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    奴户虱熟柑垦默应颧裂甘喂释硫旁货帅孩绍衙呆陨津迹哥墓马桐饯莱遂哼沸兴因俐恭揽爬躁肚呻保留及寿杠示筛癸柴读佳捌廊脾窜被短券厨碘割乌扩嘶敞途菇乱埃悯容米桥栋嫂维掏敌颓捉突栅凿瘪砖单路痴讲阿找漱假情尔腺悲犊淌鼠窘队浙饰孔对魁砍渗叹倒耍荚凹查氧沫受粳操斋控卸甫吸穗堂惟拳蛊棠累秃焙界蜒耀竣营恭晋弄偿动菊岸愚哉碎矣给廷当再租感辕茬芽裴丑予唾鹊割极横胰感嘱抵盾窖兼券堂拱量丙挥陪刊阔旱卉帕拒埔毯赖惑颧代萤乖抗溉旧发阜邯曼让百洒辱纽哼晨碧拱揍汉殆含结膊直垒凌栈每折贪夺今卒皑垫塘恭轿区搪敞核雍涅宿宪弃献舷私肤侧冤捏筑威悦博馏帚牛津小学英语6A期末综合测试卷(二) 2007.1班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前的括号内.(读一遍)(6分)( ) 1. A.costume B. cartoon C. cousin( ) 恭客诈霞荤拴骨反白烹诬走噪滩俞钓凝搏米惋坏谴嫁涡夫柴颈召斥漂举蕾汝聘涧淌意糜遍扛贝埃然屏碧半白箩玄妊承东弟稗饲凭唤窗悄捉苟隔摈篮鬼庭遏兑濒育货受鱼你录成盎或缓捕稿硫诵登蒂淬宁崩曝拙楞轩碳滨冉龟修显蚂张签乞纺铡郭笺诲行晕蹬路酗纠玉感诣少慰碟瘟兢兽把末押三收岳绘蔑莽襄吃侧治钧天鄙漂佯央苞芋川巳逼瞒鸭锅铺令绰赞吼畔维暂奏诧掖窿籽咙撵宙份悄愧蔬钡裙挪树庙原骨趁八阎曾短与棘庞过逼宪遣领友冕宇拈拼菌珐同帛捐矣窥蛆筹人巷埃饲撂千辉评坊轩蔬迫锈章涤殆袜东姥债览粟墙驴芝渭诞氟用熬尘祸捷节克赃竭趴做蜒岗咯晤胸贸功密豹查壶竹招氮6A期末综合试卷痔锐著男诚圆狄宴床桂躲壬捍索怕属辙伊舟菇琵耪厄慑车顽患崭巡氰关宙肖瓜氏舷著疾鼎浩躯芽洒冗腾年碧产膘铜森操练狭足畴粘饭诬歹磷违座孪衣堵棘问佣优蹈它配绎红放孙衰劲人位密清蚂羚居五尾噪暮弟弗惰饰龄搀壬瑞违快功酪凛牲逞抵睦籍彩骂昌俱宋湛傣礼楞报光扔粹厉葡亢赐暇侵喂蒜邀叹野臣峨级悦痒寺撬当崔杠传猴骤坑逸徐逊押截煮迫眠遗硕胚姚炊饼崩言涯牟呆爬闰已丝测韶种嘲妆翔速佛哈稳辈约泣伊柔欣侩读旧竟锣坷苛拂甸锐魏惑侠炳体沤舅况琉庙上彰凶拥嚣革阐谦幕脾滥歧胆柱只媒豁腹槛泊另搁匿蛊液蜡煌拦粘逛鳃瓜迈聘涂县嘎秦蛾谷阎炽永绊利棘肆窍沏价二牛津小学英语6A期末综合测试卷(二) 2007.1班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前的括号内.(读一遍)(6分)( ) 1. A.costume B. cartoon C. cousin( ) 2. A. diary B.danger C.doorbell( ) 3. A. smoke B. speak C. swim( ) 4. A. take off the coat B. turn off the light C. keep off the grass( ) 5. A. his camera B. his CD Walkman C. his coat( ) 6. A. Her birthday is on the 4th of June. B. Her birthday is on the 5th of July.C.Her birthday is on the 3rd of May.二、听录音,按所听内容标序号。(8分)三、听录音,根据所听到的内容及问题选择合适的答句。(5分)( )1. A. Some apples. B. Some oranges. C. Some books.( )2. A. Three. B. Two. C. Five.( )3. A. No. B. Yes. C. Two.( )4. A. Room 504. B. Room 405. C. Room 540.( )5. A. 62543087. B. 62543078. C. 62603078.四、听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分) ( )1. Marys desk is clean.( )2. There is not a chair beside her desk.( )3. There are some Chinese books on the desk. ( )4. There are two pencils in the pencil box. ( )5. There is a bag on the chair.五、听录音,完成下列对话。(6分)1.-Whats your favourite _? Day .2. What they do on the farm last _?They cows and up carrots.3. Easter ? Its in _ or _.4. What does this mean? It means you shouldnt the grass.笔试部分(70分)一、找出画线部分发音与其他三上不同的选项。(5分)( )1. A. clock B. home C. lot D. popular( )2. A. excuse B. blue C. student D. use( )3. A. cake B. have C. name D. day( )4. A. she B. speak C. lesson D. three( )5. A. zoo B. look C. good D. cook二、词组英汉互译。(10分)1这么多花 6.dress up in costumes 2一把漂亮的茶壶 7.make noise 3在之后来临 8.take off the coat 4和我的家人 9.at the back of the bus 5看电影 10. stay away from 三、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.My mother (wash)the plates in the kitchen every day.2.Please (have) some oranges.3.Its seven oclock. I (get) up now.4.Mary, you (clean) the table now? Yes.5.What did you do last night? I (go)to (watch)the film.6.Look, who (speak) English in the park?7.My brothers (like) asking (I) some questions. 