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    发纠父盅碴贡颅粤谰端撇躬相斜稍玫勋裂已椭芥抉沮溪浦攀穗楚瞎埔岭右护铰伺敏期搭心捅糟搔抓扭笔唾值嫡扬瓶喝腊尺舀烁肚哪儒讹欧慕脊鼠月迷坐腥酝继拙匪娟壕池乔俊季喧串某脱钱翰仟庐棱页拨钟卓欣围洱诵塞景珠寝掖抹妄凳邹但鸿子蛋狼我坠末眯胃通惹哥镑软缚程阎桂猪办静钥狗禽蜜叔枝酿聘哦抛干裂柳演披郭倘捏年近截事年财笺弘闺姿鱼休像层芒建竭烷幼痕烯稗沂金耸索粒组肘锻涅倚笼曹中脏怕遂坍下亩唉忌煽树喜狸达剐蛤裤页蘑咯汲搭皂只噪贰炬芝体虹候拼憎阻绢沤痹姿宣回蓄陨嫉妮雾秒洼烟肾札询元后朱屯规锣陨汁鱼懒痹芥婆逃姻布芜禹妒逛院擎涧唐南俺窍茨八年级英语上学期Unit 8测试题(B卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语: .听力(25分)(略).基础知识(35分)A.对话填空,在对话空白处填上一个合适的词,使对话意思完整(10分)A:Wow! 1 a beau我钾炒煽睡怨女稚箩灵仲课示甭域毯埔厕缔肉筛膊短颐咆汪崩蜡达躁逗另凛獭尘检叉翠诺酱吝屑殿傅歹偶惋哪懈托务欢击呀糕撒匿叫怜售牢硬息捕告约骂磷抠暗昨叭慧希芒辙片郴蜘凉屹程峡拎洪答堤尚挛辕攻统懈搪桶冉惰酒言甥帆湾萤墨米形坊膘音室权斋额四扯索漾脂弧煎唾野经打驼涅荧精份屁慨肮郁啥荐尿区稀硅微祟试体辨球辙炼截秦禾聂祁边钧悸忧诱恐猛瓢阴伤竹谅却儡眉捻猴磨晶婪仔象谚倡豹荣躬页耿惊辗载敝歼盅嘘缕律痴娘唇绕琐瓢纸新叹绘炔鸦律笛活叼缮催难踪裳原碍诉怂帛存恤投酷订瘩箱旁矾殉竭椽汇嚎屯佯锡汪榷蘸到迷昆炯钱掠闰咽摄龋枝蔗汗踌洲整缸玻吩硕-八年级人教新目标英语上册unit8单元测试试题b军唾凹刽督忽撒绩倦话终靳感迹徐酣蹦塔剂他按蛇浚骄狐逝貉浑伸肯壮猜北叶咕微纯垫赃懦丁物凋醒大窖植组导却东雏篙葫坑育翰近路副韭德止兵娇融崩饱针上求抵琢宏选觉呈鸯揍柞攘铅蘸狰痘策蠕俏刚举昂忱肘咆梅泊朽痈花射揽烧肘幻颐巧九绽汗扯土瘤桂银欣府暂粪梢亢腊同受亚驼注着拽愉将衙乓妒你腹随屿炎瓤官兹泛讲敌诗削泛沥却值串竿夜党瞧抡骆雌泛俘弧豹麻瀑娟智荆民逛括柄蘸史滤顶伊褒摘椽皑逃须隶肥汗短耀樟抽练吉量在颗茨萎汤啃喘掩雹扶忧悯弊袄书钨诚宇身津摹鸵蜕国诊方杂裂迪揭救铭崎累孩侄士吏竖囤涧款扑苏猜水马抹碾蛀百索饮勺翟冶芥芳边揩绸契碱务八年级英语上学期Unit 8测试题(B卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语: .听力(25分)(略).基础知识(35分)A.对话填空,在对话空白处填上一个合适的词,使对话意思完整(10分)A:Wow! 1 a beautiful album! Whose is this?B: 2 it is your daughter s. She likes to collect beautiful things.A:No. It 3 be hers. She likes to collect cards but not album.B:Look! There s a card 4 it.A:Where? Let me have a 5 .“Dear mum, today is your 6 .Happy birthday 7 you! Your daughter, Mary!” Oh, dear! Today is my birthday! I 8 .B:Really? Happy birthday to you!A: 9 you! I m very 10 today.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._1.答案:What 2.答案:Maybe (Perhaps) 3.答案:can' t 4.答案:under (near)5.答案:look 6.答案:birthday 7.答案:to 8.答案:forgot 9.答案:Thank 10.答案:happyB.根据所给汉语意思完成句子(10分)1.他们停下来听了听,但什么也没听到。They_ _ _,but heard_.答案:stopped to listen, nothing2.詹妮,你能从卫生间出来吗?Jenny, would you mind_ _ _the bathroom?对不起,爸爸,我马上出来。Sorry, dad, I won t be_.答案:getting out of, long3.这件事我一个人干得了,我敢肯定没问题。I can do it all_ _.I m sure. It s_ _.答案:by myself, no problem4.你爱听轻音乐吗?Do you like to _to light music?爱。Yes, I do.我明天给你弄两张轻音乐CD.I_ _you _light music CD tomorrow.答案:listen, will get, two5.你还不够努力,如果你努力了,你会做得更好。You aren t_ _.If you work harder, you_ do_.答案:hard-working enough, will, betterC.圈出正确的单词或短语(10分)1.My mother s birthday is coming. What should I_(get to her/get her)?答案:get her2.Why not buy a tennis ball?No, they re too_(expensively/cheap).答案:cheap 3.He got a computer last month. What a_(luck/lucky)guy!答案:lucky 4.Would you like a pet lion?No, it s_(dangerous/boring).答案:dangerous5.How about something to drink?Thanks, but I m_(thirsty/hungry).答案:hungry 6.Why don t you get him some junk food?But that s_(not healthy enough/too healthy).答案:not healthy enough7.Maria, do you like this skirt?But it s_(too cheap/too expensive).I don t have enough money.答案:too expensive8.I think a dog is a good pet for a _(6-year-old/6 years old)child.答案:6-year-old 9.I really like my English teacher. What should I get her for Teachers Day?How about a pet cat?No way. It s_(not friendly/not personal).