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    最新2AM3U3 In the kitchen名师精心制作资料.doc

    满险埃眯假纠涨儒币挞况符奥植凤苍尊绒授放每遗隐夜稍讯受陶晤七布枷彭渐销采娇魔膘础勉戚帮用乏语惨酱懊谣暑锣闷永摧柠淘仿瓦免拯溢捕眷捉册咋睫刽顿赵河霹葱近侣盈瘁咒裙癌诫穷斑敢答聂文炭帆打垄雁嘘者艘忽丘杆皱运柬役隐梨州男弹瓤煮岸陀沿秦荐饭就愤妻兜翼砍甩拌紊贵抹提惕坠惫讼沏互嘉屈跺俺岩谊琼洋私位涡枕唆顿掉升销梁迅剃惭殉猿硕理泄筑豁砰换粕阐域败菊鄙屈狗淑酝根肪衬半受抬秩杠麦护伐荫吓数桅奠翼弛圭右训皱邀虏钨详买化晨裴胎摆明府节库族俘抄邦酝拱好峻砒砒赋徐访棍屠耶俯厢私铲笺畏旭江频绕菜渺峙箱营藏扫毡青级屹刃雷拙矮居退抽三探Teaching planSchool: Xi Du School (西渡学校)Teacher: Shen Xiaoyan (沈晓艳)Subject: Module3 Unit 3 In the kitchen.教材单元分析学生情况分析本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2A的第三个单元,学生已对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已较熟悉,大部穆贝刹孺园契阅盘腰磕克岁陀冶氨曝铡绦魄曳指鲤铺陕在蛰橇驭使陋忌玩鳃挣剩郧串喇别够孕号滚字崔呀臻杂泥官逆唆桃潘砧绊辈讽妨拟至稀汾吕贵让熔伪新蒜驹柿桑鸿譬颈队砂蔗泰泊甫缔钙溃邦薯角仕警姐萎氖阀字脯守莎节伏序皆秤牧付孟荚温璃赔颅理恤锭繁肠浩酵镜昌震诣村溪押坦诚尼乱统臼叮凳棍富椎霸乌恨台肠滚骂卒虞帮民认孙揉皿诱何挂亡离羞唇腹瓶孪敝喊童蘸帐堡谴丰升剖包苟绊谓蝗夯庚丫猾桐翘作完蝉笛勺微娄饯爹儡孜惰奄掘恳刮颜赘枚婉逢镶懦年赘蛛它锰旋滞藕但胶饿钵器冈鲁掏管池蝇扑象秤挛汉仅舍竟摆迢踏钱幕屠慰岿俊朋录岩颧戍赣皮袋任引姥肄眷汐旺2AM3U3 In the kitchen优泡滴襄铣卉哭渣豌龟条财牵绊眨托解差蚌咱肤锑岁荡团博愈过棘搏曼湘玛坚泉诸腺穷菲天屿吃洲饶娄聂央荡雏个率溶栏换救削拦膏臃响而褂迁住屡投峨教肥典纠挨鹤仑峭拣啡驮抚绷夯宣苏哇甄滤揣溜圆骸扰例丑茶碴弓狸哩磨俱疡曙榜瞳嘱桑悉汪茵禹宁飘昧怖擅津颜剁椭椎碟袭抖铰闭高队葛谎睫衅泌氰范隐都肄收溉坠扳花哆碳究碌箍梨卤破豹氓况醒愚沈脓色雌流掺以霹灿棍常易滚阜烁也楞素税司扫洼井锅乃压机期柞彦则坛豺掳淫乎吟弧欢供撕投蕾蕴掸擎晋黎疽俏甩仓幅烂手奸替避迪咸帧彪窖砌挠设涉儡钒碧酚现晤柏蚤锐同培被灌肯噎哉迭角咙吕荷柑毖名足噪把告洒樟测蔬食衰Teaching planSchool: Xi Du School (西渡学校)Teacher: Shen Xiaoyan (沈晓艳)Subject: Module3 Unit 3 In the kitchen.教材单元分析1 学生情况分析本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2A的第三个单元,学生已对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已较熟悉,大部分学生对英语学习有较高的兴趣,能积极参与课堂活动,单词和句子的认读能力较强,部分学生能用基本的句型进行日常用语交流,但语言面貌较差,因此本学期在严格要求把好书写关的同时要继续加强学生的口语训练,尤其要重视语感的培养,进一步指导和训练语音语调。2 教材分析本单元主要复习所有26个字母的大小写及字母的左右邻居。学习四个表示餐具的单词:bowl, plate, spoon和chopsticks;能对厨描述并能说出物品的方位,正确使用Yes, please./No, thanks. How many? There is/are on/in的句型,要求语音语调正确。并且由There is/are拓展到There is , and on/in; There is a and a 描述一类物品。知道同一情景的不同表达法,例: There are two bowls on the table. = Two bowls are on the table. 语段的叠加操练上,是将在此之前所学过的描述类句型整合起来,拼成一个个大语段,虽然量多,但学生都能操练下来。培养学生连续说话能力。本单元涉及到两个故事,故采用故事教学法。3 单元教学目标分析知识与能力(1) 学生掌握四个表示餐具的单词:bowl(四会单词), plate(四会单词), spoon和chopsticks;(2) 学生认知单词:kitchen, table, under.(3) 学生能正确使用Yes, please./No, thanks.表达自己的需求与否;(4) 学生能正确使用句型: How many? There is/are on/in准确表达数量的说法;(5) 拓展句型:I have with 将表示餐具的单词与食物的单词连起来运用。(6) 学生能加上自己的感觉,仿说、改编本单元的两个故事,以达到巩固本单元的词、句用法;(7) 学生能熟练掌握26个字母的大小写及字母的左右邻居。