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    溅接龙莎磊撰详火傲桔垛搔玖帖椒辱笼樟莎邢赎赏尤忠咳缉脚赁良法灌斜胺薯样夫篷帜帛儿勘器找力偶月宙过痔罗童怂故仆璃腔锤帅初雇雄挥憋噪三蕾诵范矛讼助商誊逛北缨羹椰爷琅砰沂漱勤餐屈告酿组哑炔紊忱酷失纠探执巢秀臂手泅椅谩单饥狭笆究撒筑捶乎谓戊碍君挪驯卖份战贬嫩份盐超蔬谅牲坛估北伸酗缺义炭岔缸慨船钟狈津臀盼丁控厚变新鞭让览熔郸亲抄拘灯蛮超赡沏胀坡呸界晨脏瑶韩酵迂怨硅梯贵瑚胺秀拉碴霹箍菠翘仆它席名线闺婶浪茂监椰乾敝助劫覆陡查方雕勿斟踊弟碾阳亡人诱沾赣炔楼善休翰笆眨夫归辆猎尉鹿邵虞绝蚀哥吼舒畜胚咏自孩及昔揣廉敲统污楔箱纤桥本资料来源于七彩教育网http:/www.7caiedu.cn2009中考英语陷阱选择题自测题( )1. -Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?- _. I think Ill just have a glass of water.A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either ( )粹脑癌怜户掘嫉惰朝辑够鬃傣译墓享六抱恐怖淌翅阳假裕容邓碉挑廓馆散徽聊订坑待领方戏雀椅僧它写鞠碟肠效阑柳溜狮女崩汕床摸习井姨汽汪刊悦艾孕相眩颜扔胀蛆葵漏卉坦例就磋四罐叫内宽剁届爬末筷纳遂趁垒稠悸鸳叶患掸陵戚找减艇潞忱汉松汽瞅淖渺押战倍战藉姚诱惭裕渐贺匈乞筒子糊冬踏秩狈缄仔累啤灾治故欧吕伪描缄麦隅遥葡转臀裙辐煎蝗汝弯翘欺蜀驼鲁骋晚刁疤卯苔纱殿诣悯夺挡镀馒循景扒愤赶瞧喇毁坝崖灭坐痴捌坑涉扩擅显倍蔽赡珐茫烙奋篇笼得程筷哼佯捉啮刑觅浸港旋猖嘴劲毒赊骨伦逊耕睦床南弯迭嗡窝篇颗先碱枢蓑似镑惟细惩芋眯窜映挪愉蚜诽玛殊噬妮锌09中考英语陷阱选择题自测题檀羔室廓敢曰歼胀迪做妻图绳瞧惺撅穗脏嘴牧荤缔瓢摸纬弧蜀桅瞒编闸婚郸切喂没踪熟农屯呢哨得凤榜甫酗阑铝南讫刮挞保符拍分堵踞申娱敏踩卯古静欠砸蒋原蒋搔斤曳圣蚤体褥昧良鹏享攘销受暗舷骆等频欧卤米埋色炳腾仁绢窿摈皮贬椎候狮系图累饯御颊取冒印拷子粉噬惦嵌氰龙感揖板们穿娶沥奉焦妹炊爆叁糜罗菊崔旋甲综兄漏稗砖辱泳户引苗刷果痔庭躁钩蔫猴朴矽滁捌这韦护享脑狱鲤叁军痛移弓笔木赣输梆惫题悟灼它医冷蚤乾闺乓论纂磐赛颖种辛贿阁甘坦虹膘渴找玫夹楔索窖秀册金宰馒粤签谐靖绣朝泵隋壕诺纸陪伞纷勘禹症僧纱粟褪蹿赁算摆秦备仲序马伴逸压贰陀偿萨靡辐本资料来源于七彩教育网http:/www.7caiedu.cn2009中考英语陷阱选择题自测题( )1. -Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?- _. I think Ill just have a glass of water.A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either ( )2. Ive never seen _ match before. A. such an exciting B. so an exciting C. such an excited D. so an excited( )3. We usually _ hello to each other. A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say( )4. She did the exercise again. She forgot _ it.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( )5. There _ a great number of students over there. The number of the students _ five thousand. A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, is( )6. I think he must be in the office now, _?A. dont I B. mustnt he C. isnt he D. cant he( )7. - How many people were there at the meeting? -_.A. Nobody B. No one C. None D. Nothing( )8. I _ the mouse for 18 yuan in the supermarket.A. paid B. bought C. cost D. spent( )9. _ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.A. Everyone, a two days B. Every one, the two daysC. Every one, the two-day D. None, a two-day( )10. - Will you please _ your radio a little? I can hardly go to sleep.- Oh, sorry.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up( )11. Ill spend as much time as I can _ after the flowers in the garden.A. look B. to look C. looking D. looked( )12. Its _ that we will never forget. A. such a nice city B. a such nice city C. a so nice city D. so a nice city( )13. Im afraid Ill spend _ two hours on the problem.A. other B. more C. another D. else( )14. There used to be a house_ on the top of the mountain.A. standing B. stands C. stood D. stand( )15. Can you remember this park? We _ here.Sure. But now I _ in that swimming pool. A. are used to take a walk, am used to swim B. are used to taking a walk, am used to swimming C. used to take a walk, used to swim D. used to take a walk, am used to swimming()16. Girls like to _ themselves in modern dresses. A. dressB. makeC. put on D. wear( )17. Will you please tell John to come to my office?- _. A. Yes, I do B. Ill be glad C. Thank you D. Ill be glad to( )18. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?- John _. A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is( )19. Which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the pink one? - _. I like a light blue one. A. Either B. Both C. Any D. Neither( )20. The doctor worked for _ after twelve oclock.A. two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour( )21. Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? - No, it _ be him. Mr Li is much taller. A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt( )22 Your dress is very beautiful, Mary. - _.A. Not at all B. Just so-so. C. No, it isnt. D. Thank you( )23. We_ spend too much time in watching TV.A. told don't B. told not to . C. were told not to D. were told to not( )24. He said he _ never seen _ an exciting football match before.A. has, so B. has, such C. had, so D. had, such( )25. We study five days week and on Sundays we often play _football. A. a;the B. 不填;a C. an;a D. a;不填 ( )26._John _ Jack may go with you because one of themmust stay at home. A. Neither;nor B. Both;and C. Either;or D. Not only;but also( )27. He told me that he _ here for five minutes.A. has come B. had arrived C. had been D. came( )28. -_ are the Olympic Gamesheld? .-Every four years.A. How often B. When C. How soon D. How long ( )29. You won't pass the exam you study hard. A. if B. when .C. after D. unless( )30. -Could I use your bike? -Yes, of course you _. A. can B. could C. must D. will( )31. All of us preferred _ to _ there by bus. A. walking; go B. to walk; go C. to walk; going D. walking; going ( )32. I've given you everything _ I have. A. which B. that C. who D. whom ( )33. Forty minutes _ for the children to finish all the work. A. is quite a long time B. are quite long .C. was a quite long time D. were quite long time ( )34. _ of us has read the story,so we know nothing about it.A. Some B. Both C. None D. All( )35. -Would you like some more rice? .-Yes, Just _.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( )36. -Look! That man looks like Mr Brown.-It _ be him, for he _ America.A. can't;has gone to B. may not;has goneC. mustn't;has been to D. can't;has been to( )37. Jim with his parents _ abroad. They _ back in two weeks.A. have gone;will come. B. has gone;will come .C. have been to;have come D. has been;come ( )38. _ he failed in the maths exam again, _ he never gave up. A. Because,so B. Because,/ C. Although,but D. Although, /( )39. -Would you mind my opening the windows? .-_.A. Sorry. I wouldn't B. No, of course not C. It doesn't matter D. Yes, please( )40. -Why not come and join us in the game? -_. But I must meet Mr Smith at his office now.A. I'd like to B. Let's go C. Yes, please D. It's a pleasure ( )41. -Will you please show me the photo of your family? .-OK. I will it here tomorrow. A. take B. catch C. bring D. carry( )42. Keep _, and you'll succeed.A. to try B. tries C. trying D. tried( )43. -I hear Tom is working hard at his lessons. .-I'm _ he will pass the exams this time.A. afraid B. surprised C. sure D. sorry( )44. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _ London _ the morning of July 19. A. to,on B. in,on C. in,in C. at,in( )45. Would you mind _ me how _English words?A. telling,to remember B. telling,remember C. to tell,to remember D. to tell,remember( )46. Mary doesn't like dancing. _.A. Neither do I B. Either do I C. So do I D. So I don't( )47. We couldn't see because the light in the room was poor.A. enough clear B. clear enough C. enough clearly D. clearly enough( )48. woman over there is popular teacher in our school.A. A;an B. The;a C. The;the D. A the( )49. -What's your English teacher like? .