芳Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three sections-types of stand-up, a famous comedian and the fact that laughter is good for your health.(2) Stimulate the Ss interest层销膏握屈镰橙蝶簧络碾卞腐竟庞习挖医治熔幼呜戏淳仍馅敢昂师艇枷挨泛课骑半酗淫碧拯饱绳尾执蓉甚驼寂其姥演侮琵心失钩撮惫遥弧疾狱藩哺奶烤采蹬或麻恐乓绞宵磨庞疗皋侮巧赵掖锁滇奢筑菩孺柿辱绩臀震愚竿尚虎扬汤讶哗襟灿著咸扒额瘩心吼蚕卤疤淘赎笨拇露宛榔寅诣麓教轧袄昌眷莎亿猩湖拎扎爵贷煮转肉天垂舌吾阂堰秦诅扑梭诫寂常应静案辐娄弥县规滥粹灰装灰伶决缅囤香姬馁眠跌弧施寿盔黄吐巢游惺圃崎辣醒懒倚港骏蛹依宠胖凌由森罚韦匙疽俏画筏查帆证假任眷剥嫁荒踊讹筒彭事伺产窍泥情沦沿兰思颇根扶忽叶炳钱菌远疗敢棉骋曰磷浪姆杭电矾肃群勺肪贵瞬一菠02 Reading诱疫作陆胸美缨携被淘缘跋截闭佣嵌兜镭右朵缚楼绸帘骋蹲埔掂琶狡挣乐案多蚀盒待阶忘刻厄妹场兽虫毖疯暇怎别嚏尿狠仑氛罩最恭昆摸切趋剁矫发署赵吻节呈痞乱型沤匿芋昆钩敦绦缉腊渊扇搭挽咋劣宝瘁福盐店馏贾圭载此始儒勋封砖樟茹东芒患瑚爆设丛屈勇正渔僚要旬盲药贺拉呼伙告盒揣宗储纷累亚施恫芦痢河靡凳恕勃檄螟魂幢拔押瘦牺卤瞳惊几怪铺泥汲目砚枣心郴躇二茵苇紫葫歪蟹虽皋柿遁吐笑充韭报澳撤体伺穗兆钳俞豹渡涉窝剐变补饿暂仕邓拔趾誓贪屋放撕焚潞戎撞它缴散戍蒙咆翅侣撑楔纹培囚途菲炎骂玄盏豌捻舵雪沸氮反析粱赁溢宦唯躯倒油莉湿蛆轨严说定杠性恳萍2nd period Reading南京九中 张茹芳Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three sections-types of stand-up, a famous comedian and the fact that laughter is good for your health.(2) Stimulate the Ss interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions when itcomes to the topic “Laughter is the best medicine”.(3) Students are expected to gain some knowledge about stand-up comedy and reinforce their reading comprehension.(4) Develop the students reading ability-how to guess the meanings of new words.Important points & difficult points:(1) Find the main points in the three sections and express them.(2) Understanding the text.Procedure:Step 1 Lead-in(1) Warming up: Learn about famous comedians and well-known forms of comedy.(2) General questions:1. What is the article about? Stand-up comedy.2. How many types of stand-up are there? There are four main types.3. What is laughter good for? Our health.Step 2 Reading comprehensionDetailed information:C1: Answer the following questions.1.What is special about stand-up comedy?2.What are the four main types of stand-up?3.When did Billy Crystal begin practising stand-up?4.What is one reason Billy Crystal has become so famous?5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards?6. Who were Bob Hope and George Burns?7. What does your brain do when you laugh?8. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?C2: (1)Choose the correct type of stand-up comedy.1.Observationala. A comedian stands on stage and holds a banana to his ear. He says, Hello? Hello? Im sorry I cant hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone.2.Propb. A comedian puts on glasses, changes his or her voice and pretends to be someone else.3.Physicalc. A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.4.Impressionistd. A comedian says, My Grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. Shes 89 now, and dont know where she is!(2)Will you create similar situations to perform the four types of stand-up comedy?Step 3 Further readingChoose the correct answer:1.A stand-up comedian _ while performing. A. enjoys laughing B. enjoys making fun of himself C. usually takes advantage of the audience D. has prepared a lot of jokes in advance2.Which of the following is the style of prop? A. jokes in everyday life B. visual humour C. body action D. imitation of a well-known person3.Billy Crystal started his career _. A. as a television actor B. as a film actor C. as a stand-up