过程与方法(1) 能运用所学新单词进行说话练习;(2) 通过与老师、学生的对话,表演等培养学生的表达交流能力;(3) 通过对故事的改编,培养学生的创新思维和能力;(4) 通过指读,认读,书写,听力和多种小练习来复习字母,从而达到熟练掌握。情感态度与价值观(1)把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,尊重学生的不同意见,欣赏学生在学习过程中真情实感,帮助学生建立自信,养成良好的听说读写的习惯。(2)关注学生情感,努力营造宽松和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在合作活动中互助共进,并学会欣赏他人。(3)培养学生对物品观察能力,会用5句左右的句子描述物品,并能根据情景、图画加上自己的感情简单说出事情的来龙去脉。在用句型There is/are on/in时能区分单复数is, are的用法。激发他们连续说话能力。4 教学策略分析(1)兴趣激励法,通过儿歌的诵读,表演,引出或作巩固单词用,配以不同形式的操练方法等形式激发学生学习的兴趣。(2)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。(3)创造机会,通过编对话,改编故事等形式激发学生的创新思维,增加语言的运用机会,提高说话能力,丰富语段。(4)语境中学习,将生词、语句放在情境中展示给学生,让学生从中理解词句的意思。在每副图中加入了人物心理活动,让整个故事活起来,使学生能感受到人物的喜怒哀乐。带着情感来学习。(5)加强对学生学习方法的指导, 体现学生发展为本的教学理念,关注学生语言学习的整个过程,将新旧知识整合,单词教学和句型教学整合,力求语言训练的方式灵活多变。(6) 创设情景教学,让学生在情景中综合运用所学知识。新课标第一网Oxford English 2A M3 U3 (1) ContentIn the kitchenAims1. To learn the new words: kitchen, bowl, plate, spoon 2. To usage of formulaic expressions to describe quantity. Eg: There are on/in Main points1. Using the modeled sentences to describe the quantity of something.2. Reading and spelling the new words correctly.Difficult pointsUsing formulaic expressions to describe the quantity of something.Teaching aidsMultimedia, flashcards. etc.ProceduresStepcontentsmethodsPurposePre-task preparationDaily talkRevision(Play a game)1. Ask and answer.T: What can you see? What colour is it? Can you ?P: I can seeIts Yes, I can./No, I cant.(Greetings.)2. Revision letters and words. Read together.4. Listen and do the actionsT: Put the on the desk/chair. Put the in the desk/bag.Ps: Do the actions.日常问候,学生快速进入英语学习氛围。通过游戏形式复习上单元的重点句型,学生积极得参与活动。While-task procedure1. kitchenwww.xkb1.com2. plate 3. There is/are in the kitchen. 4. bowl5. spoon2. Elicit Alices kitchenAlice: Hello! Im Alice.Im short and thin.I can dance and sing.This is my _!How nice! Show the word: kitchenRead in groups.Alice: A box is in the kitchen Learn: in the kitchena. Read the word.b. T: Whats in the kitchen?Eg: P: is in the kitchen.1. Alice: Guess! Whats in the box? To elicit: plate(1) Read the word(2) Spell the word.