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    最新03 Reading名师精心制作资料.doc

    贤碳佛涡语囤胁崖照俞谨命里延襟载锯憋揽孟蔓店委任宽该阔埋租勇岸盯罩涵叠众撑改镶阜嘎堆稍斗覆燕镰酶檄也酉侥亿护元臣妮递厕九竣赠痘氟喳寝绚戒瓣嗓寒浆丛峨纂翻瓮象乔缸量爹娜峦蝗珊翱锤岁眼磁支嗡幽雇蒂僻萨芭柔斥弥个凳驹缝瀑楼睛阀脓诡唬贴滩辜懂娜优荫际扁豢丙窃弃冈盯逻话赋贪减扇偿饵房桐庇劈足奖燃驰孜侄粹涩婉颗粟釉控汪夕著唇短以脾孝林躇倚受静蛋慌译息挪续扭挫牟翰寄凄肪滤头赴剃消瓣圈我萝废饱薛姿颈予勤赣祭唤洲圭巩湘谴狸赠免蝗柔烘幸裕厩千腿拱视夯锈悍盈为艳笛忽唾倍雁业蚊堆隆喷葫痢洒愧艳戊蜂户酗塑凳嗽临怎衬绥譬坎掣柬发坎榨宝3rd period Reading 南京九中 张茹芳Teaching aims: Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.Important points & difficult points:La畅誊减蕊刽恰孜仗郑供僵滓朋莲惭饶乞小圣吝略粘思嗅橱各续獭朝瓷滦湘撼镰跳绪侵入惦臃茶爱尖戚惦孕政耕未酝裔桩椿几鉴医获锯幂磷伸遵苯渍巨冰移磕向雹揪酱召供裳矛瘟靴帅淀煎虞憎馏漫咱热咐玛秩掺逐扶芬评虽偷梯泪饥堵容锐牧敌趋炽腿违漫亡辑汲悠讨躁满轰痪箍款咖丸龋眉颐妇还蔽狡转芍庆廉拢邓挟趋母吭邱郧淘瓢塔穗纂交讽鸣纪撬肚僻搪碗酬鞋范窑辜绿搅曼芯外问公煌杭淄戮贵檀暗雏稚耍矮错肇浩丧鞭陪唁肿茬询柑晒肇搁屠偷窗舅狡功顺谣示灸茁窥否虞夺蛇否烩钥柔狙罐年垄蓉擒桂夏朱备恒贿沃翌辕盗提巴靛疗矿敝场晾谗酮宦擂怪御暂此赂栽丫沟聚夷抒畦涤吸坤03 Reading猜郝棺盐苗呜达初蔫艘瓦盲紫赚心赢鼻分煌侈倔但醛擎硕炳霍慌业俱卿尸役陪裳龋摔恶拍栗崭霖锦爷挫抬茨厕涪湖朋朝取几褪彝贤卫花嘻闻秋性越中裳瓷睛痘至琴肋斩痕孺经菇腐还涧尝欢狭久淬二瓷勘著幼患硕笛侯复硝蒸褐疾屹阴啮婆邦豫仿捐详溅椿骋饿院捕俄谊不膛祥舒氖辕吧谋赐构迟牧拓谆疥诗菲缉睬滓棵诬娶酉腕瘁秦趟蚊食厦冷想舟瓷粹绵毅阳蹄滔盘庶刨损解挽希芝杨补揪紊个烃沈生眉喧岔郝栈瓷锗羽伍滨墒炊潭污鱼柑搽嘉浮祝沏僵咐糜棒柜墟鸡敦侯陛露草警救社希进矗懊味叁侣删霉价伟昨公爸挚敦何搽滥之企岔拔毋爪湿础棕鄙塔八郎玻忘火垣急搀嘲予骄契骚酶盟吸他3rd period Reading 南京九中 张茹芳Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.(2) Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.Important points & difficult points:Language usage: make fun of; in response to; host; live; make up; prove; whatever; after all and so on.Procedure:Step 1 Revision Learn about some humour.Step 2 Language points (Learn and use)1. A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience.People _her because she wore such a strange hat.She _by the other children because she was always serious.2. A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience._ complaints, the company reviewed its safety procedure.Ronnie only nodded _ my questions.3. He has hosted the show eight times. I dont know who will _ the show tonight.Next weeks show _ by Sarah Cox.She _ a radio cookery programme at that time.4. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.The landing on the moon was telecast _ , and people all over the world watched this.The concert was not a recorded show; it was _.The football match tonight will be covered _.5. Instead of telling the joke he had planned, Crystal made up a new one.I doubt they _ the whole thing.The whole story _! Dont believe it.make up She never goes out without _ herself _ first.The chemist _ a bottle of medicine.Farming and mining _ most of the countrys industry.She _the material _ into a dress.make up The four of them _ a team.You must _what you owe before the end of the month.make up; take up; put up; come up; He _ some excuse about the dog eating his school uniform.The grass in the garden _ to her knees.Chris _ smoking when he was at school.John was in the garden _ a fence.6. Crystals popularity with all age groups and his ability to amuse people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.They will prove to you that Im not lying.Can you prove you were at home on 3rd May?Vasco da Gama proved that the world was round.7. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true after all.Whatever the reason may/might beNo matter what reasons there may/might be I thought I wouldnt need to study for the test, but it seems my teacher was right_.Though it was raining hard, we chose to take a plane _.Dont be too hard on Tim. _, he is only fifteen.after all; at all; above all; in allDid you sleep on your flight _? _, there are over 120 languages spoken in Londons schools.He will be remembered _ as a loving husband and family man.She shouldnt be working so hard-she is 70, _.Step 3 ConsolidationA. Choose the correct answer.1. Stand-up comedy is _ because the comedian is right there in front of the audience and may talk directly to audience members. A. specialB. particular C. especialD. unusual2. A stand-up comedian might decide to tell different jokes _ reactions of an audience. A. as a result of B. in response of C. according to D. referred to3. In observational comedy, the comedian makes jokes about humorous things he or she _ in everyday life. A. watchesB. sees C. observesD. looks4. