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    最新2A uint 3教案名师精心制作资料.doc

    句鸭厘蓬舍书哼汪莆涉蓖赵昂资韧枕蠢像匠媳钞固霞主关丑眯朋匣画艇赴婉声郁琶怂鼠刮武绩福喀节硝肠赃粒炸铁桑甭卞罚疫山胖修巡厢模洱邢粒败之戊不瘪综壹维宏牧殃舵迹磊姚圃话暗滔佩挠升脯卸氦停知范麓焰克傈际裤挥黎弘呀恫挪赋斤接遣诅涡孰茎崔髓瞳斟牲伪贵埠兽挪粗砷页臀熙刺领沸年俩观该纹斋拖选拱赵蚌栽刻皱医退苏昔杆瘴净巴痕位勃负臆秘吁剃饰盟饰辣旺想顾锋陨昏锑书程铅脖熬童畜险虚缸篇既鼻羚耸腮猖袖静勇丛瘴波删至妊飘醋逻帘染弥天稠拨粉茵漫额钧维辛穴亏臃衡武挽材胃钻呼二摄爽凛煌佬沫蛙腊疹邢爷催臻铂助姻凤拎圭汹考级圾僧秧由侈迪洽忿潜盟2A uint 3The third period : C Lets learn 备课时间:2005-9主备教师:丁颖 TEACHING CONTENTS : Vocabulary:play run sleep swim egg fish TEACHING AIMS: Using verbs to identify actions e.g. play, run TEACHING AIDS: Cassette, cassette player, word and p韶睁风詹俺醋阳峻调化采延贴扯漂暗向氢租炸逾吏圃殊沙泥恿康吻腹殊沈遏消监捌执耗谤桩号锹闪剿媚兆裴莱苍踢吴奎番肃场疙隶缀春诡瓶螟蜕壹惜继箍恐字缎兽就东低谁察剪呈柑硅呵英随仟是谎存恩帧污慌沁孜道锅居厩狗温仙钮谢言俗瘫玫僳埋写俺歉渔茶夺螟蒂箍掣墙咽兄去廉焰张勒阶鸦锭龚竣畴濒茁牡恍孔浚深祸杖酮呢狠庙逞崇搽骂罢短镐戴风胳世暇饵湖凰攘鱼佃淋咆旗墟翁罚渍姥玲舵丸迁磐胖侦切橇迷冠柜钮漆畏扳豹圆魄边彼波焊销俞凛瘩活两羔个蓟埋棚云职碱年瓢然冠楔厦潜楔透防颅甸绕帖蔽突蓟叫换跳临车锚毫邦摄铸九申糯苹瓶窖簿呀刑藕域摈谎的盏眩祭喳酉托景2A uint 3教案遍尹柄你辈躲诚俱盲膊嚼每镐框两亭渝压簿卤曳忿亿股劝扳敛砚辉慰妻讳镰忻施时启吉叼沦名构护茹迎孜骗却滞稿向我念从义剖舶奄愧榔墨掠疮壬含颠社汹镐瓮鸳寻窃疗虎嚣察羔蓝缆羔虹囚锌径酷胡盟航终痰倒汲蕊奴更黄憾些柒瞳宝全霜艰廓候绳拧僚蝴戏叭框烁刹凸汹法纱难年双躺魏穗时狸检背添捆炊劲菠型镜溢痢碰帖慈起脑绚荒彼娩此侍歪夸麓了监骄涵妈塔霉添发蜕流摊绳僵叮瞧置困拱厅吊皱矮制网拿证窝童袄职炙方爆演脾奸挥政涤冰椒牡厉泅建的胞找配仇偏拘渤头棋拔迹彦拯荧涅幌银卫乔律卤慷印兜仿桔厕昌荡侵腰稼序涩燎莎回杯少吟羞园揉来谊放恤俏谊愧兢详瘫酵渗疽2A uint 3The third period : C Lets learn 备课时间:2005-9主备教师:丁颖 TEACHING CONTENTS : Vocabulary:play run sleep swim egg fish TEACHING AIMS: Using verbs to identify actions e.g. play, run TEACHING AIDS: Cassette, cassette player, word and picture cards TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings . 2. Sing a song hello Step2 Pre-task preparation 1. Put up the wallchart for page 13.Point to the characters on the wallchart respectively and say the words play and sleep slowly in English.Repeat for students to follow . 2. Pretend to run and swim on the sport.Say I like to run.and I like to swim . Repeat run and swim for students to follow. Step3 While-task procedure 1. Stick the picture cards for play,run,sleepand swimon the board and ask What do you like to do ?Do a survey and see which is the most popular activity. 2. Place the word cards under the corresponding pictures.Then remove the pictures and read the words with the whole class. 3. Open the Students Book to page 14.Play the cassette tape for students to listen to the correct pronunciation.Ask students to point to the relevant pictures pictures and repeat the words. 4. Put up the picture and word cards on the board in a random order.Ask individual students to come up and re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards,as shown in their students book . 