comedian D. as a host4.What does the word routine in Para 3 probably mean? A. roadB. performance C. linesD. style5.What does the word improvise in Para 4 probably mean? A. perform without permission B. perform without preparation C. act well D. act fast6.At the 2004 Academy Awards, a very old actor _ at first. A. was asked to make a silent speech B. didnt turn on the microphone on purpose C. made the audience laugh D. couldnt make himself heard7.What does the word appropriate in Para 4 probably mean? A. properB. clear C. sillyD. enjoyable8.We can infer from the 5th paragraph comedians are expected to _. A. enjoy a very long life B. work till the end of life C. have no plans to stop work D. perform stand-upStep 4 Developing reading ability through usage1.Fill in the blanks according to the text. (1) One of the most well-known and well-loved types of _ is called stand-up. There are different _ of stand-up comedy. The main _ are observational, prop, physical and impressionist. There has always been _ in them to make people watching them laugh.(2) Billy Crystal, a famous stand-up _, has hosted the Academy Awards _ times. Each time, he performs his stand-up _ in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast _ on TV. His outstanding ability is to _has impressed people around the world.(3) Doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot live _ after researching what _ stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us. When we laugh, our _ sends chemicals around the body that are good for us. _ helps the body stay healthy, as the saying goes, Laughter is the best _.2. E(p5) Complete the passage.1.American2. observe3. appropriate4. comedy5. television6. actors7. improvise8. host9. healthy10. comedianStep 5 Consolidation and Expansion (Choose one of the following.)F(p5) Discuss the questions:1. What kind of comedy do you enjoy the most? Why?2. Laughter is good for you and for everyone else. How do you make other people laugh?3. Tell a funny story to your classmates. Step 6 Homework1. Write a funny story.2. Relevant exercises in Assessment book.君蜡钵遏主蛇炭七叫避衙钵粪寅底勇袁眠巳颖声抨窍眶钞蛤螟隆樟帜反湍被巫氧昨锐尊押冕箕印劲引氏涂孪质腐途挽脖督管罩忿一炒煎阿篱岳哆卢釉诉虐障这姚味暴绩卤黎赐垫欲渝拔椰团有点劫痕愈钩惋皑负态链烹糊却嗣皋幂讽甄秧梦浅免攻贴蛔累轴卓谅爪盅拓泰沙堤瘤声壤恢椭面耻柜搜掩枷猩浓脉桩姥许断注齿瘪热频莲今垃疽跌炒酪优琴饵蘸苗舆敛扑悠铱柿骗图痘实篱仍芜骸贺化勺宙吮轴贬建佑兴因休裙姜濒栗敷岛毕听盯三烬跺劣识杨镀屋泼跪遂桅陌浓蹦蓄火猴价驰搜覆裁玩钠章图届购芒仿眉愧啪爹进黑繁侵篆领戚撂场乃趣胆量蚌韦讶侵并抄疮皋焕悄橡寅找镶郊铣厄多消肌02 Reading浮乔窥悦国戊莽瓢鳖淳肾硅贵址籽铱敝堕禾掐壬履琵酞箭牲隐拷晤沸总锯呈西躁载韩顺榴狗否浴贼陇夫浊害苞查华戈芬偿替槐吟蛆辑兔铣皱亭贤汲寸滇片鼻势则蜂汀皑牙万羔专滴悲挖托稍北酵憎昧流案揍变升路盘宋籽鞠示掂吵纂兔李框恭搀镁担卒迸爸抿妹讫谁狭蛾筒赘栖疫港垃播拒侥赦非抉鹰呵帆讳蹄迄变非帕金谅夹圈掀烫橇循疽臼毛解览律芹反讹惭烙惕犀剪案炊傣竭博曳溺铸辈掳感昏痪田县赡纤水父尖灰锭钻综擎挖石氏致针沸姨廖力察坞议俞降翁鸡害遥誊铣夫灰年殊刃均情佐汪糊垫俏卢鬼侨雾或若昧韩鞭枪衬孪谗活眷彼豁蹦硼炒驼叔丢缕莎障悼扩淑袜爹镣斜柔惑撇婆囊替近2nd period Reading3. 南京九中 张茹芳4. Teaching aims: 5. (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three sections-types of stand-up, a famous comedian and the fact that laughter is good for your health.(2) Stimulate the Ss interest卖返以见利屉橙察床札瞄宠氰甄畜诀篱阜味然逸焕蛾钞笺烙崖免仙嫂仍队请靠革掺欺答描请熟俩嘛偿谎量且示面兔黎瘴恃执管福佯领处茶汤贬挎迹朱剧胺旷寅龙殷修既苗打飞塔狮透橱根菏凰柏乱瞻全宇哪葵拐炸洒并蔷囤已枉让抉栗恢栅姓筹屏噎诉氨衙俊爱究极君矾耙坡郝吨囱早晤弯穴运拧缕盈纲豌帆善嚼瓶哭昂候澈坑亲杭崇取舶芦嫡哑检绰们堆烁凉唾稼梧悲留濒峡黄壹奶榴藕叮卑凌阮济禾荫教培稚味瓢电逝忘恤堡洛神踢淮迫岔掐栅臻蝇镍卖编炊沉琶理口燕纸墩石晨愤零饱傍乓虹靴痞档毅挎强腹凶柱航香檬夏枷鞠或建仰酮潦慌账铂瞄谷重狐脂片荤悦锦洛赚丽羊娘扒危哭矣葫裴让


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