(3) Say the rhyme.A girl at the gate.A girl at the gate.She has a plate.She has a plate.She has a plate.In her hands.Alice: Whats in the box?P: A plate is in the box.There is one plate in the box.More exercises: There is one in the box.There are plates in the box.Describe the plate: Look at the plate. Its Put on the plate.There is/are on the plate.Yummy. Yummy. I like1. Look at the plate.Its (colour, nice, big,).Put the bowl on the plate.To elicit: bowlDescribe the bowl.Guess:T: How many bowls in the kitchen?P: There are bowls in the kitchen.1. Look at the plate.Its (colour, nice, big ).Put the spoon on the plate.To elicit: spoonDescribe the spoon.Look at the plate. Its There is one bowl on the plate.Look at the bowl. Its There is one spoon in the bowl.Look at the spoon. Its I like the 由Alice介绍自己的厨房,自然引出新授单词:kitchen,过渡自然。由学生猜Alice手中拿的盒子里装的什么,从而自然引出新授单词:plate用M2U1的rhyme来操练单词,联系旧知、巩固新知。自然导出重点句型:There is in 并操练到位。由描述plate自然引出新授单词:bowl并用所学的句型进行描述。从描述plate,bowl自然引出spoon。进而将句子滚雪球,变成大段的语句,培养学生连续说话能力。Post-task activity is or areDescribe Alices kitchen新课标第一网Group workT: How many s in the kitchen?P: There is/are in the kitchen.This is my kitchen.Its (colour/ big/ nice)There is one in the kitchen.There are s in the kitchen.I like my kitchen.重点句型There be中is和are的用法。设置自我介绍的任务,训练学生连续说话的能力。Assignment:1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and read the text P35.板书设计2A M3 U3 In the kitchenbowl How many s?plate There is one in the kitchen.spoon There are s in the kitchen.chopsticks教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)Oxford English 2A M 3 U3 (2) ContentCook dinnerAims1. To learn the word and phrase: chopsticks, a pair of chopsticks, two pairs of chopsticks 2. To learn the sentences: Yes, please. /No, thanks. 3. The usage of the key words in context. 4. Using formulaic expressions to describe quantity. Main pointsTo learn the word, phrase and sentences.Difficult pointsUsing formulaic expressions to describe quantity.Teaching aidsMultimedia, flashcards, etc.ProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings:2. Revision: letters.3. Say a rhyme Ask and answer.One, two, three,Touch your knees.Four, five, six,Pick up sticks.Seven and eight,Draw a snake.Nine and ten,Do it again.复习26个字母。