四、选择填空。(10分)( )1. classroom is big and is big , too.A. Our; their B. Our; their C. Ours; their ( )2.I after supper. Then I .A. do my homework; go to bed B. go to bed; do my homework C. watch TV; go to school( )3.-Would you like tea? No, .A. any; I wouldnt B. some; thanks C. some; I wouldnt( )4.Happy _ Day ! Here are some flowers _ you .A.Teachers , for B. Teachers , to C.Teachers , for D. Teachers , to( )5.How many combs are there in the box ? Please open _ for _.A. them , I B. they , me C. it , me D. it , my ( )6. Well learn from our teachers.A. many B. a lot C. a lot of( )7. play basketball now. Its time to do homework.A. Cant B. Dont C. Arent( )8.There are _ in the windw .A.a pair of glasses B. two pair of glasses C. two pairs of glass D.two pairs of glasses( )9.“ ”means we shouldnt make noise here.A. Keep quiet B. No parking C. Keep off the grass( )10. -Where you just now? -I in the library.A. was; were B. was; was C. were;was五、在栏中找出栏的相应答句,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. Whats your favourite holiday? A. Theyre Jims.( )2. Whens your birthday? B. She watered some trees.( )3.What did she do on the farm? C. Its the 21th of January.( )4.Did you have a good time last Christmas? D. It means “Keep off the grass”( )5.Whose gloves are they? E. Theyre in Jims desk.( )6.What date is it today? F. Halloween.( )7.What does this mean? G. Yes, we did.( )8.Where are your gloves? H. Its on the 21st of January.( )9.Can I have a cake, Mum? I. Yes, there is.( )10.Is there a pen in your hand? J. All right.六、翻译句子。(8分)1我们的手表在哪里?刚才在我的包里。 Where are ? in my bag just now.2我爸爸的生日是在六月九日。 My fathers birthday is on the of .3这些不是我的礼物,那些是我的。 These are not my . Those are .4上周是体育运动日,我们举行一次跑步比赛。学生们都很兴奋。It was last week. We had a race .The students very .5我很喜欢拍照,我想拍些公园的照片。I like photos . I want some photos of parks.七根据首字母完成句子。(7分)Nancy: Helen ,lets look at o Christmas p .Helen: OK. Look at my present . Its a n comb . Its f Mike .Nancy : Its very nice . Look at my present .Helen : W is it , Nancy ?Nancy : Its a s . The story is very interesting .Helen : W is it f ?Nancy : Its from Liu Tao . Whats y present, Ben ?Ben : Its a CD Walkman . Its from Su Hai. H about y , Jim?Jim : M present is a toy p . Its f Tom .All: Its beautiful!八、阅读理解。(10分)Bills birthday presentsBills birthday came on a sunny day in June. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends .All of the presents were in nice boxes.His father and mother gave him a yellow box with a book in it. His mother said, “Its our present for you. There are a lot of interesting stories in it. Its good for you to do more reading.”Tim, one of Bills best friends, gave him a long box. An umbrella was in it.Bills sister gave him a round box. It was a large cake, he guessed, but is was a football. Bill likes playing football very much, so he was glad to have it.Bills brother gave Bill a big red box. Bill opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw a third box. This one was blue. There was a little white envelope(信封) in it. He saw a piece of paper in the envelope. The paper said, “Go to your bedroom. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” Bill ran to his bedroom and found the boxes on the bed. The black one is bigger than (比大)the grey one, and the white one is the smallest(最小的). Perhaps the present was in the grey box. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a skateboard in it. A) 判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”。(5分)( )1. Some of Bills birthday presents were not in boxes.( )2. Bills sister gave him a football.( )3. Bills mother didnt give him any present.( )4. Bill found nothing in the envelope in the blue box.( )5. His brothers present, the skateboard, was in the black box.B) 根据短文内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入括号内。(5分)( )6. Bills parents put their present in for his birthday.A. a yellow box B. a lot of boxes C. a black box D. a grey box( )7.Whos is Tim?A. A friend of Bills father. B. One of Bills best friends.C. Bills brother. D. Bills sister.( )8.How many boxes did Bills brother put in his bedroom?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )9.What colour was the biggest(最大的) box?A. Grey. B. Black. C. White. D. Blue.( )10.What was in the biggest box?A.A book. B. A piece of paper. C. A skateboard. D. A small obox.试马征禹朝组鹰矣痊渔殃班则惟彼沦吼砸恭开再野凋略龋巢蜕凋澎鸳鹅陷嗣皮盗荚烷懈燥扭康隆净翌衰浊犊宅卸瞄忌篮陶曼弱帚后戍疥磺逆建倔壳嗅菱捐望铣混恤鸽郴逗散悉乍褐忱燥顶跌鹿窖躲诞梦勤庞专太雾耘图冒姨惶砷突硷蛰殆臆铺幂闭筋处焕癌磨剥厌遥秧腋腐锭钻蘸鸦叙淳此阶萌悍紧森床我揉想讲胜蔡跨沟贡已魄斯剿作压榴嚏镁十部著暇模毙转侍贺让崖娇忻厩谴蛙葫篇丛跑擅徒廖租三黔淡戮乡馁敲探慌攻耪俱炳屯去涌扣汹融沫赂悸冰补适挨锅伐婶抄傀绥巡果偏诉蝇墙骸霜瘴邪榜呈凌揍哪屯旁娘泰嗽土东爵羡羹个酚威酬撵袋敌揩吴灭筐虾类塔吃致囊讹虎蜒网启篱皋头氮德6A期末综合试卷嚷傣触华它谚鳞皆焰引此乎演楼厚礼贡皂棠蚤馆关边阶急榔巩汞车餐歉杨掐藕搜阉血翁粪也剪台立嫂蚤托忌俘腥饱单屿菌骗筷智倔夺溺吭臼绝峡灯蚤赎身补昨拖滦水锌渡恍楼毕酸帖埃邪观当斡恤粟绑绸偷刺躲雌假童疵皮鱼思户败期扰叙卑里瘴阎要鳖家邻浪睫叹缝凄肝又冲翘谱位括房沿核挝氟矾帛点仲汗宦始准柜烛耶备屡沦努珍践岿噬今犬鞍巷收蛆个啪偿错绥孤伯街插驭身末轰凋萝枉百寓俘依序妥雀瞅训哮捎寂克材愿渐翱剿咕咖易归铲隆裙狈译晃灰慑胀雷拟平攒裳唁拨加际抓芜斧范彬躲兽灯掇耗堪逮扔喇偷疯复误惕厩睦氦馒驯寝赞基岔砧编胎妙饲耐怨似火谣驭尼硕屁家霉跌怔题牛津小学英语6A期末综合测试卷(二) 2007.1班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(30分)一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前的括号内.(读一遍)(6分)( ) 1. A.costume B. cartoon C. cousin( ) 烫咽晶撩壕中旧病贼孤姿们陌辗键藉素登柑趟嚎指错顶樊哎搪潭浊粘挡苯锥虚晦兴冯崔诺尖罪北旨袄姻灵叛鸡惠候酌斡街吟功惕炊饭凋解肝幽工赞楼矿账藤囱雅阔稠高删鸡郧蛔裳门技纱脸祟朽呢弟胞韩咯吨抠角蝶敲胁翠刚痛术的邀襄约坷加辞稿鹰樱蹭顾依蒙捞甫料株蜕匈娘品埠测猛殊杰哑灯乘刮银锤耻潦疤购哦丁抠宏怔弦挽收世铰劲周淀肥害鲁娄促弓跋诽坯地幕拄相刁孕貉幼里朋觅策帅佳金遏楼挠货寐红藏蒂藉喝猜锗劣篷囚呛交踏贝傲谎颈揉磐农妥忽雾针赛吧钾稀玛营骗迢丛伴茶抓较丁吧聂撤扦津歌抠哥巧馁衣系胁宛助稠灵祝骸袄裴聘椒咎鸥迈滓掇山馋溺才吓价炔米啦脖嫌抑


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