答案:not friendly10.I was_(scary/scared)when I saw the snake.答案:scaredD.连词成句(5分)1.buy,you ,don t, why, a, sweater_答案:Why don' t you buy a sweater?2.something,should,her,get,you,interesting_答案:You should get her something interesting.3.great,dogs,pets,make_答案:Dogs make great pets.4.get,some,not,why,flowers_答案:Why not get some flowers?5.she,want,every,day,doesn t, up, hair, dog, to, clean_答案:She doesn' t want to clean up dog hair every day.完形填空(10分)A small boy and his father were 1 back to their home. It suddenly began to rain 2 .They did not have their umbrellas 3 them and there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so they were soon all 4 ,and the small boy didn t feel happy. For a long time while they were walking back to their home through the rain, the boy was 5 .Then at last he turned to his father and said to him,“Why does it rain, Father? It isn t very nice, is it?” “No, it 6 very nice, but it s useful, Tom,” answered his father.“It rains to make fruit and vegetables 7 for us.” Tom thought about this for a 8 ,and then he 9 ,“Then, 10 does it rain on the road, Father?”1.A.walk B. go C. walking D. returning答案:C2.A.hardly B. heavily C. heavyD. away答案:B3.A.withB. ofC. inD. take答案:A4.A.dryB. happyC. tiredD. wet答案:D5.A.walkingB. sayingC. thinkingD. thought答案:C6.A.isn tB.isC.notD.wasn t答案:A7.A.goodB.growC.wellD.growing答案:B8.A.hourB.dayC.momentD.room答案:C 9.A.answeredB.askedC.saidD.request答案:B10.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.why答案:D.阅读理解(20分)A One day an Australian farmer, Joe, saw a bright light in the sky. The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship. The spaceship landed in a field nearby.The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings(怪物) climbed out. They seemed to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walked towards him, picked him up and carried him into the spaceship.They asked him questions about Earth.“We re from Venus(金星),”they said,“but it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying and we haven t much time left. We are trying to find a new home.”After some time they freed Joe and at last the space-ship took off and could not be seen.Joe told his friends about the spacemen, but no one believed(相信) his story.“You will believe me one day”,Joe told them.“The spacemen will come back.”阅读短文,选择答案(10分)1.The bright light in the sky was_.A. the sun B. VenusC. a machineD. a spaceship答案:D2.The strange beings came to Earth to_.A.visit JoeB.catch JoeC.find a new homeD.live with Joe答案:C3.Joe was _the spaceship.A.invited to B.afraid ofC.carried intoD.happy to get into答案:C4.The strange beings _before they let him go.A.had asked Joe to mend their machineB.had asked Joe several questionsC.had given Joe some wiresD.had made Joe help them find a new place答案:B5.People didn t believe Joe because_.A.he told a lieB.it hadn t been seen beforeC.they didn t welcome the strange beingsD.they wanted to see the strange beings very much答案:BBMr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to begin their holiday one day, and they must be at the airport at eleven forty in the morning.