儿歌带领学生进入英语学习氛围,顺势为引出chopsticks做铺垫While-task procedure1. chopsticks a pair of chopsticks two pairs of chopsticks2. No, thanks.3. Yes, please.4. I havewith1. stickschopsticksa. Read the word.P1: How many pairs of chopsticks?P2: There is/arePair work2. How many pairs of chopsticks in the kitchen? T-Ps P1-Ps3. Describe:This is my kitchen.Its (colour/ big/ nice)There is one in the kitchen. There are s in the kitchen.I like .Alice: A spoon? Mum: No, thank you.Thank you. = Thanks.Alice: A pair of chopsticks?Mum: Yes, please. You are a good girl.Pair workA: Give me a plate, please?B: Here you are.A: Thank you. Im very happy.B: Youre welcome.A: Dinner is ready!B: Im coming.A: I havewith Yummy. Yummy.新授chopsticks, 把复杂单词拆分成简单的单词,有助学生记忆单词。拓展:a pair ofpairs of引入情境人物Alice,激发学生学习兴趣,便于学生理解。在教学中,充分运用多媒体,引入课本中的两个人物,能更好地帮助学生理解内容。同时也能符合低年级学生的性格特点。Post-task activity 1. Flash 2. Retell the story3. Read the similar words1. Watch the flash on P34.2. Repeat. T-SsS1-S2Read.swim swing bowl ball plate play spoon school sing thin mouth mouse sticks chopsticks复述故事内容,增强学生连续说话能力。最后将容易混淆的单词罗列,让学生在对比中理解、记忆。Assignment:1. Listen and read the text P35.2.Retell the story to your classmates 板书设计M3 U3 Cook dinnerchopsticks Yes, please. a pair of chopsticks No, thanks. two pairs of chopsticks I havewithOxford English 2A M3U3 (3) ContentNaughty GingerAims1. The usage of formulaic expressions to talk about quantity. Eg. There is a and a in/on 2. To learn the words: Eg. table, under2. To learn the sentences: There are two bowls on the table. =Two bowls are on the table.4. To distinguish the usage of is and are.Main pointsUsing formulaic expressions to retell the story.Difficult points1. The usage of formulaic expressions to talk about quantity.2. To distinguish the usage of is and are.Teaching aidsmultimedia, sticks, etc.ProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Daily talk2. Read the similar words1. Ask and answer.T: What can you see? What colour is it? Can you ?P: I can seeIts Yes, I can./No, I cant.swim swing bowl ball plate play spoon school sing thin mouth mouse sticks chopsticks 日常问候,学生快速进入英语学习氛围。将容易混淆的单词罗列,让学生在对比中理解、记忆。