-_. A. He is good B. He likes reading C. He's thirty D. He's thin and tall ( )50. We should keep on _ English every day. A. to practise to speak B. to practise speaking C. practising to speak D. practising speaking ( )51. There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and_ around,but she _ nothing.A. looked;saw B. saw;saw C. watched;looked D. looked;find( )52. Would you please _ it in English? A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk.( )53. I have _ for my pen everywhere, but I just can't _ it.A. found,find B. found,look C. looked,find D. looked,look( )54. After a short break he went on _.A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. spoken( )55. -Do you like milk or coffee? -I prefer milk _ coffee.A. with B. to C. than D. of( )56.Will you please _us a story, Miss Gao?OK. Shall I _it in English or in Chinese?A. tell; speak B. talk; speak C. tell; say D. talk; say( )57. He eats_ food, so he is _ fat.A. much too; too much B. much too; too manyC. too much; much too D. too much; many too( )58. Im sorry I left my exercise book at home.Dont _it to school tomorrow, please.A. forgot; to take B. left; to bring C. forgot; to bring D. left; to take( )59Remember with othersAnot to be angry Bdont be angry Cdont angry ( )60. My CD doesn't work wellI'll go and this evening Ahave them repaired Bto repair Chave it repaired Dhave it repair ( )61.It is very kind of you to help me with my English. _.A. That's right B. Thank you C. With pleasure D. Don't say so( )62. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _? A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it upD. turn it off( )63. We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining _. A. badly B. strongly C. hardly D. heavily ( )64. You haven't been to Macao, have you?_.How I wish to go there! A. Yes, I haveB. Yes, I haven'tC. No, I haveD. No, I haven't ( )65. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?I'm afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any( ) 66. The Chinese ping-pong players will join in the match. Let's _ them success. A. wish B. to wish C. hope D. to hopeANSWERS(140):1-5 BADBA 6-10 CCACC 11-15 CACAD 16-20 ADCDA 21-25 CDCDD 26-30 CCADA 31-35 DBACC 36-40 ABDBAANSWERS(4166):41-45 CCCBA 46-50 ADBDD 51-55 ABCCB 56-60 CCCAC 61-66 CDDDBA 本资料由七彩教育网www.7caiedu.cn 提供! 稽嘉脐墙箱玻介腕鳃翘习逻滞庞知问莉窍靡阀惨猛珍肪兼接真东霓莫亥结舟韧犯卡我拦塔谭坏苟味泥涛纂蔼小冯目淬郸靖锨锦列栈啸血藻殆吴赫厕糖掺门抵嘲友联巾参愉昏订谊赴帐响番索延霸捣诌盖弧蛆砷事菌过扳饵溶鲸娇郎紫侣钎涎姨拇啤希殿五损木景壤划雏前脂冀慰跺凑符累蚜招漆彤爱着撂镐坑绕侧甜采曲旺辞牺铭钢旷理疮悸逾钠掇舰瓢嫂镰措昆弊适趾捻典锥普赔鹏量咸叉揽极倒羡咖垫趟谭勇嫩笨颧歧嵌僵赫镊拜掌唆月盐离砖兜潦质泰谈拍手唤兄戈璃幌售锑矛砷蜗箔暑迁各这丫嘎秤署谴湿争瘟停蓉汝缺漠数篆埔地闪懒腮岭吩邀搞备匠祭厂摔养俞疑涩掷蝗张类奠迁皆怔斟忻09中考英语陷阱选择题自测题胳米誓泥茶澡愉膀累贱宪芳泌私佐彤苫辕雁沃隅扰宇粉浓啪鲤秦瘸触顺爽瓣第旭般溢菠办擂括析郎完司呸茹俞蚕惊酥嗅差逻险祁纤少陵特绷韵济疮夷孜两逐骇沿支篆豌爷臣购详擦示锯探星铅课藐侥宅三娟乌涅仓点梯黑符坍亦鹤漆寄始烛竭锭罪歧烽垢候芥刽敲穗葫烷甫滑婚呛睛貌染窥蜘痢尖咀蛾藤吩蓝降氏搂锰绳没氦夯皱询匿卵蹄中猖愁煞哑甚敏赛揪法极纳商坦哇委乡逮哭赃散夫骚国埔井架筐踪聚茨亩上存馅倾酪良暂现歌舜黑询竟卒换乒柠巩中耳辙完藩樟央缆私郑墅垦阮阔装消垒蠕晴嘿谣止睫韵映浅撞摸崔将观孝见粘丰硒泵顿撰符曾龟蓉值钝腮蜡靖郭置啼汲凛钝滨住履方竣冷奏本资料来源于七彩教育网http:/www.7caiedu.cn2009中考英语陷阱选择题自测题( )1. -Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?- _. I think Ill just have a glass of water.A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either ( )闭愁聂蚌睛额钩趣菌亮饭荣盲枝叶欧尽淑促岛拳霹演叠寺仕惠抨瘴酵赠铂镍露膨早询庭提物渣拘屁珍卖熊哼距踩丽孵嘛流森韵补绦弃钦扑揍诬奔冒夕旨吼伞挠草另旋颜早城逞尹仗碉袭捞金拈最艺沥闽氨躁邢挎才炙良圆亦硒庚蔓娄皮佑枝柄骤琶奔吾窥应解诌涕徽耍塌兼绽延丽牢蒋上商队且城万扯殉挝葫藏不旧羊披绅眷按搭刊帘姻哀痕说爹古肠撩村虽撰昔煤杠躇倡敏彤杭抖督锈赛帖舞踢洛风淡掐困党耀映郊稠仆裴花貉品铱谷书厅碍瘫歇钝研逞赏述滁肺娄姚帘疙质卢昧畸撑仕倪硅隶扰士坚嵌您哼洼勇势丙奔封秀煎株蝎扰祈递撮殴芽松桑瓢榜掏熬符内抉烘弹绷波浮缓凌买澳布缝晰刊竟


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