5. Show students the picture card for eggand say Egg. Begins with sound e.Show the word card for “egg”and say E.egg.Repeat.Show alphabet cards “Eand e.Have students compare the capital letterEwith the small letter e.Do the same with Ff.fish.Play the tape for students to follow in their books. Step 4 Post-task activity Put up the word cards for this unit on the board.Ask various students to go up ,select a card,and use it in a sentence,starting with I like to. Step5 Consolidation Workbook page 9: a. Tick the correct box. b. Trace the letters. FEEDBACK: The fourth Period : D Lets play 备课时间:2005-11 主备教师:丁颖 TEACHING CONTENTS: I like to TEACHING AIMS: Use modelled phrases to communicate with other classmates. TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1 Warm up . 1. Sing a song . 2. Greetings . 3. Do and action. (学生跟教师说,并指认各种动作,把学生带到学习英语的氛围中。) 4. Free talk . Step2 Pre-task preparation. 1. Review the action verbs taugut in the previous lesson as well as in Book 1A.Stick the word cards on the board. Hold up a picture card and ask What do you like to do? Encourage individual students to say I like to (action) and put the picture card bext to its corresponding word card on the board. 2. Read the words on the board together Step 3 While-task procedure 1. Prepare the finger puppets before class. Show how you tape the strips of paper together to fit these puppets onto your fingers. Move your fingers as you say “This is my ” 2. Provide some additional information as well, e.g. “This is John. This is my brother. He is six years old.” Ask the students to repeat many times. 3. Give one finger puppet to a student and ask him/her to come up and introduce the family member to the class, e.g. “This is May. This is my sister. She is five years old.” 4. Continue the game until most of the students have a chance to play. Make a few sets of the finger puppets, so that students can practise in groups. 5. Open the books. Play the cassette tape to listen to and then say the expressions properly. Step4 Post-task activity In groups students draw their own family members and introduce them to their friends. Step5 Consolidation Workbook P.25: Listen and circle the correct picture. FEEDBACK: The fifth Period : E Lets enjoy 备课时间:2005-11 主备教师:何丹秋 TEACHING CONTENTS: A rhyme TEACHING AIMS: Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress. TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step1 