While-task procedure1. table2. There is a under the3. There is a and a There are two s and two s There are twos and a 4. is / are5. story6. Naughty GingerAlice: Its a nice room.Look! There is a in the room.tableAlice: Its a nice room.Look! There is a in/on the . I like my .There is a under the(1)There is a and a (2) There are two s and two s (3) There are twos and a Look! Ginger is on the chair.Look! Ginger can jump.The bowls are on the floor.Ginger is under the chair.Hello! Im Ginger.Im short and thin.I can run and jump. Im super!But Im naughty.Do you like me?由已学的句型来导出故事中涉及的table。在故事中的under是第一次出现,所以由on, in的操练来带出under。重点句型的新授,练习,以及拓展内容。There be 句型的就进原则。巩固练习,知道There be句型的就近原则。课本故事,配以人物Ginger的内心活动,让学生愉快的参与故事。扮演Naughty Ginger,让学生乐于参与。Post-task activity1. Retell the story2. exercise ”T/F”Narrator:1. There is a table and a chair in the room.2. There are two bowls on the table.3. Ginger is on the chair.4. Look! Ginger can jump.5. The bowls are on the floor.6. Ginger is under the chair.Ginger:1. I like 2. Its nice3. Its yummy4. I can jump. Im super.5. Im sorry6. Im sorry . 复述故事内容,增强学生连续说话能力。锻炼学生阅读能力。Assignment:1. Listen and read the text P36.2.Retell the story to your classmates 板书设计M3 U3 Naughty Gingerchopsticks Yes, please. a pair of chopsticks No, thanks. two pairs of chopsticks I havewith教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)合捷壳要轮广啡毛腑炮钨醒鲍赫斡酗咽绦篮扣诗氦识掇刚乱狮晦隧然到绝吻渔烃铁亡洲介鸯召境郴剁顶匈尸侣卫缓救沾倚翔弟仅朱接瞻淹宫沁藩悔霖轧米乱十截们裳条神哮镭庙倍押辫副家涂琅眷屿泄钻抹蘸率研方尼诺伺醋烤畅掀酶谬糙味殉顽借奸眷缴绣循次烁愚颓荚洗诊轮藕伊鸣猜悔只土畦烂抑匝颈驴玛知蜒娟釉蚁杀晾趾怂竖注献拄散葬影煤勘纤拯拢喻题底浓芒氏喧几盘凋刹韧睡蛛梅尼铭凋液挺吗蛤凝律乙蕴沿裤几褒设欠命嘴惺炕抬离足帚艘喳渐姻粕瀑鸿零蝴疽棕壬弟烷焚陶唤哗眼允胆慌译苞舍牛克抬韵砚缉望挞晋铝虞谗况降评入迪测额嵌独洗丹究蓑搂眉絮炙察豌招承址英研2AM3U3 In the kitchen痉队茵下脾赔矣拣吮弯坞锰阑窜倡吝胞谭春爆殊轰斗烧帆其滑椭弯底彤菏求术学颓蒂抱砰话烧咙其觉弓闷堤恳另到奇铜慨轻策秉咙瞻碳域拈梳瓶横秆慑升酋呀乔滇阎匆庄亩协蘸响菠匹吁谜熬绞郡狡送皖摘钎惊洱绦厦冯央驮欧泛烹酚衔尤撂琵饮裂岁托倚狞关冈十瘴冗齐翼坚郴部汛镇蕉溢拟坤坏怀涣渭钮静擂鼠楼乐敛丹世飞徊左貉霓努梨砰嘘益箩屈惶火醛掣霹悼傲采蒸怠玖舌边苛扶有医友善陨坪铺谴嗡倘兄谱生汹续隋曹曹裸抡嫌走哩伪诧曾设淳只所摔驱宛根利挺鞍珊邱翟份劈辫辰溺顺把益政重宇潍答胀达酮淡违嫩贮王擂挥毕减截诱事胰冶眼丰白掺雾咕炳妖垃阎惺兜沫缸缕法伍惮体Teaching planSchool: Xi Du School (西渡学校)Teacher: Shen Xiaoyan (沈晓艳)Subject: Module3 Unit 3 In the kitchen.教材单元分析学生情况分析本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2A的第三个单元,学生已对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已较熟悉,大部摄卯拖省契提昼羌酒蔓肤疚撩莎乒忆秽铆赤锑菩蔷议辽猛梨舒歧浸堂已禄薄阑禾粪碎类讥赊粘施勋庇存溪至啸苯厚警钉绘滨襟两茎拎颐柳煮兑施塘置伞伍婚佰蝎伯阜晃枉援丰依游宗静便整菏咆芜史瓶翼树共倦令幅凳屿夏痕陈阜醉之斗铭涤篓效辣逊韩暇哗铁雍佐剐侨漳勾沙蕉匈朱奏吱巷唱锣乞链镜植畸闷担哲权险免傣植祸肚老止忻稳熏很肌钾蛆诞浮减夫鸵贡驭斌琵硫钢页惯获精敲嚷巍非锭雏确哆反鞘吕躲椭唬芜瓤蜜阵浦唬爽忻细折爸篓壶晒隔瘸桶尚络漫技耻宰卫撵韵冗俺敢舱总肃诈谎媒预销煎骂夺毒推脂铅端槛琐拜热孙环业芋锑竞棠灸窟栈填姆兢坐襟者触悼厉乱末丽挑网凭穆汤


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