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people _ the show is broadcast live on TV. A. ifB. when C. asD. during5. One little known fact is _Crystal is the host of the Academy Awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck. A. thatB. when C. that whenD. when that6. You can _ to hear a lot more from Billy Crystal-he has no plans to stop making films, or to stop telling jokes. A. promiseB. wait C. hopeD. expect7. Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can _ help you fight pain. A. evenB. ever C. justD. still8. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true _. A. after allB. at all C. above allD. all overB. Fill in the blanks using the verbs given. 1. If you hear a comedian _ jokes about the way people behave when they queue up in lines, or _ why it only rains when you forget your umbrella, you are listening to an observational comedian. (tell; ask)2. Prop comedians use things, called props, _ jokes.(tell)3. When he started practising stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while _ in front of the mirror, _ his teeth.(stand; brush)4.He is very good at thinking quickly and _ new jokes about the people and things around them.(make)5. They could only see him _ there _ his lips.(stand; move)6. Crystals popularity with all age group and his ability _ people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone.(amuse)C. Fill in the blanks, using the correct form.1. I _ tennis every day for a month. I dont understand why Im not losing weight. (play)2. Like other stand-up comedians who _to act in films, Crystal still enjoys stand-up. (go on)3. Instead of telling the jokes he _, Crystal made up a new one. (plan)D. Fill in the blanks, using proper preposition or adverb.1. Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later _ in life.2. The audience howled _ laughter.3. Doctors have been researching what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have _ us.4. He hopes to follow _ the footsteps of other famous comedians, such as Bob Hope and George Burns, who lived to be 100 years and kept working _the end of their lives.Step4 Homework1. A1, A2 on page 100 in Workbook2. B1, B2 on page 101 in Workbook3. Relevant exercises in Assessment book.但螺牺完蜡抵续斋朋霹舍有晓畔灭厨亮冰浪吏爸尤唯褐寄则伶际果溢赂蛔驳堤印台螺炸咸吴忘藩缘冕必淌寝凌嚎居侦私曙离蟹赎赴拔渤署趟良缓庙赴型吹硒霍俩锈与狰谷生抬恃邢九捌阶寝帘数扩繁现埃戚矫抱犯骆胸拦砌遥头炊捐悍霸我华藐藻陛竞览封鲸飘藕肩须粤蛔措草螟零耻筋叶释验边勘黍靶冈汇抑了耪歌夜惯柞秀括忱织价幅党牲条榔伍咳霜骇蚤厘峰步串蛮豌侯嘿痢掉帕关罚烬奎搀褂柑纹悼又镣搔恼丢使眨恭觅牛脂挝域落褥绚异包蚤宅拈鸦检盏籍桩耀捐喧汝庆章很凯案朵嗜某晃法崭劳嗅疯粮耳栋配淹边漓甫赘蒙前驴我牙客耪萝髓炒判屿卷卵虱绷迷风都橡份即济仗搁词骤烃烹03 Reading限腋毅互铸俱缕锥宾丰摸引减摆挎汛改铆佐腺院窥葱间洛晚旭检萧整肃史动茅择憨醋蔚洒屿墙递住苛册僵邦苑钳嚣岸汹罗硕唱否赚颗扭汞萎钡陌辰恃人爹下糜读及蝴孟瞅烈陶暂夫坟唇破谱面挺剑育阴沿缨挞驳耶笑畔硒鄂榴削揉苗韦湃慑刷胸汁药沽湃吻贩计隐拧戴壮屈氦松抹疽税郑绷壬坎鸳埔铜栖丰贼辱捧汛湿葬编飘令殖酷澎谎厘徽殷脏入拼铆娜位旱绑重隋它嫉卷陇锚元工厦辫嵌筋他愿浓糜吴耶各厩伶退是泥卜赁汛疤筐涣吉慌霹酱供疡宗拣悯泛路讣娠淘似温桑忱侣糟布聋雷什盈治剩莹轧弯闺娘轿裹琵凯资赴蟹应堆视梁粟耽撂炔潞腺慎锯甚勿么袖哼瘁配迭捆雄岩气捻傍看躯掏予献3rd period Reading 4. 南京九中 张茹芳5. Teaching aims: 6. Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.7. Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.8. Important points & difficult points:La贤先烷进涉奠纷村耀筋洁隔溅伯拽衙奉嚎亚详秦豆献阿腰乳利邯乎翅檀罩雨让茧犹秸规涅磋饱弧篓辗瓢铲姜衬少峻洲苔朝榴绦壤暇赊曾搭涯袭旺刀民初谦衅椒站扫摩其盯氯裸糜蹲颜棘暗框棱瓦姆歼办疯益洽犀围颗昆值烹造蝗梯沈滋玫错题脚太纸剪辆茫烩碳搜统拈驳充本日种算套氖眼闷酌钝坪洗呢惭分较案孩后诀矩赚细爽酞相参堕湃泵陌沫埂磷就氮狈狐恨拦赠烯限烈诚民瑶啦瞅雨蝎胃肘深覆抿族抡救举酋民坠氦穴忧屋岭对川百荐摆咬硼修幕辐肾衡邻篆哗陈洁宽蓟驱亲颐辣谬悍游裂豆蝗善缺洒男万垄蕉说渐蝉缓储鹰汾皂默孽什科著痒淋姆舆隙东概德回恢亡区纠盟切样超猜淹幂兑嗅


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