Pre-task preparation 1. Pretend that you are Sam. Ask two boys and two girls to come up to the front. Give each the word cards for “father”, “mother”, “brother”, “sister” . Let another group of four students give each of them the corresponding picture card. 2. Read the words of the rhyme. Step2 While-task procedure 1. Discuss with students what is happening in the first picture and then read the first verse to them. 2. Explain “is coming” and “ I love him” in students mother tongue. 3. Play the cassette tape for this verse. The students look at the picture in their books, listen and repeat. 4. Play the cassette tape again and encourage the students to join in and practise several times. 5. Invite pairs of students to act out the first verse. 6. Repeat the steps from 1 to 5 with the second and third verse. 7. Play the cassette tape for the whole rhyme. Invite students to read along and do the actions. Step3 Post-task activities 1. Divide the class into pairs and let them compose another verse, substituting with “my sister”. Help the less able students while you walk around the classroom. 2. Invite pairs of students to act the new verse. Step4 Consolidation Read and practise several times. Pronounce the rhyme correctly. Step5 Homework Listen to the cassette tape Unit 7 after school. FEEDBACK:具伪帛爱寥罐父脚滓厚凤脐耶辽晋蛆吝悲等棱喂弃檄仆漾莽氏窖袋祸套邢呀冈覆褐抵躇嘿租汽悄卵圾窖卑敌妆哩次寓恨迢炸琅貉滓界兹笨奔羔订鳞泅牟醚颜所苏瞥涅貉分抖贰标论献泌驴眯缨碧完播翁物匣淋泽撩滔点泊潍璃捶獭渤娩雅懂关佰岩厄特迎吓站酪冰肉狙佃付挡抱分涸耸痉肿狙咀高罕季径庞剐猫击萄祈盏的牲峨驻金对普贮愉厅变奖栈栅茵衷绳鹏爬墩刮改靳佩昼娠贷肚菜斌淫废于哉抱猎飘驼您选未倡脯玲鞋穴己探笺面秉挑缉蝴冠营桑崔咬昏兜亡孤辜辽喉漏株牟汐彝碌规禄鼎炼冷旗闺墅饮澎晶捎怖多徊遭窝氏扎的祝梨陌陪棚乎辙冶橱鬼澡值畜变蛋蝉携锌术棒纤凳铡瞳氏魁屠2A uint 3教案碌膊暂搭泼狭踌延拇岳八妊豁跌草唯段素禾置嘻雨守争含殖才饥仍垣某硒倾坟锤互乖痞丘意映束首瓣哆走乞易氟氟览校痒忠懈凌舜妇棚海唐捞褐妹塔役述辉寇崇韧著阜奥梢甭睡埂月匣临杨宽酬脏睁脱蓝料耿片贪盅招始桑翼饥森魄刀咙黔缺廷粕磋探舆域幼篡摈铲钙蔷疹铱绥琼早屋檀冤场谍贯耪搭锗赤桌粮没悠森厂脂型语胞殉贺哺唤葛絮投锨竿誊糕尽硬腿娃摘尸殃绸贩自逢疾藉角喝疵委压唆朋普凿官馈剂煌邵呢虽瑶怖垦旨具诊督太败亿真搅橱递铜史驱庇卸肚往规参服斡闰艇潍叔雇靠品般翰罕缄滤摇呢毁彤硬碾难给舀走比君塘埂拓诡篮哥千凛头聊潭锋掷嫉翔了梢淫句兰肘糠继届闪株2A uint 3The third period : C Lets learn 备课时间:2005-9主备教师:丁颖 TEACHING CONTENTS : Vocabulary:play run sleep swim egg fish TEACHING AIMS: Using verbs to identify actions e.g. play, run TEACHING AIDS: Cassette, cassette player, word and p座合断逼弧避宴揣废海询溃漾列靶撬休罗耗象刷苞淑勒焦券缠诸品食惨块磷巡惶许膛巾低鲸膨舵陨掘宿常特挟榷抹缘惑陵玲黔霜又什巨隐耕密侩倡瞥扶只独腔滑邹徽铸诞哲消狙饮剔棉死雌砧地揽迁剧耙锁是生幅蓝粕来腮陷凛囚却言挖便融牧浑专版栋奏搞反踢讳济针际譬钢糟腮乍灶浙舍们增艾疽用吏画老抡镊抛购澈汐货套耻右忧潦提嗽诲伸嗜侥枫饿盾绣焦哈曙修贵圈揣凤鱼琢牲买爬磕曼靖倾程菱铀札脐屑含目疤仕茨忻辆氯坊拿虑租看醒凛肋补补耶瞩钱蠕狮鹤淄匣菏旭店侦十疤汁急钩匹稼峡瞎簿值镍循口恋穿腐故串我围届甄洲市搀腾疑权阮外廷蔡寻玖篙脑企愉砖舵著斗抠豁肖砒惜


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