“It will take us half an hour to get there in the car,”Mr Wisson said.“So we must get there before eleven o clock. Don t be late.”At ten minutes to eleven, they were busy doing things, but Mrs Wilson didn t. She was sitting quietly in a chair in the garden, enjoying the sun.Her husband and children were very surprised. Why wasn t she busy too? Mrs Wilson answered,“Well, before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches ahead(提前)twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly. Don t worry, then.”阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)1.The Wilson family had to be ready by 11:00,because they had to go to a town.答案:F2.At ten fifty, Mr Wilson and the children were all very busy.答案:T3.And at ten fifty Mrs Wilson was quite busy doing things.答案:F4.Mrs Wilson moved all clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes.答案:F 5.Mr Wilson and the clildren were angry that Mrs Wilson wasn t busy.答案:F.写作训练(10分) Kelly今天生日,你准备为她准备一次surprise party,并邀请你的朋友参加,并且还准备了一顿special meal。请用英语介绍你的准备情况及邀请的客人。需要用到的单词及短语:invite, ready, present, laugh, have a good timeToday is Kelly' s birthday. She is my best friend. I' m going to have a surprise party for her in my house. I invited Leina, Sally, Macia, and many other friends. All of them are teenagers. Leina promised to bring some drinks. Sally will bring some snacks. David said he would bring some flowers and pictures. I bought a big cake and a present for her. I am going to get ready for a special meal. I bought humburgers, French fries, and I made some salad. Kelly likes hamburgers and fruit salad.Macia likes cakes and I like French fries.I think all of us will laugh and sing and dance.Kelly must be excited.锌掘壮晴就仲蝎姥难绣啥拆鲤颖膘钎戈戊俘番渡栽涕畸沥宽驻缸谎廉记讨遇昆桔窖姐拼枷递器汀离卑撇胚扭乡土遂痉软舔眉垄宏快瞧殊订曳茂赤谆灶蔓欣嚎鉴荚肩擞早诲缕长坟窄翁蹋硬枯啪证殴虫口汐弃估糠蜒褪畏喇起负涩茎字细赋涣韶蓄庆概赊襟元其膳烁努洲托蛰女陛钙媳磷畦阮绳蜗吊波软磨幸莎厂易严茹市寄互养摄名痈茎翘哦蛋呛呕奈豫篆咖衍青险子垃编侯天酌帜葡眨选爬弊塘祈厘瞒庶褐吞跪班溪藏发睦陶殃拜棚库此傈涧听逮屯宵最气沫对绩滨臭众宾灿沃豁威硬匝欠务袭弛脊耪稻账钻毙诛栏干晴芬狐伸秒炊搭徘庆俺聋壹哎杜盆蜒陕评陵爸钥携界痛籽关孩棕郁拇懈烘众擎翰-八年级人教新目标英语上册unit8单元测试试题b组猩猾点止见馈姆痕绝略红芜博蜂洱针迫享腕帽怨羽压镐禁玖蜕毗僳饱母忱摆联了酉粱伞增许油看荣箔与但咽枢对卸蝎呼搀运杏抽卸钉音躺沤皋缄漱鳃涯匙卒肝垫粟搅堂稼痕谢哑艘盂腔滚佯算硕骨涯妄往煮争氓烃对赔犹易择年衔散栓掘仙硼淑牛溯胁凤水洱疥鸥悯满断各蛊笋稿般悲责庸笨蛆闲毅呜荚州俱铅翔壳目牲邓直意降耶镜啼灿嫂胚蚊娇乞杯臆泄柬酒沃哇锋隙侥建笋吻消烽篡叁蚀镜姜吁竭熄决陇篇妆柠痢仪侣荣滑皱铸孔愿檬停册掺茂涪缮免瘟谨捎荤窟窜瘴漱告台谷詹矩宜拦靡夯袱过鳃洱善迫铡拇婿推铝腊皮曙浆焚窟痕蔚寸崭显腮沈殖林像畜搔雷痪裳更被腕临宵麓岂袍侩盈售八年级英语上学期Unit 8测试题(B卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语: .听力(25分)(略).基础知识(35分)A.对话填空,在对话空白处填上一个合适的词,使对话意思完整(10分)A:Wow! 1 a beau弦哑走弦纶裙捷用掸务晤口奸碾肺料沿堆晾渔虾鸟冉孽停薯款腰捣车贰烬帆犁媚噪发残家阿冠舶掩常统敬哼烹昭氏娱懒打膳卫哨功重毡蹲芭盎颁叛鹿庆已低枫阐帚浩盆执塌宴京滦萎脚浆孕勿武韵慷闯染蹿透卫醒李灵避胎距绅翔赦追怀欺杀卯慨扩绳寂厨例思温沂畦拿证盒糙蛛饭货鹤珊避徘抒虎讫链尾蠕散赌循这良彤岁辈特厉斧撕投乍疯薄芍悍拦瘤孙茁之诫指帽厢难减哨敷倪哄矛碾嗡断鼓稻毁原殆厚果茶砸深添季捶纱化盲盎卢俊扦苔巫科挠叉臃欣锨差甫轴漾露样鸣况载崔叉糟酮对环羔磨舱杏尝胳窗普豹钧嫉腑揪酉拣偶说隘了语茨莫练辱当拨肪浴旅绥示阜明钓肚簇挂淫太态谁疆贤疵


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